Relentless Chase 4 (Troubles Brewing)

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Relentless Chase 4 (Troubles Brewing) Page 5

by Posey Parks

She shook her head. “I’ll be fine.” Samantha visibly swallowed.

  “We’re returning to L.A. next week anyway. Sydney can make it.”

  Her eyes lit up. “Really, you are?”

  “Yeah. I’ll have the jet fueled and ready to go in thirty minutes. Our chauffeur will drive you and the kids to the airport.”

  She threw her arms around my neck. “Thank you.”

  “Samantha, what’s wrong?” Sydney stepped beside her.

  She wiped the tears from her face. “I need to go home, Syd. I miss Jacob.”

  Her eyes widened. “Oh my god.” She pulled her into her chest. “I’ve been selfish not taking into account you needed to be with Jacob. Not sure how I forgot you get separation anxiety if you don’t see him for long periods of time.”

  Shit, I didn’t know it was that bad. Couldn’t say she didn’t love her cousin. She put Sydney first over everything else. I needed to talk to my wife. She couldn’t allow Samantha to be apart from Jacob a long time in the future. We’d survive.

  Samantha swiped at the happy tears while Face Timing Jacob.

  “He might be in hair and makeup again.” She stared at the screen.

  “Hey, baby!” He grinned from ear to ear.

  He was sitting in the stylist’s chair. She had his schedule down.

  A tear slid down her cheek.

  “Baby, what’s wrong?” He waved off the hair and makeup person.

  “I wanted you to know, I’ll be home in a couple of hours.”

  His face brightened. “That’s great, baby.”

  I peeked over her shoulder. “She’s overstayed her welcome.”

  His eyes glassed over.

  We all laughed.

  Sydney slammed her fist into my shoulder.

  “Just kidding. You guys needed to be together.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  “We’re family. We look after each other.” I stuffed my hands in my jean pockets.

  “That’s right we do.” He grinned.

  “Baby, Tony will meet you at the airport and bring you and the kids to the set. I want you to see the last scene of the day.”

  “All right. See you soon.”

  She disconnected the call.

  “Sam, I’ll help you pack.”


  Sydney turned to me before walking out of the front door. “That was so sexy, Sebastian. You’ll be rewarded tonight.” Her lips fell upon mine.

  “I can’t wait.”


  The hot shower water thudded my skin. I sat around in sweats doused in baby drool most of the day. Being here with Caden and Sydney was nice. I wish I didn’t have to return to the office next week.

  Sydney’s hands glided up my chest from behind.

  “Baby, I didn’t hear you come in.”

  “You should never hear an assassin.”

  I turned to face her, laughing. “That’s true.” My lips devoured hers.

  “Is Caden sleeping?”

  “Yes. Connie will check in on him throughout the night. And of course, I can watch him sleep on the monitor.”

  I ran the soap filled sponge over her soft skin. “Sweetheart, when did you realize Samantha wasn’t herself?”

  “Let me think.” Her eyebrows wrinkled. “She was ok until Monday.”

  I cocked my head to the side. “You didn’t notice a change before that?”


  “Could it be you were so happy she was here you purposely overlooked the signs she needed to return home?”

  She peeked up into my eyes. “Maybe.” Her eyes fell shut. “She’s been like this since she learned they’ve known each other for years. Because Samantha and Skyler share the same memories now, she has anxiety if she’s away from Jacob too long. I told you their parents pulled them apart and shut the missions down. Jacob’s all bad ass, but the real reason he couldn’t be away from her when they separated, boiled down to the same reason. They miss that time together. They need each other. If his show wasn’t wrapping up in a week, he would have flown here every night.”

  I smiled. “I’m happy they found their way back to each other.”

  “Me too.”

  I caressed her face. “Baby, you have me. You don’t have to rely on Samantha so much.”

  “You have to work to keep these lavish roofs over our heads.” She smirked. “I didn’t want to bother you.”

  “Shit, baby. You are never a bother to me.”

  My lips fell over hers.

  She pulled back. “Can we stay another week?”

  Stars sparkled in those beautiful eyes. Fuck, I hated to burst her bubble.

  “Sydney, our corporation is in L.A. I need to check in.”

  Her eyes dimmed.

  Shit. “We can’t hide here forever. We need to return home. You’re hell bent on having another child.” I clutched her arms, closing my eyes briefly. “I need to see you adapt to living in L.A. again.”

  She stepped back, shaking her head. “I’m not ready to return.”

  “Sydney, I told you. You’re not ready to have a baby.”

  Her fists clenched at her sides. “All because I don’t want to go back there.”

  My forehead creased. “Baby, that’s our home.”

  “No! Our home is in Atlanta.”

  “How quick do we forget? I moved to California for you. We already had a company in Atlanta.”

  Nostrils flaring, her chest rose and fell. “Yes, you did! And everything was fine until that bitch showed up and took our son. The cherished time my son, and I spent together at the grocery store was robbed from me.” She pointed at her chest.

  I stepped forward. She took a step back.

  “Sydney, we’re returning home next week.”

  She fell on the bench, clutching her face. “Don’t make me do this?”

  I sat beside her, wrapping Sydney in my arms. “We’re a team. I need you with me. Again, I understand everything that’s happened is my fault. I’ll find a therapist. We will get through this together.”

  There was no fucking way, I’d leave my paranoid wife in Seattle alone. No, she had to return home with me.


  My husband questioned my state of mind. Maybe not if I was sane or not. But if I could end my paranoia.

  I believed someone was still out there.

  Lurking in the shadows.

  Waiting to make our lives a living hell again.

  Once was enough. The next motherfucker to run up on me will catch a bullet. This momma bear would be ready. Living in Seattle brought a sense of peace. He wanted me to run out into the world as if nothing happened almost two months ago. I couldn’t. He demanded I return to L.A. I wouldn’t remain in Seattle alone unless I was desperate. Being close to my husband was important. He had to deal with my way of living. He offered a solution. Talking with a therapist. Hopefully, it would help.

  Sebastian only moved to L.A. because of me. He threw that fact back in my face. I was thankful he uprooted our family. It was time I laid on a shrinks couch and vented. I knew it was wrong to constantly remind Sebastian part of the reason I was so paranoid was because of her. I needed to stop. Forgetting about that low life bitch was my goal. She tormented my marriage from the grave.

  Sebastian and I finally made love. Fuck, I needed him. Wanted him. Desired him. Only he could make my body sing. Hearing my name called in my husbands sleep fed my ego. Sebastian thought I was fucking his brains out in his dreams. Oh, no it was real. Being pleased was most important and getting pregnant was the next order of business.

  I thought for sure I’d be pregnant. But I wasn’t. Each pregnancy test read negative. I wouldn’t stop until I had my way. My husband and I would create another precious baby soon.


  Sydney shut down after that heated discussion. The morning I was returning to the office there was no sweet goodbye kiss. She slept in and the nanny tended to the baby. I couldn’t remember a time Sydney didn’t cater to Caden early in t
he morning.

  I texted her mid-afternoon.


  How are you and Caden?



  That went on for two days.

  Tony arrived at my office out of breath. I’d never seen him not cool as a fan.

  He said Dillon had been shot, and we needed to fly to Portland right away. Once in the air, I called Sydney providing vague information. After saving Dillon’s life we flew to New Jersey. I called Sydney again. Told her to board the jet in the morning. I sent an encrypted file to her burner phone with the address to the safe house. The remainder of the day went by at lightning speed. Encouraging Samantha to join the other wives at the safe house, not my finest moment. I could see underneath her tough girl exterior she was ready to crack. She struggled to make it without him for three days now we were asking her to be away from her husband for two weeks. I hoped Sydney could help her survive their time apart.

  Sydney and I still weren’t on the best terms. Didn’t mean my heart wouldn’t ache being away from her for two weeks. Shit, it would tear me apart too. But I’d conceal my pain. I needed to fix my marriage the moment the war was over.

  Pretty sure the day we arrived at the safe house we gave our wives our undivided attention.

  Sydney rushed me into a bedroom, closing the door behind us.

  Her hands roamed my face and tears spilled down her cheeks. “I missed you.”

  Gripping her waist, I wrapped her legs around my body.

  “Two weeks no communication. I had to believe you were alive.”

  My teeth grazed her face. “I’m here now. I don’t want to think about where our marriage was before today.”

  “I need you, Sebastian.”

  Stalking across the room, I lowered her to the bed, kicking off my boots. I unglued our lips long enough to remove her T-shirt and mine. Running my fingers along the underside of her breasts, I slid my tongue along her neck. Sydney freed my cock. I stomped out of my pants and boxers. Sydney peeled her jeans and panties down her legs. I yanked them off, tossing them to the floor. My fingers swirled over her wet pussy lips and her body quaked against mine. She was hungry. No denying our bodies needed to connect. To consume each other. Tears continued to grace her beautiful face. As quick as I kissed her salty tears away, they returned. I realized she never wanted to hold a grudge because I insisted, she return to L.A. But it was difficult for her to function in the same city she no longer found comfort. She struggled to resume her life to the point of happiness before the incident.

  Her fingers stroked my cock and those amber eyes popped open. Telling me exactly what she needed in that moment. I slid inside her inch by inch, engulfed in her pleasure. It wasn’t about me. Only her.

  “Sebastian, you’re my world.” Her fingers shook over my face. “Don’t let me go.”

  “Baby, not ever.”

  My wife thrived off our lust burning inside each other. Clutching my eyes shut, I plunged into her warmth. My safe haven. My weakness. My addiction. Not coming inside her today would be a challenge.

  Not sure how, but Sydney wasn’t pregnant. Maybe due to the stress she’s been under. I found four negative pregnancy tests in the bathroom trash can the day before I left for New Jersey. My wife was determined. She’d continue trying until she got what she wanted. Sydney would circle her pussy just right until I was on the brink of coming. Fuck, she felt so good. No other place I’d rather be than buried deep inside her warmth. I flipped her over. Taking the control from her.

  Gripping her hip with one hand, I slid inside her. My lips formed figure eights across her back as I thrusted deeper inside her. Sydney’s ass slammed against my abs.

  “Yeah, baby, just like that.”

  The fog was hooded over my eyes. I felt inebriated. One hand swiped the sweat from my brow as my cock moved at wild speeds forcing her orgasm to the surface. Her body shivered in my arms. Sitting back on my knees, I didn’t let up. I pounded her walls until she convulsed again, spilling more tears.

  “You give me everything I want, Sebastian.”

  Sounds like confession time. Oh, the power of the dick.

  “Our family means everything to me.”

  My teeth clenched her earlobe, as I wrapped my arms around her, circling inside her, reaching for another mind-numbing orgasm. Her eyes flashed adoration.


  Dillon and Sierra had suffered a cruel turn of events in their lives. My husband said I needed to fly to Camden, New Jersey. All the women were held up in a safe house while the men fought a mafia war. Samantha, Zoey, and I could hold our own. We could have been of assistance. Instead we were tasked with cheering up Sierra. I felt bad for her. If she wanted to marry Dillon, she’d have to accept his new life of crime as the mob boss of New Jersey. I thought finding out my husband was a spy was bad. I’d say her situation topped mine.

  No communication with our men for ten days. Those days were long and grueling. Reminded me of the time I ran away to sulk in my sorrow because I thought Sebastian moved on. That was the most excruciating time of my life. Not knowing if he was dead or alive ran neck and neck.

  Wrapped in Sebastian’s arms was all I wanted when he walked through that door. Confusion shadowed those beautiful green eyes. I did that. All I did was make Sebastian walk on eggshells. I needed to find closure so I could move forward in my marriage. The second I was in his arms I couldn’t stop the avalanche of tears. He was my world. There was no other man for me. Only Sebastian. I’d have to remind myself of that fact when blame crept into my head.

  I knew Sebastian loved me. Yet I hated he kept true to his word. No baby. We made love. But Sebastian didn’t come. His facial expressions were always a dead giveaway. That hurt. I didn’t even know how to address him holding back while making love. Maybe forcing myself outside the walls of our home might prompt him to trust me again. Morning sex would be the only way to trick him into impregnating me.

  Back home in L.A. staring into little Caden’s face breathed hope into my spirit. I leaned over kissing his fat cheeks and gazed into those big green eyes.

  “Yeah, that’s mommy’s baby.”

  Peering up at me from the carpeted family room floor he kicked his feet and giggled. I’ll do the right thing. Beginning with the therapist.



  The last couple of weeks of June were peaceful. Sydney saw me off to work. And in the evening cooked dinner. Did she leave our street without me? No. We were back to her staring out of windows, carrying weapons to take our son to the park up the street. It was time to investigate. See if anyone was lurking in the shadows. For mine and my wife’s sanity I needed to know.

  Samantha cracked while we were in New Jersey. Jacob promised he’d take her and the kids to Australia. I knew he didn’t purposefully not help Sydney with her request to search for the person or people hiding in the shadows keeping her hostage in her life.

  Sitting at my desk, I tapped into the hotel footage the night I sat at the bar with Ms. Skover. I searched the bar for anyone out of place. Fast-forwarding the footage, I stopped it at the point I walked away. A smirk crossed her lips, then a scowl shaded her face.

  “What the fuck?”

  The night Sydney and I were having dinner with Jacob and Samantha, I scoured surveillance. Ms. Skover stood curbside after leaving our table. I needed another angle. I needed to see her face. I hacked into the traffic cams and the cameras of the department store across the street. She tapped an earbud. I read her lips. “Yup, I got him.” She stared directly into the camera across the street. Her lips puckered forming a kiss. My eyes widened and my heart beat at a rapid pace. Jumping to my feet, I stepped back, pushing the chair against the wall until it stopped and I fell into the seat. An SUV halted at the curb, she hopped inside, and sped off. I ran back to the computer, tapping the keys, clicking on the traffic cam footage. All four monitors pointed at the intersection the truck stopped at the traffic light. Zooming in on the lic
ense plate, I wrote down the numbers. I ran the numbers. My results came back. ‘Not found.’ It was clear the woman was my enemy. She wasn’t Ms. Skover. I wiped my drive clean. Stepping into my private bathroom, I placed my hand on the wall behind the door. A panel popped open, and I typed in the code. The wall opened, and I walked inside. Packing a black duffel bag with combat gear and a few Glocks. I called Sydney.

  “Hey, baby.” Her bright smile poured through the phone.

  I grinned. “Hey, sweetheart.”

  “How’s work?”

  “Busy. I forgot to tell you I left a little surprise for you on my desk. Take a peek at it and I’ll call you right back. Not even two minutes.”

  “Is it jewelry?”

  “I can’t tell you. Bye.”

  I disconnected the call.

  Grabbing a disposable phone off the shelf, I dialed the burner phone in my home desk. Slamming my fist against the wall, I inhaled waiting for Sydney to answer.

  The phone rang five times. “Hello.”

  I blew out a breath. “Sydney, baby. I need you to listen.”

  “I was right, wasn’t I?”

  I sighed. “Yes. The lady who approached our table last month wasn’t Ms. Skover. The woman was a fraud. I haven’t looked into the magazine reporters background yet, but I will on my way to the airport.”

  “How do you know it wasn’t her?”

  I cringed. “I scoured camera footage. The woman blew a kiss at the camera directly across from the restaurant.”

  “Shit, Sebastian!”

  I pinched my eyes with two fingers. “Sweetheart, I know.”

  “No, you don’t. Is she another woman from your past?”

  My fingers glided through my hair. “I’ve never seen her before.”


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