Mike (Henderson Security Book 1)

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Mike (Henderson Security Book 1) Page 10

by MLJ Quigg

  We couldn’t get the hospital recruits here until this morning, so Tiny was sorting them out in the accommodation upstairs, and I had my first lesson with them that afternoon. Mainly, it was just an introduction and getting to know them and getting a vibe of the kind of people they were.

  We had a catering crew for lunch come in and set up tables in the main room downstairs. The police recruits left about an hour before, and I had a quick chat with the CO about the progress made. He agreed with me that Cross would be an excellent officer if the chip on his shoulder was gone. Even he couldn’t wait for Tiny to take him down a peg.

  We had just finished lunch, and I liked all the recruits so far. They seemed to be a nice bunch of people. There were fifty so far, and in them about twenty females. For the field of work, it wasn’t a bad turnout. In the morning, they would do written work. Mainly, just what would you do in this situation or scenario, kind of questions. Then the afternoon training in the gym. The fitter you were in this kind of work, the better you’d perform.

  Friday morning, and the fight was about to occur. Cross and Tiny were standing across from each other, and he was taunting her badly. He wasn’t being rude or anything, just being a pain in the arse. The guy was going to find out what he was in for pretty soon. Tiny was standing there looking at him like he was a fucking idiot. I was shaking my head and laughing. The CO came and stood next to me, and I could see a small smile on his face and even he was shaking his head. Cross bounced on the balls of his feet and pranced around like he was a boxer jabbing the air with his fist. The guy thought he was Muhammad Ali. Get real, dickhead.

  Well, that didn’t last long. Cross came at Tiny, and she just stood there. As he got closer and swung at her, she grabbed his arm and used his momentum to flip him on the ground and punched him on the forehead. He was out like a light. She looked up and just shook her head. And I doubled over cracking up so hard with laughter. The CO walked up to him and pored a bottle of water on his head, and Cross came too, spurting water from his mouth.

  She played with him in the second round. Let him get a few hits in, and then she’d had enough. I watched as she got serious, and he had no idea what he was in for. She threw precise hits and kicks, and as he went down, she put him in a headlock, and he tapped out like a bitch. By this stage, the hospital recruits had joined watching, and they were all shaking their heads as well. Tiny let him go and gave him a hand up and patted him on the back.

  I walked up next to her and addressed the crowd. “Never underestimate your opponent. They may be smaller, but you have no idea what kind of training they’ve had. Tiny here is trained in Mixed Martial Arts and weapons and has been since she was four. Just recently, she’s gone through the training for the SAS. Do not underestimate her. She may be tiny, but she’s a trained killer and will use her skills to the best of her advantage. Don’t try to be a hero. You see an opponent, you try to subdue them immediately. Use your Taser or pepper spray. Get them on the ground and cuff them. If not, try to bring them down without too much violence and never ever go it alone. Use your partner, they’re there for a reason. You don’t have to like each other, but you have their back always. If you don’t work together, that’s when trouble starts, and you will get hurt,” I instructed them.

  They all nodded their heads, and Cross was paying attention closely. I think he’s learnt his lesson. About fucking time too.

  The CO came over and shook my hand then Tiny’s and rounded up the officers. After Cross had changed into his uniform, he came over and shook Tiny’s hand and smiled at her. She smiled back, and then he walked out the door. She stepped over to me, and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

  “Why did you go easy on him, Tiny,” I asked.

  “He isn’t a bad guy. He was testing me. I know he came across cocky, but he’s actually not. He’s merely unsure of himself. He will grow into himself. He came and apologised to me straight away after the shooting round.”

  “Huh. Well, there you go. Didn’t have to come across as such a dick, though. I was ready to flatten him with the way he was speaking to you.”

  “Yeah, I know. At the start, I thought the same thing, but after we talked, he isn’t too bad. I actually told him if he wanted advice on anything, to give me a call.” She chuckled.

  “Fair enough. As long as he doesn’t go back to the dickhead he was, I don’t mind. Really wanted to smash him, though.”

  She shook her head and laughed. Fucking spoilsport. Oh, well. Just might provoke him anyway. Could use getting out some aggression time.

  I rounded up the recruits and had them pair off for scenarios. They were to disarm an opponent until they could do it practically blindfolded. We had one week left to whip these guys into shape. They were all pretty proficient, but I would watch them closely next week.

  At least, we would get a different set of police officers next week. So that would be a change. It had been a long day, and we had about an hour to go before I could go home and be with Dave.

  After the day had finished, I walked into the house with Richard and Tiny to the kids running amuck. Dave was on the floor wrestling with the boys, and Madilyn was nowhere to been seen.

  “Hi, honey, I’m home,” Richard yelled out.

  “In the kitchen, babe,” Mary yelled back.

  Richard made a beeline to the kitchen, and Tiny and I made our way over to our boys. I grabbed Connor and tickled him while Tiny tickled Jackson.

  “How are my boys doing today?” she questioned.

  “Good, Mum,” the boys and Dave answered at the same time and then laughed.

  I put Connor down, and Tiny grabbed him and cuddled both boys tightly. They all sighed in contentment. I put my hand down to help Dave up and pulled him into my arms. His arms came around my neck, and I leaned down and kissed him on the lips. He sighed, and I stroked his mouth with my tongue, and he opened for me.

  “Oh God… I’ve just left the love fest in the kitchen and have to watch it here, too. Take it to the bedroom, please? Impressionable young minds here, people. We don’t need to see it,” Madilyn groaned

  We pulled apart with a laugh. Fuck, that girl was such a smart arse. I knew when she was serious, and when she wasn’t, she had a way about her. She could tear strips off a person and do it either nastily or nicely. The thing was, though, you never really knew until you got to know her properly.

  “Shut it, kid. If I wanna kiss my man, I fucking will.” I chuckled with a cheeky smile.

  “Yeah, yeah. Whatever, dude,” she mumbled walking up to Tiny and hugging her. The boys have made room in between them so Tiny was embracing all three kids.

  “Hey, baby, how was your day today?” I asked Dave.

  “Weird actually. I had some hang-up calls on the business phone line. Like someone was there, and I could hear a noise in the background, and then they’d hang up,” he explained.

  Tiny heard what he said and turned to us. She’d gone straight where my mind had gone. Military. You could see the wheels turning in her head. She was worried, but until we had more information, we had to wait and see how things panned out.

  “We can put a trace on the phone lines. See if they call again?” she queried.

  “Might be the way to go. I’ll organise it if it’s okay with you?” I suggested to him.

  “Sure is. Would like to find out who it is. They might not call again, though,” he agreed.

  “We’ll get the tracing done and then see what happens,” Tiny stated.

  Dave nodded and smiled at both of us. I leaned down and kissed him again. The kids once again groaned, and we laughed at them when we pulled apart.

  My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I pulled it out and looked at the screen. I smiled broadly as I answered and put it on speaker, “Hey, Tweety, what’s up, man? I have you on speaker with Tiny and Dave.”

  “Hey, guys, how’s it hanging?”

  “Hard and long.” I laughed.

  Tiny and Dave cracked up, and I got slapped from both of the
m, and we heard Tweety laughing as well. After we all calmed down, we took a breath.

  “Fuckin’ idiot. God, I miss you guys. Listen, I don’t have long. I tried to call you, Tiny, but it rang out, so I thought I’d try Mike while I had the phone. Tiny, is the offer to work for you still on?”

  “Absolutely. All of you have a job. None of you have to ask, just rock up, and we’ll fit you in, and get all the licensing done before you start. Shouldn’t take more than a couple of days,” she declared.

  “Good, good. I finish in about two weeks. I was going to ask if I could crash there until I find a place of my own. I want to have a plan for when I get out.”

  “Not a problem, Tweety, you’re always welcome here,” she insisted.

  “Good, good. Well, I gotta go. I’m getting daggers pointing at me. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  “Talk soon,” I agreed.

  We both hung up, and Tiny and I smiled at each other. Fuck, I missed the guys. I honestly couldn’t wait to see them. Tweety and I had a very close friendship. We got on like a house on fire. I could say with certainty that he was the closest out of all the guys, even Tiny, which was saying a lot as I was very close to her.

  “It’s really happening, isn’t it? They’ll all be here with us soon,” she drawled.

  “Sure will, Tiny. I can’t wait to see them all. I’ve kinda missed the lot of them.”

  “Dinner’s ready, everyone,” Mary yelled out.

  “No worries. Coming, Mum,” Tiny spoke back.

  We made our way to the dining room table and took our seats to eat. Before we even started to eat, Tiny was telling Richard about the phone call from Tweety. “Dad, Tweety rang and is getting out in about two weeks. He wants to come work for us. I told him no problem, and he wanted to know if he could crash here until he finds a place of his own.”

  “No problem, sweetness. They’re all welcome. Don’t have to ask,” he declared.

  “That’s what I said. We’ll be inundated with them all pretty soon. I think they are all finishing within a few months of each other. I can’t wait to see them. I’ve missed them all,” she explained smiling.

  “I’ll call General Anderson to find out and get the paperwork sorted. They can practically start straight away when they sign the forms, and it’ll take a couple of days to be approved. We can get them rushed through, so they can start,” he promised.

  “Sounds good,” she agreed.

  “How did it go with Officer Cross today?” Mary asked.

  Richard and I started laughing. Oh man, that guy. He could always make me smile. He was arrogant, yes, but I thought it was all a front as well. He was really a great guy under all the arrogance.

  “She flattened him,” Richard ground out in between his laughter.

  “Personally, I think she went easy on him,” I countered.

  Tiny then proceeded to tell Mary about everything that happened. Richard and I couldn’t hold back our chuckling, and after she stopped talking, she gave us a peeved look while she waited for us to control ourselves, and then she continued, “He’s not a bad guy, just needs to learn that women are equal and can take care of themselves. He told me his home life was very traditional. Mum stayed home, Dad worked. Mum was under Dad’s thumb. I guess getting out in the world and working in a career where women are becoming greater in numbers was hard for him. He soon changed his mind, though. He actually thanked me for putting him in his place.”

  “Huh, well, I’ll be. That’s awesome. Good on him, then,” Richard exclaimed.

  “That’s good. Us women can do anything a man can do if we put our minds to it. Just because I stay at home and look after the kids and house, doesn’t mean I can’t get a job when they are older,” Mary related.

  “So true, my love, though I do love having you at my beck and call,” Richard retorted hugging her to him.

  “Oh God, here we go again,” Madilyn groaned.

  “I know. This love fest is depressing. I don’t want to see my grandparents going at it constantly,” Jackson grumbled.

  “Yep, I agree. Can we keep it PG this time, please? Impressionable young children here. Yuck,” Connor mumbled.

  We all laughed at the kid’s antics and basically shook our heads. They were such sarcastic little shits, but we wouldn’t have them any other way.

  “Get over it. When you’re my age and have kids of your own, you can torment them, too.” Richard chuckled teasing the kids by kissing Mary again.

  After dinner, we all helped to wash the dishes and watched a little television.


  We had our last week with the group of recruits, and they all had all passed with flying colours and had been sent to their postings. I couldn’t be prouder of them. The new set of police officers had also finished this week. They were all competent, and I was happy with their handling of a weapon. The SWAT team started Monday morning in training scenarios. Kind of like what we did for the SAS training. That’s what we were basing it off of anyway.

  Guy came in about half an hour later with a thick folder. He handed it to me gives me a salute and walked out.

  What the fuck.

  I opened it, and it was an in-depth background check, but it had included more details on the new recruits. He had flagged one of them, though. There was a note to say he’d had citations for aggressive behaviour and to watch him closely.

  The new recruits would generally be for security, and I was able to pick ones who were suitable for personal protection. I had about a hundred files to go through by Monday morning. There were thirty from the SWAT teams and the rest for us. Shouldn’t be too hard.

  When I was in the Army, I was the leader of over a hundred and fifty soldiers at one stage when I was posted overseas. Now that was hard keeping them in line. Some of those guys were just plain fucking nuts.

  Tiny was getting her scars covered in tattoos tomorrow, and I would take the paperwork with me so I had something to do while she and Dave were busy. I grabbed the files and made my way out of the building, hopped in my car, and drove home.

  I walked in the door, and Dave was once again wrestling with the kids on the floor. I joined them and pulled the boys off him and tickled them. Dave had Madilyn, and he was tickling her. I kissed the top of the boys’ heads and set them on the floor. They came straight back at me and tried to tackle me. Yeah. Nah. Don’t think so boys. I grabbed them around their stomachs and held them like rugby balls as I dangled them in the air. They started laughing and trying to squirm out of my hold.

  Tiny came in and doubled over laughing at our antics. She straightened up and started to reprimand us, “Okay, enough! Kids, have you done your homework yet?”

  Like magic, they all settled and straightened.

  I put the boys down, and Madilyn rose to her feet.

  “Yes, we have, Mum. Though it would help if it were a bit harder. I swear I could have done the same work as this three years ago. It’s boring and so easy.” Connor sighed.

  “I’ll have a talk to the school on Monday, and we’ll see what we can do. Are you all feeling this way?”

  “Yes, Mum. It’s just so easy. You finish the work, and then there’s nothing to do,” Jackson commented.

  “I agree, Mum. What they said,” Madilyn commented.

  “Alright, we’ll get it sorted. You kids behave yourselves and study hard and don’t give them a hard time at school,” Tiny declared hugging them.

  “Promise, Mum,” they all replied.

  “Dinner’s ready,” Mary yelled out from the kitchen.

  “Coming, Mum,” Tiny yelled back.

  “Alright kids, go and wash up for dinner, and we’ll relax and watch a movie afterwards,” Tiny asserted while walking into the kitchen, then she started helping Mary.

  Dave and I helped out.

  After dinner, I grabbed Dave’s hand and dragged him up to our room. When the door closed behind us, I grabbed and lifted him off his feet. He wrapped his legs around my waist, and his arms went around my nec
k. “I’m always so fucking hard and turned on. I’m constantly thinking about you. What the fuck have you done to me?”

  “I feel the same, Mike,” he agreed bringing his head down to mine and kissing me.

  We kissed for a long time gradually getting heavier and heavier in our intentions toward each other. He slid his hands down my back and grabbed my T-shirt and pulled it up over my head. I did the same thing to his. When he was naked from the chest up, I brought my lips down to his chest and bit onto his piercing and pulled it a bit. Not to hurt him but enough for him to take notice. I licked around his nipple and sucked it into my mouth laving my tongue all over it to take the sting my teeth left behind.

  He was panting and pushing against my hips with his, and I knew I had to have him. Like fucking now. I was so ready and wanted to sink into him so badly. Fuck it. I walked over to the bed and threw him on it. He landed unceremoniously with an audible gasp and then laughed. I joined him and climbed over his body. He spread his legs so I could nestle between them.

  “Sorry, baby. Didn’t mean to just dump you like that.” I kissed him.

  “No issue. Just shocked me, is all. I’m good.”

  “Good, huh? Might have to make it better than good. Think you’re up for the challenge?”

  “Hell yeah, I am. Are you?”

  I pushed my pelvis into his, and his eyes widen at my rock-hard cock laying on him.

  “What do you think? I’m definitely up for the challenge,” I sassed back but didn’t give him a chance to answer. I kissed him hard and rolled over so he was straddling me. He leaned down and kissed me hard which took my breath away. Or I took his. Fuck knows. Fuck cares. I had no idea where he began and I ended. Before I even knew what was going on and I had come back to earth—he was naked and pushing my jeans down my legs. He took off my boots and socks then my jeans, and I was as naked as him. He slid up my body, took my cock in his hand, and he started running his hand up and down stroking me softly. He licked the pre-cum off the end of my cock and brought the head into his waiting mouth.


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