Deadly Truth

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Deadly Truth Page 5

by Laney Powell

  “As long as it’s not more than a day or so,” Silas said. “This weekend, I want to spend quality time with all of you.”

  “Awww,” Matty leaned over and laid his head on Silas’ shoulder.

  “Shut up,” Silas laughed.

  Jake and I laughed with them. I loved this, this feeling of family. If only I didn’t feel that it was incomplete. It might never feel complete in the way I wanted it to—I knew this. After running into Caspian many, many times—I only saw him occasionally, and at a distance. I could pick out his blond hair anywhere.

  After dinner, the guys went to get ready for rugby, and I went back to my room to try to get some homework done. I got so involved in what I was working on that I was nearly late for Matty and Jake’s rugby match. I had decided that I was going to go and support them, and homework be damned. I hurried out to the school’s playing fields, not waiting to see if my friends wanted to go. I’d have to leave early anyway to meet with Madame Karathos.

  When I got to the pitch, the game had already started. Jake was playing forward. Matty was a back, and he did more running. Jake played in the scrum, a line of eight guys with locked arms and bowed heads that kicked the ball until one of the sets of backs got it in a kind of restart after a foul. That was as far as I had gotten in the discussion of play. The rules were, as with most sports, complex and particular. There was something called a ruck and a maul, and while I loved the terminology, I didn’t quite have the knowledge to use it.

  In a completely non-game related thought, Matty and Jake both looked hot as hell in their uniforms.

  “They’re really determined tonight,” Silas said, coming close to me and standing behind me. His warm, outdoorsy smell surrounded me, and I liked the way his body felt next to mine. “You smell divine,” he whispered in my ear. “Floral and ink pen.”

  I turned around laughing. “Ink pen? Is that supposed to be sexy?”

  “You might think so,” he said shrugging. “Regardless, it’s true.”

  “I loved seeing you in your other form,” I said, remembering that I wanted to make sure to tell him.

  He was watching the game, but his eyes flew to mine. “Really?”

  I nodded. “You’re beautiful in all your forms.”

  His ears pinked at the tips and he stared at me intently, his green eyes growing darker. Something about his face shifted, making him look more wild and feral. “I wish we weren’t in the middle of a crowd,” he said, his voice a low growl that made all my nerve endings tingle.

  “Holy wow. So do I.” I kept my gaze on him, feeling my body react to him. It yearned for him. I wanted him instantly. Sex with him was as good every time we’d had it, just as it had been the first time.

  A cheer broke out around us, ending the spell we’d cast on one another. Silas looked onto the pitch. “They just might win,” he said.

  I turned back toward the game. “Really? That would be great.”

  “Well, for them,” Silas said dryly. “Not for me.”

  “It would be a lot easier if you all were on the same team,” I said.

  He laughed. “Poor Olivia.”

  “Oh, stop,” I glared.

  He laughed again, and put his arms around me, resting his head against mine. “I have something to tell you, Mystery Girl,” he whispered.


  “I think I’m falling for you,” he said, and his tone held no laughter at all.

  “You think?” I asked.

  “Mhmm-hmm,” he said, nestling himself close to me.

  I felt overwhelmed with happiness. After deciding that the four of us would find a way to make this relationship work, we hadn’t really talked about it all that much. It was that time, I guessed, where everyone was finding their place, getting to know each other better, the strengths and weaknesses, the things that made each of us unique.

  I turned and kissed his cheek. “Thank you,” I said.

  “Anytime,” he murmured.

  We stood together for a minute, or maybe a long time. I didn’t know. I watched Matty and Jake play, basking in the happiness of the moment.

  “Another thing,” Silas said into my ear.

  “What’s that?”

  “I like being part of a pack. Feels like home,” he said as he kissed the top of my head.

  I knew, I just knew, that people had to be watching. And wondering. I’d held hands with both Jake, and with Matty over the last three weeks. But I found I didn’t care at all.

  “That makes me happy,” I said.

  “Good,” Silas replied. He sounded satisfied.

  I glanced at my watch. “Oh, crap. I have to go.”

  He let go of me with a nod. “I’ll tell them you were so sorry you had to leave.”

  “Be nice,” I warned.

  Silas put a hand on his heart. “Always,” he protested, laughing again.

  “Right,” I said.

  “Work hard,” he said.

  I left, wishing I could stay. Wishing I didn’t have to keep going and getting the stuffing knocked out of me magically. Wishing I could just stay with Silas and celebrate with Matty and Jake when their game was over. A thought on how we might celebrate crossed my mind, and I felt myself warm from the core out, desire hitting me like a sledgehammer.

  When I got to Madame Karathos’ office, I took a minute to compose myself. She didn’t need to see any of the things in my mind right now. After a couple of deep breaths, I knocked.

  The lesson was brutal, just as before. But this time, she took me through the parts of the spell, and gave me strategies to combat it. Some worked, some didn’t.

  At least I didn’t fall flat on my butt again, but it was a close thing.

  “I think I’m done,” I said, collapsing into the chair. “This is hard.”

  “I know but you’re doing well.” Madame sat on the edge of her desk. Tonight she wore long, wide black pants that moved gracefully, just as she did, and a crisp white shirt. A necklace of silver with a clump of black and white crystals completed her outfit. Her hair was in a loose bun. She didn’t even look like she was breathing heavy, much less sweating. “Not all students could manage it.”

  Hearing her praise made me feel a little better. But only a little.

  There was a shout from outside Madame Karathos’ door.

  “What is that?” I asked, getting up. I could feel my heart racing.

  “Let’s find out,” Madame Karathos said, striding to the door. As she pulled it open, I could see a group of people outside.

  “Madame Karathos! He’s back!” a girl’s voice said excitedly.

  “Nathan Dearborn?” Madame Karathos asked, looking around.

  “Yes,” the girl said. “He’s coming now.” She looked down the hallway.

  Through the throng of people, I could see two guys helping another. The guy in the middle had dark blond hair, and his head hung forward. He was walking, but only just. It was clear if the two guys on either side of him let go, the one in the middle would fall to the ground.

  “Bring him in,” Madame Karathos commanded, and she stepped back. “Miss Washington, that will be all.” She nodded at me once and then turned her attention to Nathan.

  This must have been the boy who she’d mentioned. I didn’t realize he hadn’t returned until right now. We’d been working so much on my spell work that we really hadn’t talked about the missing students.

  As I stepped into the corridor, and a number of students walked in after Nathan Dearborn, I thought that Madame Karathos had made sure we didn’t talk about the missing students.

  How many more were there?

  I was restless as I walked back to my room. When I got there, Jake was sitting on my bed.

  “Hey,” I said. “How did the game go?”

  “We won,” he got up, grinning. “Silas looked a little worried.”

  “Does that mean you’ll play against him again?”

  Jake nodded.

  “I’m surprised you’re here,” I said.
Normally, I didn’t see any of them on Wednesday nights.

  “I wanted to see you,” Jake confessed.

  “You looked good on the field today,” I said.

  “Did I? I’m glad you think so,” he replied, his voice low and husky. He drew his hand down my face, and onto my neck, then his fingers traced down my arm and to my hips.

  “I did. I do,” I stepped closer and wrapped my arms around him. I wanted to fall into him. He was a head taller than me, and I loved being next to his broad chest. He smelled like soap. “Did you shower?” I asked.

  “Of course. I didn’t want to be all sweaty,” he rolled his eyes.

  “Oh, I don’t know that all hot and sweaty would be that bad,” I said.

  “Then maybe we should get together after the next game,” Jake replied.

  “I’d like that,” I whispered.

  His mouth came down onto mine, and there was no more conversation. Well, at least no more talking.

  His hands moved up my back and into my hair. “I love your hair,” he said. He pulled at the band holding it in a ponytail, freeing my hair. When it spilled down around my shoulders, he ran his hands through it. Then he kissed me again, his mouth hard, and demanding. His tongue darted in and out of my mouth, teasing, insistent. I could feel the energy practically zinging off him.

  I reached for his shirt. When I tugged at it, he tore it off. I ran my hands up his chest, making sure to let my nails rake against his nipples, making his breath catch. It made me feel powerful and strong to have this big, wonderful man so affected by my actions.

  Jake slid his hands up my shirt, and I obliged by taking it off. His hands went under my bra, cupping and squeezing my breasts. He bent his head to kiss the tops, closing his eyes as he did so.

  Wrapping my arms around him, I backed toward my bed, wanting to feel his body stretched out next to mine. The backs of my legs bumped against the bed.

  “Wait,” Jake said. He stepped back from me, pulling down his pants and shucking them off his feet. I smiled to see him, taut and muscular and very hard.

  I slid out of my pants and then lay back on the bed. “Please,” I said, holding out my arms to him. He lay down next to me, kissing my mouth, then my neck and collarbone, which made me shiver all over. My nipples got hard, and his hand moved to cover one, pulling on it a little. That made me turn toward him, arching my chest at him.

  Jake’s hand moved from my chest down my side, coming to rest on my butt.

  “You have the most wonderful curvy butt,” he said.

  I wondered if he knew he was smiling. His face had a dreamy cast to it. “I’m so glad you like it,” I said.

  “I like everything about you, Olivia,” he breathed. Then he kissed me again, and I pressed myself against him once more. His cock nudged at my sex, and there was a rush of warmth between my legs. It had been a while since Jake and I had been close like this.

  Jake kissed me carefully, as though he was afraid I might disappear. He was slow and thorough as his hand came around between us and eased between my legs. I moved my leg up onto his, to allow him greater access to me.

  His fingers moved inside me, slow, tender, in no rush. That was one of the things I loved about being with Jake. I felt like even when he was with me like this, he sought to learn me, to know my body. It was intimate and thrilling and overwhelming all at once and I welcomed it.

  As his fingers moved in and out, making my hips push against him, he kissed my neck, my ear, and the hollow of my throat. His thumb moved against my clit, stroking my desire for him to even greater heights. But his rhythm didn’t change—slow, steady, unperturbed by my growing frustration.

  I sat up, rolling on top of him. His cock was between my legs, and I moved against him, wanting him to be as insane with desire as he made me.

  He groaned even as he smiled. “What, you didn’t like what I was doing?” he teased.

  “You know I did,” I said. I lifted myself up and sighed as his cock pushed into me.

  Once I’d started being intimate with all three of the guys, I’d talked to Jade and Thalia about a contraceptive spell that would last longer than just one time, and they’d helped me cast it on myself. I thanked the goddess they’d had a good one.

  I drove my hips to his, wanting to feel him buried inside of me.

  Jake groaned, his eyes closing.

  I moved slowly up and down on him, watching his face, his expressions. His hands came up to my hips to hold me steady. Then they traveled up my stomach to cup my breasts once more.

  “Olivia,” he breathed.

  Without warning, I pushed myself down hard on him, making us both gasp. Jake sat up and wrapped his hands around me, cupping my butt. “Wrap your legs around me,” he whispered.

  I did as instructed, hooking my ankles together. The change in position changed the way he moved in me, and I felt myself move closer to the edge of bliss.

  Jake thrust into me, gripping my butt as he did so, his hand slick with sweat. I dug my heels into him, wanting even more of him, never taking my eyes from his.

  “Oh, gods,” he whispered. I could feel his nails. A thrill ran through me. His hips jerked against me, his movements faster.

  We looked at one another as first I, and then he, fell into the abyss together. I felt his release, which drove me higher. I couldn’t look away, and he didn’t. I wanted to, because watching his eyes was like watching the sun come up, and it was so bright it nearly hurt to see, but I couldn’t look away.

  When at last we stilled, he leaned his head against my chest. I stroked his hair, feeling the sweat around his neck. He smelled of soap and sweat now. I loved it.

  He was mine.

  I fell back onto the bed, bringing him with me. He curled around me, bringing me close to his chest. I didn’t want him to leave, and I didn’t think he wanted to either.

  But he finally said, “I need to go back to my room.”

  I sighed. “I wish you didn’t have to.”

  “I know, but I don’t want to cause you any problems,” he said. He stayed with me a few more minutes, then got out of bed. I felt cold without him next to me.

  That didn’t, however, stop me from admiring him as he dressed. “I could look at you forever,” I said.

  “You can look at me anytime you want,” Jake pulled his shirt over his head. “I’m yours, Olivia.”

  “And I’m yours.”

  We smiled at each other. He leaned down to kiss me. “See you tomorrow.”

  “I’m glad you came to see me,” I said.

  “Me too,” he grinned as he opened my door. Then he was out the door, and it shut behind him.

  I got up, put on some pajamas, and turned out the lights. I was happy and tired, a sure sign of sleeping well. As I snuggled back into bed, still smelling Jake’s soap, I sighed contentedly. I had the best life. I really did.

  I remembered nothing more until I woke up in the dark, clutching my throat, tears streaming down my face. “No,” I whispered.

  Chapter Eight


  I knew that Jake had gone to see Olivia. Normally, none of us hung out with her on Wednesdays. She was usually beat after whatever it was that she and Madame Karathos did.

  I personally didn’t understand why we weren’t looking for ways to shut the hellway, but Olivia seemed pretty convinced that it wasn’t something easily done.

  This whole fucking mess was frustrating.

  A knock at the door made me jump. When I answered it, it was Silas.

  “Hey,” I said, stepping aside to let him in.

  He was sweaty, and had smudges on his cheeks, and I think I even saw a twig in his hair.

  “You’re looking a little too natural, my man,” I said, nodding at his head.

  “What?” He walked over to Jake’s dresser to peer into the mirror. “Gods. I look like an amateur.”

  “What did you find?”

  “Nothing more than the same four spots I initially found,” he said, pulling a twig fro
m his hair. “No new burn spots.”

  He’d come to see me and Jake a couple of nights ago, to tell us that not only were there places where he could smell brimstone, but that he smelled a demon and Olivia in the same spot. He’d been running along the edges of the grounds every night since, to see if there were any new areas that were burned.

  Olivia hadn’t said a word about it to any of us. That worried me. This guy, Marbys, the demon—he was a tricky bastard. Everything she’d told us made me more convinced that he was going to get what he wanted from her, or kill her in the trying.

  And living without Olivia wasn’t something I could consider.

  It had only been a little over a month, but she was becoming as necessary as air to me. I loved being with her. She was far too serious, took Nobledark way too literally—I thought that was part of why this whole mess was so tough for her—studied more than anyone I’d ever met, and was so talented as a witch, it blew me away. I’d watched her from the first day of school. When she finally decided to volunteer in the Spells class we shared, I’d practically fallen all over myself to volunteer at the same time.

  Olivia was good. She knocked me on my ass like it was nothing. She was creative. Contrary to what she might have thought, I hadn’t held back. That’s what we had healers here for.

  “Why hasn’t Olivia mentioned anything?” Silas asked, bringing me back to the present.

  I shrugged. “Maybe she doesn’t know.”

  “Yeah, but she’s not a novice in the dreamscape. I wish I had half the skill she does,” Silas said.

  “True, but the demons don’t use the dreamscape, not like we do,” I objected. I couldn’t remember if this tidbit was from Olivia, or Professor Talbot after Olivia used it to such success in his class.

  “We need to talk to her about it. I don’t know what’s worse—that she hasn’t said anything, or that she doesn’t know.”

  “Maybe it’s a combination of both,” I said.

  “Way to make it all better, Pearson,” he rolled his eyes. “Where’s Jake?”

  “I think he went to see Olivia.”

  “But it’s Wednesday,” Silas said.


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