Lost Pup: The Fools' Circus, #1

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Lost Pup: The Fools' Circus, #1 Page 10

by Dani Rei

  “That’s horrible.”

  “When I was little, Grandma told me that kids should only see happy tears from their parents. Getting bad news was okay, but kids didn’t need the entire weight of the situation. That meant my grandmother was the last person my mother could lean on.

  “As a kid, I hated her for abandoning me, but I understand now. She couldn’t turn her nine-year-old child into a therapist, and I can’t honestly say I wouldn’t do the same. My whole family was stolen from me by forces outside of my control. So why do I feel like I should’ve done something different?”

  “I think that’s normal,” says Blake. “It’s easy to look back and wish you’d said this or done that. Especially since you know better now. But there are some things you just can’t control. If you can learn to make peace with that, your heart can heal, and you can move forward.”

  “Move forward,” Inez echoes. “I’ve always tried to do that, but it never felt like I was going anywhere. I’m still part of the circus. I still have to embrace this art I hate just to survive, since I can’t make it outside of the mansion.”

  “So you do want to leave?” Blake asks.

  “Not yet. I can’t just abandon Allistair with the challenge coming up. And I have to make sure Mishkin gets out of it in one piece. If I leave now, there’s no guarantee I’ll be able to get in touch again. Rex keeps everyone pretty closed off.”

  She lifts her gaze to the sky as a breeze pushes the hair from her face. Blake’s heart skips a beat. Beautiful.

  She pulls her hood up and drops her arms by her side. Blake watches her hand from the corner of his eye, swinging at her hip. He pulls his hand from his own pocket, but Inez is already putting both hands back into hers, shivering in the breeze.

  He unzips his hoodie and places it over her shoulders. Inez pauses as her cheeks get pink. Blake worries she’ll refuse it, but she grabs it from either side and closes it around herself, holding it over her mouth and nose.

  “Thank you,” she says, voice muffled by the fabric.

  Blake lets out a small laugh. “You’re so cute.”

  Inez’s blush grows brighter, and she lifts her hands further up her face with a tiny whimper, making Blake laugh again.

  “Stop it!” she says.

  “Stop what?”

  “Stop...doing what you’re doing!”

  “What am I doing?”

  “You know what you’re doing! Stop it!”

  A heavy gust of wind hits them, and the clouds in the sky get darker. One flash of light and a roaring boom later, a wave of rain crashes over them, slamming onto the ground and soaking everything in its path.

  Inez points to a bus stop with a roof a few feet ahead, and they quickly scramble over and into the plexiglass shelter.

  “Yeesh! Where the hell did that come from?” Blake exclaims.

  Inez laughs. “I think you might need this back.”

  She pulls his hoodie from her shoulders, but Blake moves to stop her. Her eyes lock onto his as he guides her hands back, draping the hoodie back over her arms. He wipes a small stream of rain from her forehead before his hand slides down her cheek, and Inez’s face flushes again, her chilled skin warming to his touch.

  His hand settles on her chin so his thumb can rub her bottom lip, softer than he dreamed. His heart pounds in his ears as he leans down, his eyes flit from her eyes to her mouth, than back again, clarifying his intention. Inez closes her eyes and lifts her face toward his, a quiet welcome to the sweet invitation. Blake leans closer.

  Angry buzzing pierces through the rainstorm. Inez jumps back, and Blake stiffens in his spot, heart sinking at the sudden distance between them. There’s a moment of stillness before the buzzing sound comes back, this time from Inez’s pocket. She pulls out her phone as the thundering rain continues on the clear roof above them.

  “What is it?” Blake asks.

  “It’s a flash flood warning. We can’t go anywhere in this. We have to get back to the mansion.”

  He nods, and they prepare by having him hold his hoodie over both of them. On the count of three, they dash out from under the shelter, laughing at themselves as they try to keep an even pace. Their feet splash on the sidewalk, socks soaked by the rain.

  Lightning flashes, thunder crashes, and after a few exhausting minutes, they plunge through the front door of the mansion, hands on their knees while laughing through heavy breaths.

  A few cast and crew members watch them with raised and furrowed brows as they quiet down and head upstairs, hair and clothes dripping behind them.

  They get to his room, and Blake shuts the door before Inez scoffs to herself, her cheeks turning a light pink.

  “Sorry, I ran in here without thinking. I’ll go to my room so you can change. We’ll have the leftovers for breakfast.”

  She turns around and barely has her hand on the doorknob when Blake’s figure whips itself directly behind her, one hand stopping hers.

  “Do you have to go?” he whispers into her ear as his other hand caresses her hip, resisting the urge to tease the smooth skin on her neck.

  “Yes. I don’t know who saw us come in here.”

  To hell with them, he wants to say, but he doesn’t know how the rules of the mansion works. He has to trust her. He takes a reluctant step back, pulling her hand off the knob and pressing his lips onto her knuckles.

  “Until later then.”

  “Right,” she says, red-faced. “I’ll see you downstairs.”

  He grins as she closes the door behind her. All those years of growing up so close, and yet so far. Him in the audience, her on stage. Never in all that time did he realize the emotional strength in her heart. Never would he have guessed that she would be so beautiful up close, inside and out. Never in his wildest dreams of joining his favorite circus did he expect to be falling for a part of it too.

  There’s no denying it anymore—no hiding it. Thoughts of what might’ve happened if she stayed cross his mind as he yanks off his dripping shirt and sopping pants. How do her lips taste? How soft is her skin? How beautiful would it be if she returned these desires?

  He puts on a set of fresh, dry clothes and leaves the others in a soggy heap in the corner. He grabs a towel from his suitcase and ruffles it through his hair.

  Before anything happens, he needs to know what she’s hiding from and why. Before all that, he should find out if she even feels the same.

  Chapter 15


  lake and Inez are practicing outside the next morning, and the autumn chill assures him that he isn’t dreaming again. He passed his test, but he’s eager to learn as much as he can. Most of the aerial rigs are empty today, likely due to the cold or practice for the challenge. Moving with the poi is keeping him warm as his lessons become trickier, and Inez doesn’t seem to shiver either. The door to the mansion opens, turning Blake’s attention to the emerging figure.

  Mishkin wobbles down the steps and onto the grass, and Inez turns in time to see their friend flop onto the cold grass beneath him. The two rush over, dropping their poi behind them.

  “Mishkin, are you okay?” Blake asks.

  “I think so. For now,” he pants, and wisps of his hair stick to his face as beads of sweat drip down. “But Ian is terrible. I can’t keep doing this.”

  “This can’t be good for you,” says Inez. “I’m going to find Allistair right now and have him fix all of this. Blake, watch him for me.”

  “Yeah, of course.”

  Blake watches Inez leave, taking a quick glance at the sway of her hips before turning his attention back over to Mishkin. “Hey, are your eyes closed?”

  Mishkin doesn’t answer, and his chest isn’t moving.

  “Hey,” Blake leans in, gently shaking him. “Mishkin, wake up!”

  Mishkin yelps in Blake’s face, making Blake scream and jump back. Mishkin bursts into laughter between coughs and lies back on the grass with his hands behind his head, sweat still dripping from his temples.

  “Not c
ool, man!” Blake yells. “I was seriously worried!”

  “I know, sorry. I really needed that laugh.”

  Blake lets out a frustrated breath, refusing to admit that Mishkin’s ability to prank is comforting. His breathing is still heavy, but it seems to be slowing down.

  “So, have you two kissed yet?” Mishkin asks with a smirk.


  “I see how you look at her, those little glances. I can’t say I blame you. Inez has a killer body.”

  “I don’t care about that,” Blake grumbles.

  “But you care about her. So have you?”

  “No,” he says, staring into the grass. “It’s weird. As a kid, watching from the audience, I thought you were all magic. Then, after growing up and learning how juggling and practice work, I lost that notion. Not that it mattered, I still wanted to perform with you guys anyway. But upon getting to know her, and seeing her perform up close, I feel like Inez really is magic. And I’m just a naïve, spoiled dreamer who couldn’t even finish college. I could never be good enough for someone like her.

  “She was willing to share her art with me, even though it sacrificed part of her freedom. I want to thank her. I want to be her rock on the days she feels weakest. I know she can get by on her own, but I don’t want her to have to. When we got caught in the rain yesterday, I really thought she’d give me that chance. But even after everything, even after calling us friends, she isn’t letting me in.”

  Mishkin nods with his lips in a thin line. “It’s true, she’s a fortress. Actually, I’ve never even seen her cry. But I wouldn’t worry too much. She told me about your visit to her room, and how you checked on her because of Ian. And how sweet it was.”

  “She thought it was sweet?”

  Mishkin nods, and Blake smiles at the scenery ahead of them, the blackened fire pit with all those benches and a distant wall of trees that line the edge of the property. Inez has been talking to Mishkin about him. His heart flutters at the thought of it.

  “By the way,” he says, mind recentering, “why don’t you quit Ian’s team? I’m sure someone else could take your place, right?”

  “Maybe, but no one goes against our King. That’s the one rule we all have in common. Ronan tried it once, and it took a while before he was back to his normal self. And he still had to do what he was told anyway.”

  “What happened?”

  “Can’t say. It’s not my story to tell.”

  “What about Allistair? Doesn’t he have any control?”

  “Not over his father.”

  “But isn’t Ian going against Rex by challenging Allistair?”

  “Yep. He might be all high and mighty now, but all things considered, I’m not so sure this will end well for him either. Rex never mentioned what would happen to the loser.”

  Blake opens his mouth to ask the next of many questions, but the back door slams open, startling the two. Inez storms over with a stumbling Allistair in hand. She yanks him forward, and he wobbles toward Mishkin. “Go ahead, Cat. Tell him what you told me.”

  “Allistair.” Mishkin stands tall, surprising Blake with the sudden shift in tone. “I left Ian’s practice unable to breathe. I was stumbling, and he threw a knife at my face. His rehearsals are a nightmare. He wouldn’t let us grab water until we mastered the routine he set up. Then Celia threatened to leave, and he threw a knife at her too.”

  “No,” Allistair shakes his head with wide eyes. “That’s horrible!”

  As if on cue, a familiar voice shakes Blake to the core.

  “Hey, Stray! You got a lot of nerve leaving rehearsals early, especially after my warning.” Ian approaches them with a cup of hot tea in hand, wearing his usual gray sweatpants with no shirt.

  “Ian!” Allistair yells. “What’s this I hear about you throwing knives at your teammates?”

  “Celia has no respect for authority. I’m the leader of the team, and I expect to be treated as such. And Mishkin,” Ian glares at the Cat. “Tch, what a deadbeat.”

  “You asshole!” Allistair smacks the mug onto the ground, the tea pouring over the grass, steam rising from its trails. “You’re not a leader, you’re just trying out for the part. I’m going to make sure my father sees this as a failure. I’m telling him to cancel the challenge!”

  “Great idea,” Ian says with a smile. “Run away and tell Daddy, like a good little lapdog. Take away everyone’s chance to decide who their leader is going to be. Inherit the circus Daddy bought for you. Take away my chance because I’m not Rex’s precious baby boy. I’m sure the others will be thrilled to hear that.”

  “That’s not what I’m doing!” Allistair argues.

  “Yes, it is! Rex underestimates us—casts us aside while you and Axel take the spotlight. I’m done with it. I won’t let his son continue that injustice.”

  “My father’s not like that. No one has ever complained about who the leads are.”

  “Why do you think that is? You’re not suited to be the King of Fools. All you do is follow Daddy’s orders. If you take over, you’ll be just as corrupt.”

  “None of that is true!”

  “Prove it, Prince.” Ian spits the title as if it leaves a bad taste in his mouth. “Accept the challenge. Show me how much you deserve to be in charge.”

  Allistair clenches his fists, jaw grinding. “If you swear to treat your team fairly, I’ll accept. Give them water breaks. Keep your knives in your room!”

  “I’m not making that promise.” Ian walks away, gesturing toward the fallen mug. “And I’m not picking that up.”

  Allistair lets out a heavy breath, turning back to his friends. He looks at Inez, then to Mishkin. “Listen, I—”

  “I get it,” says Mishkin. “Your hands are tied. I’ll give it my all.”

  “Please be careful,” says Allistair. “I’ll talk to my father right now. I’m sure he’ll talk some sense into him. It’ll be fine, you’ll see.”

  Allistair hurries off as Mishkin and Inez exchange doubtful glances. Blake darts his gaze between them, heart racing.

  What’s going to happen to Mishkin?

  Chapter 16


  lake wanders the mansion while Inez is away, still having no idea of where she is or what she’s doing. Exploring the halls is the next best option to practicing, and he could use the break. He tries to focus on taking in the art and décor, but the thought of Inez wanting to leave is weighing on his mind.

  He’d like to take her out at least once before she does. He needs a chance to talk to her, let her know how he feels. She doesn’t have to stay or return his feelings, but he’d like to have a solid answer.

  A chime rings from his pocket, and he pulls out his phone. Mom? He hesitates before sending her to voicemail. No doubt she’s just going to nag me and insist I come back home. He continues strolling and shoves the phone back into his pocket, ignoring the twinge of guilt poking at his gut.

  A blur of colors fills his vision, and he’s forced against the wall by his throat. The face glares at him from a few inches away. Blake tries to breathe his name, but the hand is pressing on his windpipe.

  “I see the way you look at the Fire Goddess,” Ian sneers, pulling out his switchblade. “I know you’re not stupid enough to think you have a chance.”

  Blake struggles to take in a breath, clawing at the hand squeezing his throat. Ian releases Blake’s neck, leaving red spots from his fingernails. He chuckles as Blake hunches over, coughing, gasping for air.

  “When I’m king,” Ian continues, fiddling with the switchblade between his fingers. “Inez will come back to me, and you will run out of this mansion with your tail between your legs. Mishkin is a deadbeat who barely does anything. He and Allistair will be fired, and the circus will live on as it should. No favorites. No rules.”

  “Inez,” Blake gasps, holding a hand on his throat as he straightens. “She was...?”

  “My girlfriend. She belonged to me. Then that fucking King demanded that she marry Allist
air. But she doesn’t love him, I can tell. I’ll free her from the fire, and she’ll come running right back.”

  “I doubt it. Inez probably dumped you for a reason. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have to kick your ass every time you get near her.”

  Ian swings a fist into Blake’s gut, forcing the air from his lungs and making him collapse as the pain shoots through his torso. His body twitches, fighting for a breath. Ian grips Blake’s dark curls and lifts his face with a grin.

  “She’s just putting on an act. I remember, she loved when I had her just like this,” Ian grins, a bulge forming in the crotch of his pants. “You want to get close to her? Why not bond over how my cock tastes?”

  Blake manages a breath and slams his fist into the gray bulge. Ian drops his blade and clutches his crotch, falling to his knees. He growls low in his throat, a vein throbbing in his forehead. Blake forces himself to stand, the pain still gripping his abdomen.

  “I don’t care what kind of history you two have. Inez doesn’t belong to anyone. I’m sure she wouldn’t go back to you if her life depended on it.”

  Ian flicks his arm toward Blake, and a blur of silver whips past his face and into the wall behind him, leaving him frozen on the spot. Ian wobbles to a stand, chuckling.

  “I could kill you any second, you worthless dog. I’m trying to be nice here, since we’re housemates. But if I find out you put hands on her, if I see her come out of your room again, I’ll slice your fucking throat.”

  “You do that, and you’re out of a job,” a familiar voice calls from the side. A woman with a black bun on her head stands tall, her dark, thin figure storming over. Blake smiles, remembering their dance at the wedding.

  “You keep up this crap, Rex will dump your sorry ass,” she continues. “And no one is going to bat an eye.”

  Ian snorts, holding out his hands with a soft grin. “We’re just having a friendly talk, doll face. No need to get huffy.”

  “Do not call me that. My name is Celia. Now, you have two choices, doll face. You can walk away on two feet, or you can crawl away on four.” She holds up a fist to emphasize her point.


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