Deception (Ultimate Betrayal Book 1)

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Deception (Ultimate Betrayal Book 1) Page 2

by Eden Rose

  This sure is a long way from home.

  Being raised by a single mother who worked three jobs to support myself and three brothers and sisters and now driving up to my 3.3 million dollar home is surreal to me. The team representative bought half of my house as an incentive for being traded and I paid the other. Sure it’s ostentatious, but I do like it. There is a decent size backyard which is something I've never had.

  I made my sister and her baby, Luke, move with me and they have their own rooms. Luke is three and more interracial than my sister, Ruth, and I. Ruth and I are mixed, our mother white, our father black, but he passed away when we were really young. Luke is mixed like we are but his father, George, is supposedly Mexican. Ruth and Luke moved with me from California because George dabbles in some illegal activity and I don't need my little sister getting wrapped up in that.


  "Unca WyWy! You home!" Before I could even open my door, I am faced with my nephew who is running around in my old team jersey. The jersey is about fifteen times too big for him, but it is really fucking cute to watch him waddle around in it.

  "Hey! There's my buddy!" I open my door and swoop down to throw him over my shoulder. When I lean back in the car to get my bag, he squeals. His feet kick me in the Air Force 1's I bought him. Hey, Luke is going to look good.

  After Luke wiggled on my shoulders he screamed loud. "Bring me? Bring me?" I have learned over the past few months that "bring me" actually means "what did you bring me?" Little shit that he is knows I always bring him home something.

  As we walk up to house, he pats me on my two day stubbled face and pouts. "Pres? Pres?" He’s barely up to my knees when he’s standing but he loves it when I pick him up so he can be my height.

  I laugh and set my bag down and watch as he wiggles off of me. "Your Uncle Wyatt spoils you!" He frees himself and looks through my bag.

  "No!" He chucks my shorts over his shoulder and then digs in deeper into the bag. "Ick!" He squeals as he throws my socks.

  I hear shoes clack on my brand new wood floor and I growl at Ruth. "New wood! Get those things off my floor!" With Luke right here, he picks up everything I say and I do my best to not curse in front of him.

  She throws her head back to laugh and steps out of her shoes. "Hey, Wyatt. How did the meeting go?" Ruth bends down and helps her son go through my bag. "Sick! What do you have in here?"

  He finally finds what he's looking for and holds up the little basketball. "Mimmy! Sick!" Luke throws aside my tee and then throws himself at my leg.

  This kid is so high energy that I let him play as much as possible. After many weeks of research, I found a playground building company and they are coming over tomorrow after my meeting with the new lawyer. "Did I pass inspection, sir?" I bend at the waist and pick him up.

  He laughs the toddler laugh and wiggles in my arms. "Mimmy said we get cold cold for din din." Again, I am well schooled in his vocabulary and know he means ice cream.

  Ruth tufts her lips and holds her hands out for me to pass her Luke. "Yeah, yeah. Come on. Let's leave your uncle alone."

  Finally, I am able to kick off my Jordans and walk into the kitchen. I love this kitchen. Stainless steel appliances and granite counter tops. Before we moved in, I upgraded the house by getting all new things in it and the kitchen was first on my list. I come from a family of cooks and cooking is something we all like to do.

  "Ruth! Luke!" I yell up the hallway in hopes they hurry. I need to go over my contract before my meeting tomorrow with the infamous attorney that my agent has secured for me. The last thing I need is to be taken advantage of and miss out on money that is rightfully mine.

  "Unca! I ready!" Luke runs into the kitchen and climbs up the chair by his elbows.

  I seek out the stool that Luke uses to climb places and kick it over to him. "You monkey! You better use that before you fall and break your head!" Last week, he did this stunt and fell onto his back almost knocking the air out of his lungs. Scared me to death.

  He giggles the toddler giggle and manages to get up into his seat. The clacking of heels tell me my sister has a date. "Wyatt, can you watch Luke tonight? He should be going to sleep soon."

  Normally I don't mind watching him because he has such a personality and is an easy kid but tonight is busy. I really need to read over my contract. "I have that contract to look over. Why didn't you tell me earlier that you had plans?" This is becoming a normal occurrence for her. Making plans and then asking me last minute to watch my nephew. However, I would rather myself watch him since I don't know where his father is right now.

  A spoon falls to the floor and the scrapping of the chair against the tiled floor. "I get it! I get it!" Luke drops his little body to the floor to pick up his silverware and then climbs back into his seat.

  Ruth walks over to his place at the table to make sure his food is cut small enough and then walks over to the fridge to fill his drink. I want to tell her that I know all of this but I don't. "An hour tops! Put a movie on and then work on the contract!" She flips her hair past her shoulders and then drops the cup off with Luke.

  I look over at my nephew and he has juice dribbling down his chin. Ruth has been going out more and more lately. I let them live in my house for free and now I am expected to be daycare. "Pweeeeese? Unca!"

  Both of them are looking at me like I am Santa. "All right." Yeah, I am a sucker.

  Chapter 3


  Literally, I feel as if my bones and body have been set on fire after we leave the gym. I fall into the car and it burns to buckle up. Jerry decided to push me harder and now I feel like I am dying.

  We are silent the whole way home which is better than talking if you ask me. I don't want to hear what he has to say about my gym workout or anything else. Silence is something that happens more and more during our days and we normally only talk about work.

  Ever since he got it in his head that he wanted to get pregnant, our sex life has become clinical and methodical. Best positions for contraception and he started to check my shower to make sure it wasn't too hot. Before, we had more romance and actually got along pretty well but things changed after we opened our practice. Now we talk about work and contracts.

  "What time is the doctor going to be here?" I ask as he pulls into our driveway. The sun has set but we have lamp posts that line our driveway so it isn't as dark.

  Funny thing about me? I hate the dark.

  I love this house. My father bought it for us as a wedding present in a prestigious area known as The Hills. Our house is a Victorian Tudor style with lace-like shutters on it. It's a blonde brick that looks gorgeous surrounded by the foliage. Sure, it’s a nice present, but he’s not fooling me. It’s to vindicate him leaving me all of those years ago.

  Jerry turns off the car and slips the keys in his hands after he parked the car in the garage. I leave him in the garage and let myself into the house. I want to shower before the doctor comes over.

  The doorbell rang and I walked towards the door to open right after Jerry came in through the garage door. I didn't like having to go to the doctor and that was because of my secret I was keeping.

  There is a reason why I can't get pregnant.

  I opened the door to the gorgeous brunette who is my doctor, Dr. Megan Goode. She has been my doctor for as long as I needed one. She knew the secret and I paid her handsomely in order to convince her to keep it quiet. Plus, she delivers my medicine to me in secret. I don’t want my clients to know that I’m sick.

  "Keeley, how are you?" The confident doctor asked as she walked through my door and then headed towards the living room. Megan's tall body walks into the house and I can tell she is looking around. She knows that I like to bake when I'm nervous, so I'm sure she is looking for signs of it.

  I followed behind her and she sat in the overstuffed captain chair. "Pretty good," I replied and engaged in a witty battle of pleasantries.

  Megan pulled out a notebook and a pen before getting down to
business. "Why am I here?"

  After getting comfortable in my own seat, I filled her in. "Jerry still wants to get pregnant and I... I don't." Might as well tell her the exact reason why she is here. There is no reason to beat around the bush.

  She writes something down and looks over at me. "Have you talked to him?"

  I shake my head and stretch my neck out. "No, we barely have sex anymore and I know he doesn't want to..."

  “Doesn’t want to what?”

  Shaking my head again, I look over at her and realize that she’s too pretty to be my doctor and I should probably fire her. Just kidding. She knows too much.

  “I don’t know. I just get the feeling that he’s keeping something big from me and I can’t put my finger on it.”

  Megan flips her page in her notebook over and then begins to write more stuff down. By the time she looks up at me, I’m more than curious as to what she has written. “I am not a psychologist. I think you guys need to go to counseling or something. I’m here to discuss your illness and your birth control prescriptions. Have you been having problems sleeping?”

  What sleep? I don’t sleep. Most of the time I roam the halls until I’m too tired to do anything else. “Yeah, I guess I have been sleeping. Not too much though.”

  “The human body and mind needs sleep, Keeley. Have you been taking the Ambien that I prescribed for you?”

  Ambien is a powerful sleep drug, but I don’t like the way it makes me feel. When I wake up in the morning, I feel as if I’m hungover and I hate it. Sometimes, it gives me nightmares and I begin to imagine things that are not there. I know they are fake, but it doesn’t make it any less real.

  I have told her over and over again that with my addictive personality that taking that drug wouldn’t benefit me in the long run. It would only mess me up more. I shake my head and then Jerry comes into the room.

  For the past few years that we have been together, I have never told him that I have Bipolar Depression Disorder. I’ve never found the right time to do it and I’ve been hiding my medications so he can’t find them and question. We live together but we don’t share a medicine cabinet. Which I convinced him we need to still have privacy in our relationship and shouldn’t be sharing a medicine cabinet.

  “Megan,” Jerry buts in.

  My heart begins to beat fast and I can’t help but begin to slightly freak out. How much of that did he hear? I know he wouldn’t tell me if he heard anything, but it doesn’t mean that I’m not going to be nervous that he had.

  “I’m worried as to why she hadn’t gotten pregnant yet. Do you have any idea why she hasn’t?” Jerry asks as he sits next to her on the chairs instead of next to me on our sofa.

  Megan looks through some notes and I can see how she’s calculating a response to his question. “There doesn’t seem to be anything medically wrong with either of you. Sometimes these things just take some time. I can meet with you next month if you would like to see how the progress is going.”

  I nod my head gently and when I get up to walk her out, Jerry is grumbling about not getting any answers that he wants about the situation. There is a reason why I’m not getting pregnant and that is that I’m taking birth control.

  Sometimes I wish my mother had taken it and then I wouldn’t be suffering through Bipolar. My main issue with the disease is my impulsivity. I can’t keep a lid on it a majority of the time and it makes being in my own head frightening sometimes.


  The next day, I roll out of bed to get ready to meet my new client. Wyatt Thorne is a well-known player but I'm hoping that there isn't going to be too many disputes in his contract. While I showered, I wondered what he would look like. Most basketball players are very attractive and tall...

  I showered fast and got dressed even faster. Suddenly, I feel as if I have a lot of pressure about how to look today. This contract is so huge and big... and definitely needed. Jerry and I need the extra money this is going to bring in from just this one player.

  Jerry doesn't like to talk about money but I go through our bills and something is not always adding up. I've tried to talk to him about it but he just shrugs me off and says that I can't count. Simple mistakes happen, but not when we are talking about that many thousands.

  I shake myself out of my mind and focus on today. In the mirror, I pull my wet hair into a loose knot at my nape and spritz some perfume on. Not one to wear a lot of makeup, I apply a little more than usual and then head off to my closet to find a pair of shoes that will match my black suit dress.

  With Jerry gone already, I grabbed a package of Pop Tarts and walked out to my car. I love driving and I love my car. The ride to work is fast and the whole time I pump myself up for this consultation.

  You are smart, capable, prepared and will knock this out of the park!

  I pull into my parking spot in the quaint downtown parking structure and gather all of my stuff out of the car. My bag has wheels on it so I can drag it behind me as I walk up the stairs into my building.

  "Key! They are here already!" Olivia rushes towards me and starts panting. "So, so hot!" She waves her freshly manicured hand in front of her face as if she’s trying to fan herself.

  I shrug her off and walk into my office. Bad mistake. I can smell the cologne that hits me as something different. As I spin around to look at who is in my office, I trip over my bag and fall face first. "Oh!" I scream as I push my hands in front of me in order to lift myself.

  What are my hands on? This doesn't feel like my couch! I grip onto what's under my hands and slowly lift my head. A pair of deep grey eyes are staring at me as I squeeze what's under my hands.

  "Cupcake, want to let go of my thighs?" That voice is deep and sweet just like chocolate. The man is dark and not dark like tan, but it's obvious that he's not Caucasian. His hair is clipped close to his head and there is those damn lamb chops on his face. That gorgeous face it outlined with a goatee that is so hot it should be illegal. "Cupcake?" He whispers again.

  Oh, right! I push myself onto my knees and let go of his thighs. Damn, my fingers already miss his skin. Still on my knees, I look further at him and notice how lean all of his muscles are. He's just this lean slab of muscle. My mouth waters as I daydream about running my tongue all over his body. I bet his legs lead up to a nice packa-

  "Keeley! What the hell are you doing on the floor?" My door opens and Olivia rushes over to me and helps me up. Once I am standing, she leans in and stares at me. "Are you okay, Key?"

  I shake it off, I get rid of everything that is clouding my head and stare at her. "Yeah, I tripped over my bag." I swallow and address the long body that is seated on my couch. As I approach him, he stands up and I have to take a step back. Jesus, he is so tall! I have to literally crane my neck to look at that gorgeous face. "Hi, I'm Keeley Johnson and this is Olivia Miller." But you can call me cupcake all you want, big boy. I just am going to climb you so I can get my hands all over that chest.


  "Wyatt Thorne," he holds his hand out and shakes my friend's hand before mine. Wyatt Thorne. Hot name for an even hotter man. His hand swallows mine whole and I feel electricity shooting to neurons in my body that I forgot existed.

  Olivia shoves my shoulder and nods over at the man. "Uh, yeah! Let's go over the contract for the team."

  The three of us spend about an hour going over his new contract and the whole time I am daydreaming. I'm a married woman, but this man is just... he's doing things to me that I didn't think were possible. His voice alone is enough to make me come undone. Those long eyelashes of his flutter open and shut as he goes over the points with Olivia.

  On top of the most unique color of eyes, his cheekbones are high and firm. That nose of his is perfectly straight and point down to the nicest set of lips imaginable. Who knew that lips this full existed? I can't help but fantasize what it would feel like to have those lips on me. Just one little taste...

  Just one...

  I'm snapped out of my wildest and ad
ulterous thoughts as I hear a drawer being shut. Shit.

  They both stand up before I register what's happening. "Key, are you coming?"

  "Huh?" What is happening?

  Wyatt grins like he knows what I am thinking about. "I'm taking you ladies out for lunch." Its lunch time? It's like ten! I check my watch... Oh, Jesus! I've been out of it for two hours.

  He must think I'm something else. Here I am thinking of how gorgeous the man is and Olivia is the professional one! That's insane. This woman would yank her skirt up and push her underwear aside if the situation warranted it.

  "Okay," I lean over and big up my purse and fight the urge to kick my work bag. We head out of the office just as Jerry is coming through the door.

  My husband has his normal cocky grin on his face and approaches Wyatt. "Hi, you must be the new player. I'm Jerry Johnson," he thrusts his hand out and Wyatt shakes it gently.

  "Wyatt Thorne. I'm sorry, did we meet?"

  My confusion is flushing through my body. Meet? Why would they have met before? Where? Jerry doesn't know basketball! That's so ridiculous to think they run in similar circles.

  Chapter 4



  Her name is as beautiful as she is. It's been a long time since I've met someone who is as pretty and real as she is. I liked how her cheeks turned pink when she looked me up and down. I knew she was checking me out and I couldn't help but smirk. Hell, I was checking her out too. She has a beautiful body. I love when girls are curvy and look like they eat. Too many court bunnies look starving and it's gross. I don't want to break a body. Keeley's tits are beautifully lush and full.

  I couldn’t help but notice that her nipples hardened as she watched me look her over.

  My mouth waters at the thoughts of sucking her tits floods through my mind.

  My new lawyer just fell on me and gripped my thighs with her hands. I won't deny it, she got me hard. Just thinking about her on her knees with her hands on my thighs... boner. The whole consultation she just stared off in space and I hope she was thinking of me.


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