Come Away With Me

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Come Away With Me Page 96

by Kristen Proby

  I dial the airline as I unzip a suitcase and begin filling it with clothes and essentials.

  I’m an excellent multi-tasker.

  “I need to be on a plane to Italy tonight, from SeaTac, first class.”

  I can hear the agent get to work, her nails clicking on her keyboard as she works on finding me a flight, and I remember that Alecia tried to call while I was talking with Gianna.


  Fuck, I have to tell her I’m leaving.

  “I have a flight available at eight this evening,” the agent says.

  I check my watch. That gives me an hour to finish up here before I have to leave for the airport.

  And I need to talk to Alecia, preferably in person.

  Or, I could just take her with me. She has a team of people who can manage her business without her for a few weeks.

  I grin as the idea forms in my head.

  “That works, but I’ll need two seats, please.”

  “I have that,” she responds. I give her the passenger information, pay with my credit card, and finish packing, suddenly excited at the spontaneous trip back home. I’ve been eager to show Alecia where I come from, to see her face light up when she sees my grandparent’s land, or when I take her shopping in Rome.

  With renewed energy, I check in once more with Celeste, then head out, driving toward Seattle.

  I can’t wait to see her, but first I place a call to Steven.


  “Hey, it’s Dom. I wanted to let you know that I’m heading to Italy rather unexpectedly.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  The concern in Steven’s voice always makes me pause. The way he’s accepted me, so readily, always disarms me.

  “No, but it will be. There are issues at the vineyard, and I’m needed.”

  “Of course. Be safe, son, and let me know when you get there, and if there’s anything at all that you need.”

  “Thank you.” I nod and smile to myself. “I’m taking Alecia with me.”

  “Is that so?” I can hear the smile in his voice as well. “So, not completely a work trip, then?”

  “No, I want to show it to her.”

  “Good for you. Be safe.”

  I end the call and immediately call Matt, giving him the same information.

  “You’re taking her to Italy? Is she excited?”

  “She doesn’t know. It’s a surprise.”

  “Now, that’s one hell of a surprise.”

  “I know.” I laugh. “Chicks dig shit like this.”

  “You sound more American every day, brother. Have fun. Call if you need anything.”

  I end the call just as I leave the freeway, headed to Alecia’s condo. My Montgomery family is a special one, there’s no doubt about it.

  I walk quickly into Alecia’s building, checking my watch. We have just enough time for her to pack a bag and to drive to the airport. I hope I don’t have to get her naked to convince her to go with me.

  Not because I don’t want to get her naked, and sink inside her for the better part of the night, but because there’s simply no time.

  I check my watch again. Okay, maybe I’ll just get her half naked.

  I’m smiling at the prospect of taking her hard and fast in the kitchen when I approach her door, and open it without knocking, surprised that it’s unlocked.

  I glace down and frown when I see the shoes I gave her the night of Will’s wedding tossed just inside the front door. Then scowl more then I see her skirt wadded on the floor by the kitchen, and her top and bra flung in the living room.

  Sitting on the couch, with one ankle propped on the opposite knee, his arms stretched on the back of the sofa, sweaty and wearing only gym shorts is Blake.

  His shirt has been thrown on the arm of the couch. He’s sweaty, his hair a mess, and he looks…satisfied.

  And I’m going to fucking kill him.

  “Hey, man. Alecia is going to be surprised to see you.”

  “What in the ever loving fuck is going on?” I yell and advance on Blake. He immediately stands, frowning as if he’s confused, which only makes me want to punch him more.

  What? She didn’t see me for three days and decided to call Blake to scratch her itch?

  I’m so fucking stupid.

  “Dom?” Alecia says from her doorway. She’s wet, fresh from the shower, wearing only a towel, and the world falls out from under me.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  “Hey, man, it’s not what you think—” Blake begins, but I advance, pressing my face close to his.

  “What I think is that I thought I could trust you. You fucking lied to me.”

  “No, Dominic,” Alecia says, as she lays her hand on my arm. I look down at her hand and then into her face, and she immediately pulls away.

  I glare at both of them and pace away, pushing my hands through my hair.

  “What, exactly, are you accusing me of?” Alecia asks angrily. Her brown eyes are on fire, her cheeks flushed, as she props her hands on her hips and glares at me.

  “You’re about to lose your towel,” I say, trying to keep my voice calm.

  “I don’t care. Just say it.”

  “That’s right.” I shake my head and laugh humorlessly, pacing her living room. “Why should you care if you lose your towel? We’ve all seen the goods, right?”

  “Hey,” Blake begins, but I turn on him, hands fisted at my side, and suddenly Alecia is between us, hands on both of our chests.

  “We didn’t—”

  “This isn’t my first rodeo, Alecia. I’ve walked into this before, only last time it was my fiancé and my cousin.”

  “What?” Her face pales as she stares up at me. “And you think I would do that?” Her face reddens with anger. I simply shrug as Blake swears under his breath and paces away.

  “You know what?” Alecia stomps to the door and opens it wide. “I think you should go.”

  “Say you didn’t fuck him,” I reply and advance on her.

  “Jesus, Dom—” Blake begins, but Alecia interrupts him.

  “I shouldn’t have to! I want you out of my condo. Now.”

  “This isn’t the end of this,” I say, staring down into her angry eyes. I’m just as pissed off. I want her to say no. Of course I didn’t sleep with him.

  And if she hadn’t, that shouldn’t be so fucking hard to say.

  “I’m not talking to you right now.” She shakes her head adamantly.

  “We will finish this later.”

  When I step out into the hallway, she slams the door behind me. I hurry to my car and drive blindly north, through Tacoma, to the airport, getting angrier with each mile. She fucking played me.

  I want to turn back and confront her again. Kick Blake’s ass. But there’s no time. I’m needed in Italy now. My family needs me.

  I need Alecia.

  Or I thought I did.

  She just practically admitted to fucking Blake by not denying it.

  Read the writing on the wall, man.

  My cell rings, showing Gianna’s name.


  “Gee, that’s a nice way to answer the phone.”

  “What do you want, Gianna? I’m on my way to the airport now.”

  “I want to say thank you again. I’m excited to see you, and I wish it were under different circumstances.”

  I sigh and rub my hand over my face.

  “I’ll be there by tomorrow night.”

  “Also, I just spoke with Liliana, and I might have mentioned that you’re coming.”

  I shake my head and swear under my breath at the mention of my former fiancé.


  “She would love to see you.”

  “I’m not interested, Gianna.”

  “It’s been a long time, Dom. I’m not suggesting you marry her. Just talk to her. She’s missed you too.”

  She fucked Marco, is all I can think, but I’m too fucking pissed to argue.

; “Fine.” An idea begins to form. “Actually, Gianna, I will speak with Liliana. Invite her for dinner on Friday.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that! I already invited her.”

  “Good. I’ll see you when I get there.”

  I hang up and tap my lips with my fingers, thinking about the two women that I’ve ever been stupid enough to give my heart to. One betrayed me with my own cousin, not even bothering to try to be discreet. I’m quite sure she intended for me to find them the night before our wedding.

  It worked.

  And thank Christ I discovered the truth before I married her.

  But when I think of Alecia, it’s a physical ache in my chest. How could she do this? Why?

  Chapter Eighteen


  “I can’t fucking believe him!” I shriek and stomp into my bedroom to throw on clothes—any clothes, I don’t even bother to see what I’m throwing on—and march out to the living room where Blake has pulled his shirt on and is staring out the window. “I can’t believe I was going to tell him I love him!”

  “You do love him,” Blake says calmly, and turns to look at me. “And he obviously loves you.”

  “Loves me? He loves me and he accuses me of screwing around with my best friend?”

  “Look around, Leash.” His arm sweeps around the room. “Your clothes are everywhere. I was half naked, and you came out of the shower. If it had been me walking in on this, I would have killed him. I’m lucky my jaw isn’t broken right now.”

  “He should trust me!” I yell in response. “I would never do that to him!”

  “I agree, but did you know about the ex-fiance?”

  “No.” I shake my head and pace to the kitchen to open some wine. “And that’s another thing that pisses me off. He was freaking engaged? How has he never mentioned that little tidbit before?”

  And why in the hell does the thought of another woman wearing his ring make me homicidal?

  “Sounds like it’s not exactly a good memory for him,” he replies dryly. “Besides, did you ever ask him if he’d been engaged before?”

  “Why would I ask him that?” I turn and stare at Blake like he’s grown an extra head, but all he does is shrug.

  “You didn’t help things, you know.”

  “Are you saying this is my fault?” I demand.

  “Part of it, yes. He jumped to conclusions, but you refused to deny it, Alecia. Seriously, you were both pretty fucked up.”

  I sigh and hang my head as some of the mad leaves me. “What he accused us of is horrible.”

  “Definitely,” he agrees. “But you didn’t say, Dominic, I would never fuck Blake. He’s too good for me and the sex was too amazing and I can’t ever do that again.”

  I roll my eyes, but he just grins.

  “No, instead you said, and this is the Cliff’s Notes version, but as a man, this is what he heard, fuck you. I don’t have to justify anything to you. Get the eff out.”


  “I have dinner with Emily tonight, so I’m going to go. I suggest you go to the vineyard and apologize, Leash.”

  I wrinkle my nose, but I know he’s right.

  “I hate the taste of crow.”

  “Take a salt shaker.”


  I try to call Dom’s cell phone, but there’s no answer. In fact, it goes straight to voice mail.

  He’s so angry he shut off his phone?


  I pull into Dom’s driveway and walk inside without knocking.

  “Dom!” I poke my head into the playroom, the dining room, the kitchen.

  No luck.


  I’m walking briskly down the hallway to his office when Celeste sticks her head out, surprise written on her pretty face.


  “Hey, is Dom in his office?”

  “No, I’m sorry.”

  “Oh.” I turn toward the back of the house. “Is he out in the barn?”

  “No, he’s on his way to Italy.”

  I blink and turn back to her, sure I’ve misheard her.

  “Excuse me?”

  “He’s on a plane, Alecia. He got called home.”

  This is his home.


  “Not long ago.”

  He’s on his way to Italy, and he didn’t tell me?

  “When will he be back?”

  “He didn’t know. It could be a few weeks. Maybe a month.”

  “He’s going to Italy for a month.” I sound like an idiot, repeating everything she’s saying, but I can’t help it.

  Italy is going to love you.

  “It could be less.”

  I nod and then shake my head, trying to clear it. He left for Italy without telling me.

  “Are you okay, dear?”

  “Oh, I’m fine.”

  “Do you want me to give him a message?”

  “No.” I shake my head and offer her a bright smile. “No message. Thanks.”

  I turn and walk as quickly as I can out of Dominic’s house, to my car, throw it in drive and speed away, barely feeling the tears running down my cheeks. I try to call his cell phone again, but it goes straight to voice mail.

  He’s on a motherfucking plane.

  I dial Blake’s number.

  “If you’re calling me, it didn’t go well.”

  “He’s going to Italy,” I reply, and hate the sound of tears in my voice.

  “Seriously?” Blake asks.

  “I can’t make this crap up. The going gets tough and he runs off to freaking Italy. He didn’t even stay and fight for me, Blake. What in the hell is up with that?”

  Blake is trying to talk, but I’m on a roll, angry and frustrated and so fucking hurt I don’t know what to do with myself.

  “I mean, am I that big of an idiot? Am I so unlovable that people can just leave me without so much as looking back?”

  “Alecia, stop. Take a breath.”

  I do as he says and wipe angrily at the tears on my cheeks.

  “He was supposed to take me to Italy with him, and instead, as soon as he thinks the very worst of me, he hops on a plane.”

  I can’t fucking believe it.

  “Alecia, I don’t think this has as much to do with Dominic as it does with you and your own issues.”

  “I don’t have issues,” I reply stubbornly.

  “Oh, sweetheart, you have more issues than any of the Real Housewife chicks.”

  “I’m going to tell Emily you watch that crap.”

  “Seriously, Alecia. You don’t know that Dom has abandoned you.”

  “People don’t stay in my life, Blake,” I reply softly. “They just don’t.”

  I end the call and stare blindly at the freeway as I drive home. There are no more tears, just stunned silence. I park and walk up to my condo, let myself in, and stare in disbelief at the shoes Dom gave me where I left them when I hurriedly toed them off to get ready for my run with Blake. I pace around the space, stare out the window at the ferry floating by, and then pace some more.

  People don’t stay in my life.

  And why don’t they? I never speak to my parents. My ex-husband walked away from our relationship with barely a look back.

  I’m tired of being disposable.

  You’re my treasure.

  God, he was a damn talented charmer, I’ll give him that.

  With my mind made up, I fish my phone out of my bag and dial Emily’s number.

  “Hey, boss.”

  “Hey,” I reply, putting a smile in my voice, and quite proud that my voice doesn’t shake. “I’ve had something come up. Would you mind taking over for me for the next week or so?”

  “Sure,” she replies, and I can hear the questions in her voice. “Is everything okay?”

  “Of course,” I lie. I just have to go have it out with my parents, which is long overdue. “I just have some personal things to see to.”

  “Okay. Don’t worry about anything.” />
  I swallow the lump in my throat and take a deep, silent breath.

  “You’re the best. Thanks.”

  “No worries.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Gianna is fussing at the stove over our grandmother’s red sauce, humming under her breath, then pulls fresh bread out of the oven. I missed this kitchen. It makes me think of Nonna and laughter and home.

  Our grandfather updated this kitchen years ago, installing an industrial stove, oven and refrigerator, and Nonna made good use of it, always in the kitchen, always feeding someone.

  If we’d been smart, we would have bottled and sold her red sauce while she was alive, rather than wine. It most likely would have sold better.

  But she would have had none of it.

  I sip my wine, a pretty little Merlot that came from this land, and page through my cousin’s financials on her laptop one more time.

  “So, he was making withdrawals of more than ten thousand Euros at a time, and you didn’t notice? Come on, Gianna, I’m not stupid.”

  “He always had reasons,” she says, flailing her arms about as she paces the kitchen. I check the time, conscious that Liliana will be here soon, and I want this wrapped up before she arrives. “His car was broken. He had medical bills.”

  “Marco has never been sick a day in his life.”

  “Why would I question him?” she demands, her deep brown eyes on fire. “Why? He’s my brother, yes?”

  “You would question him because he’s done this before.”

  “But never like this!”

  I sigh and push my fingers through my hair. I’m still exhausted from jet lag, from being angry at Alecia. From worrying about this vineyard.

  “I’m going to go to the bank next week, Gianna. I’ll get you figured out. I’m still digging through your records, which are a mess by the way, and trying to figure out exactly how much he owes you.”

  “He’s not going to pay it back, Dominic.”

  “Oh yes,” I reply, my voice full of steel. “He will. And when I find him, I’m going to kick his ass.”

  “That’s not why I asked you here.”

  “Well, it’s happening anyway. You wanted my help, and you’re getting it.”

  She stops by the table, twisting the kitchen towel in her hands and finally wraps her arms around my shoulders and hugs me tightly. “Thank you for coming right away, Dom. Thank you for helping.”


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