Damned Fiction

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Damned Fiction Page 8

by David Kempf

  Sweet dreams of love….

  The lovely voice was like a fine wine seeping into the core of his soul. It was intoxicating, glorious. The voice made everything else seem unimportant. Was this trickery of some sort? Had the Cummings-thing hypnotized him with its eyes? Was that spray some sort of hallucinogen? Well, Wilbur had certainly heard many stories about the monsters doing that.

  Did that thing spray chemicals with its tentacle causing a hallucination?


  That could never be because he was safe right now. Wilbur Roberts was drowning safely in the deepest part of the dark ocean now. Nothing could hurt him. There were monsters but there were no such things as… sea monsters….

  Sweet dreams and…. love….

  He could really feel it now. The anticipation of being taken away by the voice of true love and it gave him a profound sense of belonging. Sure. Wilbur Roberts could swim back up the surface to save his life but what good would that do?

  No good at all.

  Wilbur liked it here.

  He decided to stay.

  The essence of life was change and was changing right now… forever….or metamorphosing … and into what he had no idea…

  “Darling,” it said.

  What was this new voice?

  “Come darling, come to me….”


  “Stay, don’t go, stay….”

  “I want you to stay,” said the voice, coming closer as he sank.

  And sank…

  And sank…

  He closed his sleepy, salt filled eyes.

  Wilbur Roberts was sinking more quickly now…

  “I want… you….”

  His eyes remained closed and he wondered idly why he did not feel like he was dying if he was really drowning. Where was the panic? Where was the fear? Why weren’t his lungs filled with salt water, bursting for breath?

  “Come, Wilbur.”



  The lustful salty lips wrapped around his to form the perfect erotic kissed. All of this was happening while he sank deeper and deeper….

  “Who are you?” the man named Wilbur Roberts asked.

  “Never mind,” answered the mysterious voice.

  Wilbur came to the realization that he was receiving oxygen through the women’s kisses just like….

  Just like….

  A mermaid….

  He opened his eyes and it was glorious. The salt water did not sting them to be found in them although it was rather hard to see in the gloomy depths of the sea.

  His hidden desire continued to lead him into the downward spiral of the abyss. He did not know why. This was insane. Was this a dream? Could this really be happening?

  “Come.” Her voice was so hypnotic.

  “Yes.” He could never refuse her.

  Then for a brief moment, he saw the monster. The one hell-bent on survival and that took great pleasure in molesting its underlings. Wilbur saw the tentacle.

  “No,” he protested weakly.

  “Close your eyes again. Darling,” it said.

  When he opened them up again, he saw no conspirators or monsters. He saw light at the bottom of the sea.

  “Follow me now,” said the voice.

  In the light, he saw that; the voice belonged to a beautiful woman. She was holding his hands.

  She was a mermaid.

  “Let me take you to the special place,” she said.

  “It won’t be long now….”

  The light was amazing and glorious. They swam into a doorway that appeared to be filled with sunlight. How this could be so at the bottom of Davey Jones’s locker was bewildering to Wilbur.

  “Here we are.”

  They had journeyed through the doorway of sunlight and onto the most beautiful tropical island he had ever seen, with his own eyes anyway. Wilbur had been to Punta Cana before the monsters were created. He and his wife had an enjoyable time there and felt like they had seen Paradise itself. They had not. This was the real deal.

  She picked him up and put him on some rocks where he watched the ocean waves crash against them. She smiled.

  “You really do have a fish tail,” he said.

  “Yes but not for long,” she answered. Her tail became normal female legs and with pure delight. Wilbur recognized he was sitting on the rocks next to a woman of remarkable beauty. And she was completely nude.


  “Don’t worry. You can look at my body as much as you want.”

  Wilbur had no words to say.

  The lovely young mermaid with black hair and slim build and deep brown eyes, was a feast for the eye. Her breasts were firm and beautiful. He looked down at her incredible legs and his body filled with lustful chemistry.

  “I know you want to keep looking. Don’t be shy. It’s okay.”

  Wilbur blushed.

  “Come on.”

  He put his down towards her belly button, which contained a small and elegant red ruby. It was almost as striking as she was.

  “You are shy, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, I am,” Wilbur answered.

  “That’s okay,” she said. “We have plenty of time.”

  The two walked a little further up the beach and collapsed on the smooth island sand. Dreams came but no nightmares.

  “Are you well rested?” asked the mermaid.

  “Yes, I think I so,” said Wilbur groggily.

  “Good. You’re going to need your energy.”

  “You’re probably right.”

  Wilbur could almost taste the ruby in his mouth. She was on her knees and close to him. This time he did not hesitate to look below the ruby. Her amazing patch of hair was incredibly sensuous. He put his tongue right into her and tasted her erotic feminine juices.

  It was too good to be true because she tasted like he was eating heaven itself. He almost felt unworthy to taste of her forbidden fruit, the ripe juices of her feminine beauty with the hope and promise of his tongue bringing her to full ecstasy. If this was a spell, an erotic dream before death he did not want the spell to be broken nor did he want to wake up from it.

  How often do men get to give a goddess an orgasm?

  How does the human mind work?

  They say the real source of human ecstasy is the mind and not the genitals. It was like music to his ears to hear the beautiful lady moan and groan as he ate away at her lovely sugar walls.

  Strange lights kept coming from behind her, almost suggesting this wet dream was merely an illusion or trick of the brain. He had a brief moment of panic until he tasted her vagina again and all was right with this world.

  The closer she came to full erotic rapture, the more he felt all his puritanical repressions drown in a sea of discontent.

  This was a real moment.

  She flipped him.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Let us be equal in our endeavors,” she said.

  He pushed his face right back into her womanhood and suddenly realized she was sucking his cock. Her feet wiggled in his hair and she held the top of his legs tightly.

  This was indeed Heaven if such a place existed.

  She was indeed a dream girl, a creature of myth in fact that made Wilbur question the reality of the world around him.

  She made him cum like he never had before in his life and seemed to enjoy it. She looked like a fairy princess but she made love like a whore.

  They fucked for hours after their mutual oral satisfactions were met.

  “Now come with me,” she said, getting to her feet.

  “Where?” Wilbur asked.

  “You’ll see.”

  He didn’t know whether she or the island itself was harder to believe but one thing was for sure-

  This place was too good to be true.


  The waterfall they sat under, bodies’ nude, was paradise. She smiled at him and began to message his neck and back.

  “I’m frightened.”
  “Don’t be,” she answered.

  “What’s your name?”

  “You know.”

  He smiled.

  “Why are you frightened?”

  “There is too much goodness and beauty here for it to be the real world.” As he said this he found himself staring at her firm breasts like some sexually aroused high school freshman.


  “No, really, how can you be so beautiful and this island be so stunning and there is no one around to threaten our happiness?”

  “I don’t know.”

  The smile she had on her face made him question his own sanity for a moment. It was like being condescended to and pitied at the same time. The smile seemed to express certain contempt for something that had to be put out its misery.

  “What’s your name?”

  “You know,” she said again.


  “Yes you do.”

  “Who am I?” Wilbur asked.

  “My lover,” she said seductively.

  Wilbur blushed.

  The experiences of ultimate sexual fantasy continued. She sucked on him under the waterfall and although he didn’t think he had it in him, he had a tremendous orgasm. The he fell asleep.

  Odd dreams….

  Was this real?

  Was he crazy?

  How does the human mind work?

  What makes the human mind work?

  Eyes wide open.

  “Hello lover,” she said.

  “Oh, I must have been dreaming.”

  Wilbur took a long hard look above the waterfall. In the distance of the horizon, he saw hills, and behind them the endless sea.


  “Yes?” she asked.


  “What is it, love?”

  “I don’t believe this.” He paused. “I don’t believe any of this!”

  The mysterious sex goddess began to weep when she saw that he meant what he had said.

  “Wilbur! Why do you doubt your own senses?”

  “It’s not my senses.”

  “What then?” the sex goddess asked.

  “My mind… I could be insane and this could all be in my head.”

  “Trust me, don’t go there, don’t think like that!”

  “Why?” Wilbur pushed.

  She leaned over and kissed him patiently and the taste of her sensuous tongue almost left him with amnesia. He stopped wondering whether he had gone mad or if he was just madly in love with the lady of his erotic dreams.

  “This is a place where one must make a choice, Wilbur. Walk towards the ocean until you are under water and you drown.”

  “What are you talking about?” asked a bewildered Wilbur.

  “You heard me.”


  “Walk until you drown, this is the test. If you know this is a dream, you will wake up. If it’s not, you will die.”

  He starred at the sea. This is nuts.

  “Go on,” said the woman. “I can’t go with you to help you breathe so you really will drown if that is your choice.”

  Wilbur walked until he was waist deep. He looked out at the endless ocean. He thought he saw something pop up for a moment, a sea monster, rearing its ugly head. That was ridiculous; his eyes were playing tricks on him. Was he ready to drown to prove a point? Wasn’t reality a subjective thing?

  Wilbur almost had no choice but to follow the voice that was calling to him.

  “Don’t stop, walk deeper….”

  He obeyed.

  “Very well,” she said.

  He was now completely under water. Wilbur felt something strange, like a tentacle wrapping around his leg. A giant octopus? No, it was something else.

  The woman on the beach began to weep for the drowning man; he knew that she had lost so many other lovers to the merciless dark sea.

  The water was filling his lungs and he was in the state of panic that is so common to human beings who die by drowning. The woman on the beach cried uncontrollably.

  It was time now to surrender to the deep, dark waters.

  Wilbur knew he had to make a choice and so he made one.


  Dear Dr. Wells,

  Hell of a short story! Thanks for the preview before you finish up with final editing. I enjoyed your previous story very much. It was a compelling mix of humor, horror with a little bit of sexuality thrown in. Please keep up the good work.


  —Louis Diablo


  “That was fucking fast!” Wells exclaimed. The man had left his office only a minute or so ago and now he had already sent Wells an e-mail, praising a story that he had never shown anyone. A story saved on a disc at his lovely home.

  He heard a knock on his locked office door.

  “Good God, who could it be now?” he said out loud.

  “Hi, Dr. Wells, it’s me…”

  “Who are you?’ he asked, getting up to unlock the door.

  A striking woman walked in. She had lovely green eyes, fantastic strawberry blonde hair and a firm body. The young woman could not be over twenty years old.

  “Do I know you?” Dr. Wells asked her.

  “I’m Sarah Nolan…”

  “Is this a fucking joke?” he asked her.

  “No,” she said.

  “I don’t know if you have time to talk but…”

  “Sarah Nolan is a character from Christopher Wisdom’s book.”

  “Dark Fiction,” she answered.


  “Well, as you can see Dr. Wells, I am real…”

  He looked at her carefully. The professor recognized who she really was now. Lillian Alexandra, perhaps the biggest threat to his writing career now that he no longer had the magic of the Jinn to inspire his writing.

  “Yes, Lillian, I know you now. I know that you are real.”

  “I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation outside the door. The man you were speaking with haunts my dreams. I would like to show him my first novel. It gets published tomorrow.”

  “You write erotica just like Christopher’s character did in his book.”

  “Except I am real.”

  He scoffed. “You colored your hair up and obviously put contacts in your eyes. You’re in character, I suppose…”

  Wells was thinking the ambition of this young woman was border lining on the ridiculous.

  “Yes, I am.”

  The professor smiled. He had heard about many ways to break into mass-market paperback but this one was remarkably unique. He knew she did not come here to steal his good ideas or to have her writing style corrected. Lillian was not going to fuck him either. She was being psychologically aggressive.

  “You dream about…” he began.

  “This man,” she said. “I’ve heard his voiced and followed it.

  “Why should I help you?”

  “Sexual harassment, that’s why,” she said.

  “You’re going to sexually harass me?” he asked.

  She surprised him and cracked a smile.

  “Well?” the professor asked.

  “I have a list of at least fifty young women who said you had harassed them. Believe me, this is a conservative estimate.”

  “Define harassment,” the professor said.

  ‘“Sleep with me or you flunk this class,”’ she answered.

  “Oh,” he said, laughing. “I see.”

  He let out a hellish laugh. It would probably make her doubt his sanity. Dr. Wells thought, but only for a moment about the error of his ways and his current dilemma. What the hell did he care if she wanted to damn herself, too? She might be a good mortal writer but by God she had not dealt with evil supernatural forces like he did. She was confident of her success, and ten years from thirty years old. He was a veteran who fought on the British side of the Revolutionary War. Even worse, she was pissing him off; she was like a bloody bug swarming around his head that refused to go away. S
he had overplayed her hand now. Let her go to Hell for her arrogance. He was better than she was. She understood part of the picture, he knew but she was far from seeing the big picture. This so-called “Sarah Nolan” was out of her league. It was foolish of her to play with the big guys. She would pay the price and join the ranks of the fallen angels.

  “I’m not the least bit intimidated by you,” Wells said.

  She rolled her eyes.

  “What’s the title of your book?”

  “Jane Eros,” she answered.

  “I like it.”

  “Do you really?”

  Dr. Wells laughed.


  “So I will show it to the man of your dreams, Sarah Nolan.”


  “My pleasure,” Dr. Wells said slyly.

  Sarah smiled at him.

  “Perhaps with your book you can build your own mythology like me.”

  “You love to flatter yourself, don’t you Dr. Wells?”

  He smiled back at her.

  “Well, don’t you?” she asked.

  “Guilty as charged, I suppose.”

  “Every writer is damned you know. Our narcissism condemns us by the standards of purity and good faith. The myth is not the path to salvation; the myth is the road of corruption. In any case.”

  “You can meet him tomorrow.”

  “Thanks, Doc,” she said.

  “Now please get the fuck out of my office.”

  She smiled at him again. A perfect girlish seductive smile.

  Then, she started to unbutton her blouse.

  “What are you doing?”

  “What, indeed, Dr. Wells. You sound worried.”

  He smiled a very devious smile but her aggressiveness, did in truth make him anxious. The Devil himself would have blushed at her nerve.

  “You know I learned a few tricks while researching that old book of mine,” she said.

  “Maybe I can teach you a thing or two.”

  “I doubt it but it’s surely worth a try!”

  He grabbed her lovely tits. They were a beautiful set of knockers, not too big to be attractive and not too small to be unsatisfying.

  “Suck it, bitch!”

  She laughed.

  “I had something else in mind,” she said.

  “My God, what do you want to do?"

  “You eat me and I jerk you off…”

  “Christ, to think I almost called out today.”

  She took off her panties, and then started to slowly and seductively wriggle out of her jeans. Dr. Wells had a major hard on. It was delightful!


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