* * * *
Mr. Brown ceased speaking as the hologram faded away and the lights came on full. This was the end of what his presentation.
The Captain whispered to Mr. Jones. “ Is that all they are going to show? I would like to see more.”
Mr. Jones whispered back. “ Have you not seen enough Captain? We have been viewing this for hours.”
“ I didn’t like what happened with myself and Beani. I need to know if they get back together.”
The Judge was looking at the two whispering men and thrust down his gavel. “ Mr. Jones if you are finished can we get back to this case?”
“ Yes Your Honor, let us proceed.”
Mr. Smith stood up and walked over to Mr. Brown. “ So Mr. Brown would you say that what we just witnessed was an accurate account of what took place on the planet Tarrago?”
Mr. Brown hesitated before he answered. “ It was accurate but somehow the timeline has changed since I reviewed the material yesterday.”
“ In what way sir?”
Mr. Brown sat thinking for a moment. “ The only thing I can think of is that the Captain with knowledge of the future has changed events.”
The Captain stood up. “ May I speak Your Honor?”
The Judge rolled his eyes and then abruptly nodded. “ Yes you may speak Captain.”
“ This is the first time I have seen these events, so how is that I have changed something?”
Mr. Brown continued. “ It is true that the Captain saw these events for the first time today but he also had more than two years to plan what he should do. Remember the Lieutenant named Beani-Poohs saw that he was acting strange and aloof and because of this she decided not to marry him. I think this shows that he has been thinking hard about what he was going to do on Tarrago.”
The Judge interrupted. “ Do you still have a case Mr. Smith or should we drop the whole thing.”
Mr. Smith answered. “ I think we do Your Honor. It is clear that the Captain broke his own prime directive and prevented a civil war from occurring. He even hinted to the man known as Elgin246 that he had knowledge of the future.”
“ Is this enough to continue Mr. Smith?”
“ May I be heard?” asked Mr. Jones.
“ Yes please make your point quickly.”
“ The charges brought about by the prosecution say that a child was born and he was half human and half Tarragon. They also say that this person would cause much trouble in the Beta Quadrant. This is not true, as the child is half odd and half even and this is none of the Captain’s affair. Also he might have prevented a civil war but it seems that the planet will be thriving by the year 01.0120 and not on the point of ruin. Surly we are not so hard hearted that we would want to see a whole race of people annihilated. In view of these facts I move that this case be dropped.”
The Judge went quiet for a moment as he thought things over. “ Yes I tend to agree with Mr. Jones. The space time continuum might have been disrupted but nobody is worse off for this. In fact the crew of the DVD have made things better. I am dismissing all charges that have been brought against you Captain Hemorrhoid, I am sorry for wasting your time like this.” He thrust his gavel on desk once more. “ Case dismissed! Captain you will say nothing about what you have seen and heard here. Do you understand?”
The Captain nodded. “ I understand.”
Mr. Smith walked over to the Captain. “ I am sorry, I really thought we had a case here. Perhaps I will get you next time.”
“ There won’t a next time! ” Retorted the Captain. Mr. Smith walked away with a faint smile on his lips.
Soon after this the courtroom was empty, only the Captain and Mr. Jones remained.
The Captain turned to Mr. Jones who had a big smile on his face. “ Please tell what happened here today, how did I win?”
“ Remember I was late here today, now I will tell you the reason why I was late. I went to see you.”
The Captain was puzzled. “ Me! We have never met before.”
“ Remember Captain that we here are multi dimensional beings. I knew what was going to happen and I didn’t want you and your crew to spend two centuries in suspended animation. So I went one year forward to see if you had won the case. When I saw that you had, it dawned on me to tell you about the trial and what you needed to do to win it. So in a years time I will visit you and go over what has to be done when you get to Tarrago.”
“ I don’t intend to ever go there now.”
“ Captain you must! The court officials will know I have told you if you do not go there. Besides you know how it turns out now. One thing more I want to tell you is this. The future is not set, we can change things for the better if we go about our lives the right way. Anyway you can go back to your ship now. Everybody will reanimate when you take your seat in your ready room.”
The next thing the Captain knew was that he was back in his quarters.
Star Yawns Episode 7. A Few Good Cadets by David & Sabine Williams Smashwords Edition Copyright 2014 Page 15