The Bear's Call Girl: A Steamy Paranormal Romance (Bears With Money Book 9)

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The Bear's Call Girl: A Steamy Paranormal Romance (Bears With Money Book 9) Page 5

by Amy Star

  “Here it comes, baby,” he said. “Get ready.”

  Experience had taught Suzanne that she had truly best prepare herself for what she was about to receive. She had been to bed with her share of well-endowed men, but now she saw all of them as just warm-up and practice for Justin. Her college boyfriend was hung thick, and the first thing she learned about giving oral sex to such a man was that it had a way of leaving her lower jaw aching afterwards until she grew accustomed to his size. She could only guess that pleasuring Justin would leave her jaw as sore as it had been after her first time with her old boyfriend.

  Suzanne did not care. Justin was a thing of ultimate beauty. She would take whatever he gave and whatever he demanded, and have no regrets about it. There could be no regrets from knowing such utter perfection. She parted her lips and let the tip of her tongue come forth like a pink carpet to welcome him. Gazing up into his handsomeness again, she saw him smile wickedly as he slid that fantastically thick root along the carpet of her tongue and slowly, carefully moved his dick into her mouth.

  Suzanne stretched her mouth as wide as she could to receive him. She moved her hands up and grasped his awesome ass, allowing him to fill her mouth with a couple of inches more than half his length. That was as much as she could take without gagging, and Justin could feel it in the tension in her muscles and the rigid way she held her head in place.

  He knew better than to expect her to swallow any more of him; the head of his cock must already be at the entrance of her throat. He had yet to encounter the woman who could deep-throat him, but Suzanne was already taking him as deeply as any other woman ever had. He felt the vibration of her moaning at the way his meat filled her mouth, and he held it in place, letting her gorge herself on it. Then, to his utter amazement, she moved her head forward a little more, taking another inch!

  His muscles and senses cried out with wonder and joy. He tossed his head back, sinking his fingers into her hair, and shouted, “Oh, FUCK YES!” His voice turned ragged and breathless from the way Suzanne was consuming him, actually taking more of his cock than any other woman he had ever met. He was in a world of awe at her beauty and her skill.

  “Oh, shit,” he panted and whined at her, petting her head and letting her continue to devour him as he had never been devoured before. “Holy shit, you are incredible. Oh yeah…oh yeah, suck it…”

  Feverish with delight, Justin let Suzanne take complete control of the act. With sexy care and finesse, she slid her mouth back and forth along the huge and throbbing length of his shaft, relishing the sounds he made, as if he would truly go mad from the way she sucked him. She thought she would go mad along with him: for his penis and the pleasure that she drew from it were beyond anything that she ever thought she would know.

  She took her time with him, not only for her safety but for the maximum delight that sucking it could bring her. While indulging herself in his wondrous wood, Suzanne took one hand from his ass and sought the other part of his treasure, the ample and bulbous sac of balls at his base. They were huge to match his cock, a pair of large, ripe and succulent berries wrapped up in their soft and hairy pouch.

  His sac was the only soft part of his body, and it was as delicious to touch as the rest of him. It filled her hand as his prodigious and pulsing member filled her mouth. She squeezed it carefully, tenderly, matching the rhythm of her stroking his dick between her lips, bringing forth sounds of manly rapture from him. Already she was feeling the strain in her jaws from having to keep her mouth open wide enough for him. Again, she did not care.

  Justin almost sounded as if he would burst into sobs from her devouring him, but after long, luscious minutes of it, he somehow found the voice to gasp out, “I want to taste you. Lie down; let me taste you…”

  As much as it pained her to have his monstrous thing in her mouth, it pained Suzanne even more in a way to let it slip free. She wanted it so much. But she wanted just as much to know what he could do to her down below, first with his lips and fingers and tongue, then with what she had just feasted on. She released his dick and let him lean her down and spread her backwards across the bed.

  With practiced instinct, she opened her thighs for Justin as he dropped to his knees, grunting from the lingering pleasure of her blow job, and took his fingers to the opening of her womanhood, spreading wide its pinkness and looking with pure lust at its dripping-wet readiness. He brought his face forward and enveloped it with his mouth. Suzanne went into a spasm of joy at Justin French-kissing her sex.

  His tongue slipped and slurped inside her and his lips sucked at her petals, driving her quickly into an ecstatic frenzy. How many women before her had he eaten out? He was bringing his practiced expertise from going down on all of them to what he did to Suzanne now. She writhed in euphoria at the penetration and probing of his tongue inside her. She whimpered at him, a sound that wordlessly begged him not to stop. And he did not. He filled her passage with his tongue as he had filled her mouth with his cock.

  Suzanne’s consciousness melted into a haze of transcendent pleasure, a pleasure that she knew would be surpassed only by what he did when at last he did to her the ultimate thing that a man could do. That still awaited her. For the moment, her world was the slipping of his tongue between her labia and into her channel. She let him possess and command her, making himself the captain of her body and her sex, and Justin would surely reward her obedience.

  Sure enough, he changed the way he pleasured her to something still more wonderful. He let his tongue slither out of her and up her outer passage, where he found her womanly love handle waiting for him. He smiled, inhaling the scent of her sex, at how prominent her pink bud was. Nature had been as generous with her clit as it had been with his dick. He took the tip of his tongue to it first, sending a shock of new delight into her body, feeling her jolt at his slippery-wet touch. Then he hungrily pursed his lips and took his clit into her mouth, making Suzanne squirm and squeal.

  She tossed her head at his sucking of her bud, begging him to give her more and more. He happily obliged her. Justin kept her pulpy goodness in his mouth, and for good measure he brought his fingers into play, slipping first his index finger, then his middle finger, inside where his tongue had been. Now, with Justin sucking at her bud and penetrating her with his fingers, Suzanne’s mind became a tornado of sexual rapture. She bent her knees and spread her legs apart as far as they would go, giving herself to him totally, letting her claim him with his mouth and his fingers, making herself belong to him completely.

  Though she lay spread out across the bed with Justin’s Adonis-like, short-bearded face buried between her legs, Suzanne felt suspended in a sky of joy, until he lifted his head from her sex. She raised her head to see him looking up at her, licking her juices from his lips and his fingers. The sparkling look of lust in his eyes told her what was in store for her now. The ultimate moment was upon her—as Justin himself would be.

  He sat upright on his knees and swiveled her legs up and over and onto the bed. Instinctively, Suzanne crawled up and backwards until her head rested on the pillows. She held her legs open for him as he climbed up with his full male magnificence. He loomed over her like a fortress of muscle and hair, his desiring eyes blazing down upon her from his inhumanly beautiful face. He brandished his mammoth cock like the weapon of raw sexuality that it was, and thumbed at the parted petals of her sex, preparing her for his greatest conquest of her body.

  She prepared herself for a pleasure that she knew would be beyond her comprehension. Justin moved the end of his erect weapon to her pink and glistening target. He put the tip of it into her, making her gasp. Then, with a lusty animal smile, he slid his ginormous log all the way into her warm honey pot, with one long, maddeningly dizzy stroke.

  His insertion was like a thermonuclear explosion of pleasure inside her. Penetrated from labia to womb, stretched inside more than any other man had ever stretched her, filled more than any other man had ever filled her, Suzanne could not restrain herself. She
screamed, a scream of joy beyond all manly or womanly ken.

  Knowing full well what he was doing to her, what he had done to more women than he could remember before her, Justin lay himself down on top of the screaming, sobbing Suzanne. She wrapped her arms and legs helplessly around him, the prisoner of pleasure beyond all reason, impaled on his gigantic prong. And Justin began to do to her what he roared out into the sex-charged air: “FUUUCCCKKK…!”

  The fucking that followed was epic. Justin pounded his colossal wood inside Suzanne with a force that rattled her bones and the bed alike. She clung to him and screamed under him, tightening her limbs around him to match the tightness of her inner walls around that incredibly huge, incredibly stiff rod. It felt like too much pleasure for her body to contain.

  She clutched desperately at his shoulders, fearing that she might actually faint from being drilled and plundered by a penis so immense while pinned and crushed beneath a body of virtually superhuman muscle. The rustling and bristling of his chest and ab hair against her breasts, nipples, and stomach made it feel that much more insane.

  The pounding and thundering of his crotch against her mound and the ramming of his enormous cylinder inside her were overwhelming. As incredible as his body and the force of his thrusting was the fact that she could remain conscious while he did it. Suzanne’s voice turned to loud, tearless sobs. She wept without tears at him: “Oh, Justin…oh yes… Oh YES…OH MY GOD, YES…”

  Her sobs mixed with the sounds of the hammer blows of his crotch upon her, and the sounds of his own almost animal grunts. When Suzanne’s outcries turned to delirious, incoherent sobs, Justin put his mouth on hers to muffle them, capturing her in a burning kiss while melting their privates together with the relentless plunging and hammering of his monstrous maleness inside her. He made her feel as if he would tear her to pieces with the size of his meat and the force of his banging. And, with her only remaining shred of reason, Suzanne welcomed it as she welcomed everything else about him.

  Pulling away from the kiss, Justin reared up on his elbows and kept hammering away with his massiveness into her depths, grunting and growling at her like the predatory beast that he was inside.

  “Don’t stop,” she cried, pleading, clutching madly at the hairy masses of his pecs. “Don’t take it out; oh God…” And in the midst of sexual madness, she pushed up at him, matching her up-thrust to his stroke, begging for him with her body as she begged with her words.

  Justin rammed his pole into her with all his might. “FUCK!” he roared, feeling the tremor in both her body and the bed. He slammed himself into her again just as hard, roaring again, “FUCK! UUUHHH…!”

  Suzanne’s surrender was complete. She had no power in this bed except the will to submit. Whimpering and sobbing on, she let Justin have his way, letting him slam his uncanny cock in and out of her, dissolving inside into a pool of bliss.

  Somehow, impossibly, she felt Justin began to pump faster in and out of her, building up to the inevitable moment. His voice turned to hoarse gasps as he continued to shake both her and the bed with his relentless pounding. With his piston going in and out of her stretched and tightened wetness non-stop, he slurped wetly at her mouth and gasped out, “I’m gonna come. Shit, you’re so good; I’m gonna shoot. I’m close. I’m getting there… Here it is… Oh, shit, here it is…” With his next hard and savage thrust, he stopped and held the full length of his power tool in her. “FUCK!” he cried.

  And Suzanne, lying prone, helpless, and utterly blissed out beneath him, felt Justin come. She felt the hot throb of his orgasm shudder through his penis, sheathed all the way in her. She felt the tremor of his climax ripple and roar through his muscles. She pulled his face down to her and into a molten kiss, and knew that inside her womb a colossal wave of thick, white man-milk was spilling forth from the pulsing head of his cock.

  He was filling her up with it as he said he would. It would flow freely from her when at last he pulled out, and she wept a little more knowing that he would; that for a short time at least she would not feel Justin’s uncanny meat thrusting in and out of her. But she took still more pleasure in the knowledge that his climax was only a reprieve, that soon he would mount and enter and possess her again. And again and again and again…

  He lay himself down breathlessly on top of her, and she massaged his shoulders with the skill of her former profession. He exhaled long and hard with his dick still in her, and together they felt it soften. They became still for a while, until Justin feared that his weight resting atop her would stifle her breathing. Then, slowly, he lifted his face back to hers and took her mouth in another long, luscious kiss.

  “You are wonderful,” she whispered, collecting her senses, letting him peck at her lips. “Absolutely wonderful.”

  “You are a hell of a lay,” he groaned softly back. “Did you come? I’m gonna make you come now.” He kissed her again, then started to kiss his way back down her body. Suzanne breathed slowly and deeply, accepting his lips which traced a trail of kisses on her skin, and awaited the release that he promised her.

  She closed her eyes and immediately entered the zone of bliss again with the enveloping of his lips and the flicking of his tongue on the bud of her womanly delight. He took command of her pulpy switch with the same expertise as before. She sighed and cooed and squirmed deliciously at the way he licked up and down at her, and teased her back and forth, and swirled his tongue around her buzzer. Every wet gesture of his tongue showed her that he loved giving his attentions as she loved receiving them.

  With Suzanne’s unconditional surrender to Justin’s desire came her ultimate reward. Giving total attention to the one place where a woman’s pleasure was the greatest, Justin took her on a soaring flight to where a woman most loved to go. Her first orgasm with him was like a sudden leap from a precipice of ecstasy into a sky of glowing joy. The glow filled her being and melted her mind.

  She moaned long and loud, letting the pleasure fill her and lift her and carry her off. Her whole world became the radiance of satisfaction in her mind and the wet and sensuous play of Justin’s lips and tongue down below. She felt as if she would fly that way forever. Slowly, that forever faded back to the here and now with Justin softly, sweetly kissing the lips and folds of her sex, thanking her for a job well done.

  Suzanne settled into a totally relaxed state while Justin climbed up from between her legs back onto the bed. Resting his head on the pillow beside her, he gathered her up in those big, heroic arms and pulled her into the massive, hairy pillows of his pecs. So completely blissed-out was she that it was all she could do to put an arm around him and caress his buttocks, thanking him in return for being the greatest client she had ever known. Serving him this weekend would be her privilege and her most surpassing joy.

  At some point, he whispered to her, “Are you okay?”

  Not wanting to take her face from his incredible chest, she kissed him on one pec and said softly back, “I’m better than okay.”

  “I only ask,” he said, “because…well, I know I can be kind of overwhelming.”

  She sighed at him, “That should be my worst problem. I should be overwhelmed that way all the time.”

  He chuckled back at her and kissed her on top of her head. “Trust me, this weekend you will be.” And he gave her bottom a little squeeze that made a burst of delight inside her. “You get so wet inside,” he said. “I love that. Every woman feels tight to me, as big as I get down there, but I love how wet you get. That’s what I love best. Tight and really wet.”

  “I almost can’t believe you’re real,” she said.

  “You’ll believe it when I’m ready for the next round—which will be very soon.”

  “But you’re so perfect.” She looked back up at him now, back into that mesmerizingly, hypnotically beautiful, short-bearded face. “You’re like guys in stories I used to read, movies I used to watch.”

  “What guys?”

  “Hercules. Samson. Those guys. You should be out s
omewhere in sandals and a toga with a shield and a sword, fighting dragons and monsters and mythical creatures.”

  “Do I need to remind you I am a mythical creature? Werebear here, remember? I’m not those guys. I’m what those guys fight.”

  “No, you’re not. You’re a hero. You’re big and strong and beautiful.” She was filled with the knowledge of how much she truly admired this man for his matchless male beauty, for his supreme accomplishments. “You’re a champion.”

  “Mighty warrior, huh?” he grinned at her. “Well, I guess you can tell I’m more of a lover than a fighter. Don’t get me wrong, I can fight my battles and win them—in the office, in the boardroom, at work. But I’m at my best in bed. Right here with you, where it’s just us, our bodies together—this is where I feel like a champion.” And he kissed her, a kiss filled with meaning as much as desire.

  “You know, I’m not saying all these things just because you’re the client and it’s my job,” said Suzanne. “I really mean it.” She fixed him with the most sincere, honest look that she had ever given a man in her life. It almost frightened her to know how much she truly meant what she was saying. “You’re not just a job. I knew as soon as I looked at your files—I knew you weren’t going to be just a job. I knew you’d be the best job I’ve ever had. And you are.”


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