Deception (Ultimate Betrayal Book 1)

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Deception (Ultimate Betrayal Book 1) Page 6

by Eden Rose

  “What kind of trouble was it? I need to know right now. My wife doesn’t need to get involved in some gang war or something!”

  Keeley slams her hand down on the table and says tersely: “That is uncalled for and you know it! Leave my meeting right now!”

  Her husband shakes his stupid looking head and then shrugs. “Fuck this. I’m going out with the guys.”

  “Jerry, come on. Sit down!”

  “See you at home.”

  Holy fucking shit. What the hell just happened? Did he seriously accuse me of being in some gang war? Did he honestly think that I was going to let him talk to me like this? Or that I would have something as dangerous as a gang war touch Keeley?

  I would rather hurt myself than doing anything that would hurt Keeley.

  It was right then and there that I had lost all respect for him. With that being said, that is his problem because now I’m going after what I want.

  And what I want is his wife.

  Chapter 12


  I’m mortified.


  And worried as fuck that Wyatt is going to bail out on our contract and I’m going to be finished with the NBA. There goes my career. I’m so screwed. And it’s all because Jerry can’t keep his mouth shut and has to say hurtful things.

  Before I can say anything, a set of arms go around my shoulders and I sink into the warmth of them. “Shhh, baby. It’s okay. I know you don’t believe what he said.”

  No one is more surprised at how comforting Wyatt is than me. He is being so sweet and caring right now, that I can feel my obsession get deeper. More pronounced. How sad is that? I can feel my obsession to a man whom is not my husband grow? If anything, I’m not supposed to feel anything towards him. “He’s just busy with work and he’s stressed out… You know? I’m so sorry. Holy shit. I’m so sorry. Please don’t fire me.”

  “Fire you? Cupcake, I wouldn’t fire you over something like that idiot and his stereotypes of me. Trust me when I say, I have heard a lot worse be said about me and around me. There is not much that he could have said that would have gotten me pissed off enough to fire you. Plus, I want you.”

  My head whirls and I feel fizzy like I have drank a bunch of champagne. “What did you say?” Did he just say that he wants me? I’m pretty sure that is what he said. If that is the case… Holy shit! Maybe I need to get Olivia over here so I can have some restraint. I’m already wanting to strip down to nothing and lay on the table for him.

  His soft lips press against my hair and he whispers: “Oh yeah. I want you…” And just like that, he shook his head and got off of his knees. I watched his large body fall into his chair. “As my lawyer… you know…?”

  I have a feeling I’m making him as nervous as he’s making me.

  By the time our drinks and food had arrived, I have learned a lot about him. “Well, what else kind of crap did your sister do to you?” I ask and giggle as he winces.

  “Well, she convinced all of her friends that I was a princess in elementary school so I had a lot of little girls coming up to me asking for fairy dust.”

  I bust out laughing. “Come on, that’s not too bad!”

  “Not too bad? One girl threw glitter at me as I walked past her on the playground. I lost a lot of street cred that day!”

  “She sounds like she was just having fun with her brother.”

  He shakes his head wildly and takes a sip of his water. When he is in season, he doesn’t drink alcohol or soda. Only water and Gatorade. We discussed this when he turned down a glass of wine.

  “Do you have siblings?”

  A dark cloud came over me and I shook my head. “No, I don’t.” None that are living, I thought bitterly.

  “What a shame.”

  Knowing that our fun topics have ended, I geared the conversation to what we are here for. “What did you want this meeting for?” I’m annoyed at myself that even after all of these years I still allow the memory of my sister to affect me. It’s been years and I still think about it every day.

  “I just wanted to make sure that you were all right. After our lunch meeting, I had a feeling that you were upset about something.”

  Upset about something? Let’s see, I want to fuck the shit out of my client and I’m married.

  Well, at least I was married when I came into the restaurant this evening. Now I want to pack all of Jerry’s shit and throw him out. How could he be such a small-minded person? We live outside of Detroit. I wanted to yell at him and tell him to go look outside.

  “No, I’m not upset about anything. Well, I’m mortified about Jerry. I’m so sorry that he said such awful things to you. I don’t believe any of it.”

  He rubs his fingers down my hand as he eats with his other one. “I know you don’t. And you want to know why?”

  Greedily, I nod my head. “Yes. Please tell me.”

  “Because, deep down inside you, you know that I wouldn’t let anything happen to you, cupcake. Nothing bad will ever touch you.”

  My heart thumps harder and faster in my chest and I can’t help breathing so hard. I have no idea what the hell I’m going to do with his assumption. It is true though, I know he’s feeling for me what I’m feeling for him. Especially with the way he is looking at me.

  My pussy tingles with the possibility of being with Wyatt sexually. I bet he’s huge! His dick is probably so big that he will rip me in half. The thought of him- all powerful and tall- has me clenching my body at the thought of him. He’s deliciously handsome.

  Much more than that, I bet he would completely satisfy me in every way possible.

  I need to get out of here.

  But I don’t want to.

  “Uh,” I can already feel my cheeks heating up from what he said. I’m not going to admit it out loud, but I know he wouldn’t hurt me. I can see it written on his face.

  And I can see something else on his face as well. He’s actually being truthful. Everything he is saying to me is truthful and I’m eating it all up. Hell yeah, I’m eating it all up and I’m loving it. He’s becoming more of an obsession for me and it has me worrying. The thought of him being interested in me as much as I’m interested in him, has me giddy and feeling nervous all at the same time. I love it and hate it.

  “Are we ready for dessert?” Brett comes back to our table and takes the plates away. We had both picked off all three dinners and I know I’m full. Well, there’s a different type of dessert that I’m interested in.

  “Yes. Do you have cupcakes?” Wyatt asks and looks over at me. I’m only guessing that my cheeks are bright red from lust and the wine.

  Brett nods enthusiastically and then places the dessert menu in between us. Wyatt slides his chair closer to mine and I visibly shiver due to the nearness of him. “We will take two chocolate ones with vanilla frosting.”

  Our waiter quickly clears our table and runs back to the kitchen to get what we ordered. “I do love the way that chocolate and vanilla look together. You know, all meshed up.”

  Is it just me or he is fucking with me? If he’s trying to get me horny, he’s done a fantastic job. My thighs are sticking together because I didn’t put on underwear tonight and I’m beginning to forget my name.

  Before I could respond, Brett comes back with two beautifully decorated cupcakes.

  Chapter 13


  I watch Keeley lick her lips as she looks at the cupcakes and I know she’s thinking about what I said. It’s true though, I have always preferred my women milky and juicy. It’s just a preference. Nothing against my people or anything.

  And I like that Keeley is thick, milky and juicy.

  Her little pink tongue slips through her perfect lips and I love how she’s looking at the cupcakes as if she’s starving. Fuck me, she probably is. She’s probably not had some good loving in a long time. And I would love to be the one that gives her the good loving. As long as it’s me. Only me.

  I reach over and pick one up, and hol
d it out to her to take a bite. When I see her move in closer, my heart begins to thud in my chest. She’s actually letting me feed her. That’s amazing. I love the idea of feeding her. It shows me that she trusts me and she’s enjoying my company as much as I’m enjoying hers.

  That luscious mouth opens and she takes a little nibble and then closes her eyes. Her face gives me a preview of what she will look like when I lay her out and give her the best pleasure she has ever known. A moan slips through her mouth and it instantly floods through me right to my dick.

  The fucker is rock hard and I’m not going to do anything to hide it from her. Let her see what she has done to me and I would love for her to wrap her hand around me. Let her see how much she affects me with her beauty and sexuality.

  “Does it taste good, cupcake?” I whisper and then take a bite of the same cupcake. My lips close around my bite and the sweetness of it is making my teeth ache from it. I do love sweet things.

  Her flirty eyes open and then they widen when she sees me eat off the same dessert. “It’s delicious. You pick good cupcakes.”

  I chuckle as I swallow the chocolate cake. “I sure do, don’t I?” I’m letting the words sink in so she can fully understand what I’m talking about.

  “Why do you call me cupcake?”

  I move the cupcake back to her mouth in order for her to take another bite and as she does, she has the same reaction. “The minute I saw you, I knew you were like a cupcake. Small, delicious but full of flavor. And not just that. Put you are the full package all in one. Sweet and a little bit of sass. Plus, the thing about cupcakes- they are always beautiful on the outside. So beautiful that you want to savor it and look at it but you don’t want to ruin the beauty of it. But when you eat some, you know you made the right choice by trying it.”

  The moan falls out of her lips again and then I take a bite of the same dessert. “No one has ever called me anything but Keeley. It’s strange how much I like the endearment.”

  Her words strike me a little too hard. “Not even a pet name?”

  “Sure, my mother called me honey and all of that. Most people, however, call me Key or Keel. Not much else.”

  With the first cupcake finished, I drop the discarded wrapper and pick up the other one. “Is it my turn to feed you?” She asks and then blushes. I can tell that she’s worried that she’s crossed the line by what she said and I don’t even care. I want her to feed me. I want her to cater to me and then I can cater to her. “Holy shit. Forget I said that. I actually should probably go.”

  The look on her face when she realized what she had said was worse than the look of mortification from Jerry. “No, baby, don’t worry about it.”

  “No, it’s wrong and immoral for me to allow my client to feed me. Thank you for the meeting and I will see you in the office tomorrow so you can sign that contract.”

  Keeley jumps off of her chair and runs to the hostess stand before I can stop her.

  Brett comes by while my head is floating with all sorts of shit. I pushed her too far. God damn it.

  “I’m ready for the check,” I say to him and pick up the remaining cupcake. Screw it, I will eat it at home.

  He looks at the computer that he has on his arm to hold all of the information. I watch his fingers type quickly and then he smiles. “It seems as if your guest had paid for you. Please tell her thank you for such a nice tip. She’s a gorgeous woman. How long have you been married?”

  “We aren’t. Not yet.”

  I climb out of my seat and dig through my wallet. In order to save face, I count out the money in there and then drop a hundred dollar bill on the table. “Thank you!” Brett calls out but I’m almost at the door.

  Chapter 14


  How low can one person get? I have no idea how I could ever feel as low as I do right now. I knew the minute that he had fed me that cupcake that I was already in too deep. It was only a matter of time before I started believing everything that he was saying to me and then where would I be?

  Confused and used up.

  I dread going home. Jerry is probably going to be an asshole and want to fight about what happened. I actually consider driving to a hotel instead of going home, but that is cowardice and I need to set something straight with my husband.

  As much as I don’t want to.

  Truth is, I’m petrified over my attraction to Wyatt. He makes my skin tingle and zing with all sort of different feelings. Most of all, he makes me smile and laugh which is something that I don’t do very often.

  While I watched his face contort to anger over Jerry’s racial slur, I felt the urge to climb into his lap and soothe him. I knew it hurt him. Hell, it had hurt me as well. I didn’t like seeing his face while he was angry. Of course, he was still gorgeous.

  And when he said that thing about black and white meshed together? I had thought about what it would be like to be wrapped around him while he drills into me. I also thought about what it would feel like to be wrapped around him with his big hands holding me in place while I bounce on his dick.

  The drive home doesn’t take too long. Jerry had left the keys at the hostess stand but the original hostess was already gone. The host handed my keys over and I quickly left the restaurant after paying for our food and tipping the waiter seventy-five dollars.

  As I pulled into the driveway, I noticed that all of the lights were out. That means that Jerry hasn’t come home yet. As a routine, I put my car key in between my index and middle fingers to hold it in place and walk up to my front door.

  My phone dings in my clutch but I’m not interested in answering the texts.


  My hand jumps up with the key tucked into it as I spin around to the feminine voice. “What the fuck?”

  Shana and Olivia are standing on my porch with a bottle of wine and a bag of snacks. They wince when they see my weapon. “Really? A key?” Shauna asks and then giggles.

  Olivia chuckles and opens the door with the keys she took out of my hand. “We are having an impromptu girls’ night. I think you need to spill on your hot basketball player!”

  “Shut your whore mouth!” I say with zero malice towards both of them.

  “Screw the glasses. Let’s sit on the couch and pass it back and forth,” Olivia says and falls onto my couch with her dramatic act.

  I follow suit and rip the casing off of the bottle. I take a swig and then pass it along. I know I shouldn’t be drinking with the medicine that I’m taking, but I don’t really care right now.

  Quickly, I reveal everything about what Wyatt has said and done. Shana can’t believe my luck and I agree with her. Olivia is nodding her head and taking notes. I can tell that she’s calculating what was said and done.

  “Holy fucking shit! Tell me you took him up on his offer!” Shauna says and fans herself.

  “Of course, I didn’t. I was on my way of doing so… but…”

  “No but! You don’t do that.”

  I shake my head and then say something because I know that Shana or Olivia aren’t going to let me live this down. “I don’t know what the hell I’m doing. I shouldn’t be allowed near him unsupervised.”

  Olivia nod her head and then look around the house. “Speaking of unsupervised. Where is your ball and chain?”

  My other friend nods her head as well. “Yeah, where’s Butthead?” That has been her nickname for Jerry since before we got married.

  “We got into a fight at the restaurant. You should have heard how racist he was to Wyatt.”

  They both nod and shrug. “I’m sorry to say this, KiKi, but your husband is a fucking dick,” Olivia says and then places her hand over her mouth. “Yep, not sorry at all. Jerry is an asshole.”

  “Quit!” I murmur and then try to think of an excuse. The truth is, Jerry is an asshole and he’s rude as hell. Especially with his racist slurs. “I don’t know… He hasn’t always been like this.”

  It’s Shana’s turn to pipe in and she screams out: “B
ull shit! He’s an asshole to you and you don’t even see it. The stuff that he says is rude and I don’t know how you put up with him.”

  I slam my hand on the coffee table and startle both girls. “Stop! I’m married to the man. I’m not going to break up with him because he’s a little odd.”

  “A little odd?” Olivia asks and raises her eyebrows. “He doesn’t deserve you at all. If he hints at you being fat one more-”

  Shana’s head jerks up and I can see the anger behind her eyes. “He calls you fat?”

  I’m mortified all over again. “No, he doesn’t.” But he does hint at it quite a bit.

  “He does! That bastard told KiKi to eat a salad while we went out to lunch with Wyatt.”

  My face is red and I can’t help but start to cry. Everything they are saying is true and the emotions of him not being sexually attracted to me are killing me.

  “Sweetie, don’t cry. I’m so sorry. Do you want to talk about it?” Olivia asks and rubs her hand up my leg.

  Tears are falling down my cheeks and I don’t stop them. “We haven’t had sex in over a month and I think he doesn’t like me like that. Sometimes I worry that he’s keeping things from me and I don’t know what to do about it.”

  “Like what? What is he keeping from you?” Shana asks and crawls over so she’s leaning on my left side.

  I’m perfectly sandwiched between my best friends and I love it. “I was going to start doing the taxes information and then he gave me a whole bunch of stuff that he wanted me to sign. It’s weird because I always do our taxes. I didn’t sign any of it and I didn’t even read it. I was so mad that we haven’t had sex, that I pushed it through the shredder without reading.”

  Olivia and Shana both know how much I love numbers so I’m sure they know how upset I was to find out that he didn’t want me to them. “Want me to look into some shit?” Shauna asks and rubs me a little more.

  I shake my head.


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