Mike (Henderson Security Book 1)

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Mike (Henderson Security Book 1) Page 12

by MLJ Quigg

  “Sounds good to me,” I agreed.

  “What do you say about Saturday at midday? Will that work for the both of you?”

  “That’s fine by me. What about you, Mike?” Dave asks.

  “No problems. We will see you on Saturday then. I have to get back to work. Sorry to cut it short,” I apologised.

  “Great, see you then.” She got up and shook both our hands and walked us to the door. We left with a wave and got into the car for our ride back to Henderson Security.

  After a short car ride, we both walked inside hand in hand and again everyone took notice.

  Tiny came over and gave us both a hug and chatted with us for a while. I gave Dave a kiss when he had to leave and made my way over to the SWAT team.

  “You guys ready to get back into it,” I asked.

  They all nodded their heads, and we walked to the training mats where the CO put them through their paces. I watched and assessed their skills and would talk to the CO after they finished.

  At the end of the day, we all shook hands, and I walked out with them and told them I’d see them tomorrow.


  Bright and early the next day we rocked up at work to begin on the next part of the recruiting. Once again, we had a team meeting to let each other know how yesterday went. I had no problems with the SWAT team, but Tiny had problems with Frost and a few of the others. She thought he was the ringleader, and if he were taken out, the others would settle. I was going to test that today to see if she was right.

  As we stood in front of the group again, it was apparent that a couple had a late night and were dragging their tails. Not an obvious surprise was that Frost was part of them.

  “Listen up. We’re going to go through the itinerary from now on. SWAT teams are continuing with what happened yesterday. Tiny’s your leader. Whatever she says goes. Got it?” I demand looking toward them.

  They nodded their heads and smiled. They were a great bunch of guys and girls. I talked to all of them at some point yesterday and could say I was pleased with all of them.

  “Recruits are with me. We’re going to start with hand-to-hand training and then get onto the obstacle course this afternoon. You have been provided with a change of clothes in the locker room. I expect you to be back in ten minutes. Get to it,” I requested.

  They stepped over to the change rooms and most of them made it back in six minutes. Frost and his cronies waltzed in arrogantly at ten on the dot.

  “Cutting it a bit close, don’t you think?” I quizzed them.

  “Sorry boss… had to take a piss,” Frost divulged with a snigger.

  I let the comment roll off my back. If that guy thinks he can get the better of me, he had another thought coming. He was a smug, arrogant arse. He’d get what was coming to him, I had no doubt about it.

  “Okay, before we start… have any of you had any previous training in hand to hand and self-defence?” I asked.

  I knew they had from their application forms which they all had to fill in to get a position in the company, but I wanted to see who’d be honest with me and who would be the braggers in the group. This would show me who thought they were better than the others.

  The whole group raised their hands which was a good sign. Some seemed smug about it—no surprise. Frost was one of them. I would take them through their paces and see what level they were at. See which ones were closely matched.

  I strolled around the room watching the training and determined these guys were good. Begrudgingly, I had to admit even Frost was as well. I wanted to drop the guy, but he hadn’t given me a good enough reason, yet. He was pretentious, overbearing, but not over the top, and he seemed to treat the others well in front of me. I would need to have a talk with Guy and see if he’d picked up anything on the surveillance cameras. Maybe he’d shown his true colours without him knowing others were looking. I wanted to see if he could take criticism and not lose his head.

  “Good. Good. Alright. I want a circle. Frost and Everett meet in the middle. You have five minutes. Fight clean. No groin, throat, or eye shots. Take the mat,” I said.

  Everett was a small man, around five foot five, wiry but had defined muscles. I knew from his application he’d specialised in martial arts training and would be able to take Frost down easily. I didn’t want that, though. I just wanted someone to take him through his paces and see if he cracked under the pressure of someone better, who was smaller than him and could take him down.

  They walked into the circle, and Frost sneered at Everett, and all he got in return was a smile. I laughed to myself at the confused look Frost had given him. This guy had no idea what he was in for. Frost went in for the attack and then it was on. Everett was like a spider monkey, he didn’t let Frost pin him down or get any shots in, and soon enough, Frost was on the defence as Everett went for it. In no time at all, Everett had Frost pinned and latched on tightly. He let go, and they circled each other, then it started all over again. Just as I was about to call time, Everett pinned him again and didn’t let go. Frost had to tap out.

  “That was fucking awesome. He’s like a spider monkey on speed,” is boomed out behind me.

  I heard chuckling and turned with a smile on my face. My eyes popped out of my head when I saw Tweety, Bazza, Max, and Benny standing there in uniform. They all stood at attention and saluted me.

  “Reporting for duty, sir,” they all chuckled before cracking up laughing.

  “What the fuck? What? I mean how? When?” I shook my head and walked over to them and pulled Tweety in for a hug and then the others one by one. “When did you guys get out? Why didn’t you tell me? I thought you weren’t out till next week, Tweety,” I stumbled out quickly while still shaking my head.

  “They let me out early for good behaviour.” He chuckled. “These guys were ending their posting at the Base, and we got out of there like a bat out of hell. Finally free, my man. So here we are,” Tweety explained.

  “Well, you’re always welcome. Listen, give me a minute, okay? And we’ll catch up. Yeah?” I insisted.

  “Yep, not a problem,” Bazza confirmed.

  I turned and took at the recruits around me.

  These guys had surprised me, and I hadn’t expected them today, so I demanded, “Take your lunch break now, and we’ll get back into it at two o’clock, okay?”

  They all nodded and started walking away. Just as they were out of earshot, I saw Frost and his cronies turn to us and chuckle. Once again, I ignored it and spun to continue chatting with the boys.

  “So… How are the recruits doing? That one guy seems a bit arrogant. I honestly don’t see him making it,” Bazza commented.

  “Name’s Frost. No, I don’t either. He’s got a background of domestic violence, but nothing’s stuck. He’s a dick, but he’s careful how he goes about being a dick. He’s racist and doesn’t like homosexuals. But he keeps his comments to a select few. I’m just waiting for him to stuff up and then he’s gone,” I stated.

  “We’re here now. We can keep an eye on him as well. No way will we let that shit fly. We have your back, mate,” Max informed.

  “So, how’s everything going? How’s Dave? You got a place yet?” Tweety asked.

  “Going good, man. He’s great. Working hard. We’re looking at a place, and we decide on Saturday. Can’t wait, actually. It’s fucking huge but enough to have you guys over and the kids. Maybe someday our own, who knows,” I gushed with a smile.

  “That’s awesome. I can just imagine you with your own rug rats,” Benny retorted.

  “Yeah, both of us want a whole houseful one day,” I replied.

  “Good to see, man. Happy for both of you,” Max offered.

  “Thanks. So, have you got a place to stay?” I inquired.

  “Not yet, we’re thinking about getting a couple of hotel rooms till we can organise a place to rent or buy,” Tweety related.

  “Cool. Well, if you need any help, let me know. I’ll put you in touch with our real estate agent if y
ou want. She’s been a great help finding the place we want,” I insisted.

  “That would be awesome. Thanks, man,” Tweety agreed.

  “No thanks necessary… glad to help,” I noted.

  The SWAT team was finishing for the day and making their way into the warehouse with Tiny leading them. We watched as she took notice of us and smiled widely, then ran over to us. She jumped into Tweety’s arms, and they both hugged each other hard. She let go and did the same for the others.

  “I’m so glad you’re here. When did you guys get out?”

  “Today. We came straight here. Ready to get to work, ma’am,” Tweety relayed.

  “Fuck off with that ma’am shit. You’re always welcome. Told you that already. So, are you ready to work?”

  “Sure are. Can’t wait,” Tweety chuckled.

  “Why don’t you guys come with me, and we’ll have you look over the paperwork? You already did the course and exams the last time you were here, so all we have to do is sign, and you’re employed,” she stated.

  “Sounds like a plan,” Max exclaimed.

  I grabbed a quick bite to eat and made my way to Guy. As I walked in, he looked up and smiled at me.

  “How're things going? Any problems with the recruits?” I asked.

  “None so far, but I’m watching.”

  “No worries. Keep me posted if anything happens, yeah?”

  “Certainly will, Mike.”

  I turned to the monitor and watched as the recruits finished their lunch and started to make their way toward the change rooms. Frost was giving a female recruit a malevolent stare and sneered at her. She ignored him and continued on her way. He walked up close and grabbed her hips from behind, then he pumped his hips into her, and she turned and pushed him away. I’d seen enough and made my way out of the room and walked towards the change rooms. I turned the corner and came face to face with a crowd of them. A couple of the recruits, surprisingly his cronies, had Frost up against the wall holding him captive.

  “Frost, get your things and get out. You’re dismissed. Don’t bother to come to us for other positions in the future, you will be denied,” I roared as I got closer to them.

  “What the fuck for?”

  “You were caught on camera harassing Emason. We don’t appreciate sexual harassment here. Get out,” I sneered at him.

  “You’ll be sorry for this.”

  “Unlikely, and I honestly don’t give a fuck.”

  “What… you want a go at her? Might be a match made in heaven. The faggot and the frigid,” he gibed.

  “Emason, you want to press charges?” I asked ignoring Frost.

  “Nah, he’s a pussy. Just be glad to see the arse end of him.” She laughed.

  Everyone around us chuckled. I merely shook my head. Frost was a fucking moron. Oh well. No skin off my nose. I’d be glad to see the back end of him as well.

  I watched as Richard, Tiny, Tweety, Benny, Bazza, and Max came into the hallway and strode up to me. I explained what had happened, and they all walked into the change rooms saying they’d handle it from here.

  “I’ll show you a pussy. Watch your back, bitch,” Frost shouted as he was escorted to retrieve his belongings.

  I turned to the recruits. “No one, and I mean no one, is to be treated like that again. Emason, you watch your back when not here. You get an inkling of someone watching or following you, you let me know immediately,” I ordered.

  “Sure thing, boss,” she agreed.

  “Let’s get to it. We still have hand to hand this afternoon. We need to put this behind us and continue, yeah?”

  “Sir, yes sir,” they replied.

  I smiled and shook my head. I knew it was out of respect, but being called sir took me straight back to the military. I had to get used to it all over again from a different set of people.

  We made our way to the training room and got to work.


  The rest of the week had flown by, and without Frost, it was much better. There was a common camaraderie between us and not a distance that he seemed to put between the recruits. His cronies had quieted, and I could see them making it with the company now. They had apologised and put their best effort forward.

  Saturday at noon saw Dave and me at the house meeting Sherry for the inspection. After this, we were meeting Tiny and the kids for their dance classes.

  We walked around the house, and she left us to have a look by ourselves. I absolutely loved the house. It was a two-story colonial home which had a living room, family room, dining room, laundry, study, bathroom, and kitchen. I fell in love with the kitchen as soon as I walked in. There was a huge walk-in pantry and a butler’s pantry with a massive chest freezer. The cabinets were all cream with black handles and black marble counters. The fridge area was incorporated into the cabinetry. There was a built-in coffee machine, dishwasher, and a double stove. The pièce de résistance was the breakfast island in the middle. It had five stools that matched the rest of the woodwork in the room. Out the back of the house was a two-bedroom granny flat with a lounge and kitchen and a huge garage to fit at least four cars. It had a back deck off the kitchen and a swimming pool and spa.

  Upstairs were five bedrooms and two bathrooms with one off the master bedroom. All rooms had built-in closets. The one in the master bedroom was a walk-in. It was nearly the size of the bedroom. The bathrooms both had spa baths, and the ensuite had a huge shower which could easily fit both Dave and me.

  I turned to Dave, and he and I nodded at the same time.

  “I love this house,” he insisted smiling hugely at me.

  “So do I. Wanna go for it?” I asked.

  “Hell, yes. Let’s do it.”

  “Okay, let’s find Sherry and get this underway,” I commanded taking his hand.

  We didn’t have to go far, in fact, we didn’t even make it out of the kitchen. Sherry came in and smiled at us. “Hi. I was just doing a walk-through myself and wanted to leave the kitchen until last. How are things going? Do you have any questions for me?”

  “We like the house and want to make an offer,” I said.

  “Great. Let’s have a seat, and we’ll discuss.”

  We sat down and got to it, and before we knew it, she produced a contract which we both signed.

  We had just bought our own house.

  I took a copy to send to my lawyer and she took a copy. As soon as it was paid for, we would exchange keys. I would go to the bank first thing Monday morning.

  We left after taking one last look at the house and giving Sherry a warm thank you for all the hard work she’d done for us.

  In the car, on the way to the dance studio, I took his hand and kissed his knuckles. “I can’t wait to share the rest of my life with you.”

  “I can’t wait either. I’m so excited for this new chapter in our lives to begin.”

  We walked into the studio and spotted Tiny straight away. She was talking to Claire while the kids were nowhere to be seen. They’d be around here somewhere. We walked over to the girls, and they noticed us and turned with smiles on their faces.

  “Hey, guys. How did it go?” Tiny asked.

  “We got it. I will pay for it Monday, but it’s ours,” I commented with a smile.

  “That’s fantastic. I can’t wait to see it. I’m so happy for you both.”

  “Thanks. Hey, Claire… how’s it going, honey?” Dave questioned.

  “Good, Dave. Monique and I were talking about a job offer she’s given me.”

  Huh? I wondered what that was about. I didn't know she was looking for someone. Maybe she wanted a secretary or PA.

  “I’ve asked Claire if she’d be interested in being the kid’s nanny. Dad wants to retire and take Mum travelling. We want to have a family meeting with the two of you tonight to talk about it. Claire will be there as well,” Tiny explained.

  “We’ll be there. I knew your dad wanted to retire. I didn’t think he would be doing this so soon, though. Are you ready? Do you need any
more help at work? I’ll help any way I can,” I countered.

  “Thanks, Mike. We will talk about it all later tonight, okay? I have to get to class. See you after.”

  “Can you look after my phone for me while I’m in class, please?” Dave asked me.

  I nodded, and he passed me the phone and leant in to kiss me. I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him in more and deepened the kiss. He melted into me, and eventually I had to pull away before I took him to a secluded place and fucked him. I took a deep breath and smiled at him.

  “If you didn’t have stuff to do, I would fuck you so bad right now,” I whispered into his ear.

  “If I didn’t have stuff to do, I’d let you.”

  “Cheeky bugger. Get the fuck out of here before I do fuck you.” I chuckled.

  He smiled cheekily, turned and walked into the classroom. I sat on the bench in the room and watched as the class did warm-ups. As they were getting into the dance, Dave’s phone started to vibrate in my hand. I looked at the screen and saw it was a number that wasn’t saved. I slid to answer and put it to my ear, then stood and started to make my way out of the room so I could hear the caller properly.

  “Hello, can I speak to Dave please?”

  “I’m sorry, he’s busy at the moment, can I help you? This is his husband, Mike.”

  Well, technically I’m not his husband... yet. But that would happen soon though if I had my way.

  “Oh, hello, Mike, it’s Lisa.”

  Lisa was Dave’s sister. We’d spoken to each other over the years, and she was a very quietly spoken woman. She had two adult children. Johnathon was eighteen and in uni, and Harlow was twenty-three and had a six-month-old daughter.

  “Hey, Lisa. How are you, honey?”

  “Mike…” She sounded distraught and not herself at all.

  “Honey. What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

  “I'm sorry to call. I need help. I can’t do it anymore.”

  “What do you need?”


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