Hidden Embers

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Hidden Embers Page 19

by Amanda Perry

  The way everyone tried to describe finding your Soulmate to me finally clicks into place. Everything in me calls out to Caleb and I genuinely feel the same from him. Our souls are linked and it’s a physical feeling I can identify now. My life suddenly means nothing without him. He possesses every beat of my heart and I feel every beat of his.

  “Fucking hell, baby girl,” Caleb chokes, pulling me into a hug. “If you do that one more time, I’m going to lock you in my room and never let you out again. We are not making a habit of this passing out shit, got it?”

  My heart melts a little at his concern, while his touch rights my world. “I’ll do my best, Caleb.”

  My arms wrap around his neck, and I hug him back.

  I have so much to tell him, to tell all of my family. The future terrifies me, but in this moment, wrapped in my Soulmate’s arms, I believe everything will be okay. We’ll stop Samael and whatever evil he and the other Fallen are planning. .

  All I need to do is trust in them, and learn to trust in myself.


  My name is Amanda Perry, and I have a writing problem. Really, it's true. I've been writing stories for as long as I can remember thanks to my Grandmother who is a script writer. When I married the love of my life things got a little crazy and I took a step back from writing for a while. We had our first baby and I became a stay-at-home mama. Time flew and my baby became my big kid! While my Big started school, I decided to take up writing again. We became pregnant with our angel baby boy a while later. God decided he needed our baby boy more, but a few months later blessed us with our youngest child. My Little has become very active lately and keeps us all on our toes. Having two young children and writing a book wasn't enough for me. I decided to go back to work part time and I have to say I love my job. While my spare time is minimal, I do enjoy dancing with strangers in casinos, googling odd facts, and drinking my weight in Diet Coke. My family means everything to me and in that I include a few close friends. Writing is my passion and as long as I'm able, I'll continue to pursue my dream.

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