Break-Away Strength

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Break-Away Strength Page 5

by Charlie Richards

  “Come on, Miguel,” Reggie urged. “Tell me what you were doing out here.”

  Miguel’s eyelids fluttered, then he peered up at him. “I felt so good,” he mumbled. “I saw the trees and wanted to play, so I decided to do some free running.”

  “What is that?” Reggie pressed. “Some kind of exercise?”

  Sighing, Miguel nodded. “Yeah.”

  “Naughty, Miguel,” Reggie rumbled. “You know you’re not supposed to be exercising yet, no matter how good you feel. No exercise with a concussion. I told you that.”

  “Mmm, but then I wouldn’t get to feel your arms around me,” Miguel mumbled. As he spoke, he reached up and rubbed the tips of his forefingers along Reggie’s jaw, scraping over his smoothly shaved jawline. “You have such a sexy jaw.”

  Reggie sucked in a harsh breath. He felt his brows shoot up and for a few seconds, his mouth became so dry he couldn’t speak. Getting himself under control, he reached up and gripped Miguel’s hand. Instantly, the younger man gripped his hand.

  “You’re a bit out of it, Miguel,” Reggie rumbled. “Confused, and don’t know what you’re saying.” That had to be it. No way was this sexy young man admiring him. “Let’s get you back to the cabin so you can lie down somewhere warm and comfortable. Okay?”

  “God, you’re so nice. So kind,” Miguel rambled. “You never hold anything I say against me.” He sighed, trying to tug his hand free. “Does that mean you won’t mind when I tell you how much I love older men and think you’re so fucking sexy I want to beg to ride your cock until all you dream about is how tight and hot my ass is?”

  Shocked, Reggie let go of Miguel’s hand.

  Miguel immediately rested his hand on Reggie’s chest. Sliding his palm up Reggie’s jacket-covered chest, he hummed appreciatively. “Nice muscle definition.”

  “Okay, Miguel,” Reggie muttered, once again grabbing his hand. “I think it’s time to call the doc again. Come on.”

  As Reggie spoke, he leaned closer and slid his free arm under Miguel.

  After a bit of a struggle, mainly because suddenly Miguel’s hands were everywhere, Reggie got them both to their feet. He kept his left arm tight around Miguel’s slender shoulders. With his right hand, he managed to secure both of the young man’s wrists in his much larger hand.

  Growling softly, his dick aching harder than he could remember it throbbing in decades, Reggie scowled down at Miguel. “That’s enough, Miguel. While I’m flattered, I don’t want to you to feel embarrassed when you regain your senses.” He huffed a grunt, the grumbled, “You’ll remember who you really are, and there is no way you’d actually want an old guy like me. Let’s go.”

  “Wait,” Miguel called softly. “Why are you calling me Miguel?”

  Unable to help himself, Reggie felt his expression soften as he smiled. “Because it’s your name. After I went shopping, I returned your tube and they had a name and address on file,” he explained. “I went over there, and, uh—” he paused and cleared his throat before admitting—”let myself in. I found your wallet.”

  Miguel’s brows furrowed. His teasing air evaporated. “Oh.” Leaning against him heavily, he nodded, rubbing his cheek against his chest. “I guess that’s good to know.” His next words were whispered so low, Reggie almost missed them. “I wonder why the letter D was stuck in my head.”

  “I don’t know,” Reggie responded as he got them moving. “But we’ll figure it out.”

  On the trip back to the cabin, Miguel remained silent. Reggie knew that was probably a good thing, but he could admit—at least, to himself—that he missed the handsome man’s chatter. While he’d momentarily doubted that Miguel truly had amnesia on his way home, something told him that he needn’t have been concerned. Miguel’s sudden melancholy screamed his confusion.

  A pang sliced through his chest, and Reggie wanted to do whatever he could to bring the silly smile back to Miguel’s face.

  Chapter Six

  Miguel? Miguel. Miguel...

  He thought maybe if he repeated it enough times in his head, he’d recognized it. Except, he didn’t. He didn’t recognize the name.

  And where did D come from? How come his mind was so focused on that letter? Was it a brother? Family of some kind?

  “Easy now, Miguel,” Reggie crooned, rubbing his shoulder with his right hand. “Concentrate on slowing your breathing. Slow, deep breaths. We’ll be back at the cabin in just a minute.”

  Miguel instinctively followed Reggie’s commands. Air went rushing into his lungs, clearing the panic from his mind. He didn’t know when he’d begun holding his breath or for how long he’d been doing it, but blessed oxygen instantly made him feel better. The black spots he’d hardly noticed in his panic instantly cleared.

  Sighing, Miguel sagged against the much larger, older man. “How come answers always create more questions?” He whispered the question absently, not really expecting an answer.

  They reached the cabin door, and Reggie opened it and helped him inside. The warmth of the building caressed his skin, causing him to shiver. He sighed, closing his eyes in pleasure.

  I hadn’t even been aware I’d become so cold.

  “Lying on the cold ground will do that to a body,” Reggie told him. “It leeches the heat from you.”

  “Guess I said that out loud,” Miguel murmured. He furrowed his brows. “What do we do now?” he asked as he allowed Reggie to lead him through the cabin.

  “I was going to suggest a shower to warm you up,” Reggie told him. “Think you have the energy for that?”

  Miguel nodded at the very literal answer. “Yeah. A shower would be fantastic.” Kicking off his shoes before entering the bathroom, he added, “But that wasn’t really what I meant.”

  Reggie peered down at him. “I know.” The skin around his kind brown eyes crinkled at the corner as he smiled reassuringly. “While you’re in the shower, I’m going to call my detective buddy. I’m going to tell him what I’ve discovered and ask him to look into your past.”

  A knife of fear sliced through Miguel. It was instant and sharp. He turned in Reggie’s helpful embrace to face him fully. Gripping the older man’s jacket, he clung, as if keeping him close was the only way he would ever feel safe again.

  “No, please,” Miguel begged. “Please don’t tell anyone I’m here. You promised.”

  Reggie wrapped his thick arms around him. One strong limb banded around his waist, the other gripped his shoulders. “Shhh,” he urged. “Just relax. You’re okay. You’re going to be okay.”

  Trembling, Miguel turned his head and rested his cheek on Reggie’s wide pectoral. He inhaled deeply, taking in the heady scent of male. Closing his eyes, he allowed the older man’s smell to soothe his suddenly frazzled nerves.

  “What’s wrong with me?”

  This time, Miguel wasn’t talking about his amnesia.

  Reggie must have known, too. He lifted his right hand to Miguel’s head and threaded his fingers through his hair. Massaging his scalp, he sent tingles down his spine, equal parts pleasant and relaxing.

  “I’m going out on a limb and saying abuse, Miguel,” Reggie stated softly. “I don’t know what you’ve been through, but you’re afraid of someone finding you.” Continuing to pet him, Reggie added, “We’ll find out who, and we’ll stop him, make sure he can never harm another. But you need to trust me. I need help from my friends to do it.”

  Miguel nodded, rubbing his cheek on Reggie’s jacket. Sighing, he whispered, “Sorry, I’m getting a little needy on you. I’ll go shower.” He eased his grip and took a step backward.

  For an instant, it felt as if Reggie tightened his hold. Then, the sensation was gone. As soon as the bigger man’s arms released him, Miguel missed them. With his head still fuzzy from his earlier fall, he knew he needed a moment to get himself together.

  Turning away, Miguel mumbled, “I’m gonna take that shower.”

  Reggie just nodded, his arms dangling at his side until Miguel’s view was
blocked by the closed door. After a few seconds, he thought he heard the sound of creaking floorboards. He wasn’t certain why, but he suddenly wanted to yank the door open and ask Reggie to join him.

  Shaking his head at the ridiculous notion, Miguel stripped off his shorts and socks, then proceeded to get cleaned up.

  Once finished, Miguel sat on the toilet lid with a towel wrapped around his waist. He panted softly. Fatigue filled him, and he had to agree. Free running probably hadn’t been his best idea.

  Funny how I knew how to do it. Kind of like tying my sneakers.

  A soft knock on the door drew Miguel out of his thoughts. “Yeah?”

  “Are you okay, Miguel?” Reggie asked. “I, uh, not to press. Just wanted to make sure you were okay after... you know.”

  Miguel smiled. Reggie’s stumbling explanation of his concern was damn sweet. He actually felt his blood flow south and his prick begin to thicken.

  Damn, I am out of it to lose control like this.


  Yanking his mind back to the present, Miguel hummed. “Uh, yeah. Sorry.” He turned his gaze toward the door. When the frame swam around the edges of his vision, he blinked. Shit. He suddenly realized he didn’t have the energy to get up. “It’s open,” Miguel stated. “I, uh... I think I need help.”

  The doorknob turned with a slow thunk of the tumblers pulling the tongue back. The hinges creaked as the door swung inward. When he saw the way Reggie’s cheeks were flushed and his gaze remained averted, he couldn’t help but smile.

  So damn cute.

  “I think I’m about wrung out,” Miguel admitted. When Reggie didn’t look at him, he added, “And your virtue will remain intact. I’m wearing a towel.”

  Reggie’s cheeks darkened, turning a rosy hue. He glanced toward him, then away, before finally focusing on him. While his smile was tight, his gaze lingered on Miguel’s chest.


  Still, it wasn’t like Miguel was in the habit of chasing after bi-curious, straight men... was he? Suddenly, when Reggie wrapped one of his thick warm arms around his shoulders and gripped his hip with the other—helping Miguel to his feet—he wasn’t so sure. Hell, how could he be sure anyway? It had been a gut reaction, after all.

  Miguel had been listening to his gut since he’d woken, though. Feeling the older man’s hands on him, he couldn’t help but enjoy his firm, warm touch. He wanted to feel them in other areas of his body.

  Could he seduce the sexy man? Hell, he could blame it on amnesia, right? Except, that wasn’t fair to the man. Still, Reggie seemed interested.

  Maybe I could...

  “Come on, Mig,” Reggie urged, helping him out of the bathroom. “Let’s get you to bed. You’re worrying me a bit. Is your head swimming?”

  Realizing he’d been quiet too long, Miguel did his best to reassure. “Sorry, Reg,” he mumbled. “My head is definitely not where it should be.”

  “Let’s get you to bed,” Reggie urged. “You’re dead on your feet... again.” As he maneuvered Miguel into the second bedroom, he added, “You’re pushing too hard. Give your body the time it needs to heal.”

  Miguel nodded absently. Resting a hand on the bed, he leaned forward and lifted a knee onto the mattress. As he moved, the towel loosened, sliding off his hips. His limbs heavy, Miguel didn’t even bother trying to grab it. Heaving a sigh, he instead pulled the blanket up to his waist, all the while knowing he was giving Reggie a show.

  “Sorry about that,” Miguel muttered. “Guess your virtue wasn’t safe after all.”

  Reggie chuckled softly, his gaze focused on Miguel’s chest. “Not like you have something I haven’t seen before,” he rumbled deeply.

  “Yeah,” Miguel murmured. Watching Reggie take a couple of steps away, then bend down to grab the towel, he felt an irrational spark of panic. When the older man straightened, Miguel leaned over and grabbed his free hand. “Please,” he whispered. “Please don’t go. I—” He snapped his mouth shut, uncertain how to voice what he wanted.

  Pausing, Reggie turned back to him. He swept his gaze over him again, his brows furrowed. The concern radiating from the older man helped Miguel’s thoughts clear.

  Grimacing, Miguel admitted, “I just don’t want to be alone right now. Can you, uh, maybe sit with me? Talk to me or something?”

  “Sure,” Reggie instantly responded. “I’ll just, uh—”

  Reggie glanced around the room, probably looking for a place to sit. It wasn’t a large room, however, and other than the bed, there was only barely enough space for the nightstand and dresser.

  Miguel eased over on the mattress, creating more space. He patted the mattress. “Please?”

  Hesitating, Reggie seemed to consider. Just when Miguel felt certain he was going to refuse, he nodded. He eased onto the bed, his back against the headboard and his leg cocked to the side, the other still on the floor.

  “Thanks,” Miguel murmured. “For everything.” He closed his eyes for a few seconds, taking a couple of deep breaths. “Not everyone would do what you’ve done.”

  Reggie patted his shoulder lightly. “Don’t worry about it,” he soothed, smiling at him. “I have a confession to make, Miguel.” Miguel knew his expression probably gave away his confusion when Reggie chuckled softly. “I enjoy your company. You... remind me of what it’s like to feel young.”

  “Come on,” Miguel prodded. “You can’t be that old.” He rolled to face Reggie and propped his head on his hand. After a thorough sweep of Reggie’s body, he returned his focus to the bigger man’s face. “You’re what? Forty-five?”

  Barking a laugh, Reggie grinned, revealing the laugh lines around his eyes and mouth. “Oh, I might have to keep you around, Miguel. You’re good for my ego.” Calming, he admitted, “I’m almost fifty-five, actually.”

  Miguel gaped. “No way. You gotta tell me your secret, because you’re a stud, man. I mean, so hot!” He felt his cheeks heat, but now that he’d opened his mouth and admitted his attraction, he couldn’t seem to help himself. Besides, Reggie’s cheeks were turning a pleasing shade of pink, but he didn’t seem upset by Miguel’s admiration. “If you were gay, I’d totally be after you.” He waggled his brows. “Sure I can’t tempt you?”

  As Miguel watched a myriad of emotions flash across Reggie’s face, he did his best not to betray just how much he hoped Reggie would take him up on his offer. He tamped down his disappointment when he saw Reggie shake his head. His expression turned wry.

  “Didn’t realize you were such a joker, Miguel,” Reggie rumbled. “Like I said. Good for my ego.”

  It hit Miguel suddenly. Reggie didn’t believe him. His words were an out.

  “Come lie down beside me, Reggie,” Miguel urged. He tugged lightly at the comforter, pulling it out from under Reggie’s thigh. “Let me show you just how sexy I find you. Let me touch you.” Offering a reassuring smile of his own, Miguel added, “You are welcome to stop my wandering, appreciative hands any time you find them uncomfortable.”

  Reggie scoffed, the corner of his mouth curving up in amusement. A second later, his eyes widened and his expression cleared. He stared at Miguel, giving him a long look.

  “You’re serious.”

  “As a heart attack.”

  Clearing his throat, Reggie muttered, “Haven’t had one of those, yet.” He shifted sideways, allowing Miguel to pull free the remaining bit of comforter trapped under his thigh. “What do you, uh, what do you need me to do?”

  Miguel’s heartbeat sped up. His blood rushed to his dick, causing it to thicken. He tried to ignore it.

  Doing his best to control his building excitement, Miguel pulled the blanket back. He kept his own waist covered, not wanting to remind Reggie of his nudity. Patting the bed, he smiled up at the bigger male.

  “Just lie down,” Miguel encouraged.

  Reggie’s brows were furrowed, but he sat on the bed’s edge. He bent down, then straightened and swung his legs up. Watching him settle, Miguel realized he�
��d removed his socks. Then, Reggie slid his feet under the blanket. He didn’t bother pulling it up, so it rested across his jeans-covered thighs.

  Licking his lips, Miguel watched Reggie settle on his back. He didn’t miss the tension in the guy’s shoulders. Nor did it escape his notice the way Reggie’s gaze darted from him to the ceiling to the dresser then back again.

  Miguel wanted to help Reggie relax. He wanted the other man to enjoy the experience. To that end, he tucked the blanket between them, allowing him to hide his growing arousal. He wriggled a little closer and settled his hand on Reggie’s chest.

  “Try to relax,” Miguel whispered. He winked, then asked teasingly as he rubbed the tight muscle under his fingertips, “Are you always this tense?”

  Reggie scoffed. He turned his head and met his gaze. His cheeks pink, he rumbled, “Can’t say I’ve ever been in bed with a naked man, Mig.” His gruff voice showed something other than embarrassment... arousal.

  Miguel had heard that kind of indicator plenty of times to recognize it. Relief filling him, he took a chance and swept his gaze southward to Reggie’s groin. He spotted a definite bulge. Reggie liked something that was going on.

  “So, you want to know what I like so much about you,” Miguel mused almost absently.

  He rubbed his hand up slowly until he toyed with the edge of his t-shirt. Miguel didn’t know when Reggie had shed his jacket—probably while he was in the shower—but he liked the access to skin.

  “I’ll start with your strong jaw. I love that you shave and show it off.” Taking a chance, Miguel lifted his fingers to Reggie’s jaw and slid his fingertips along the line of the bone. Once he reached the hinge, he slid over his cheek to the edge of his lips. “You have lines around your mouth, telling me you smile a lot.”

  While sliding his fingertips up across his cheek to the corners of his eyes, he touched the lightly wrinkled flesh. “The laugh lines around your eyes tell me you take joy in life. I don’t know your children or anything, but I can so easily imagine you having passed that enjoyment on to them. I bet you’re a great father, even now.”


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