Warning: The Complete Series

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Warning: The Complete Series Page 8

by Justice, A. D.

  “I’m afraid I’ll need more…reassurance…than just taking your word for it.”

  “What do you mean?” A cold chill ran up my spine, and a sick feeling sank low in my belly. The sneer that crossed his face was pure evil.

  “If you’re not with the FBI or some other government agency, I can only assume you work for the Marchetti family.”

  “This is ridiculous, Lorenzo. I work for Morgan and Bartholomew Consulting. In Louisiana. I’m only here for a short time on assignment. How could I possibly work for the Marchetti family? Do I look like a construction worker to you?”

  A surprised expression took the place of the sneer before turning into a smile. “Do you really not know who you’re fucking? This is priceless. Sweetheart, your boyfriend is a capo in the Marchetti mafia. His father is the Boss. When he’s finished with you, you’ll be somewhere at the bottom of the Hudson, fodder for the fish.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  I held my head high and the indignation in my voice was strong, but my insides were quivering with fear. Suspecting Damon was part of the mob was very different from having it verified. Discovering he was the Boss’s son, and high up in the hierarchy of a mafia family, was disturbing. Hearing Lorenzo callously describe my fate with such pleasure covering his face was terrifying.

  “You should. He’s a dangerous man, and I know dangerous men very well.” His pointed look hit its intended target in my chest when my breath seized. “Here’s what you’re going to do. First, you’re going to give me all the information you’ve uncovered.”

  “I don’t have it here. It’s in the office.”

  He smiled, but it was condescending and didn’t reach his eyes. “Jillian, I know you copied data on to a flash drive. You’ll hand that over to me.”

  “I told you it’s not here. It’s in the office with the rest of my things. I didn’t make it back yesterday to pick up my briefcase.”

  He nodded, accepting my excuse for the moment. “To prove you’re not working for the Marchettis, you’re going to kill Damon in his sleep.”

  “What?” I started shaking my head before the word came out. “No. I won’t kill him. I won’t do it.”

  “You will, or we’ll kill her.” He held up his phone and showed a picture of my mother. She was sitting on her front porch in her wheelchair. Her home health care nurse was beside her in the rocking chair. “I have a couple of men down in Abita Springs right now. Great beer down there, I hear. They’re waiting for the word from me.”

  My tearful response was immediate. I just shook my head from side to side. None of this terrible mess could really be happening to me.

  “Come now, Jillian. Don’t get so upset. Your mom will be fine as long as you do exactly what I tell you.”

  “I’m not a murderer. I can’t do it, Lorenzo.”

  “You can, and you will, or you’ll be responsible for your mother’s death. She doesn’t seem to be in good health as it is. I imagine she’d have a hard time fighting back, no?”

  My tears increased, turning from single droplets to flowing torrents.

  “Here’s how you’ll do it. When he’s discharged from the hospital, I’m sure you’ll stay with him to play nurse while he heals. Wait until he’s asleep, then slit his throat.”

  I gasped audibly then my hand flew over my mouth. My heart thumped against the inside of my chest, and my body trembled. Speech eluded me, and I was scared out of my wits. Kill Damon or they kill my mom? Cut Damon’s throat in his sleep?

  Could I simply tell Damon and let him help me out of the impossible scenario I faced?

  “No wonder Marchetti picked you. I’m sure he can read your every thought like a book, too. Don’t even think of running to him or his daddy with this. We’re watching your mom, but we’re watching you too. I’ll know, Jillian. Do what I told you to do and your mom will be fine. You can move back to Louisiana with her, but you’d better never show your face here again.”

  He stood and walked to the door before turning to face me one last time. “You have twenty-four hours from the time Damon leaves the hospital. Tick-tock.”

  “Why? Why would you want Damon killed? I don’t understand.”

  He tilted his head to the side and narrowed his eyes at me. “My men should’ve taken both you and Damon out on the street yesterday. But they underestimated how protective Damon is of you and how fast Benny is on his feet. With you taking care of the dirty work, my family can avoid an all-out war with the Marchetti family, while still taking out their top capo. They’ll be busy mourning the loss of their son and leader while we finish seizing control of their considerable assets. You have easy access to him, and we have easy access to your mother. It all works out nicely in the end. Don’t you think?”

  He closed the door behind him, and I collapsed into a sobbing mess on the couch. An unimaginable choice was put on my shoulders. One that left me with no way out. No possible escape. No Plan B. How could I live with myself either way?

  My mom was my world. She’d done everything for me. She’d sacrificed so much to send me to college and give me a chance at a life better than she had.

  And Damon. I had fallen for him in a big way. My heart connected with his. My body craved him. His family had become my family.

  What could I do?




  My father surprised me with what I had thought would be a long and painful lecture about security and keeping myself safe. Instead, he praised me for the way I protected Jillian and didn’t flinch when the shots rang out. He said he would’ve done no less for Mama, and that act was the only proof he needed to know I was in love with Jillian.

  Love? Really?

  After he’d left my room, his words made me examine her place in my life more closely. The mere thought of her returning to Louisiana for good greatly bothered me. Imagining her in the arms of another man created a great rage in me, from zero to a hundred in one second. She’d been away from my hospital room for a few hours, but I missed her terribly and watched the door like a hawk every time it opened.

  Also, I had to face the fact that, I did, in fact, take a bullet for her. My safety didn’t even cross my mind. But I couldn’t bear the thought of her being hurt.

  Fuck me. My father was right. I was in love with Jillian.

  For the first time in my entire life, I was utterly and completely in love with a woman. Someone who didn’t know exactly who I was, what I’d done, what I did on a daily basis. One who was as likely to turn me away when I told her as she was to assure me she loved me anyway. Another first for me was feeling apprehensive over revealing my true profession.

  In my world, the strong survived. The stronger gained a reputation. The strongest were feared and revered for cruel and imaginative ways of keeping subordinates under their thumbs. But after admitting my true feelings, that wasn’t how I wanted her to see me. She’d fallen in love with the man behind the silenced gun and cement shoes. I could only hope the light of love didn’t diminish in her eyes when I told her the truth.

  My plans for declaring my love for her were put on the back burner the second she walked through the door. She wheeled a small suitcase behind her and a large bag hung from her shoulder, but her eyes were covered with sunglasses and the smile on her beautiful face was forced.

  “How’s the patient feeling now? Any better?” She had her back to me, putting her things away in the small closet in the corner of the room.

  “Some. Pain meds help. They tell me tomorrow will be the worst day of soreness. We’ll see. How are you?”

  She turned toward me and pushed her sunglasses up on top of her head, taking her hair with them and revealing more of her features. Her eyes were bloodshot, red-rimmed, and puffy. The end of her nose had a slight red tint to it, and her demeanor fell pitifully short of her normal cheerful self.

  Without saying a word, she walked directly to my bed and slid in beside me. Her arm wrapped around my torso and sque
ezed lightly, holding on to me like she’d never let me go. She tried to hide the sniffles and soft sobs, though the evidence fell in big wet splashes onto my arm.

  “Talk to me, doll,” I prodded gently.

  She shook her head but didn’t look up at me. “Just so much has happened.”

  “Jillian, I know you’re shaken up. You’ve been through a lot in a short time. There’s something about me you don’t know, so consider this your only warning, doll. My life isn’t safe and secure. Shit like this happens frequently enough that I’ve accepted it. If you want to be with me, you have to understand that.”

  I began to reveal my true life to her slowly on purpose. If she decided the danger was too much to take, I’d let her go without disclosing the rest. If she walked away, it would hurt like hell. Of that, I had no doubt. But to protect her and the family, I would do it. But if her love for me outweighed her fear of the unknown…if she wanted to be with me despite the bullet wound in my upper chest…if she put her trust in me, she’d be treated like a queen. My queen.

  “Damon, I’m pretty sure I know what you’re telling me. In fact, I’ve known since the day I met you after the fender bender with one of your dump trucks. If you’re trying to scare me off, I’m afraid it’ll take more than this.”

  I knew she was the one.

  “Then why the waterworks? What’s going on in that beautiful head of yours?”

  She raised her head to look at me. “I can’t bear the thought of losing you, Damon.”

  “You won’t lose me, sweetheart. I wasn’t about to let those guys hurt you. My wound isn’t as bad as you think it is.. But, if it makes you feel any better, my mom has already called Doc and told him to keep me an extra day.” I rolled my eyes and shook my head, but I was resigned to my fate.

  “Are you very sore?”

  “Some, especially if someone touches it. But I’ve been moving my arm and shoulder so it doesn’t get too stiff. It’ll be as good as new by the time I’m discharged.”

  “I took off work the rest of the week. I’m not leaving your side for any length of time.” She laid her head back down on my shoulder, claiming her place beside me.

  “I’m glad to hear that, doll. Do me a favor and don’t go back into the office to get anything.”

  “You don’t have to worry about that, Damon. Work is the last thing I want to do right now.”

  At least I knew she wouldn’t be anywhere near Lorenzo for the rest of the week. I’d already considered how to convince her to leave her position permanently. I was glad to hear I had several days and plenty of time to persuade her. The hospital room wasn’t exactly the ideal setting to discuss the details of my family and the Sanfratello family. In a couple of days when we were back in my apartment and I knew we’d be uninterrupted, I planned to tell her everything. Once she understood what going back into that office meant, she’d quit working there on her own.

  “You know, I’d love to strip you naked and give you a bed bath with my tongue.”

  Her shoulders started jumping before her laughter burst out. “I’m almost tempted to let you. But since your nurses visit your room three times more than they do any other patient, I’m positive we’d get caught.”

  “They do come in here a lot, don’t they?” Jillian just confirmed my suspicions. With the pain meds fogging my brain most of the previous day and night, I wasn’t sure my suspicions were valid.

  “Yes. I got no sleep last night with that nurse coming in every few minutes. Has the day nurse been in as often?”

  Before I could answer, my door opened and the current shift nurse walked in. She checked my IV, my vitals, and casually glanced around the room.

  “Looking for something?” I asked pointedly.

  She smiled, hiding her discomfort after being busted checking out my room. “No, just doing my job.”

  “Well, I feel fine. No need to come back in here until I call you.” She met my gaze head on as I stared her down. Finally, she nodded once and left the room.

  Jillian looked up at me with her eyebrows drawn down. “What was that all about?”

  “I have a feeling my father had something to do with me getting extra visits from the nurses. That needs to stop because if they wake me up every few minutes tonight, I won’t be a good patient at all. I’ll call him in a few to put a stop to this.”

  Her warm body snuggled up to mine, combined with the pain killers I’d taken earlier, made it impossible to stay awake. When I recognized her breathing had evened out and her tensed muscles had relaxed, I leaned my cheek against her head and let sleep overtake me. My father’s words from earlier echoed in my mind when the darkness shrouded my consciousness. With Jillian in my arms, I couldn’t deny my feelings for her.

  I loved her.

  * * *

  What was meant to be a short nap turned into an entire afternoon. My father’s chuckle from the foot of my bed woke me. Jillian was still sleeping soundly. She apparently needed the rest after all the stressful events of the last thirty-six hours, on top of the constantly interrupted sleep from the night before.

  “Hey, Dad. You checking up on me again?”

  “You know I have to. Your mother makes me.” He laughed as he took a seat beside the bed. “She looks comfortable there beside you.”

  “She didn’t get any sleep last night. The nurses you paid extra to check on me more often have excelled at their jobs. But the one last night also woke Jillian every few minutes.” I raised one eyebrow at him, daring him to deny he was behind it.

  “Son, someone tried to kill you both yesterday. I couldn’t take a chance that they’d come back and attempt to finish the job.”

  “Call off the bulldog nurses and put someone on the door. We need our sleep tonight.”

  “Consider it done. Joe found the guys who shot you. I have more information to relay to you. In private.”

  Two nurses appeared in the doorway carrying trays of food. Only none of it was hospital food. I cut my eyes to Dad. “Mama cooked.”

  One side of his mouth lifted. “Your mother’s cooking can make anyone feel better.”

  I woke Jillian to eat, and she quickly sat up, acting as if we were teenagers caught by our parents. “Easy, doll. It’s just time to eat. You hungry?”

  “Starving. It smells so good.” Jillian’s hands went to her hair, and a panicked look overtook her face. “I’ll be right back.” She dashed off to the bathroom while the nurses set up our trays.

  “Is the threat over?” I asked while Jillian was out of earshot.

  “Not by a long shot, son. Eat up. We’ll talk about it later. I’ll fill you in on everything.”

  “I’m surprised Mama didn’t deliver this herself.”

  “She wanted to. I got a tongue-lashing over keeping her away, but it’s for her own safety. You’ll have to come by and see her when they let you leave.”

  “Don’t act like she didn’t call my doctor and have him keep me an extra day. I know she was behind that.”

  Dad shrugged. “He’s her nephew. You think he’ll tell her no?”

  Jillian emerged from the bathroom with her hair smoothed down and an embarrassed grin on her face. “The food smells delicious. There’s no way that’s hospital food.”

  “Mama cooked for us. Come sit down and eat.” I motioned to the chair and bedside table the nurses arranged for her.

  “How are you holding up, cara?” Dad asked.

  “Honestly, I’m having a hard time with it, sir. All I can do is take it one anxiety attack at a time.” She chuckled nervously as she took her seat.

  “You’re a strong little lady,” Dad replied. “Don’t lose heart just yet.”

  Jillian bit her bottom lip and nodded. “Be sure to thank Mama Lina for me, please. She really didn’t have to send a plate for me, but I appreciate it very much.”

  “She’s claimed you as her daughter now. You should expect her to treat you the same as she does Damon.”

  “Good and bad,” I interjected, to my f
ather’s amusement.

  Jillian smiled, and her eyes became glassy before she averted them. “Mothers are simultaneously one of a kind and all the same, aren’t they?”

  “Doll, you should call your mom soon. I know you miss her.”

  “I do miss her. I’ve been thinking about making a weekend trip back home to see her soon.”

  “Let’s go. I’d love to meet her.”

  Jillian’s eyes, filled with shock and surprise, flew up to meet mine. “You’d go with me?”

  “Of course, doll.”

  “I’ll leave you two to make your plans. Damon, we’ll talk tomorrow night, yes?”

  “Sounds good, Dad. Give Mama a kiss from Jillian and me. Tell her we said thank you.”

  Jillian was quiet during most of our meal, only giving short replies to my nonstop chatter. The weight of her stress must have been greater than I realized. A long weekend away on familiar turf would help calm her nerves. Seeing her mother after months apart would relieve the constant, nagging concern I knew plagued her. She was an only child, and her mother was in bad health. Jillian felt guilty for being away so much.

  I’d have to find a way to bring her mother to New York because I had no intention of letting Jillian leave.




  The past two nights flew by despite my attempts to stop time. I even tried to keep Damon in the hospital longer—even just one more night to give me time to figure out what to do. But other than a little soreness at the surgical site, there was no apparent indication he’d even been shot.

  I thought he was bluffing a little though, being a tough guy for my benefit. There was no way his shoulder didn’t bother him.

  Benny waited at the curb and opened the door for us to get in. Damon wrapped his good arm around my shoulders and pulled me close to his side. Stir-crazy didn’t come close to describing how he’d climbed the walls over the last twenty-four hours. Even so, I was in no hurry to leave. After he was given the all-clear by Dr. Falco, nothing could’ve wiped the smile off his face.


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