The Rat

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The Rat Page 8

by Louise Collins

Sebastian flashed a look at Captain and Zeke going down the stairs. “Probably not, but I could get in the way, take the beating for you.”

  “And why would you do that?”

  “You got a cute face, and I want it to stay cute.”

  “You hated me a few weeks ago, why the change?”

  “I prefer your smile to your wide eyes, and wobbling bottom lip.”


  Sebastian chuckled, and turned when Rory came closer, and looked down at the wing.

  “You ready for it?”

  “For what?” Rory asked.

  Sebastian pointed, then smirked, “The reunion.”

  The gate opened, and Teddy stepped inside with his bag of clothes clutched to his chest. He froze, and his eyes fixed to Ollie awkwardly standing in the middle of the wing. As soon as Teddy smiled, Ollie rushed forward and gave him a hug.

  “Aww,” Sebastian said. He pouted his lips, and said in a forced voice, “Isn’t that sweet.”

  “Hope you’re not expecting me to do that.” Rory muttered.

  “No. I want you to drop to your knees and scream your thanks at god.”

  Rory laughed, shaking his head, and Sebastian’s deeper tone added to the rumbling.

  “You know what I hate…”

  “What?” Rory asked.

  “I hate that I like the sound of your laugh.”

  “That doesn’t make any sense.”

  “I’ve only heard it a few times, but I like the sound. I wish you had a cackle, or you snorted like a pig, just something to make me hate it.”

  “Why—why do you want to hate it?”

  Sebastian shrugged. “I dunno.”

  Rory didn’t think he’d say more, and smiled when Ollie glanced their way, and gave them the thumbs up.

  “I guess, it’s because I don’t wanna miss it when I get out of here.” Sebastian pushed off from the railing. “Speak to you later.”

  “Yeah, later.”


  Rory lay in bed, rubbing the heels of his hands into his eyes. He couldn’t sleep, no matter how hard he forced it, it wasn’t happening. The reason for his insomnia lied underneath him, deadly still, not even a slight whistle or snort as he slept.

  He liked Sebastian. He liked being around him. He liked the way he looked, and the way he smiled, and the way he made Rory feel safe. But Sebastian Claw was a monster. He was in prison for murder, but he’d done worse. He’d made deals with terrorists and gangs, sold them despicable weapons to torture and kill. Not to mention he seemed hellbent on getting revenge on Hamish. Hamish, who rightly locked Sebastian up for murder.

  Rory couldn’t wrap his head around it. Even though he knew Sebastian’s dark side, he couldn’t hate him. Somehow, in five weeks, he’d started to like him.

  Chapter Nine

  Hamish looked at Rory expectantly. “Well?”

  “I haven’t heard anything else.”

  “It’s been a month since we last visited.”

  “I know that.” Rory sighed.

  A month of playing chess with Sebastian. A month of watching him strip off for bed. A month of taking his clothes off under his watchful gaze. A month of waking up to Sebastian and trying not to steal glances at him as he stood in all his naked glory, morning erection bobbing as he got ready for the day.

  “So what have you been doing?” Hamish asked.

  “I eat, I sleep, I play chess, I exercise in the gym, and I go to art class.”

  Hamish slammed his fist down on the table. “This isn’t some holiday retreat!”

  “You’ve been here eight weeks now,” Morris muttered.

  She paced back and forth in the small room. “Surely you’ve got something more for us. Sebastian Claw wants revenge, but we didn’t need you to tell us that, you’re in here to find out what form this revenge will take.”

  “I’ve been getting closer to him.”

  Morris stopped, and tipped forward as she laughed. “Oh, really, getting closer?”

  “Not like that.”

  “Sure,” she smirked, “not like that.” Morris rolled her eyes, then averted her gaze.

  “I’m serious,” Rory snapped, “I know what he is, I know what he’s done. I’m not gonna use my body to get closer to him.”

  “Then what did you mean by getting closer?” Hamish asked.

  “Sort of … like friends, I guess.”

  “Friends with Sebastian Claw?”

  “I’m hoping he’ll open up to me, tell me what he’s planning on the outside.”

  “It was a waste of time coming today.” Morris mumbled.

  “Do you really not have any new information, anything at all?”

  Rory frowned at his lap, then lifted his head. “He’s got a phone.”

  Morris rushed forward and braced her hands on the table. “See, that’s the kind of stuff you should be telling us.”

  “I haven’t heard him use it though, and I don’t know where he hides it.”

  “We need that phone.” Hamish said, “I’ll talk to the governor, get the guards to search the cell.”

  “What if he doesn’t keep it in the cell?” Morris asked.

  “Then it’ll be up to Rory to find out where he does. It’ll have contacts, messages. We need that phone, understand?”

  Rory nodded. “Yeah, I understand.”


  Ollie was waiting at the gate. He grinned when Rory stepped back on the wing.

  “How was your uncle?”


  “So Captain’s already in the gym.”

  “Eager to get going?”

  Ollie nodded. “Hell yeah. I beat you yesterday.”

  “You’ve been training with Captain longer, and remember, I was stabbed.”

  “Yeah, you said that yesterday, a lot, especially after I got you in that headlock.”

  “It wasn’t my finest hour, and it didn’t make me feel any better when Teddy gave you a standing ovation.”

  Ollie grinned brighter. “He was proud of me.”

  Captain and Zeke were engaged in intense conversation when they arrived. Zeke looked up, then excused himself.

  “We didn’t mean to interrupt.”

  Captain shook his head. “Nah, it’s okay. He’s trying to convince me to see the psychiatrist again, says it helped him.”


  Captain rocked back on his heels. “I can still picture how frightened he looked when I started yelling. Maybe—maybe in a few weeks, I’ll have the guts to apologize.”

  “Don’t wait that long,” Rory mumbled.

  “Anyway, come on, stretches first…”


  Ollie was wiping the floor with him, quite literally. Rory panted, and made a time-out sign with his hands.

  “You’re getting better.” Captain said.


  “Slightly better.”

  Rory laughed, and accepted Ollie’s hand. He tugged him off the floor, then patted his back. “That’s six-nil to me.”


  Rory bowed forward and rested his hands on his knees. His heart thumped heard enough to distort his vision, and Captain held his shoulder to steady him.


  “Yeah, just dizzy.”

  “You need some water.”

  “In a sec.”

  “Hey, Rory.”

  He looked up at Damon. “Yeah?”

  “You might wanna get back to the wing?”


  “The guards are trashing your cell.”

  Rory stopped panting and stood upright. “What? Why?”

  “No idea, but Sebastian’s fuming.”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  Captain grunted, then held out a bottle for him to take. “Not before you drink.”

  Rory drank the whole bottle, then hurried out of the gym.

  Sebastian’s eyes followed him the whole trek up to the cell. The glare was back, more intense than before,
and Rory’s gut squished with unease. He stared at the metal walkway as he approached, then leaned on the railing beside Sebastian.

  “Can you believe it?” Sebastian hissed.

  “What are they looking for?”

  “Anything we’re not supposed to have. The question is, who’s trying to piss me off?”


  “They wouldn’t do this randomly, someone’s tipped them off.” Sebastian pointed his finger at Pauly hovering by the stairs. “And I reckon it’s him.”

  Pauly snorted and turned away.

  “I’ll get you back for this.” Sebastian warned.

  Rory craned his neck to see inside the cell. Their clothes were scattered, and the mattresses were getting vigorously patted down. One of the guards stepped out and held up a small pot.

  “What’s this?”

  “It says what it is on the tub.”

  “Don’t go getting smart with me, Sebastian.”

  “Don’t ask dumb questions.”

  The guard untwisted the lid and took a sniff.

  “It’s Vaseline,” Sebastian mumbled, “For sore lips.”

  The guard narrowed his eyes. “Yeah, I’m sure that’s what you use it for…”

  He gave Rory a pointed look.

  “What? We don’t do anything like that.”

  Sebastian snorted, then flung his arm around Rory’s shoulder. “No, we go at it raw, like animals.”

  The guard shuddered and wrinkled his nose. “I don’t wanna hear it.”

  “Look, it’s not banned, I bought it downstairs in the shop.”

  The guard huffed, then tossed the tub back into the mess of their cell.

  “Come on, there’s nothing in there.”

  The other guards trudged out, and Sebastian beamed a manic smile at them.

  “Assholes,” he growled.

  He still had his arm around Rory, and when he pulled it away, he dragged his hand along the back of his t-shirt. “Someone’s been working hard.”

  “I was in the gym with Captain.”

  “Yeah, sorry I sent Damon down to interrupt, but I thought you’d wanna know about the guards.”

  Sebastian stepped into the cell and whistled at the mess. “Utter assholes. Looks like a bomb’s gone off, doesn’t it?”

  Rory froze, and stared wide-eyed at Sebastian’s back.

  He picked Rory’s mattress off the floor and threw it on the top bunk. “But it’s not gonna sort itself out.”

  Rory started sorting through the clothes. He folded each item and placed it in the cabinet. He couldn’t look at Sebastian, and each time their bodies bumped, or brushed, he shivered.

  Sebastian’s hands lingered on Rory as he seemingly steadied him while he squeezed past. At one point he came up behind Rory and pressed his crotch to Rory’s ass as he put the pillow back on the top bunk. Pleasant chills ran the length of Rory’s body. He scrunched his toes, and flexed his hands to stop blood flowing to his cock.

  They’d been sharing a cell for eight weeks, but they rarely stood up at the same time. Rory usually waited on the bed until Sebastian was done.

  Sebastian placed his palm to Rory’s chest and stopped him reaching for any more clothes. He thought he’d been found out, thought Sebastian could smell his arousal.

  “Your heart’s going crazy.”

  “I was doing weights.”

  Sebastian frowned, then pressed the back of his hand to Rory’s brow. “And you’re burning up. Captain better not be working you too hard, you’re still not 100% after…”


  Sebastian slipped his hand under the bottom of Rory’s t-shirt, and he gasped. He closed his eyes when he felt Sebastian’s thumb tracing his scar, no longer hidden under a bandage, but pink, and slightly tender.

  Sebastian took his hand away. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “You didn’t.” Rory breathed.

  “You smell like sweat.”

  Rory looked down at himself. “Sorry, I’ll go shower.”

  “I didn’t mean it as a bad thing.”

  He grabbed his towel and rushed out of the cell.


  Rory rested his head against the tiles and let the shower spray down his back. He rubbed his thumb along his scar with the same ghosting pressure Sebastian had used. Sebastian was a monster. He’d murdered and done other horrendous things. Things he’d gotten away with.


  He jumped at the voice and looked over to Sebastian. He hooked his towel on the railing and walked towards the showers. He didn’t use the one next to Rory, but left one in between them. He thumped the button on the wall, then hissed as the water hit him. It ran down his muscles, through his grey hair, past his cheeks, over his lips.

  Rory couldn’t breathe.

  His heart began drumming, and his skin tingled under the spray. He felt too hot and adjusted the temperature on the wall.

  For eight weeks, he managed to avoid having a shower at the same time as Sebastian, but it was just the two of them, and the guard watching on the other side of the glass.

  Sebastian started soaping up his body, and the smoky, dark scent of his body wash travelled to Rory’s nose. His mouth watered, and he turned the shower temperature down another notch.

  He’d seen Sebastian’s cock, it was unavoidable when they shared a cell, but this was different. Sebastian stood in all his glory, under bright light, soaping up his body.

  Rory didn’t know what to do with himself.

  Bubbles clung to the hair at the top of Sebastian’s cock and ran down his legs.

  Rory knew he should leave the shower room, but he couldn’t.

  “You okay over there?” Sebastian asked.

  “Yeah, fine.”

  Rory forced himself to look away, but three seconds later, he was flashing looks Sebastian’s way again. Sebastian soaped up his cock, and it was hard in his hands. Hard, and thick, and red with arousal. Rory’s eyes fluttered, and he panted at the tiles.

  “Jesus…” he breathed.

  “What was that?”


  Sebastian looked down at his cock. “Sorry, I can’t help it. I said before you’re my type.”

  Rory swallowed hard, unable to say anything back.

  “Looks like I’m your type, too.”

  Rory hadn’t looked down at his cock once, tried to pretend he couldn’t feel the pressure, and the ache. He was hard and adjusting the shower had done nothing to dampen his arousal.

  He slammed his fist on the button, cutting the water, then hurried to get his towel. He wrapped it around his waist, turned away from Sebastian, took ten deep breaths, then left the room.


  Rory dreaded lock-up, but Sebastian didn’t mention the shower incident. He went through his nighttime routine, then Rory slipped down from the top bunk, and went through his. They didn’t speak, but lay in silence until the lights cut out.

  “Was that the first time you’ve got hard looking at a man?”

  Rory bit his lip. “No. I—I like men.”

  “Then what’s the problem?”


  “You’re avoiding looking at me in the eye again.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  Sebastian smirked, then Rory felt the bed jolt as he climbed out. “You don’t have to worry, I told you, I don’t want you like that. I’m not gonna force myself on you,”

  “I know you won’t.”

  Sebastian narrowed his eyes. “Do you really know that?”

  “Fine, I hope that you won’t.”

  “How many times have you jerked off since you’ve been here?”

  Heat flooded Rory’s face, it didn’t matter that the lights were off, he imagined Sebastian could feel his embarrassment radiating from his cheeks.

  “I haven’t.”

  “God, you must be frustrated. Why haven’t you?”

  “I dunno, it’s weird … when you’re not alone.”

nbsp; “It’s your cell, too.”

  “I know… I…”

  Sebastian pursed his lips, ducked under the bed, then returned with the tub of Vaseline in his hand. “Tell you what, I’ll do it at the same time and then you won’t feel weird.”


  Sebastian unscrewed the lid and held out the pot. “Take some, get your cock nice and wet, that’s how I like it, it’ll feel better.”

  His eyes glinted, challenging, smug, confident. Rory couldn’t work out his emotions, but he held the tub out for a few minutes and neither of them spoke. Rory reached hesitantly, and Sebastian gave him an encouraging nod. He chuckled when Rory finally scooped out some with his fingers.

  “That’s it,” Sebastian mumbled. “Enjoy.”

  He disappeared under the bed, leaving Rory to stare at the ceiling with sticky fingers, and a hard-on in his boxers. He didn’t touch himself, but stayed perfectly still, and listened.

  He heard the tub of Vaseline again, Sebastian screwing the lid back on. Then Sebastian groaned, and Rory bit his lip when he heard the wet sound. The fast slip and slide of a hand on a cock.

  A sob broke free of Rory’s lips, and Sebastian laughed breathlessly.

  “Let go.”

  Rory reached down and wrapped his hand around his cock. He didn’t need the Vaseline, his cock leaked with vigor and his boxers were sopping wet. He grabbed himself hard and started rubbing.

  Sebastian groaned and panted beneath him, but Rory stayed as quiet as he could. He wanted to listen, and he shut his eyes, allowing himself to be seduced by the sex sounds of the man below. He lifted his hips in time with his hand, and his cock was so slippery he lost his grip. He heard Sebastian’s hand moving faster, the wet sound got louder, and he followed Sebastian’s lead.

  Rory’s cock throbbed, his balls tightened, and the tingle-like itch of an inevitable orgasm began.

  “Fuck,” he groaned.

  “That’s it, let go with me Rory…”

  Sebastian saying his name was enough, and he bit his lip, and whined as he came. His cock seized, and relaxed, seized and relaxed, shooting his load on to his chest with each contraction of pleasure. He pressed his head back into the pillow and heaved for breath.

  Sebastian’s light chuckle drifted up from the bottom bunk. Rory could barely hear it over his heartbeat and gasps for air.

  “Night, Rory.”

  Chapter Ten


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