Blood Debt

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Blood Debt Page 8

by Heather MacKinnon

  The doctor shook his head. “We try to avoid glamouring when there’s been a head injury unless absolutely necessary.”

  My stomach dropped painfully. “But I already did,” I whispered, my voice shaking. “I didn’t know,” I said a little louder. “Why didn’t anyone tell me? Is she going to be all right?” Without thinking, I whirled around, ready to storm back in Charlotte’s room and make sure she was okay, but a hand around my bicep stopped me.

  “Adrienne, it’s fine. She’s fine. You did the right thing. She was getting too worked up and was in more danger of hurting herself like that. Dr. Thomas was just about to go in and do the same when we heard you take control.”

  A large breath gusted out of me as my shoulders fell. “Oh. Okay.”

  Nicholas chuckled softly before squeezing my arm. “You were amazing,” he said softly. So softly, I had to look up into his warm hazel eyes and see for myself. I got stuck there a moment, counting the gold flecks in his irises while willing my feet to not carry me closer to him.

  The doctor cleared his throat next to us, ending the hold Nicholas’ gaze had on me. I shook my head and looked away as Nicholas finished up with him. With nothing else to occupy my mind, I found myself drowning in self-pity and flagellation. I didn’t know what I could have done differently, but there had to be something. There was no way Charlotte ever should have paid this kind of price just for knowing me.

  “Do you know what a ‘mole-yay’ is?” I asked, breaking the silence in the elevator on our way back to the ground floor.

  He looked at me strangely. “Mole-yay?” he asked.

  “Do you know what that is?”

  He seemed to think about it for a moment before asking, “Do you mean moglie?”

  I looked at him blankly. “Isn’t that what I said?”

  He shook his head with a smile on his face. “It’s Italian.”

  “Do you know what it means in English?” I pushed.

  “Sure, it means ‘wife’.”


  What the hell?

  “Why do you ask?” Nicholas’ question shook me out of my thoughts.

  “Something Charlotte said,” I muttered, trying and failing to put the pieces together myself.

  He grasped my arm and turned me to face him. “What are you talking about?”

  I looked down at my feet, trying to pull my thoughts together. “I didn’t want to say this in front of the doctor, but I think it was my maker that attacked Charlotte.”


  I’d said it.

  It was real now that the words were out in the open.

  My maker was back, and he was looking for me. He’d called me his wife. A shiver ran down my spine and the little hairs on my arms stood on end.

  I watched his eyes widen and his lips part. The elevator dinged, signaling we’d reached our floor, and Nicholas dragged me out as soon as the doors slid open.

  We passed Tina and I waved goodbye to her. She seemed unaffected by the man dragging me through the hospital lobby. When we made it outside, I jerked my arm out of his grip.

  “Ease up, Nicholas. I’m a lot more durable these days, but you almost ripped my arm out of its socket,” I complained, rotating my shoulder.

  Nicholas ran a frustrated hand through his hair and paced back and forth in front of me. He turned, and with concern in his eyes, gently touched my arm where he’d gripped me. “Are you all right?”

  I sighed and nodded. “I’m fine. Can you please tell me what’s going on?”

  It was Nicholas’ turn to sigh as he reached in his pocket to retrieve his cell phone. He pressed a button and held it to his ear. “We’re out front,” he spoke before ending the call and returning the phone to his pocket.

  “Not here,” he said when he saw I was still waiting for an answer.

  I rolled my eyes but kept my mouth shut and tapped my foot impatiently. The Suburban came roaring around the corner and stopped short in front of us. Nicholas grabbed my arm again, but this time he was considerably more gentle. Once we were in the car, I opened my mouth to speak, but his wild eyes warned me to remain quiet. It seemed he wasn’t ready to talk about it, so I’d wait.

  A short time later, we pulled up outside our building and Nicholas grabbed my hand to pull me from the car. He didn’t release it as he nodded to the doorman and took the elevator up to our floor. Still holding my hand, Nicholas led me into the apartment and up the stairs to our shared room.

  He finally released his grasp on me and disappeared into his closet. He reappeared with two black suitcases and handed one to me.

  “I need you to pack about a week’s worth of clothing as quickly as you can.”

  I stood there holding the suitcase with my mouth open in shock.

  We were leaving?

  “Nicholas, what’s going on?”

  He didn’t stop what he was doing, just kept throwing clothes haphazardly into his suitcase. I stepped closer and placed my hand on his back. He froze under my touch and slowly turned to face me.

  “Tell me what’s going on,” I pleaded with him.

  He seemed to be searching my eyes for something. Nodding, he led me over to the edge of his bed and gestured for me to take a seat. I reminded my suddenly racing heart that we had better things to concentrate on than the fact that we were sitting on Nicholas’ bed.

  “I need you to tell me everything that Charlotte told you. Every single word because clearly, I missed something.” Seeing me getting ready to protest, he continued, “I’ll explain myself after. I promise.”

  I studied him for a moment, deciding whether I believed that or not. Something in his earnest eyes told me I could trust him. I could always trust him. I recounted everything Charlotte told me. Halfway through my story, he jumped up from the bed and began pacing.

  When I was done, I said, “I remember that night now, Nicholas. I remember being assaulted and changed.” I gulped. “My maker did this.”

  Nicholas stopped his pacing and turned to face me, his eyes clouded in anger. “I’m your maker.”

  I nodded, knowing he needed me to agree with him. “I know, Nicholas. You are my maker. I meant he’s the one who changed me.”

  The anger faded from his gaze and his shoulders slumped in defeat. “Forgive me, Adrienne. I didn’t mean to raise my voice at you.”

  I stood and reached for him. I didn’t know what I was doing, but I knew he needed me.

  I realized then how much I needed him too.

  I snaked my arms around his waist and rested my head on his hard chest, breathing in his unique, clean man scent. For a moment I worried he wouldn’t return my affection, and I’d be left holding onto him like an idiot.

  I felt his arms wrap around my shoulders and I relaxed into him. He sighed and rested his cheek on the top of my head. We stood there like that for a couple long minutes, my heart picking up speed the longer we held each other.

  “You’re mine, Adrienne,” he began, his deep voice rumbling through his chest. “I’m not letting anyone take you from me.”

  I was trying not to read too far into his words, but my racing heart obviously hadn’t gotten the memo.

  “I’m not going anywhere, Nicholas,” I promised.

  He squeezed me gently before pulling back to look in my eyes. I tried to avert my gaze, but he caught and held it with his beautiful hazel eyes. He seemed to be searching for something, but I had no idea what. His features looked strained as he pulled his arms from around me.

  “Go. Pack,” he said before returning to his own suitcase.

  I stood there stunned for a moment before finding my voice. “Where are we going?”

  Without turning around, he answered, “We’re going upstate to Parliament’s training facility. I don’t want you in the city until we find this vampire and have him in our custody.”

  Chapter 10

  When we finished packing, Nicholas begrudgingly admitted that we didn’t have enough hours left in the night to leave now for the training f
acility. According to him it would only take four hours, but I could already feel dawn approaching.

  We left our bags near the door in preparation for the following night. We’d be leaving as soon as I was up. I trudged back upstairs, my feet heavy. When I reached our room, I shuffled over to my bed and lay down. I’d gotten better at listening to my body and getting myself to bed before the dawn rendered me useless.

  As I laid there on the soft white sheets, a dozen images flashed behind my eyelids. I could now remember the night I’d been attacked and changed. I could still feel the cold asphalt under my body as I lay there knowing I would die. Watching my attacker pace back and forth as if arguing with himself. Was he trying to convince himself to change me? Did he have second thoughts?

  My mind zipped over to Charlotte and the mess I’d dragged her into. The only thing the poor girl did was have the misfortune of living with me.

  He left me to wake up alone, now he wanted me? He needed to find me so badly he would hurt my friend to get to me? He’d almost killed her. What would he have done if he’d found me there?

  And why was he calling me his wife? He had to be mistaking me for someone else. I’d never met him in my life. I’d remember those cold eyes if I’d ever seen them before.

  I fought off the shiver that raced down my spine. I heard the door open and Nicholas popped his head through, the light in the hall illuminating him from behind. His light brown hair was more tousled than usual, probably from him running his hands through it so many times.

  “I was just checking to see if you were out for the night yet.”

  I smiled. “Not yet, but I will be soon.” He nodded and retreated from the doorway. My stomach clenched, and before I knew what I was doing, his name fell from my lips. “Nicholas.”

  His head reappeared with the rest of his body, a concerned look on his face.

  “Can you lay with me until I’m out?” I asked, my voice sounding pitiful. I didn’t want to admit out loud how much the resurfacing of my attacker had shaken me. Luckily, Nicholas didn’t ask for an explanation.

  Without hesitation, he stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. I watched him take off his shoes and approach from behind heavy lids. The side of the bed dipped under his weight and his clean, masculine scent washed over me.

  He settled himself onto the pillow next to mine and I turned to face him. He was so close I could make out all the different shades of brown and green in his gaze. I sighed and closed my eyes, content for the first time since we’d left the Parliament building.

  “You need not worry, Adrienne,” Nicholas spoke softly. “I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise.” His sincerity rang throughout every one of his words. I knew I could trust him, knew that he’d keep me safe. But what was it he needed to protect me from? With that last thought, the darkness obliterated all my senses, and I slept.


  My eyes opened the next night to the white gauze draping over my canopy bed. The events from the day before rushed back and I squeezed my eyes closed. I stretched my arms above my head out of habit before realizing there was another body in my bed. With a start, I jolted upright and blinked my eyes to clear them. Could my attacker have found me already?

  With my heart in my throat, I quickly made out Nicholas’ familiar silhouette and sighed with relief. He had his computer on his lap but was looking at me now, the glow from the screen throwing shadows across his face.

  “I’m sorry I startled you.” His deep voice rang out in the silent room. “I wanted to be here when you woke up,” he explained with a shrug.

  My poor heart took wings and threatened to fly from my chest. I flopped back onto my pillow, my hand over my heart to prevent it from escaping. I chuckled softly and shook my head. “Thanks for being here. I feel better when you’re around.” My confession had heat stinging my cheeks that I hoped he couldn’t see in the darkness.

  He hummed in affirmation and continued working on whatever he was doing before I woke up. I didn’t want to disturb him, but my unanswered questions from yesterday bubbled to the surface.

  “Why do we have to leave?” I asked the most pressing one. Nicholas had been adamant we get out of the city quickly. I knew there had to be a good reason behind it.

  He sighed before shoving the computer off his legs and running a hand through his thick hair. “I don’t want to take any chances with you, Adrienne. This vampire attacked and changed you without your permission and then assaulted your friend when he went looking for you. He’s not stable and I don’t want you anywhere near him.”

  That all made sense but didn’t really answer my question. “But why do we have to leave? Can’t you protect me?”

  The pained look on his face made me wish I’d kept my big mouth shut.

  “I would protect you with my life,” he said, the surety of his words washing over me. “But I’m afraid I might not be enough.” He held my gaze only long enough to finish speaking.

  I sat up. “Wait, what do you mean? Why wouldn’t you be enough?”

  He took a moment, seeming to gather his thoughts before responding. “I don’t know anything for sure about this vampire, but it’s clear he’s old. Hundreds of years ago, it was common for a vampire to change a human and make them their mate–with or without the human’s consent. When I heard he’d called you his moglie, his wife,” he spat the word like it tasted foul in his mouth, “I knew that had been his motive for Changing you as well.”

  My eyes widened, and I gasped. “So, I’m his moglie?”

  Nicholas’ eyes lit up in anger. “You aren’t his anything.”

  I waved away his anger but felt warmth seep through my body at his protectiveness. “Right, right, of course. What I meant was when I’d heard he was looking for his wife, I never in a million years thought he was talking about me. I thought he had the wrong person.” My voice trailed off as I raced to place this new piece into the puzzle in my head.

  He was looking for me. He thought I was his wife. He thought he’d made me into his wife. My stomach clenched, and my palms began to sweat.

  Nicholas saw the anxiety written across my features and reached out to grasp my shoulder.

  “I will not let him near you, Adrienne.”

  I wondered if he was trying to convince me or himself.

  “I don’t know who he is or what he is capable of. All I know is he is older and therefore stronger than me.” The words sounded like they pained him to speak. “I won’t risk not being able to defend you, so it’s best if we leave. We have all the guards in our district out looking for him right now. I’m confident it won’t take long to apprehend him. When they do, he will be tried for his crimes and you and I can go back to living our lives together in peace.” The way he said “together” had my stomach clenching in a new way.

  Before I could fully process that, Nicholas clapped his hands together once. “All right then, we’re all packed, and now you’re awake, we should get on the road.”

  I took a minute to brush my teeth and splash some water on my face before joining him in the foyer. Taking one last look around the apartment, I felt sad to say goodbye. In a weird way, this monochromatic and uncomfortable apartment had begun to feel like home.

  Nicholas carried our bags downstairs, and I trailed after him. When we reached the empty Suburban, I raised my eyebrow questioningly.

  “Alexander is needed here so we’ll be traveling alone.” He answered my unspoken question.

  I shrugged and hopped into the passenger seat, unwilling to inspect how those words made me feel. We wove through the city streets that were emptying out at this time before hopping on the highway heading north. The first hour of the trip passed in comfortable silence, both of us lost in our own thoughts. I had a thousand questions running through my mind, and I took a while to decide which needed to be answered first.

  “Should I be worried about the Markham’s?” I asked, breaking the silence.

  “No, they should be safe. The only
reason he went to your apartment was because he had your ID with that address on it. He has no way of connecting you to the Markham’s. I’ll call and send someone out there to check on them just in case, if you’re worried.”

  I smiled softly at the man who hadn’t said no to me once yet. “I’d really appreciate that.”

  “Consider it done.”

  “What about Charlotte? Do you think he’ll go back for her?”

  He was silent for a moment before answering my question. “I don’t think so,” he said slowly. “I believe he made his point, and he knows you don’t live there anymore. If he thought she was lying, he would probably have killed her.” I cringed at his words, but he continued. “And I’m sure he glamoured her into telling him where you were.”

  I hadn’t thought about the fact that he could glamour her. I guess it slipped my mind because Charlotte hadn’t mentioned it. I mentally smacked my forehead. Of course she hadn’t told me she was glamoured. She wouldn’t have remembered it.

  “Besides,” Nicholas continued, “I had my guards move her to a new apartment. He won’t know where to look for her now if he were to go after her again.”

  I was so happy I could have kissed him.

  No! No kissing your maker!

  “Thank you. I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me and my friends. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” The thought scared me, choking up my words.

  He reached across the center console to grab my hand. “Fortunately, you’ll never have to worry about what you’d do without me because I’m not going anywhere.” I answered his dazzling smile with one of my own. “Now, if you have no further questions,” he waited for me to shake my head, “then let’s listen to some music. This is a road trip, after all!”

  I laughed at his sudden change in mood.

  He handed me his phone and told me to choose a song for us. I scanned through the artists he had downloaded, impressed by his eclectic tastes. There was one common theme I couldn’t help but notice.


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