Joke's On You- To beta

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Joke's On You- To beta Page 8

by Vale, Lani Lynn

  If she stomped her foot, I was going to kiss her.

  There was no other way around it.

  “Why?” she asked. “You want to know why I’m not letting this go?”

  “Yes,” I said. “What’s it going to accomplish? He’s not going to tell you the truth. He doesn’t want to go to jail. And yes, you can go to jail, even all these years later. So no, he’s not going to tell you shit. And right now? Is there anything you can do other than push him?”

  She ground her teeth together in annoyance.

  But she did answer. “No.”

  I moved so that both of my hands were cupping her face. “Then let me deal with it. You just sit there and look pretty.”

  She blinked. Then blinked again.

  “Did you… did you just tell me to sit there and look pretty?” she asked, outrage starting to fill her voice.

  I blinked innocently at her. “Absolutely not.”

  Her mouth just kept falling farther and farther open until I couldn’t help myself.

  I had to dip my face down and capture her mouth with my own. And, since her mouth was open, I took advantage and swept my tongue inside, running mine over hers and causing her to gasp.

  I tilted my face for better access, my tongue once again sweeping inside, and she inhaled.

  Then… she kissed me back.

  Her body moved in closer to mine.

  Her hands clenched on the top of the towel, fisting the material tightly.

  And my cock?

  Yeah, it definitely loved having her hands so close to it.

  I growled into her mouth, sucking her tongue, and our positions went awry when her legs nearly gave out from under her.

  She would’ve gone down had I not caught her.

  My back hit the cool glass of the shower, but even that didn’t stop me from pulling her close, my hand going to her ass so that it could help press my cock even harder against her.

  Things went a little desperate after that.

  Before I could so much as think straight, her clothes were flying, and I had her on the edge of the sink with my mouth still on hers.

  I desperately reached into the medicine cabinet and snagged a condom, praying inwardly that even though they were expired, they’d be good enough.

  There was no telling how old they were.

  Years, at least. Many, many years.

  Being a father when you were home and deployed when you weren’t, really didn’t leave me much time to do things like sex. And, when the woman that you really wanted wasn’t available to you, one tended to steer away from sex.

  So yeah, needless to say, the condoms were old.

  I was going to blow in three pumps.

  And my brain was too filled with all things Dillan to care.

  Her hand went to the towel as she clawed it away from my body—how it was still in place after all of that was astounding.

  I finally got the condom out of the medicine cabinet just about the time that her tiny, warm and exceptionally soft hand found my cock and wrapped her fist around it.

  I couldn’t help throwing my head back and groaning at the feeling.

  “Fuck, baby.” I growled. “You feel so good with your hand wrapped around me.”

  I looked down to watch as her small hand played over my hard, pulsing cock.

  It looked funny.

  I’d honestly never thought that my cock was tan before, but with her milky white skin pressed right up against the olive skin of my cock? The differences were there.

  But goddamn did it turn me on.

  A drop of pre-cum pearled at the tip, and she swiped her thumb over the head and gathered the liquid.

  Then she let my cock go, resting it against her mound, and brought her thumb up to her mouth.

  I watched, enraptured, as she poked her little tongue out and licked the drop from the pad of her finger.

  It was the single hottest thing that I’d ever seen.

  Then her eyes flared as she got the first taste of me.

  “You taste good,” she whispered. “I was expecting bitter, but it’s sweet.”

  My cock jerked in response, and we both looked down to see it resting against her mound.

  There was another drop of pre-cum waiting there just for her to taste, and she didn’t disappoint.

  She swiped that drop with her finger, brought it to her lips, and sucked her finger into her mouth.

  Her eyes closed, and I couldn’t take it anymore.

  I had to have her.

  This first time? Hard and fast.

  The one after that? Slow and steady.

  I ripped the condom open with my teeth, slicked the condom over my cock as far as it would go, and lined it up to her entrance.

  Her eyes opened when she felt me there, and she scooted farther to the edge of the sink and leaned back.

  That’s when I allowed myself to take in the rest of her.

  God, her skin was like porcelain. All smooth, and soft and sweet.

  Her hair was down around her shoulders, half falling from the ponytail that she had it in.

  Then there were her breasts.

  They were tipped with dusky pink nipples that looked like ripe little berries.

  Her breasts weren’t huge, but they weren’t small either. A perfect little handful just for me.

  “God, I want to touch you everywhere all at once,” I told her, running my hand down the length of her side, skimming my fingers over the swell of her left breast before curving it down the rest of her body.

  My hands felt like sandpaper compared to her soft skin.

  I almost took them away, feeling the calluses and scrapes as they ran along her skin, but just as I was about to pull away, she tilted her head back and said, “God, I love the way your hands feel on me.”

  My cock jerked at her entrance, and I was unable to help myself.

  I had to put my cock inside of her.

  I had to sheathe it in her pussy, feel the way she clenched around me tight.

  I went slow, pushing in so gently at first since I was scared that I would hurt her.

  And she was tight, yes. But she was also wet. Very, very wet.

  Meaning, I didn’t go anywhere near as slow as I probably should have, because I could feel her warm tightness starting to surround me, and it was making me momentarily lose my fucking mind.

  “Sweet baby Jesus,” she panted as she lifted her hips. “Fuck me.”

  The move pushed me just a little bit farther inside of her, and my control snapped.

  My brain warred with my instincts.

  Fuck her hard. Take her. She’s ready.

  On the other hand, there was the less primal part of me saying she’s not used to you. You’re big. Don’t break her. You want to be able to do this thing again.

  I ended up giving a little bit of both parts of me, filling her full in one swift move, but holding still once I was there to allow her time to adjust.

  She cried out, muffling her scream with her hand placed over her mouth.

  That’s when I froze, realizing that I’d forgotten all about my kid.

  My sick, probably going to throw up all over my couch, kid.

  But, when I didn’t hear any stirring coming from the living room, I couldn’t help but test out my cock’s new plaything.

  Pumping my hips, I looked down at where we were connected, loving the way that her pink pussy stretched tight over my hard cock.

  I pulled out, then slowly sank back in, loving the way that her juices clung to my shaft.

  It looked obscene.

  And fucking hot as hell.

  I loved it.

  My eyes traveled up her body, stopping at her belly to look at all the cute rolls she had there when she was scrunched up the way she was, then moved farther to the curve of her neck.

  She had a birthmark right under her chin.

  An oblong little spot about the size of the
tip of my pinky finger.

  It was a spot that I’d always wanted to press my lips against and run the tip of my tongue along its borders.

  “Booth,” Dillan whispered. “Please.”

  I grinned and glanced up at her, finding her eyes squeezed tightly shut as a flush rose high on her cheeks.

  She liked this. Me inside of her.

  Which was a good thing, because I planned to make this a regular thing.

  But I had to take things slow.

  I didn’t want to overwhelm her.

  I didn’t want to terrify her, either.

  Not with the depth of my feelings for her.

  “I’m not a virgin, Booth,” she whispered desperately. “Fuck me already. I won’t break.”

  Upon hearing those words, my control snapped.

  I was pissed and desperate and angry and filled with all kinds of possessive fury at her words.

  I fucked her hard enough to make her mine.

  I wasn’t sure why I was so pissed that she’d had someone before me.

  I had no right to be, that was for sure.

  Yet, I was.

  I was pissed because I was stupid.

  And I lost control.

  My hips started to slam hard into hers, my cock filling her so hard, deep and fast that she barely caught her breath before I was filling her full once again.

  The new speed had the mirror behind us jolting with each of my thrusts, and the drawers that my knees were knocking against were practically slamming in tune with my movements.

  But I didn’t stop.


  Especially not when her pussy started to tighten around me—rippling, gripping, and coaxing my release to the surface whether I wanted it to be there or not.

  I liked to say that I had at least some control. But the next few seconds proved that I didn’t.

  The moment that her orgasm hit her, my eyes went unseeing as I gritted my teeth and gave her one last thrust of my cock before I stilled inside of her.

  I physically felt the condom snap, yet my orgasm was just too far gone.

  I shot my cum inside of her.

  Filled her up and didn’t fucking care about the consequences.

  I wanted to do it.

  Again and again and again.

  Until the only thing that mattered was her and me.

  She could only ever remember me being inside of her.

  Making her feel this way.

  Giving her this.

  When I came back to myself, I knew I’d fucked up.

  Yet, I couldn’t find it in me to be too upset about it.

  I licked my lips and moved my gaze up to her face.

  She was staring down at where we were connected.

  I looked, too, seeing the ragged remains of the condom around the base of my cock.

  “So… the condom broke,” I said.

  She snorted out a laugh.

  “No duh,” she said. “I felt the elastic snap, I’m not sure how it happened, but I swear to God it hit my labia. I’ve never… I just thought you wouldn’t feel it if it broke. I guess I was wrong.”

  I couldn’t help it.

  I laughed.

  “I hope that your labia is all right,” I teased as I pulled out of her.

  Before I could so much as comment more, or enjoy the way she looked with my seed pouring out of her, I heard Asa’s voice.

  “Daddy! I’m going to bed,” Asa called out as he walked past the bathroom.

  I swallowed hard, feeling a sensation of ice-cold water being poured over my head.

  There was nothing like the sound of your kid’s voice to cool you off right quick.

  I swallowed past the ball of embarrassment in my throat.

  “Make sure you take your bowl with you, bud!” I called out, quickly yanking the broken condom off my cock.

  A muffled ‘I got it’ came from him as he continued on into his room.

  Then there was the sound of his door slamming, and I felt my face flush.

  “You know,” Dillan said as she situated her clothes. “I don’t think I’ve ever been so embarrassed before.”

  I chuckled as I reached for the discarded towel and wiped myself clean.

  Once done, I handed it over to her.

  She took it with a grateful smile, folding it so she had an unsoiled side, and cleaned herself up, too.

  “I’ll be in the living room when you’re done,” she said as she walked out of the door leading into the hallway.

  Before I could say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to her statement, she practically ran down the hallway.

  When I came out a few minutes later, she was sitting on the couch with her head in her hands.

  “You okay?” I asked curiously.

  She dropped her hands from her face and nodded her head. “I’m fine. I’m just… I should’ve been more cognizant of my surroundings.”

  Her and me both.

  I grinned and dropped down onto the couch next to her, being careful not to jar my body too badly.

  “You okay?” she asked when she saw the care I took in my movements.

  “I’m fine,” I admitted. “Just sore.”

  She twisted on her butt and planted her feet into the couch between us, facing me.

  “All that movement earlier…” She shook her head. “You should’ve probably not done that.”

  I winked at her. “Maybe, but I sure wasn’t hurting all that much when I was. It was only after.”

  Her face heated. “Are you okay?”

  My brows rose. “That’s one of the things that I’m supposed to be asking you, isn’t it?”

  She flashed me a quick grin, then immediately followed it up with a massive yawn.

  “I should go.” She sighed. “It’s probably a good thing this date didn’t go as planned. I have one more day until Delanie gets home, and that means that I have to deal with the kennels once again tomorrow morning.”

  I caught her hand before she could so much as move.

  “You’ve already taken care of them tonight, haven’t you?” I asked curiously.

  She pursed her lips. “Yes.”

  “Then stay here,” I suggested. “You can sleep here, I can go with you tomorrow morning. Help out.”

  She pursed her lips. “But what about Asa?”

  I didn’t like her hesitation.

  “My son’s going to have to get used to you being here,” I said. “I just… this wasn’t a one-time thing, Dillan. This was an all the time thing. He needs to get used to you staying here. Because I want you here. All the time. Whenever you want to grace us with your presence.”

  Her face literally glowed with my words, and I felt like a complete heel that I hadn’t taken the steps earlier.

  I’d wanted her for what felt like forever.

  Why had I waited so long?

  “I have to get there pretty early,” she whispered. “We usually have a caretaker come over in the mornings and walk them all, get them cleaned up, and get them into their outside kennels. But I gave the teen that usually does it for us the day off so he could attend his sister’s christening. So I can’t stay here much past eight.”

  I tugged her pants leg, urging her toward me.

  When she came, I gathered her up into my arms and then leaned back so that I was against the couch arm.

  “Watch some television with me before we go to bed,” I ordered.

  “No dinner?” she asked teasingly.

  I pinched her ass. “You know damn well how awful I do with puke. He may be feeling better right now, but I highly doubt that luck holds.”

  She moved until she was comfortable in the crook of my arm, her face pressed against my neck.

  “You never know,” she said. “Sometimes life gives you exactly what you need. Not necessarily what you want.”

  “Are you saying that I need poor control when it comes to bodily fluids and throwing u
p?” I laughed.

  She shrugged. “Maybe. You never know.”

  We stayed like that for what felt like hours until I reluctantly set her up off of me.

  “I have a spare toothbrush in the first drawer in my bathroom,” I said. “And you can go check on Asa if you want. I have to make the nightly rounds to make sure everything is locked up tight.”

  When I finally found her again, she was climbing between my sheets with her sweatpants on.

  I didn’t bother to try to convince her to sleep in the nude.

  I knew that she wouldn’t go for it, and with Asa being sick, there really was no telling whether he would stay sleeping all night or wake up with his tummy ache.

  So I didn’t blame her for wanting her clothes on just in case.

  After brushing my teeth and finding sweatpants of my own, I walked back into my bedroom to see Dillan laying on my pillow on my side of the bed.

  I momentarily froze as I saw her.

  How many times had I yearned to have her there? How many times had I thought about how it would feel to have her where she was always supposed to be, knowing she was safe? Knowing she was happy?

  I had no idea how good it would feel—the happiness pouring through my veins.

  “Whatcha doin’?” I asked huskily.

  She looked up, startled to find me standing there.

  “Oh.” She smiled then. “I was reading. I went and checked on Asa. He’s asleep in his bed. He’s curled around his bowl. And he’s not running a fever or anything, so I think you should be good for a little while.”

  One could only hope.

  I hated when my baby was sick.

  I felt inadequate and weak when I couldn’t fix it.

  She tensed slightly when I came closer, her eyes opening wider.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked as I tugged back the covers on the bed.

  She licked her lips as she watched me climb into bed next to her.

  “I’m nervous,” she admitted.

  I chuckled. “That makes two of us.”

  After reaching over to plunge the room into darkness, I glanced at the clock on the wall and realized that it was only eight.

  Hell, if our date hadn’t been so abruptly canceled, we’d still be out on it right now.

  Instead, we were lying in my bed, and we were using the light on her phone to stare into each other’s eyes.

  “Where’s your phone?” she suddenly asked as the flush started to ride up her face.


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