Deception (Ultimate Betrayal Book 1)

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Deception (Ultimate Betrayal Book 1) Page 9

by Eden Rose

  “You wouldn’t understand… If I just leave him, he will get everything.”

  “But you have documented proof of his infidelity!” Another outburst by me and it’s met with her flinching.

  “I know exactly what I saw. I am a lawyer, for fuck’s sake! You don’t think I don’t know how to play this?”

  Chapter 22


  Does he not realize how hard today has been on me? I just found out that my husband is sleeping with other women and that he has child! A child that I held in my arms yesterday. This is not something that is easy for me and I’m not enjoying it.

  I feel as if a knife has been stabbed through my heart and I hate it. Not only did my husband cheat on me, but now… Now, I’m just the same. I cheated on him with Wyatt and I enjoyed being with this other man. He’s kind and thoughtful. A perfect gentleman.

  I have seen too many people get divorced and then their whole life and everything they have done is shot to shit. People are nasty in divorces and I’m not going to get everything taken from me. Especially, when the money from my grandfather’s trust fund is hanging in the wind. We are talking hundreds of thousands of dollars here. “I mean… God! I can’t just pack up all of my stuff. I need to make sure he’s not going to spin this and ruin my credibility.”

  Wyatt pats my shoulder and then kisses my neck. His lips are feather light and tender. It’s amazing to feel such a powerfully strong man be so soft. It’s delicious. “I know, cupcake. I just… I can’t bare for you to be sexual with him. Can you promise me you won’t be sexual with him? I couldn’t fucking deal with it.”

  “We both know that I can’t promise that.”

  I didn’t realize what I said until he threw his head back from my neck and I realized that I hurt him. That’s the last thing that I wanted to do and I did it anyway. Fuck.

  “It’s just… It will fucking kill me to see you with him. I don’t know.”

  “We both knew this was going to be complicated before we got together, didn’t we? If you want something simpler, I’m not that person for you.” I’m trying to give him an out so he will understand that I know how difficult us being together is going to be. Nothing is going to be easy.

  Please understand that I know I’m crazy. I come from crazy and I’m crazy myself.

  “I don’t want anyone else than you.”

  I nod my head and then grip his coarse hair on top of his head. It feels rough compared to mine but I’m loving the difference of texture. “I don’t want anyone but you,” I murmur. Because it’s true. I don’t want to go home to Jerry, but I do know that things are going to be hard.

  We kiss for a few moments, just little ones that make my whole body tingle. Before I start panting and demand him to take me home, I break up our kiss and place my hands on his hard chest. “I need to get home and so do you.”

  I slip off the table top with wobbly legs and walk over to my car. “I will take you to your car at your practice hall. I don’t want you to worry about anything. The charges have been dropped so we won’t have to worry about this hurting your contract.”

  “Fuck the contract. I just want you,” he says with finality that makes my heart stutter.

  “We just talked about this, Wyatt. If it’s too much… I get it. I do.”

  He jogs over to me and then pushes me against the side of my car. My already wobbly legs get even worse as they climb up his body. Our most sacred and secret places are lined up and he kisses the hell out of me. His lips are hard and soft all at the same time. I’m relishing in the feeling of them as he cups my breasts in his hands. “There is not one thing about you that is not worth it. You are worth everything,” he murmurs against my lips.

  I’m not feeling as if I’m worth anything right now.

  Knowing what I face when I go home, I open my car door and slink inside to sit down. I know that it’s going to be a bloodbath by the time I get there and I’m not wanting to go home.

  We ride in silence and enjoy each other’s company as we ride. He’s holding my hand in his and it feels amazing. It's the combination of feeling safe and comforted all in one. It’s the best feeling in the world. I have never felt this secure in anything that I have done.

  “What are you going to do when you get home?” I ask him lightly as I pull up behind his parked car.

  He squeezes my fingers and then brings my hand up to his mouth. “Think about you.”

  It’s a total line but I will admit the fact that I’m eating it up like an ice cream cone. He makes me melt. It’s insane. “You’re such a charmer.”

  “Baby, I’m a lot of things, but I don’t think I’m a charmer.”

  Feigning that I’m disappointed by what he says, I place my hand over my heart and then blink. “I can call you anything I want. Plus, I think you are a charmer.”

  He kisses each of the fingers on the hand that he is holding one-by-one. When he gets to the pinky, he bites the pad of it a little. “Only for you, cupcake.”

  We sit in silence and I know I’m trying to avoid the inevitable of him getting out of my car and going back home. Of me going home to my husband. My lying ass husband.

  “Kiss me so I can get out of here. The quicker I leave, the quicker I can see you again.”

  He doesn’t have to ask me twice. I unbuckle my seatbelt and slide over to the passenger side. My car isn’t big enough for me to fully mount him, but I try anyway. I lower my mouth to his and place my newly freed hand on his chest. “I’m going to miss you,” I whisper against his lips.

  Words can’t express the heavy feeling I have in my chest right now at the thought of him leaving me. Or of me going home to Jerry. I don’t want to.

  “It won’t be long. I will see you tomorrow,” his velvety voice massages my ears.

  He opens the door and then I climb out first. When he slides his long body through it, he pins me against my car and then kisses me gently. “I’m going to be thinking about you tonight. Be good.”

  I shrug and then kiss him harder. “Go so I can see you tomorrow.”

  He chuckles and kisses me once more before leaving me. I’m cold instantly but I know I will see him soon.

  Chapter 23


  I’m as amazed as you are in the fact that in short amount of time, Keeley has become to mean so much to me. So much that I’m not wanting her to leave me. My car is cold when I slip into it, and I’m instantly missing the warmth from being with Keeley. Her car was warm compared to mine.

  I’m already counting down the hours until I see her again.

  Fuck. I’ve got it bad.

  About twenty minutes later, I’m pulling up to my house and there is not one single sign of life inside. I’m worried that Ruth is going to do something stupid and I’m going to have to clean up this mess as well. It’s bad enough that she got me arrested for taking care of her son while she did God knows what.

  I slide out of the car and then lock it for good measure. You can never be too careful.

  The garage door is unlocked and I slip into my house that is quiet. Way too quiet. “Ruth? Luke?” I call through the door. There is no answer and I don’t hear one until I walk through the kitchen.

  “Wyatt? Wyatt? I did something bad…” Ruth says through the bathroom door.

  Panicking, I run through the kitchen until I’m at the bathroom door. It’s slightly ajar and I can see her dark head tilted over something. Knowing that I should probably knock, I don’t and barge in anyway.

  The first thing I see is blood. There is blood dripping from her left arm and it has me scared. “What the fuck happened?” I roar at her and fall to my knees. I take the white towel that is dangling from the counter and press it on the wound. “Were you in a fight?”

  “No…” She cries out and then bows her head in shame. “Well, not the type of fight that you would think.”

  I shake my head and then place my hands on her shoulders to make her look up at me. She has a tell when she lies and that is tha
t she can’t look me in the eyes when she is lying. I meet her eyes and then say: “What the fuck happened?”

  “I just… I just can’t take it anymore. I have done too much stuff and I can’t deal with it. Look at what I did to you?”

  It was then that I realized that my sister just tried to slit her wrists because she couldn’t handle being an adult anymore. “You have got to be kidding me? You think this is the way to handle everything you have done? You got me arrested because you took off!”

  Ruth cries harder and it just makes me angrier. I can’t deal with that shit. I can’t deal with her trying to take the easy way out of this because she decided that she wanted to play games. Much more than, what would have happened if Luke had walked in on her doing this to herself? That would have been horrible.

  “You don’t even know the half of it!” She yells and her tears on her face dry up very quickly.

  That’s the funny thing about Ruth, she’s able to throw her moods around very easily. I think she’s Bipolar, personally. She has such erratic behaviors that I never know who I’m going to get.

  “No! You don’t understand. You could’ve cost me everything! And for what? Why did you report Luke missing? What the fuck was going through your mind? I have done everything for you and my nephew. I let you live in my home for free and this is the thanks I get? No, fuck you. You don’t even know the half of it!” I roar in her face and get off the floor.

  I’m going to fucking strangle her. I can’t be around her right now. If I am, there is no telling what I’m going to do. I can’t be trusted to not strangle her.

  “Wyatt! Please, just listen to me!” She’s yelling after me, and I turn to watch her stumble.

  I don’t even have a clue as to how much blood she has lost, and a part of me doesn’t care. This weak human being is not my sister. She’s not the woman that I grew up with in the hood talking about how we are going to make it rich and leave the ghetto behind. She’s not the same as she was before and I have a feeling it has to do with Jerry.

  “How long have you been seeing Jerry?” I whirl on her and back her up until her back hits the wall with a thud. I don’t trust myself to put my hands on her because I don’t know if I would stop.

  She knows what this kind of shit does to me. Hell, she was there when I found our mother in the bathtub with her wrists slit. I can’t fucking deal with this.

  I need Keeley.

  “What are you talking about?” Ruth asks me and looks as if she’s about to cry again.

  I shake my head and then get closer to her. “How long have you been seeing Jerry? I’m not going to ask you again. When were you going to tell me that that man in L.A. wasn’t the father? I can’t fucking believe you. You are so selfish.”

  Her tears are running down her chin and I shake my head to let her know that it’s not going to work with me. Her tears are not going to make me go lax on her. She’s a mother. She’s a fucking mother to my nephew and she’s trying to kill herself.

  “I know! I know! I know that I’m a bad person and you hate me!” She’s yelling at me with the tears falling down her chin but I don’t care.

  I honestly am not feeling anything right now. I know I should be feeling hurt that she’s even thinking about doing this but she’s selfish. Horrible memories are crawling back into my head from our own mother and I’m not liking it.

  “Ruth, grow up! You fucked up constantly, but I still loved you. You took it too far, and I still love you. Now you need to get your shit together so you can be a mother to Luke.” I’m being hard on her, but I honestly don’t fucking care. Her tears are driving me to be harder on her and I am enjoying the fact that she’s showing some type of emotion.

  Even if it’s fake.

  “I’m out of here.”

  For the past three years, it has been me driving her through everything. For three years, she has just taken from me and I can’t deal with it anymore. This is the last straw.

  I climb the stairs to my room and pull out my phone. My thumb hovers over Keeley’s phone number and I want to call her but I don’t know if I should.

  Chapter 24


  Surprisingly, I’m good at pretending that nothing is wrong. I haven’t made it known that my whole world was turned upside down only a few hours ago. I also haven’t made it known that Wyatt rocked my world.

  Mmm, Wyatt.

  Just thinking about him makes me go all tingly.

  Before I do anything rash, I take myself to my office and unlock the door. Once inside, I walk over to my home desk and plop down in the seat. My breathing is still erratic from the exercise of walking here and my orgasm, but I try to calm it as much as possible.

  I unlock the top drawer and pull it out to get my Xanax. I need to calm down. I’m strung too tight and I’m worried that I’m going to do something that I’m going to regret. Like stab my husband.

  As I wait for my pill to run through my system, I pull out my phone and open the Google app. I quickly type in his name and am met with his beautiful smile.

  Wyatt has a baby face. His jaw isn’t as firm as most people like and his dimples make me melt, but I think he’s handsome. He’s got these perfectly white teeth that are straight which makes his smile drool worthy.

  It’s not just me who thinks this. There are hundreds of girls that have pictures of him doing various things. I’m not going to lie that when I came across one of him and another woman, I felt the jealousy take place.

  I’m jealous because I’m wanting to be there with him instead I’m over here with my husband who is aloof. Jerry hasn’t said one word to me but I’m waiting for the fireworks.

  As I’m scrolling through Google, my phone rings. I answer it quickly expecting it to be Wyatt. No, hoping that it is him. “Hello?”

  “Cupcake, can you meet right now?”

  I start to shake my head knowing and understanding that is not an option. But then he says: “Please, I need you.”

  “All right. When?”

  I’m already trying to think of a way to get out of the house before Jerry starts asking questions. I’m a lawyer but that doesn’t mean that I lie very well.

  He takes a deep breath and then he said: “I will meet you at the end of your subdivision. Just act like you are going for a walk.”

  I nod my head and then remember that he can’t see that. “Yeah. All right. Did you want to meet right now?”

  “I’m already here.”

  Are you kidding me? I hop out of my seat and hang up on him. I know it’s rude but I’ve got to go to the bathroom and fix my hair. Plus, I should probably change…

  WYATT: dont worry about what you are wearing or your hair. i just need you

  If that wouldn’t make a woman melt…

  ME: all right. let me go to the bathroom and i will see you in a min

  WYATT: hurry. i really need you

  What happened that is making him need me so much? I have no idea but it’s making me nervous. I’m walking out of the front door when Jerry’s pulling out of the driveway. I’ve been home about thirty minutes, but I haven’t talked to him at all.

  The three-minute walk is over and done with before I can even blink. I’m not worried about Jerry showing up because according to my phone, he’s going to the hotel that he goes to for his meetings.

  Well, I now know what type of meetings those are. They are the places that he’s going to with his hookers. I’m so pissed at myself that I didn’t even realize that he has been screwing around on me this whole time. How many other women has he been with? Two a year? Two a month? I don’t know and I’m now beginning to realize why he hasn’t wanted to have sex with me for all of this time.

  Because he’s been getting it someplace else.

  I see his car and I walk over to it. It’s a nice white Stingray that looks vintage, but is as sexy as its owner. I slide into the car and then put on my seatbelt.

  “What happened?” I ask as I look over at him.

gnawing on his bottom lip like he’s trying to not freak out. I’m more worried that there’s a scowl that is tainting his beautiful face. I reach out to touch his face and he flinches away from me which makes me feel bad.

  “I need to get out of town for a few hours. I have to get away from my house. Do you want to get a hotel room?”

  My insides are warring with each other. I know that he’s upset about something, but I was writhing earlier hoping to make love to him then. Now he wants to? I’m so confused. “Uh, I guess.”

  We drive in silence for about a half hour until we reach West Bloomfield Hills. They have one or two hotels that we could check into that are out of the way from Rochester. Whatever is haunting him has driven him out of Rochester…

  “Wait here.”

  Wyatt doesn’t give me an option to say anything so I wait in the car for him to come back. He’s dangling a card key in his hand when he reaches me again. My door swings open and he reaches inside to help me out of my seat. I slide my hand into his and then he walks us to the front entrance.

  The inside of the hotel is as grand as I thought it would be. There’s reds and pale reds decorating the walls all around with the shiny granite flooring. Needless to say, this hotel is probably not cheap.

  I’m quiet as he presses his hand to my back to lead me to the room, but the nerves are going crazy. I can’t help but wonder what has changed so much within the hour that he was away from me.

  We step into the glass elevator and he presses the button for the fourth floor. Once the doors shut, he pulls me into him and hugs me tightly. Wyatt is breathing my hair in and my smell in as if he needs it to comfort him.

  “Sweetie, what happened?”

  He shakes his head and kisses my collarbone. “I just need a few minutes to calm down.”

  I try to step away from him, but he holds me closer to him. “I need to breathe in your smell to make sure that you are truly here. I can’t explain it. Fuck, I can’t explain how much I just needed to hold you close to me.”


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