Blood Debt

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Blood Debt Page 13

by Heather MacKinnon

  He looked like he wanted to argue, but nodded. “I’ll go check on the rest of the apartment.”

  Turning back to my once beautiful bed, the tears gathered behind my eyes and I fought to hold them back. I walked a circle around it, fingering the soft material that now lay in heaps. Why was the question that kept resounding in my head. Why couldn’t he leave me alone? Why did he want me so badly? Why did he do this?

  I looked around the room and tried to see it from a stranger’s perspective. It was obvious that if a man and woman lived in this apartment together that this would have been her bed. So, he knew this one was mine and all of this anger had definitely been directed toward me.

  But why was he so angry? What had I ever done to him? He was the one who’d attacked me. He was the one who’d ripped me from the life I knew and hurled me into this underground fantasy where I found myself with my head just above water. Had he been angry when he’d come here and not found me? But why tear my bed apart? It made no sense.

  I gave myself another moment to wallow before stuffing my emotions into a box and locking them away. I couldn’t afford to fall apart now. If I could make it through the change and everything that came along with it without buckling under the pressure, I could make it through this too. Turning away from my destroyed bed, I grabbed a few essentials and left the room.

  I found Nicholas in the library with his back to me. With a gasp, my eyes roamed over every corner, trying to take it all in.

  It looked like a tornado had whipped through the room. Every drawer had been ripped out of his desk and smashed into splinters in the middle of the floor. There were pens and other office supplies littered here and there atop the papers that now carpeted the floor. Hundreds of sheets of official looking documents were splayed from one end of the room to the other.

  I quickly scanned the room and was relieved to find all the books and my favorite chairs had been left alone.

  Nicholas’ shoulders were tensed again, and I watched his forearms strain as he clenched his fists over and over. He looked madder than I’d ever seen him, and I couldn't even see his face yet.

  “Has anything been taken?” I asked, breaking the silence.

  He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I can’t tell in all this mess,” he growled through his teeth. “Can you help me put these away?” He gestured to the mess of papers with a jerky motion. “I don’t want the human cleaning crew to see anything they shouldn’t.”

  We spent the next few minutes crouched on the floor of the library, gathering papers and setting them in small piles around us. Nicholas was quickly scanning through the pages, but I didn’t know what he was looking for. The further he got through the mess of papers, the more frantic his search became. Finally, he stood and made his way to the desk. He looked in all the spaces where drawers had previously been but came up empty-handed.

  Nicholas stood with his head bowed, breathing heavily, and I let him take his time to explain himself. He finally lifted his eyes. The look on his face was one of intense anger and regret.

  “There is something missing.”

  I stood to join him. “What is it?”

  He swallowed before answering. “Your foster papers.”

  We stood there as the ramifications sank in. Had that been the reason for the break in? Or was that an unhappy coincidence?

  “Why would he take those?”

  “I don’t know, Adrienne. There was a lot of information on those forms.”

  “Nicholas, do you think that’s why he destroyed my bed? Do you think he’s mad that you’re fostering me?” I asked softly.

  His eyes met mine and regret burned in their brown-green depths. “I don’t know, but it’s possible.”

  “That means he’s mad. Even madder than before.” Tremors raced through my body and I fought to control them. Who knew what he was capable of? Where would I ever be safe from him?

  Nicholas’ arms wrapped around me, and this time, when I jumped, he didn’t let go. I buried my face in his chest working to slow my breathing and get ahold of myself. I couldn’t lose it. I needed to remain in control.

  “Do you have everything you need from here?” Nicholas’ voice rumbled through his chest, the deep timbre soothing me. I nodded but remained quiet in his arms. “Then let’s get out of here.”. I nodded again, letting him take my hand and lead me from the room. “I’ll send Alexander over here to make sure there’s nothing incriminating left out.”

  We exited the library and quickly made our way past the bedroom. I kept my eyes down and followed him through the apartment. We rode to the parking garage in silence, Nicholas’ eyes on me and mine on my shoes. When the doors opened, he took my hand and led me to the Suburban.

  The ride was short and quiet. When we arrived, it was at a large warehouse that looked nothing like a hotel. Nicholas held the front door open for me and I gaped at the interior.

  The lobby was decadent enough to rival any five-star hotel in the city. With dark, hardwood floors and several seating arrangements, the hotel looked both high-end and homey. The front desk was an impressive slab of marble, behind which sat a pale man with almond-shaped eyes and ink black hair that I immediately pegged as a vampire.

  Nicholas walked up to the man and said, “Reservation for Williams.” I looked at him curiously, but he shook his head and I remained quiet.

  The vampire, whose nametag read Ken, smiled as he passed Nicholas the key cards to our room.

  “You’re in room 135, about halfway down on the left. Let us know if there’s anything you need.”

  Nicholas took the key packet and led me down the one hall that led from the lobby. It looked as though all the rooms in the hotel were in this hallway. We walked across the forest green carpet until we came upon our room. Nicholas inserted the card into the slot, and when the little green light came on, he turned the handle and gestured for me to enter first.

  The room opened into a lavish sitting area with large cream couches and a big screen television hanging on the wall. I stepped in further to examine the exquisite artwork adorning the walls. It was then that I noticed the artwork was hung where windows should have been. Of course, there wouldn’t be any windows in a vampire hotel, which was what this must have been.

  In the bedroom was a large king bed with crisp white sheets. The carpet was so thick, my shoes sunk in while I walked, muffling my footsteps.

  “This was the only room type they had left.” Nicholas’ voice reached me from where he stood in the doorway. “I hope it’s okay. If not, I can take the couch.”

  His thoughtfulness made me smile. “This is fine. Actually, I’m glad you’ll be next to me. I’ll feel safer that way,” I admitted.

  He crossed the room to place his hands on my upper arms. He gently rubbed from my shoulders to my elbows, up and down, the rhythm making me sway on my feet.

  “You’ll be safe here, Adrienne. The only person who knows where we are is Alexander, and I trust him with my life. More importantly, I’d trust him with your life.”

  His words soothed the frayed edges of my nerves and I relaxed slightly for the first time in hours. I stepped forward to wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head on his chest. I heard the steady beat of his heart thumping against my ear in time with mine.

  “Thank you,” I murmured.

  “You don’t have to thank me. I haven’t done anything.”

  My eyelids felt heavy, and I was finding it harder to make my mouth form words. “You’re taking care of me.”

  He must have heard the sleep in my voice because he slowly walked me over to the bed, and with a small push, had me sitting on its edge. I watched him kneel in front of me through slitted eyes. He untied and removed first one and then the other sneaker before lifting my legs and swinging them onto the bed.

  “Rest, Adrienne. I’ll be here when you wake up.”

  With that, darkness consumed my vision, and I gave up the fight for the night.

  Chapter 16

I opened my eyes to another new ceiling in another new room, and I held back a sigh. When would my life have consistency again?

  “I don’t care what it takes. Find him.” Nicholas’ angry voice sounded from beside me and I turned to take in his profile. He was glaring down at his phone, unaware I’d woken up and caught the tail-end of his conversation. I let my eyes wander down his long, lean frame, admiring the way his muscled thighs filled out his dark jeans. His feet were bare, and my heart gave an uneven thump. I’d never thought a man’s feet could be sexy, but Nicholas was changing that for me.

  “How long have you been up?” His voice startled me, and my eyes found his. I felt my cheeks heat slightly, and I hoped he hadn’t seen me staring at his bare feet. How awkward.

  “Just a few moments,” I said and stretched my arms above my head. Since I didn’t technically sleep, there was no need for my stretches, but some habits were hard to break.

  His hazel eyes heated as they roamed the length of my body, stopping longer on the sliver of my stomach revealed by my shirt. I fought the urge to cover up and instead rolled over to face him and tucked my hands beneath my cheek.

  “Who were you talking to?” I asked.

  Nicholas set his phone on the nightstand and then slowly slid his body down the bed until he was level with my face, his position mimicking mine.

  “One of my guards.” I wanted more information, but decided not to pry. If he wanted to tell me more, he would. As I fought my curiosity, the look in Nicholas’ eyes told me he was fighting a battle of his own.

  “I have a question I want to ask you,” he began. “It’s more of a favor, I suppose.”

  I furrowed my brow and waited for him to continue.

  He let out a big breath and the warm air fanned across my face. “I was wondering if you would attend this year’s Parliament ball with me,” he said in a rush.

  “Parliament ball?” I asked, the name ringing a bell, but I couldn’t place where I’d heard it before.

  “Yes. Every year Parliament holds a huge ball, and I’d like you to accompany me. My attendance is required but I’ll face whatever repercussions there are before leaving your side.” His face got hard for a moment before his brow smoothed and he smiled softly at me. “Besides, it would be a lot more enjoyable if you were there with me.”

  Recognition zipped through me, and I arched a brow. “I thought you were supposed to be taking Victoria to that ball.”

  His brows pinched in distaste. “I’m not supposed to take anyone. Victoria and I attended the ball together last year and I suppose she counted on another invite this year.”

  I couldn’t let it go yet. “Why would you want to take me and not her?”

  Nicholas huffed. “I like your company a great deal more than hers. I would have thought that was obvious by now.”

  I averted my gaze and used a finger to trace the pattern of the comforter below me. “Won’t she be mad?” I asked.

  Nicholas reached forward to tilt my chin up, so I was forced to look into his beautiful eyes. “I don’t care what she’ll be. I want you.”

  Butterflies swirled through my stomach in near-painful joy, but my mind still raced with unanswered questions. Emboldened by his words, I finally voiced one of them.

  “Did you and Victoria date?”

  He shifted uncomfortably on the bed. “I wouldn’t call what we did dating,” he answered vaguely.

  “So, you slept with her.” It wasn’t like I hadn’t slept with other men, but the idea of him and that harpy made my blood boil.

  “Yes. Once. I realized it was a mistake almost immediately and made sure she knew there wouldn’t be a second night for us.”

  I nodded. “When was the last time you dated?”

  “I don’t date.”


  “No. I haven’t been serious about anyone since my wife.”

  My heart skittered to a stop. “You were married.” I couldn’t even phrase it as a question.

  “Widowed,” he responded, his voice quiet and pained.

  I snapped my head up to meet his gaze. “Nicholas,” I began, taking a moment to collect my thoughts. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t worry, it was a long time ago.”

  I shifted closer and placed my hand on his arm. “Tell me?”

  Nicholas wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his side. I rested my head on his chest and tried to suppress a sigh of contentment.

  “Anne and I grew up together in Virginia, but we didn’t marry until I returned home from war.”


  “The Revolutionary War,” he answered quietly.

  Holy shit. It was so easy to forget how old he was. Things like this reminded me just how different we really were.

  “We were only married for a short time when Bridgette found me. She later admitted she’d been watching for weeks before she approached. I was out in the fields late one night, just finishing up for the day when the sun set. Bridgette found me alone and changed me into what I am now. When I awoke three days later, she told me she’d killed my wife while I was Changing.”

  I gasped and covered my mouth with my hand, unable to fathom the pain Nicholas must have been in.

  “I didn’t believe her, of course, so I ran home faster than I’d ever run before. When I arrived at our house, there were no lights on, and I could smell death even from outside. I buried her that night,” he finished quietly.

  “Why would she kill your wife?”

  Nicholas snorted darkly. “So we could be together.”

  I was stunned silent. His story sounded so similar to mine. Both of us changed without our consent for the pleasure of our makers. “Were you?”

  Nicholas was quiet for a few moments before he answered, his voice strong. “I stayed with her for a few decades before I was strong enough to rebel. She was an evil woman. She killed hundreds of humans during my time with her. I couldn’t stand to see the bloodshed, but she wouldn’t let me leave. Said I owed her for Changing me.” He laughed humorlessly.

  “She forced me to kill too. If I didn’t murder the human I fed on, she’d do it for me and it was never quick or merciful. I knew I needed to get away from her. I was sick of the loss of life, but with her, I had no choice. One night, right before the sun came up, I cut off her head and left her body outside to meet the dawn. The next day I left and never looked back.”

  Nicholas’ strength astounded me.

  “It must have been hard to be alone after all that time,” I whispered.

  “It was better than being with her. And you get used to being alone after a while.”

  We sat quietly for a few minutes, both of us lost in our own thoughts. When I’d finally digested his story, I spoke up.

  “Why haven’t you dated since your wife? Are you still mourning?” I wasn’t sure if I was ready for the answer, but I had to ask.

  “I came to terms with Anne’s death a long time ago. I’ll always be sorry for the way she met her end, but that’s not why I’ve abstained from dating.”

  I propped myself up on an elbow, so I could look him in the face again. “Then why?”

  Nicholas reached out and gently ran a finger down my face from my hairline to my jaw. “I’m not sure. I suppose I was waiting for someone worthwhile to come along.”

  My heart sped in my chest as butterflies kicked into gear in my stomach. I opened my mouth to say something else—what, I wasn’t sure—when Nicholas quickly sat up and pulled my face to his.

  His lips were warm and demanding, and I opened up for him immediately. One of his hands landed on my hip before tracing a path up my side and over my shoulder to tangle in my hair. He used that hand to pull my face closer to his and deepen the kiss.

  I moaned and slid my hand up his arm, marveling in the strength he exuded in every inch of his body. With quick movements, he pushed me onto my back and leaned over, sliding one of his knees between my legs. I wrapped both arms around his neck and pulled him clos

  His jean-clad leg crept higher until it reached the apex of my thighs, and I twitched at the new sensation. He reached for the hem of my shirt and our lips parted for only a fraction of a second while he pulled it over my head. My bra was quickly disposed of, and I found myself naked from the waist up again.

  He used both hands to massage my breasts before pinching each of my nipples in tandem. His mouth left mine and traveled down my neck, trailing kisses to one of my pert nipples. He sucked on the tight bud and my back arched off the bed. My movements ground my core onto his thigh and I reveled in the multitude of sensations.

  I continued grinding against his leg while he licked, sucked, and nibbled at first one nipple and then the other. My hands raked up his corded muscles and delved deep into his soft, thick hair. I pulled and scratched at his scalp as the pleasure rippled through me.

  With one hand still on my breast, his other hand traveled down my stomach to the button of my jeans. Nicholas pulled away to look me in the eye, asking me silently if I wanted him to continue. I whimpered and nodded, my eyes wide with yearning. His chuckle blew warm air across my wet breast, and I arched into him again.

  With sure movements, he unbuttoned my jeans and tugged them off my body. He pressed his thigh between my legs again and I hissed in pleasure. Nicholas’ mouth was still alternating between breasts while both of his hands rested on my hips and slowly peeled my underwear down my legs. In any other circumstance, I might have felt self-conscious, but I was so aroused that my clothes were just in the way of me and my pleasure.

  One of his hands returned to my tightened nipple, pinching and then rubbing his palm over the tip. The other slowly traced a line from my calf, up the inside of my thigh, to the slit between my legs. I shook in anticipation while he slowly dragged a single finger from the top to the bottom. With each pass, he increased the pressure, but still wouldn’t enter. I groaned in frustration and Nicholas chuckled again, sending desire shooting through my body.

  I pulled his hair until his head was level with my own again and kissed him ferociously. He kissed me back, and as his tongue entered my mouth, his finger finally filled me. My body spasmed from the penetration, my nerve endings lit from within. He slowly dragged his finger out and up to the bundle of nerves that craved his touch. His finger circled methodically before once again dipping inside.


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