The Rat

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The Rat Page 15

by Louise Collins

  “I’m not really one of them, am I? I’m a cheat, a liar, a deceptive asshole, and I need to be in there, with the other cheats, liars, and assholes.”

  Rory raised his hands and walked away. A guard took hold of his arm, and pulled him deeper into the prison, down corridors, through gates. He was strip searched, then redressed to go back on the wing.

  The inmates were already in their cells, and the lights were off. The guard used a flashlight to guide their way, and it seemed like in the space of a blink, he was outside his and Sebastian’s cell door.

  He was home.

  The key clunked in the lock, and the door swung open. Rory couldn’t see anything when he stepped inside. The floodlight shone on his bed, and the corner of Sebastian’s pillow. The door locked behind him, but he didn’t hop onto his bed, he waited.

  Sebastian stood up slowly, then came closer.


  That was the moment he allowed himself to cry.

  Sebastian rushed forward and pulled him into a hug. Rory shoved his face into his neck, clutched on, and took a deep breath. Sebastian was warm under his hands, his heart was thumping hard in his chest, and Rory could hear him breathing, sighing through his nose. He clutched Sebastian, and Sebastian held him back harder.

  “It’s gonna be okay…”

  “It’s not.” Rory murmured.

  Sebastian brushed his thumb against the nape of Rory’s neck. His eyes drifted shut at the sensation, then they snapped open. He didn’t deserve to feel nice, he didn’t deserve to be comforted. He went from grabbing Sebastian, to pushing him away, but Sebastian didn’t let go.

  “Hey,” Sebastian mumbled. “Don’t...”

  Rory sunk back against his chest and pressed his face so securely to Sebastian’s neck it hurt his nose. He didn’t care, he cried, and only stopped when he felt wetness on his arms. Realized his tears, and whatever else, had ran down Sebastian’s back.

  He scowled. “Sorry…”

  “It’s fine.”

  Sebastian pulled Rory over to his bed. “Sit down.”

  Rory did as he was told and shuffled back until he was against the wall. Sebastian offered him some tissue, and he wiped his eyes and nose.


  Sebastian sat next to him, then pulled the sheet over their laps.

  “Wanna talk about it?”

  “Not really.”

  “That’s okay, we can sit for a bit.”

  Rory closed his eyes when he felt Sebastian’s arm snake round his neck and tug him close.

  “I’m on my own.”

  “No. You’ve got me.”

  “Only for a week.”

  Sebastian sighed. “Ollie told me you knew the girl in the article.”

  Rory bobbed his head. “Yeah.”

  “I’m sorry you found out like that.”

  “I should’ve known. I feel shit that I didn’t know.”

  “If no one told you, how could you have possibly known?”

  Rory shook his head, then tapped his chest, the place where he had a vast emptiness instead of a heart. “I mean, I should’ve known. I should’ve felt something, knew something was wrong.”

  “You don’t have some sixth sense.”

  “I guess not.”

  Sebastian hissed, then reached for Rory’s hand. “What the hell did you do to yourself?”

  “I had an argument with the wall.”

  “Who won?”

  “The wall, but it was close.”

  Sebastian laughed lightly and rubbed his thumb over Rory’s knuckles. “It’s gonna be okay, Rory.”

  “No, it’s not, it won’t be okay. I can’t think of a single way, any of this is going to end well.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Maybe I just don’t think about the end … I think about the now.”

  Sebastian dropped Rory’s hand, then pressed the back of his fingers to Rory’s forehead. “You feeling all right?”

  “No, but I think you can make me feel better…” He shoved Sebastian’s hand away from his face and straddled him. “Kiss me.”

  “You think a kiss will make you better?”

  “No, but it might make me feel less dead.”

  Sebastian eyed his lips, and Rory closed his eyes, waiting, but the only kiss he got was brief, and on his cheek.

  “A proper kiss.”


  “Please.” Rory opened his eyes, and clutched Sebastian’s shoulders. “Please, I won’t ask ever again, I swear.”


  He swooped to connect their lips, but Sebastian’s hands shot up, and caught his chest. “Stop…”

  “Please, Sebastian.”

  Sebastian shook his head, but his gaze dropped to Rory’s lips. His eyes darkened, and his hands slipped from Rory’s chest and found his hips.

  “Please,” Rory murmured, getting closer.

  Before Sebastian could protest again, Rory pressed his lips to Sebastian’s. Not kissing, there was no suction, their lips just rested together.

  Short, sharp breaths left Rory’s nose, his heart punched in his chest, hard enough to make him dizzy, and the darkness seemed to make everything worse. Sebastian wasn’t kissing him, and he’d never needed someone to kiss him that badly in his life.

  “What are you doing?” Sebastian mumbled.

  His words vibrated off Rory’s lips making them tingle. Rory didn’t reply, he stayed perfectly still, mouth touching Sebastian’s. Not kissing, but touching, resting.

  Rory didn’t know how long they sat like that, there was nothing to judge time against in the dark. He wanted Sebastian to kiss him, to open his mouth and take the pain away, even if it only lasted a few minutes.

  Sebastian opened his lips millimeter by millimeter until Rory’s bottom lip slipped between his. The first touch of Sebastian’s tongue on his lip made him gasp and reach for Sebastian’s hair.

  Rory didn’t kiss, but waited to be kissed, knew it was coming, knew Sebastian was weakening to his demands, to his tease, to the temptation he’d plastered to his mouth.

  “Fucking hell, Rory.”

  Sebastian’s lips vibrated Rory’s bottom one, his words caressing him without meaning to, kissing him with vibrations.

  “Please.” he whimpered.

  Their breaths mingled, and Rory’s left him in heaves, but Sebastian’s were calm and soft. Rory felt at home between Sebastian’s lips, but he wanted more, he wanted them to move, to bully his apart, for his tongue to slide in and tease him.

  Sebastian’s hands shot up, gripping Rory’s jaw. He kissed with a desperation Rory easily matched. He knew Sebastian had brushed his teeth not long ago, but he didn’t want the minty freshness, he wanted the taste that lay beyond it, the taste of Sebastian. He kissed harder and invaded the mouth against his. The heat and glide of Sebastian’s tongue sent pleasant tingles through his body. The mint faded, and what was left behind was the pure, unfiltered taste of Sebastian. Rory didn’t know someone could taste so good. The taste and sensation made him hungry for more to the point he was whimpering around Sebastian’s tongue.

  Rory tightened and relaxed his hands in Sebastian’s hair, grabbing and releasing, confirming to himself he was really there, really kissing him.

  Sebastian pushed him down to the bed, and he didn’t protest. He fell on his back, and Sebastian started on his clothes. He tugged at his t-shirt, and Rory lifted himself up so Sebastian could yank it over his head.

  He ducked down for a chaste kiss, then got to work removing Rory’s pants, and then his boxers, even his socks. Rory shivered when Sebastian gazed down at him. He leaned forward, pressed his lips to Rory’s then reached under the pillow for the Vaseline tub.

  Sebastian encouraged him to bend his knees, and Rory tilted his pelvis, making it easier for Sebastian to prepare him. They hadn’t had sex in weeks, and they’d never had sex in that position, with that much tension in the air.

  When Sebastian sunk inside him, Ro
ry’s eyes rolled, and he released a low moan. Sebastian eagerly swallowed the sound with a kiss, just as Rory’s ass swallowed his cock for the second thrust. He pressed his body close, wrapped one arm behind Rory’s neck, and pinned Rory’s hand to the mattress with the other.

  Rory turned his head and lifted his chin until he could see their hands. Their joined hands on the bed. Sebastian had slotted his fingers between Rory’s and was holding him down, subtly flexing his hand, squeezing Rory’s, a reassuring squeeze that lessened the hollowness in his chest. Sebastian rocked into him slowly, brushing Rory’s prostate,

  He lifted his face away, hovering over Rory’s. The beam from the floodlight shone on his expression—awed and hungry. Rory imagined he wore the same expression, but with his came another emotion. An emotion that should’ve never come to be there, but he couldn’t deny it. There was no powerplay, no games, it was two men with a mutual need.

  Sebastian’s cock slid deeper, the feel of it was too intense, his thick cock pinned Rory’s most intimate area, forced it to flutter until he couldn’t think straight. Words left his mouth, pleas and begs. Sebastian kissed them all away and slipped his tongue inside Rory’s mouth in time with his cock. He was utterly pinned, and helpless, and he loved the feeling.

  He loved the sparks of pleasure jolting in his cock, and the taste of Sebastian in his mouth. He felt the building orgasm, the growing pressure in his prostate, and the tickle in his cock.

  Rory couldn’t reciprocate, but the taste of him registered on his tongue, and the smell of him soothed each jagged breath through his nose. He couldn’t squirm, Sebastian pressed down on him, stopping him. He’d reached the point of no return, wanted to warn Sebastian, but his mouth was too busy been teased and tasted, and he couldn’t form the words in his spinning mind. His legs trembled wildly, and his knees pressed into Sebastian’s sides.

  The physical feeling was enough, but when Rory linked gazes with Sebastian, his heart pulsed back to life. No longer buried in a pit of hopelessness, but rising out of it. Sebastian had reached into the hole in his chest, and was pulling his heart out again, tearing it away from grief and despair, and lifting it from the dark.

  He fallen in love with Sebastian Claw, and in that moment, he convinced himself he could see the same love looking back at him.

  “Let go, Rory,” Sebastian murmured.

  Rory closed his eyes when his body finally let go.

  The orgasm was so powerful Rory saw white light behind his eyes. His whole body tingled with an intense rush, then the sensation imploded, collapsing away to one point, one sensitive point in his body that overloaded with ecstasy.

  He moaned, long and deep when he came, and Sebastian smothered the noise between their chests, then he eased off and waited for Rory to catch his breath.

  “Do you want me to stop?” Sebastian asked.

  Rory shook his head. He was still floating on the waves of pleasure, drifting out to sea, and he wanted Sebastian to join him. “No, I want you to finish in me.”

  “Thank fuck for that.”

  His plump lips crashed down on Rory’s, fighting them open. He didn’t hold back, he quickened his pace, and dominated Rory’s lips. He shuddered and gasped while Sebastian lapped at his mouth, stealing his breath. Rory’s hips found rhythm with Sebastian’s, and the cell filled with the sound of slapping flesh, and pants and gasps. Sebastian kissed him hard, and Rory’s lips felt puffy and oversensitive, but he couldn’t get enough of Sebastian’s mouth on his, sucking, nipping, rubbing.

  Sebastian stiffened, and Rory knew he was close. He grabbed the back of his head and crushed their mouths together as he came.

  They panted in between kisses, and after Sebastian had slipped free of Rory’s body, he kept on kissing, and clutching Rory’s hand.

  “Do you have any idea how much I’ve wanted to kiss you.” Sebastian mumbled.

  “Why didn’t you?”

  “I was afraid I’d miss it … and now I know for certain I will. What am I going to do with you?”

  Rory had so many answers to Sebastian’s question. ‘Love me’ being the first, but the close second was ‘forgive me’. He wanted forgiveness as badly as he wanted love.

  Sebastian tilted his head, and gazed down at him, and Rory didn’t know if he was waiting for an answer, but he gave one anyway.

  “You’re gonna kiss me…”

  And he did.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Rory tucked his nose under the sheet and breathed deep. He was half asleep and didn’t process what he’d done until he heard a soft laugh. He opened his eyes, and saw Sebastian brushing his teeth by the sink.

  “You slept on the top?” Rory whispered.

  “There’s not enough room for both of us on one, and you looked too content to move you, and you’re sniffing my sheets like you’re snorting a drug.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Yeah, you are. It’s cute.”

  Rory pressed on his lips, feeling the slight puffiness.

  “I got carried away last night. Once I was kissing you, it was near impossible to stop.”

  “Thank you,” Rory whispered.

  Sebastian turned back to the sink and finished brushing his teeth.

  “What’s happened since I was in solitary?”

  “Pauly’s still not back on the wing. I heard you broke his nose … and suddenly there’s a lot less bandana wearing inmates.”

  “How’s Ollie been?”

  “Eagerly waiting for your return.”

  Rory scrubbed his hands over his face. That wasn’t what he wanted to hear.

  “But Green, Jack, and Teddy have been distracting him best they can.”


  “Yep. He’s good at pool—the inmates have started betting on him. Captain’s been asking about you, too, wanted to know what the fight was about.”

  “What did you tell him?”

  “Nothing. It’s up to you if you want to talk about it or not.”

  “And you?”

  Sebastian turned towards him. “Against my better judgement, have been worried about you, and worried about what’ll happen on Friday.”


  “I get out of here, and I leave you behind.”

  The lock clunked, and Sebastian flicked his gaze at the door. “Come on, time for breakfast.”


  Ollie gave Rory a hug, then pulled him down on his chair. “Are you okay?”

  “Not really.”

  “That girl—”

  “I don’t wanna talk about it.”

  “What was solitary like?”

  Rory glanced at his purple and blue hands. “Not fun.”

  “You launched at Pauly like a flaming tiger.”


  The incident was all a complete blur, a carousel of color, sound, and sensation that made no sense.

  “I don’t remember too much about it.”

  “I don’t wanna wrestle with you anymore, afraid I’ll unlock the beast.”

  Rory laughed, and shook his head. He looked up at the sound of someone clearing their throat.

  “Can I sit?”

  Rory nodded at Captain, and he placed his tray down on the table.

  “You not getting yours?”

  “I usually go at the end of the line.”

  Ollie shook his head. “Not now you don’t, not after you smashed Pauly’s face.”

  “I’ll go up in a minute.”

  Captain gestured to Rory’s hands. “Have you had them looked at?”

  “They’re only bruises.”

  “Massive bruises.”

  “I’m fine.”

  Captain flared his nostrils, and Rory raised his hands.

  “After breakfast, I’ll see if the doctor will take a look.”


  Sebastian walked over to the table with two trays of breakfast. He slid one in front of Rory, then sat down with his own.

  “You didn’t have to do tha

  “Getting breakfast after a night of passion, its traditional, right?”

  Rory blushed, then stirred his porridge.

  “Your hands.” Sebastian muttered. “They’re worse than I thought.”

  “I told him he should see the doctor.” Captain said.

  “And so he should.”

  “After breakfast.”

  Sebastian pulled the tray away. “No, now. They could be broken.”

  “They’re not broken.”

  “They’re black and blue.”

  Ollie hummed. “I would’ve said, mauve and mulberry.”


  “Shades of purple.”

  Rory rolled his eyes. “The art police again.”

  “Stop saying that,” Ollie hissed.

  “You need to get your hands looked at.” Sebastian said firmly.

  “Fine, I give in, I’ll ask to see the doctor.”

  The guard took him through the gates, and down the corridor that led to the infirmary. He stepped inside, and the doctor waved him over to a bed.

  “Lay down.”

  “I don’t need to lay down.”

  “Just do it.”

  Rory huffed, then laid down on the bed.

  The doctor prodded Rory’s knuckles, and he hissed.

  “That hurt?”

  Rory frowned. “Yeah, I didn’t hiss for fun.”

  “I can give you some painkillers, something to bring the swelling down. I don’t think anything’s broken, but if you’re still in a lot of pain in a few days, ask to see me, and I’ll sort out an x-ray.”

  “Thank you.” Rory murmured.

  “I’ll go sort out the medication now.”

  Rory looked at the beds, and the sick or injured inmates that had been assigned to the infirmary wing.

  “I heard you in the corridor.”

  Rory frowned, then turned around. He didn’t recognize Pauly at first, half of his face was covered by bandages strapping his nose.


  “Well, technically, I didn’t hear you, someone else did, and then they told me.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “A police officer … tasked with getting close to Sebastian.”



  Rory’s blood turned to ice and he rubbed his hand over his heart to stop it from freezing over. Pauly smiled, and the bandages on his face rose, squishing his eyes.


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