Paradise: The Paradise Club Series

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Paradise: The Paradise Club Series Page 4

by Low, JA

  “Who?” Olivia asks.

  “Nate,” I tell them.

  “Who’s Nate?” Ivy asks.

  “Nate owns The Paradise Club. They are these exclusive sex clubs…” Quickly, I cover my mouth as I’m not meant to say anything about them. I’ve damn well signed a non-disclosure agreement. Stupid wine.

  “I… I wasn’t supposed to say anything.” Panic laces my body as I try and open the bottle of wine in front of me, but the cork won’t budge.

  Ivy gives me a look. “I won’t say anything, Camryn.”

  I know she won’t, she’s my sister, and I trust her with my life.

  “So, sex club?” My sister’s eyes widen at the mention of it. Ivy’s been so busy building her multimillion-dollar interior design business that she hasn’t had time to date in recent history. She definitely doesn’t have one-night stands, not even to relieve the ache from not being pounded in such a long time. My sister likes to be wined and dined. She needs to have a connection with someone before sleeping with them, which is usually around the fifth date or some weird rule like that. So, the thought of a sex club is probably blowing her mind right now.

  “Oh, yes, and it’s so fucking hot. Isn’t it, Liv?” Smiling as I take a sip of my wine, dropping my friend right into it.

  Olivia shoots me an are-you-fucking-serious look from across the room.

  “You went to a sex club?” Ivy questions Olivia, who’s just as innocent as she is.

  “Um… yeah. They took us there.” Olivia’s cheeks are now bright red, and it’s not from sitting beside the fire or from having one too many glasses of red wine either.

  “Who?” Ivy asks.

  “Dirty Texas,” I tell her.

  Ivy’s eyes widen.

  “And Liv here most definitely had some fun. Didn't you?” I give Olivia a wink.

  “Um…” Olivia squirms. “She totally banged Axel Taylor,” I add.

  “What? The Axel Taylor.” Ivy stares at Olivia as if she doesn’t know who her best friend is anymore. I’m finding this all rather hilarious, least it’s making me laugh instead of sobbing in a heap.

  “Um... so Camryn, what happened with Nate?” Olivia tries to change the subject. “You said you nearly cheated.”

  Touché, little one. She changed the subject well.

  “Nate’s my new client.” I hiccup—that’s not ladylike at all. “And he’s so hot. Like GQ model hot. Christian Grey, sexy, kinky, billionaire hot.” I giggle, like a goddamn schoolgirl, not a thirty-something-year-old woman. “He’s a flirt. I loved Harris at the time, and he respected that. Until he described in great detail all the dirty things he would have done to me if I were single.”

  Ivy and Olivia’s jaws drop at my admission as I reminisce about my night…

  “I have a confession,” I tell Nate as he escorts me away from my friends.

  “Really?” Nate raises his brow at me.

  God, he’s gorgeous, chocolate-colored hair, sapphire blue eyes, wears the hell out of a suit. And flirting comes second nature to him, his deep, timbered voice is made for sin, and he knows what his effect on women is.

  “I hated this place.”

  This grabs his attention.

  “I thought Sam said you’d never heard about this before?”

  “Sam doesn’t know about my past.” Nate folds his arms across his chest, those piercing blue eyes trained on me, his body’s tense. “I’m assuming you know about Vanessa, and what happened to her?” I ask him.

  “Yes. Christian called and told me what her ex did to her while she was in the hospital.”

  Nodding my head, I’m glad I don’t have to explain that horrific scene again.

  “My ex was Lance Burrows.” His eyes widen as the name sinks in. My ex was Vanessa’s partner’s best friend. He’s defending that prick, over him nearly killing Vanessa. Not only did he defend the violence, but he’d also been cheating on me throughout our entire relationship with the women of The Paradise Club. “So, I had some reluctance to work with you.”

  “You did?” He seems surprised.

  “It was a horrible time for me.” A shiver runs down my spine thinking about that time.

  “Why did you change your mind?” He tilts his head in curiosity.

  “Sam and Harper.” He nods his head in understanding. “Plus, I’m the fucking best.” This makes him chuckle. “Which means someone will mess up your Grand Opening, and I can’t let that happen to my friends.” I can’t take my eyes away from his smile, his whole face is lit up.

  “I like a woman who’s sure of herself.” The smile falls from his face as his voice drips with heat.

  “You might not be saying that when I’m bossing you around,” I reply, raising a brow at him as I take a sip of my cocktail.

  “I don’t mind a woman on top.” Those blue eyes stare at me intensely. We are veering into dangerous territory, but a little flirtation doesn’t hurt anyone.

  “Good. It’s my favorite position.”

  “I think you’re going to fit in well around here.”

  That delicious smirk doesn’t leave his face, the first signs of his five o’clock shadow mar it.

  “Come on, let me show you around.” He moves fluidly, his long legs eating up the distance between us, his hand reaches out and touches the small of my back. It ignites a fire within me, my skin prickles with goosebumps. I know we both feel the spark and look at each other, equally confused by the connection. Nate is the first to break the tension between us, moving me back from the office to the bar area.

  Our friends are long gone. I wonder what they’re doing?

  “This way… I hope you’re prepared for what you’re about to see? If at any moment you feel uncomfortable, let me know, and we can leave.”

  I turn and look at him with an irritated posture, my hands resting firmly on my hips. “I’m a big girl. I can handle it.”

  “I’m sure you can.” He grins. “Safeword for the club is Paradise. You can use it anytime you want.” My eyes narrow on him. He thinks I won’t be able to handle this, I’ll show Mr. Sex Club what I am made of.

  I’m no prude.

  As we enter, I am a little more shocked than I thought I would be. I considered myself as sexually adventurous, but seeing it in front of me in Technicolor is a little confronting. You feel like you’ve intruded on someone’s personal space, but once you get used to seeing people in various stages of undress and sexual positions, you understand how beautiful it all is. How safe everyone feels. How free they all look knowing no one is there judging them for liking or doing something that normal society won’t or can’t accept.

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Nate’s breath is warm against my skin, prickling it with goosebumps. Every nerve ending in my body is overstimulated, and just the action of the gentle brush of Nate’s arm against my body makes me throb with need. My skin is almost itching with desire.

  “I can see it on your face, you want to be a part of this. Right?”

  “Yes,” I reply without hesitation, my voice breathless.

  “I bet you’d look beautiful letting go. Men would rush to feast on you. Every part of your body would be touched, caressed, adored. They would try and wring out every last drop of your orgasm.”

  Yes. Yes. Yes.

  Nate’s hand runs down my side. “I would give anything to see you let go, Camryn.”

  My chest rises and falls quickly, with my heart rate accelerating. “Nate.” My voice is soft as he presses himself against me. “I’m seeing someone.” My teeth sink into my lip, almost causing it to split while my body silently curses me for not taking him up on his offer.

  “I know. Sorry.” But he doesn’t move away from me, I can still feel his heat at my back. Silence falls as we try and compose the desire swirling between us. “But if you were single, the things I would do to you…” he whispers in my ear.

  “What? What would you do?”

  I’m playing with fire now.

  Coming back to the now, I
continue, “I wanted to come right there and then.”

  Ivy and Olivia simply stare at me, I know they’re judging me.

  “I’ll be looking after the Grand Opening of his first sex resort.”

  Both girls nod their heads, mesmerized.

  “I can’t stop thinking of Monaco.” I take a sip of my wine. “I bet he knows how to fuck.” Waving my glass around in the air, I continue, “You don’t own a sex club and be shit in bed, right?”

  “I guess he would have lots of practice,” Ivy adds.

  “Are you slut-shaming my client?” I turn to my sister.

  “What? No!” She raises her voice with each word.

  “Do you think he sleeps with the staff?” Olivia asks.

  “Probably. The staff is hot.” Shrugging my shoulders, I smile.

  I wonder if he uses the perks of his job? Of course, he does.

  I wonder if I can too? No. Probably not.

  But I am single now. If I can’t sleep with Nate, can I at least sleep with one of the staff? I bet they know how to fuck, seeing as it’s their job.

  “You have a funny look on your face,” Ivy questions.

  “I was just pondering if I could sleep with any of the staff.”

  “Cam,” Ivy chastises me. “No more wine for you. You’ve turned into a horn dog.”

  “Horn dog?” I frown at my sister.

  “You’ve just broken up with your boyfriend, and now you’re thinking about screwing around with prostitutes.”

  “Are you fucking serious?” I raise my voice.

  “Guys.” Olivia tries to bring down the simmering tension.

  “When was the last time you had sex, Ivy?” My sister instantly turns red at my question. “Exactly. Maybe if you got laid, then you wouldn’t have a major stick up your ass.”

  “Cam!” Olivia warns me.

  “I’m off to bed.” Throwing my hands up in the air, I keep going. “Jet lag.” As I stumble over the couch, trying to walk away in a huff, but for some reason—mainly alcohol—I fail miserably at it.

  Lying on my bed, I’m staring up at the dark ceiling. The only light filtering through my room is from my cell and the person I am texting.

  “Cam,” Ivy calls from the door.

  Shit! Throwing my cell to the floor, it’s as if I’ve just been busted doing something I shouldn’t have been doing. That’s because you were doing something you shouldn’t have been doing.

  “Go away.” Yes, I’m acting like a child.

  My sister ignores me and comes into my bedroom. She jumps into my bed and shoves me over to the other side.

  “I’m sorry,” she says into the darkness. “I didn’t mean to judge.”

  I stay silent for a little bit, stewing because she hurt me, then I whisper, “I’m sorry, too.” Sitting up on my bed, I turn and look over at her through the darkness.

  “I don’t mean to be a prude.” She lets out a quiet sigh. “I wish I was more like you.” Huh! What did she just say? “I wish I was more carefree. More adventurous. I admire you, Camryn.”


  She shakes her head. “It’s been two years since I’ve slept with someone,” she confesses to me.

  Holy shit! My poor sister, she is about to burst from all that pent-up sexual frustration.

  “You were right. I do have a stick up my ass.”

  “Maybe you should stick something else up there instead.” I let out a small giggle and elbow her. This makes us both burst out laughing.

  “Maybe! I’m sorry about earlier.”

  “Ignore me, I’m drunk.”

  “I was being judgmental.” She nervously plays with her hands. “And maybe… a little jealous.”

  “Jealous?” I am seemingly surprised by my sister’s admission.

  “I’ve never done anything adventurous. Sexually, I mean,” Ivy whispers the last bit. “And now Olivia’s done something crazy.” Oh, I get it. She’s feeling a little left out. “And now you’ve been to a sex club.”

  “There’s going to be a stack of single rock stars at this wedding. Why not branch out a little with one of them?”

  Ivy turns to face me. “But it’s a wedding.” She seems a little shocked, which makes me giggle. Oh, this poor little thing.

  “Exactly. Perfect time for a little sexual exploration, right?” I give her a nudge.

  “I doubt a rock star will be interested in me.”

  Is she serious? My sister’s a knockout.

  “Babe, they’re going to be all over you.” She shrugs my compliment away. “You’re gorgeous, even if you are dressed like a Victorian marm.”

  “No, I don’t,” she argues.

  “Let me give you a makeover…” I flutter my eyelashes at her. “It will make me feel so much better.” Ivy doesn’t seem convinced. I can tell by the lines that are forming between her eyebrows and how she’s tilting her head. “Please… come on.”

  “Fine,” she says through gritted teeth.

  “Yay. We’re going to have so much fun.”

  Ivy grumbles beside me, but then I see the flicker of a smile in the darkness. “We cool?” Ivy asks.

  “Yeah, we’re cool.”

  “Okay, then, night.” Ivy jumps out of my bed and heads off out the door.

  “Night, Ivy.”

  My sister closes the door behind her with a soft click.

  Picking up my cell, I continue texting with someone I shouldn’t be.



  Camryn: Hoping the offer is still on the table.

  I stare at my cell, not quite believing what I’m reading. It’s late here, so it has to be really late over there. I’m assuming she’s had one too many glasses of something, and she’ll probably regret it in the morning.

  Me: I heard what happened. I’m sorry.

  The little bubbles dance across my screen, then disappear. I wait and wait to wonder what she’s going to say. Twenty minutes go by, and she hasn’t messaged me back. You need to leave it Nate. She’s just had her heart broken, you shouldn’t be thinking about all the things you promised to do to her if she was single. That was a momentary blip in Monaco when I stepped over a line that I shouldn’t have.

  My cell beeps, alerting me to her message, so I grab my phone quickly.

  What am I doing? Waiting for a girl to message me. That’s not me. That’s not me at all.

  So then, why is my body tense while I am waiting for her to message me back? Because Camryn Starr intrigues you.

  Something about her has hooked you, and now you want to know more. You’re not supposed to want to, but you do. Maybe it’s because I’m so used to women being gold diggers, calculating my net worth by the assets I have. Or they see me as some kind of trophy—having sex with the king of sex clubs, thinking I’m some kind of fucking porn star.

  Look, I never leave a woman unsatisfied, but just because I own sex clubs doesn’t make me some kind of sexual deviant. Camryn Starr is a beautiful woman, blonde hair, curves, legs that go for miles, and the most mesmerizing green eyes. But it’s not just her looks, it’s her intelligence that turns me on. Someone who can keep up with me in the business stakes with her drive and determination to be the best, it’s a fucking aphrodisiac for me.

  I think as soon as I met her, that I’d met my match. She didn’t take my bullshit, she wasn’t afraid to disagree with my ideas, and she was always one step ahead of me, and that was fucking hot. This life I live is a lonely one. Yes, I am surrounded by beautiful people on a daily basis, people who are always up for some fun, but I don’t know, it would be nice to share what I have with someone.

  I’ve tried to date while in this business, but either the women are jealous and think I’m cheating on them all the time, or they think because I own sex clubs, I’m not into monogamy.

  Camryn Starr can’t be the woman for me, especially as she’s currently nursing a broken heart.

  Camryn: I’m drunk.

  Me: Don’t blame you.

  Camryn: I’m
in England.

  Me: I heard.

  Camryn: Does everyone know?

  Me: No. I was having a meeting with Sam when Harper and Kimberly popped in.

  The bubbles appear again only to disappear. What surprises me next is the fact that my cell begins ringing, and ‘Camryn Starr’ is flashing across the screen. I panic for a couple of moments, then pick up.

  “Hey.” Yeah, real smooth, Nate.

  “Hey,” she says sadly. “I don’t know why I called you. I’m drunk,” she tells me again. There’s a light slur in her words. “I shouldn’t have sent that text to you.”

  “I probably shouldn’t have replied.”

  Silence falls between us.

  “I have a question?” She’s changing the direction of the conversation.


  “Is the resort going to be like the clubs?”

  Well, that wasn’t what I thought she was going to ask.

  “Yes, but better.” This I can do, talk about work. “Think of the most luxurious island you’ve ever seen… crystal blue water, white sand… then think about your most forbidden desires.”

  She lets out a little moan.

  No. No. No.

  Please don’t make those kinds of sounds, Camryn.

  My dick twitches as if he’s been summoned.

  Now is not the time.

  Work! Think of work.

  “The resort caters to anything you want.”


  Why is there curiosity in her tone?

  Is she after something?

  “Yes… anything.”

  Silence falls between us again.

  I’m going to hell for the question I’m about to ask, “What is it that you desire, Camryn?” I can hear her heavy breathing on the other end of the phone.


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