Artemis Lupine- The Complete Series

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Artemis Lupine- The Complete Series Page 13

by Catherine Banks

  I screamed, "No!" and charged into Koda knocking him backwards and away from Bret. Koda landed with a large thud as I rode his body down to the ground. I pushed off of him, running back to Bret. Matt was kneeling beside him and I charged forward smashing into him and sending him flying backwards into the side of the house.

  Ares snarled at me from the other side of Bret. "Stop, Artemis. It's too late now. He's already infected."

  I shook my head and ran back, picking Bret up in my arms and running as fast as I could. I had to fight to keep a hold on Bret because he was too tall to be carried easily. I could hear someone following me, but I didn't care. My only concern was getting Bret to safety. I ran faster and weaved in and out of the trees, trying not to hit one. I saw a clearing and ran for it. I set Bret on the ground and ripped open his shirt. I stared at the wound which was still bleeding. I placed my lips over the wound and sucked as hard as I could. Bret screamed in pain as I sucked his blood and another bitter tasting substance into my mouth. I sucked until my mouth was full then turned and spit. I clamped my mouth over the bite again and sucked. Bret screamed with every suck and thrashed his legs.

  Ares sighed beside me. "It's no use, Artemis. Even if you suck up what is there, some has already gone into his bloodstream. Look at his eyes."

  I pulled back from the bite and spit what was in my mouth. I looked at Bret's eyes and gasped. They were wolf amber and glowing. I shook my head and let the tears fall. "No! No, I can stop it."

  Ares reached towards me.

  I snarled at him. "Get away!" I clamped my mouth over Bret's bite and sucked as hard as I could, making Bret scream in pain. No more bitter taste came and I stopped sucking. I spit what was in my mouth out and stared at Bret.

  He breathed slowly staring at me with amber eyes.

  I cried harder and hugged him. "I'm so sorry, Bret. I'm so sorry. I could have tried harder. Now you are going to be like me and never be able to go back to our town. Never finish football."

  Bret laughed. "It's alright, Artemis. I don't care about that as long as I have you."

  Ares growled. "She is not yours."

  I pushed off of Bret and shoved Ares in the chest. "I am not yours, either, you asshole! You think after you take my friends humanity away, that I am going to stay with you?"

  Ares frowned. "I did not bite him."

  I snarled. "But you let Koda. You could have told him not to, and that makes you just as liable. It was your plan all along to have him changed, wasn't it? That was what you didn't want to say to me. You bastard."

  Ares sighed. "I'm not going to fight with you anymore tonight. He is changing already and there is nothing you can do about it."

  Bret stood up behind me and grabbed my arm hard. I looked up at his black eyes and said, "Bret, just calm down. You can fight the change."

  Bret snarled. "I'm hungry."

  I smiled. "Well, let's go get you some food."

  Bret shook his head then inhaled above my head. "I have food here."

  I felt my mouth drop open as I realized he was talking about me. Ares moved forward so that he was standing beside me and Bret. "She is not food." Ares said in a strained voice

  Bret turned to Ares and snarled. "She smells like food."

  The tension in the air was growing thicker. Ares shook his head. "You do not know what food smells like. Come with me and I will show you real food."

  Bret snarled and pulled me against him. "You just want her to yourself. No!"

  Matt and Koda jogged into the clearing and came to stand behind Ares. Koda whispered, "What's going on?"

  I cried softly and whispered, "Bret wants to eat me."

  Matt and Koda looked from me to Bret to Ares and back to me. When they settled back to me their faces held more of a softer look. Matt said. "Love, I'm sorry. This has never happened before."

  Koda nodded. "Never. Maybe it's because you haven't changed yet."

  Matt nodded. "That's it. You need to show him who is dominant to convince him that you aren't food."

  "So, I have to fight him?" They all nodded. I looked up at Bret, who was staring intently at Ares in a battle of wills. I groaned. "Shit." I yanked my arm from Bret's arm and ran away from him as fast as I could. I heard rustling and yelling, but kept running. When I was far enough away that they couldn't see me clearly, I jumped up the nearest tree and climbed up. They came running and pushing each other, searching for me.

  Why are Ares, Koda and Matt pushing each other?

  I didn't have time to decide because Bret passed under me. I jumped down from the tree on to his back, forcing him to the ground. I drove my knee into his spine as he fell making him scream in pain. He rolled over and I jumped up straddling him. I bent to press my knee into his throat when someone slammed into me and grabbed me.

  I grunted from the impact and said, "Stop."

  The person stopped and I looked up to see Matt's excited amber eyes. I shook my head. "Matt, what the hell are you doing?"

  He inhaled loudly then sighed. "Sorry. You got us all excited when you ran away like that. Our wolf sides kicked in."

  I groaned and pulled away from him, going back for Bret who was standing up, now.

  He smiled and licked his lips.

  I shook my finger at him. "I am not food. I am your alpha."

  He snarled. "You are not dominant to me."

  Ares appeared behind him. "I am." He grabbed Bret around the neck and proceeded to choke him until he passed out. He laid Bret on the ground and wiped his hands off against each other to symbolize he was done.

  I snarled. "I was supposed to dominate him. Now he is still going to think I'm food when he wakes up."

  Ares shrugged. "He won't wake up for a few days anyway. We'll worry about it then."

  Koda ran to us. "You really have to learn not to run like that. I got all excited and almost pounced on you."

  "You were nowhere near me. None of you knew where I was,” I said with a suppressed laugh.

  Ares looked up at the tree branches above us. "Yeah, how did you get up that tree so fast?"

  I shrugged. "My life depended on it."

  The three men laughed loudly at my joke and the tension disappeared.

  Koda reached down and picked Bret up under his arms. "We better get back and put him in the hibernation room."

  Ares nodded. "We'll leave him here while we go talk to Darren."

  "I'll stay here with Bret," I said.

  Ares shook his head. "He tried to eat you. I'm not leaving you here. You have to come with us."

  I groaned. "Why are you always so pushy? Can't you just suggest that I go with you and then let me decide?"

  Ares thought in silence for a minute before speaking. "Then I suggest you come so you don't get eaten."

  I nodded. "Sounds like a good idea."

  Ares laughed. "You agreed with me for once."

  "Trust me, it won't happen again. Besides, as soon as I can, I'll be leaving." The words left my mouth before I could stop myself.

  Ares and Matt blinked at me. Ares asked, "What do you mean by that?"

  "Nothing. Forget I said it."

  Ares grabbed me by the arms and stared into my eyes. "I am sorry that we turned your friend. You have to forgive me."

  I laughed bitterly. "I told you that I wasn't going to stay with you."

  Ares face fell, pulling at my heart. "How can you say such a thing? Do you not feel for me?"

  I stared at his handsome face and desperately wanted to kiss him, to heal the pain I had caused. I shook my head. "I refuse to admit anything."

  The pain in his eyes made me flinch, but I held my ground. Ares asked, "Do you want to leave? To go back to your father and the little town you came from when Bret won't be there?"

  I groaned and looked at the ground. "I can't believe you allowed this to happen."

  Ares whispered, "If I had known how you would react, I would not have let it happen. I figured you would be happy that your friend is now like you, and will live almost
as long as you."

  I shook my head. "But he is in love with me. The day before you came, he was trying to make me his girlfriend. Don't you get it? You have just prolonged his life, to watch me be with you."

  Ares smiled. "So, you admit that you have feelings for me?"

  I shook my head. "I didn't say that. What I am saying is that I do not love him in that way. And that you would not even let us try, because you believe I am destined to be with you." I rolled my eyes at the thought of destiny.

  Ares frowned. "Why do you roll your eyes?"

  "Destiny is not something I believe in. I believe that we make our own destiny, not that it is pre-set for us."

  Ares shrugged. "Either way, you still answered my call, which means that you are essentially mine. You can call it whatever you want, but you and I are meant to be together. I am sorry that your friend will have a tough time dealing with that, but it is the truth. It is why your father could not stop me from taking you. He could feel the connection between you and me when you came out the door."

  I frowned. "What if I do not love you? What if I never love you?"

  Ares smiled. "Just give it time, and do not strangle your feelings. You will see."

  I looked at the ground. "It's really irritating that I can't be mad at you for very long."

  Ares nodded. "I'm sure I will find out how that is soon enough."

  I looked up at his face and asked, "Will you let Bret stay with us, or will you send him away?"

  Ares shrugged. "I'll leave that up to you and him to decide. If he thinks he can handle staying and seeing us together, then he is welcome to join us, but if he wishes to stay with the wolves in this village, then I will let him."

  I nodded and started walking back toward the village. I called over my shoulder, "We better get him to your hibernation thingy."

  Koda and Matt picked Bret up and carried him behind me. Ares walked beside me, smiling. I tried my best to ignore him, but couldn't help glancing at him occasionally. He never looked at me, but every time I glanced at him, his smile seemed to get bigger. It took us longer to get back because I was walking, but I didn't care. When we made it to the clearing, I stopped moving and, tilting my face up to the full moon, closed my eyes.

  Koda and Matt continued past me with Bret, leaving me and Ares alone.

  I put my arms out to the side and inhaled as deep as I could. I loved the smell of the forest and the night. I opened my eyes and bathed in the warmth of the moon, pulling my arms back down to my sides. I turned to Ares and smiled.

  He had his face upturned to the moon and his eyes closed, breathing deeply. He opened his eyes and smiled at me. "You enjoy the moon, too, I see."

  I nodded. "The moon makes me feel at peace."

  Ares smiled. "Me, too. Of course, I should have assumed someone with the name of the Goddess of the Moon would like the moon."

  I laughed. "Yeah, but I guess my connection to the moon is more because of my werewolf side."

  Ares shrugged his shoulders. "We are the Children of the Moon. Our power to change comes from the moon. I have always liked the moon’s glow. It's much better for your skin to moonbathe than sunbathe."

  I laughed and took a step closer to him, feeling a strange pull. I thought about fighting it, but remembered him asking me to not strangle my feelings. He lifted a brow at me, his body tense, but he did not move. I took another step, closing the distance so that only one foot of space separated us. I looked up at his uncertain face and smiled. He smiled back at me, but stayed perfectly still, his breathing speeding up slightly. I slowly reached a shaky hand out to him and placed it on his chest. His muscle flexed then relaxed as I stroked down his chest and across his chiseled abdominals. His skin was so hot against my hand that I had to keep moving it, or it was too much. I ran my hand back up his stomach and across his chest and up the side of his neck to rest on his face. I stared a little longer at his sky blue eyes and realized that there was a slight slant to the corners.

  I wonder if he is part Asian.

  I started to stand on tiptoe to reach his lips when I heard something moving through the trees. I quickly dropped my hand and turned around towards the sound.

  Ares stepped around me so that he was standing beside me.

  A small grey wolf cub covered in blood walked from behind a tree to stare at us.

  Ares squatted down and opened his arms as if inviting the wolf for a hug.

  I watched in amazement as the wolf's body snapped, popped, and twisted to form a small boy. The boy ran to Ares and collapsed into his arms.

  Ares cradled the boy and whispered to him. "What happened?"

  The boy shivered against Ares and whispered, "The humans figured it out. They…they killed my pack."

  Ares asked, "Are you hurt?"

  The boy shook his head. "It was my pack's blood. I hid under the bodies so the humans wouldn't kill me."

  Ares stood with the boy still in his arms and walked towards Gregory's home. Gregory opened the door before we got there and took the boy from Ares' arms.

  The boy turned to Ares. "Prince, wait."

  Ares stayed still and waited for the boy to speak.

  The boy cleared his throat. "One of them there is a wolf. He is helping them find us. They have guns and knives with silver. Stay downwind of him."

  Ares nodded. "Do you know his name?"

  The boy snarled, "Darren."

  I gasped and shook my head. "It must be someone else."

  Ares asked, "What did he look like?"

  The boy sighed. "I didn't get a good look, but he had her hair."

  The boy pointed to me then gasped. "Is she with them? Is she going to kill us?"

  I shook my head. "No, I'm not with them and won't hurt you."

  Ares smiled at the boy. "It's alright, she's my passt genau."

  The boy nodded. "Okay."

  Gregory took him inside and shut the door.

  Koda and Matt walked up the porch steps to stand beside us.

  I looked at Ares. "What's"

  Ares laughed at my poor attempt to speak the words he had just done. "It's passt genau, German for what you are to me."

  "What does it mean, Ares?" I asked again.

  He smiled. "Perfect match."

  I fought to frown, but my mouth formed a smile. I shook my head and asked, "What are we going to do about the humans and that werewolf?"

  Ares frowned. "You aren't going to do anything. You are still very human. Until you change you aren't doing any fighting."

  I groaned. "Ares, I have to go. What if it's my dad?"

  Ares sighed and rubbed his temples.

  Koda said, "I think she should stay here. You will be too worried about her to focus on the fight."

  Matt nodded. "I agree with Koda."

  I sighed. "Fine. You go off and battle the humans and leave me here alone to worry. I'll just find things to break while you're gone. And fight my change."

  Ares smiled. "You would worry for us?"

  I nodded then hissed, "Damn you!"

  Ares laughed and grabbed me, pulling me against him. "Koda is right, I would worry too much about you if you went. You worrying for us will be a lot less of a problem. Please stay here. If it is your father, I will try my hardest to simply restrain him and bring him here. But if it comes down to it, and I must, I will kill him."

  I nodded and relaxed into the warmth of his body, leaning my head against his chest. "I understand. Be careful."

  He pushed me back and kissed my lips softly. I kissed him back and then quickly pulled away, running into the house and shutting the door. My lips burned even hotter than before as I leaned against the front door. Gregory and the boy sat in the middle of the living room. The boy had been given clothes much too big for him, but he sat playing a card game with Gregory, smiling.

  How can he be smiling after his pack was killed? I would be devastated.

  Gregory saw me and smiled. "You want to play?"

  I shrugged my shoul
ders. "I guess I should. They are leaving me behind."

  Gregory shrugged. "Ares would be too focused on your safety to worry about his. It's better this way."

  I groaned and sat down beside them. I turned to the boy and said, "Hi, I'm Artemis."

  He smiled at me. "Jason."

  I smiled back at him as Gregory passed out cards. I watched as he dealt us each thirteen cards and asked, "What are we playing?"

  Gregory smiled. "Thirteen."

  I sighed. "I don't know how to play."

  Gregory laughed. "It's alright. We'll teach you."

  I listened intently as Gregory explained the game to me. The game was like war, where you had to put a card down which was higher in either number or suit and the first one out of cards won. I arranged my cards from lowest, three, to the highest, two then started playing. Gregory put down the three of clubs, the lowest card in the game. I put down a three of hearts which was higher in suit so it beat his card. Jason put down a king, making Gregory and I groan. Gregory put down an ace then I put down a two. Jason and Gregory groaned.

  Jason said, "Pass."

  Gregory nodded. "Pass."

  I smiled and laid down a six card straight. Both groaned again and said, "Pass" in unison. I put down a pair of fives and Jason laid down a pair of eights. Gregory passed and I put down a pair of tens.

  Jason sighed. "Pass." Gregory nodded and waved his hand for me to go. I put down my final card, an ace and raised my hands in the air. "I'm out.”

  Jason groaned. "I thought you said that you haven't played this?"

  I smiled. "I hadn't played this before. It's a very fun game though. Can we play again?"

  Gregory smiled. "Sure."

  Jason turned and looked at me frowning. "Why are you nervous?"

  I looked down at him and frowned. "Why do you think that I am nervous?"

  His eyes went wide. "Aren’t you a werewolf?"

  I nodded. "Yes, but what does that have to do with why you think I am nervous?"

  Gregory smiled. "Jason, she hasn't had her first change yet."

  Jason's eyes went even wider. "What! How is that possible?"

  I smiled and shrugged. "I didn't know I was a werewolf until yesterday and apparently, I have been fighting the change since I was around your age."


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