Artemis Lupine- The Complete Series

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Artemis Lupine- The Complete Series Page 55

by Catherine Banks

  Ares laughed suddenly, making me jump. He ran to me and picked me up, swinging me around as he hugged me.

  “Ares? Why are you laughing?” I asked nervously.

  He set me down and I stared at the new marks on his body. I ripped his shirt off and gasped. Ares’ arms and chest were now decorated with tattoo-like, black images of running wolves. I touched one of the little black wolves and jumped as it moved, biting the wolf in front of it, and causing all of the wolves on Ares to begin to run. The wolves ran together and even yipped.

  I looked up and Ares’ eyes were white pearls. I’d only seen this once before when I had released Achilles’ power. “How is this possible?” I asked softly.

  Ares smiled. “Do you mean the fact that you are my destined mate and can activate my powers?”

  I shook my head at him. “No, we both already know I’m your mate. I mean, how is it possible that you have Sidhe powers?”

  “Perhaps I had them all along, but since my wolf nature was so strong it lay dormant until you activated them.”

  “I didn’t activate them, mater did.”

  Ares cupped my face in his hands. “You are always underestimating yourself. I touched this tree thousands of times when I was young in hopes that it would do this exact thing. The only reason this happened was because you were the one I touched.”

  “Out of the way! Make room,” Hera yelled. Ares and I turned to find Hera pushing through the crowd which had gathered. She stopped at the edge of the bridge, just a foot away from the island and gasped. “No. It cannot be.”

  Ares walked towards her with his arms spread. “You see it. There are others here who witnessed it. My powers have surfaced. It seems you were wrong about me.”

  Hera pointed at me. “You! You did this!”

  I shrugged. “That’s what Ares said, but I didn’t do it on purpose. I would do it again though.”

  Hera was glaring at me and looked ready to attack, but she held her ground and kept from releasing her powers. Was she holding back because of our truce or was she frightened of how much more powerful I’d become?

  Ares exhaled and his eyes returned to normal and his body stopped glowing. “It seems I may be able to join the Sidhe’s ranks after all.”

  Hera glared at him. “If that is the case, then I demand that you bow to me, your queen.”

  Achilles was standing beside Hera and up until that point, his face had remained perfectly blank. As soon as she said it, he rolled his eyes and shook his head in disbelief.

  Ares bowed his head at the neck. “I acknowledge that you are queen of this domain, but I will join my father in his Court.”

  Hera glared harder at Ares, her skin starting to glow softly as she grew angrier. “Very well. Come now, let’s return to the Prince’s quarters and discuss this upcoming battle.” Hera spun on her heel and marched back through the crowd of people.

  Achilles walked down the bridge to stand in front of Ares. “You look better now,” Achilles teased.

  Ares laughed. “Don’t worry, brother, I will not try to steal your throne. I have no intention of taking your title.”

  Achilles frowned. “You are a Prince of the Sidhe as much as I am and you will be given that title as soon as father sees you. I was simply meaning that I much prefer your decorated Sidhe body to the boring werewolf one.”

  Ares was frowning, too. “You will of course be next in line for the throne though.”

  Achilles smiled. “Of course.”

  Ares held out his hand with a smile. Achilles stared at Ares’ hand a moment before clasping it and then pulling Ares into a hug. Tears pricked my eyes as I watched the two men I loved hug and completely forgive each other for the first time in over four hundred years.

  I realized one thing though as I stared at them. “Ares?” Ares and Achilles broke from their hug and turned to me. I waved them over, not wanting everyone to hear what I was about to say. They walked to me and the urge to touch them overtook what I needed to say. I reached out and clasped each of their nearest hands. I exhaled happily and then whispered, “Ares, I don’t think you have wings.”

  Achilles’ eyes spread wide. “She’s right. Whenever she released my powers before, my wings automatically popped out.” He pointed to my wings, which were out. “Even hers are out.”

  Ares shrugged. “It’s alright. I don’t like flying much anyways. I prefer the ground under my paws.”

  Achilles walked across the bridge and stopped when he noticed all of the angry looking Sidhe gathered. “From this day forward all shall recognize Ares, Prince of the Werewolves as Ares, Prince of the Werewolves and Sidhe. If any disagrees, let them challenge me.”

  The Sidhe gasped and then began whispering loudly to each other. Ares picked up his ripped shirt and smiled at me. “I wish this had been done in other circumstances.”

  I blushed and took the shirt. “I’m sorry.”

  He laughed and wrapped his arm around my waist. “Don’t be. I liked it. Besides, I’ve ruined more clothes in fits of anger than you’ve probably ever owned in your life.”

  I giggled as I imagined Ares ripping his shirt off like when a comic book character gets angry and turns into a large green monster.

  “What are you laughing about?” he asked.

  The giggle turned into a laugh and I spoke in the deepest voice I could muster, “You won’t like me when I’m angry.”

  Ares smiled and then lunged for me. “You think that’s funny?”

  “Uh oh, you better watch out! I think he’s turning green!” I yelled as I jumped away from him and ran across the bridge.

  Achilles laughed. “The Hulk is a rather fitting character comparison for you, Ares.”

  Ares snorted, a sound much better suited to his canine form. “I don’t turn green.”

  “No, but you do get furry and rip your shirts off,” I answered as another fit of laughter took me and I had to stop to hold my stomach.

  “I think I’m more like Wolverine,” Ares said seriously.

  “Well you are grumpy like him and way too full of yourself,” Achilles said in the same serious tone as Ares.

  Ares flexed his abdominals and then lifted his arms, flexing his biceps and chest. “Have you seen me? How can I not be full of myself?”

  My laughter disappeared as I looked at him. He was definitely way too perfect.

  “Now you look like Koda,” Achilles said with a chuckle.

  Ares swung at Achilles, but he jumped back and Ares growled.

  “Run, he’s turning green!” Achilles said and grabbed my hand, running down the bridge with me in tow. A new fit of laughter forced me to stop running as I was bent over holding my stomach with tears falling down my face.

  “Ha. Ha. Very funny,” Ares said as he caught up to us.

  Hera appeared in front of me. “Why are you delaying? Come, let’s get on with our planning. We don’t have much time.”

  I stopped laughing and took a couple of deep breaths to calm down before I let the anger control my tongue. “I apologize for enjoying the renewed time with my mate. I forgot that the world revolves around you, Your Highness.”

  Achilles groaned softly and Ares sighed. Hera’s face turned red, but for once she held her tongue. She held out her hands and Ares and Achilles each took one and then took my hands. Hera started to draw power in, but I beat her to it and teleported us into her court room where she conducted her important business. We landed in front of a large conference table and eyes popped open from all of the Sidhe and halfbreeds gathered.

  Hera’s face was the most priceless of all. “You can teleport?”

  I smiled. “A gift from the dragons to me for my friendship.”

  Several of the Sidhe gasped. Hera’s face paled and she asked, “You’re friends with dragons?”

  I pulled out Blu’s scale and showed it to the room. “I am.”

  “Perhaps now is not the time for this discussion? Let’s work on our plan for the battle,” said Achilles in a strong and deman
ding voice.

  Victor sat in one of the many chairs and nodded. “Yes, we need to discuss strategy.”

  I dropped into one of the chairs. “Do we really need a strategy? We just need to have Maurice and as many of his vampires in the area so I can toast them. Wham, Bam, Thank you Ma’am and we’ve won.”

  “You think you’re so powerful?” asked a female Sidhe with green filigree designs around her eyes. She obviously didn’t like me and her glare was most impressive despite her small frame and delicate, doll-like face.

  I covered my hand in sunlight and smiled as I said, “I know I am.”

  Victor nodded. “Yes, she is, but the problem is getting my father to the battleground. He prefers to let others fight his battles.”

  I shrugged, releasing the sunlight. “Then we storm his home and I toast him.”

  Koda sighed. “Darlin’ it won’t be easy like last time. Last time he was trying to capture you to make you his. Now, he just wants you dead.”

  “So how do we get him on the battlefield then?” I frowned.

  “We have to offer him something he can’t refuse,” said Ares quietly.

  Victor gasped. “No. There are too many variables and too many things that could go wrong.”

  “You think I don’t know that?!” yelled Ares. “Unless you can come up with a better plan, that’s the only way.”

  “We need to fight a battle which we lose first and then do that,” said Victor.

  “No! We cannot lose a battle on purpose. That would mean letting our people die!” I yelled.

  “Artemis,” Achilles started.

  I stood up from my chair and slapped my hands down on the table. “No! I will not sacrifice anyone. We can fight one battle and then discuss whatever it is that Ares wants to do. We do not have to lose that first battle though. I can refrain from using my sunlight magic and that way Maurice won’t know I can do it.”

  The room was silent for several minutes until Hera said, “I agree with Artemis. We can fight this first battle no matter the outcome. I would like to know what it is that Ares is suggesting.”

  Ares looked at the table a moment and then said, “The only way I can foresee Maurice coming out to the battlefield is if we agree to surrender and to give Artemis to him as a good faith gift.”

  “You want to give him Artemis?” Hera asked softly.

  Ares smiled. “Well we wouldn’t really be giving her to him, but we could make it look authentic. I could be bound and guarded by several of your Sidhe warriors while Artemis is bound with her hands in front of her. Then when Maurice takes the bait and comes near her, she can fry him and those nearest him.”

  “I like it,” I said with a smile on my face.

  Koda laughed. “You would like that idea.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked with a glare in his direction.

  He held his hands up in surrender. “Nothing. Never mind.”

  Ares pulled me down into my seat and kissed the back of my hand. “Calm down. You’re getting excited over nothing.”

  I took a deep cleansing breath. “Sorry.”

  “When will your pack be ready for the first battle?” Hera asked.

  I looked at Ares’ smiling as he said, “We’re ready now, but you should begin the preparations of your Sidhe. We need to get word out that we’re looking for a fight.”

  Victor smiled. “I’ll spread word of that. I still have some allies who are undercover with my father’s side.”

  Hera nodded. “Good. I’m sure the vampires will act quickly once they know we have Artemis with us again. I’ll have Hephaistos start on the weapons.”



  The full moon hung above us. Her presence made me itch to run as a wolf with my pack and hunt beneath her soothing and powerful light. I decided then that I would get the pack together and go for a run that night. I didn’t feel right not having run with the halfbreed pack yet. A soft breeze blew around me, swirling cherry blossoms in a soft, soothing whirlwind. Energy from the blossoms seeped into me and filled me with a low level of power. My skin tingled and glowed softly as I absorbed the power and stuffed it down into the imaginary box that I pictured hiding within my soul. Over the last week, I’d been storing power there slowly, every time I visited the island.

  “Artemis?” Achilles called from somewhere within the houses.

  “Yes?” I answered, not bothering to move from my spot or raise my voice.

  He walked around the house nearest the bridge that crossed to the island. He slowly made his way across the bridge and stopped in front of me. “Ares shouldn’t have showed you this island. You’re spending more time here than with us lately.”

  I held open my arms and he sat down, leaning against me and letting me hold him. It wasn’t a common gesture from me to him and he didn’t delay in accepting it. “I’m sorry. I know I need to spend more time with you, but I’ve just needed some time to meditate and think.”

  He turned and pulled me into his arms, reversing our position and leaning me against his chest. “It’s alright, Sweetheart. I’ve just been worried about you because you’ve been blocking me from your thoughts so deliberately.” He slowly stroked my hair, calming me even more than my meditation had. Gently he titled my chin up and kissed me.

  My control slipped the more time I spent touching him. Each additional time I touched him, the more I wanted to give in to him. His hands slid up and down my arms as he kissed me and I could feel the strength in them. My head swam, rendering logical thoughts impossible and allowing my hormones to rage. I turned completely around, wrapping my legs around his sides and sitting on his lap. I fisted my hands in his hair, loving the silky smoothness against my skin and kissed him deeply. He moaned and the sound made me smile and growl happily. He picked me up and then laid me down on the ground. The feel of him lying on top of me was incredible. I had wanted it for so long, but had been denying us both.

  Was he as talented as Ares? The thought stopped me cold and dispersed my hormones. I couldn’t cheat on Ares. If I mated with Achilles it would crush Ares. I put my hand on his chest and whispered, “Wait.”

  Achilles sighed, stood up and turned away from me. “I wondered how long until you pushed me away.”

  The raw pain in his voice hurt me. “Achilles, I’m sorry. I just…”

  “Stop, just stop. Please, just leave.”

  His voice was so full of anger and pain that I actually flinched and took an involuntary step back. I headed towards the bridge, but stopped at the beginning of it. “I’m sorry I can’t love you like you deserve, but know that I do love you. If I could release you from our binding so you could find a woman who loved you, I would.”

  He didn’t move or acknowledge me, so I left him alone. The calm I’d gained was replaced by a depression and despair that soured my mood. If my life had been a cartoon, a storm cloud would be hovering over my head raining on me. I ignored the Sidhe watching me walk through the town towards the training grounds. Let them look. Let them talk. I didn’t care.

  Koda and Ares smiled at me from where they were fighting as I walked onto the grassy training ground. For the first time I ignored them, not returning their smiles and walked to a deserted corner of the field as far away from everyone else as I could. I needed to release this anger and despair. I needed release from the pain.

  I inhaled, pulling my fire from my core and covered my hands in it. Ares walked closer to me, but I ignored him and his presence. I tilted my head up to look at the sky and raised my hands up over my head.

  I had been making headway with Achilles. I’d been able to make him smile daily, even without mating with him. And with one word, one touch, I’d erased all of that.

  I always screwed things up. I hurt Ares. I hurt Achilles. I even hurt Koda. All I wanted was to please them and I failed miserably at it. The anger and gnawing ache I felt grew unbearable. Tears streamed down my face and pain gripped my body. I closed my eyes and pictured each of their faces
and the times that I’d hurt them. I took another deep breath and then screamed as I shot fire up into the air. The force of the power I was using, the pain I was feeling and the sadness sent me to my knees. I sobbed uncontrollably as I released it all and screamed and cried.

  I reined in the power and dropped my hands to the ground, continuing to sob. Warm arms wrapped around me and pulled me against an even warmer body. “It’s alright, Darlin’. It’s going to be alright,” whispered Koda.

  I buried my face into his chest and snuggled into him as I continued to cry. “I’m always failing. I fail at being a woman. I fail at being a mate. I fail at being a pack mate. I fail at all of the relationships around me. How can anyone think that I won’t fail at this prophecy that supposedly surrounds me?”

  Ares squatted down in front of me. “What happened, Artemis? What made you feel this way?”

  I turned away from him and whispered, “I’ve hurt you all. I’ve hurt all three of you. All I want to do is love you and make you happy and I can’t even do that.”

  “You do make us happy. The sight of your face makes us happier than we have been in a hundred years,” whispered Koda.

  I shook my head. “I’m continually causing you pain by a wrong word or a wrong decision. I can’t seem to do anything right.”

  “Life is all about learning from your mistakes. You think I’m perfect? You sure as hell know Ares isn’t perfect,” Koda said as he rubbed my back slowly.

  “Hey,” Ares protested. He reached forward and touched my arm. “We all make mistakes. The defining factor is how you handle the mistakes and what you do to try not to make them again.”

  “How can I not make a mistake when the choice will hurt one person no matter what?” I whispered.

  “This is about Achilles, isn’t it?” Ares asked. I didn’t respond which was answer enough for him. “I know it’s hard and I wish there was a way I could fix it for you, but I can’t. I’d be lying if I told you it wouldn’t bother me if you mated with him and I won’t lie to you.”


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