Battle For The Shadow King (Captive 0f Shadows Book 4)

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Battle For The Shadow King (Captive 0f Shadows Book 4) Page 9

by Bailey Dark

  As I sit, Kane pushes a cup of wine across the table at me, barely looking up. "Your drink."

  "Thank you," I say reaching for the cup. But as I touch it, a shot of anxiety flows through me. I stare down at the liquid, a small rainbow sheen covering the top of it.

  I look over at Willem's cup, and then at Kane's, being careful to not be noticed. Their drinks look different, and there is something in the pit of my stomach telling me to avoid that wine. Again, I will always honor my instincts. I put my hand up to the servant who hurries over. "No wine for me today. I'm still not feeling well. If I could have a cup of water instead, I would appreciate it."

  The servant nods and hurries off. Kane glances up at me, looking unhappy at my choice but I don't care anymore. What does it really matter? He'll be dead soon, and so will I. And unfortunately, our souls won't even exist enough for him to carry that anger over to the next step in life.

  We go through breakfast silently, and I don't eat much food, but I sit there so that there are no gripes by Kane that I didn't arrive for. When we are done, I stay sitting as Kane and Willem both excuse themselves and walk separately from the dining hall. I take another drink of my water and set it down, lifting myself from the chair.

  I pause for a moment, rolling my shoulders, taking inventory of my own body. Somehow, I feel much stronger. If I really think about it, over the last week, I always begin to feel tired and groggy right after breakfast. At first, I thought it was due to the amount of food that we were eating, but that doesn't make sense because most mornings I barely touch the plate of food in front of me. My eyes fall on the wineglass still sitting full where Kane had pushed it toward me.

  I walk over and look down at it, leaning and taking a whiff. It's got that same slight tangy aftertaste, even when you're smelling it. The servants have not taken the dishes away from the table yet, not wanting to disturb me. I push the wineglass away, not wanting it anywhere near me. As my eyes shift back to my own plate, they stop, staring over at the plate that is still sitting where Kane was sitting. On the edge of his plate is a small empty vial. I reach over and pick it up holding it in front of my face, turning it back and forth in front of the flicker of the candles. It's got that same rainbow-like sheen inside of it.

  It dawns on me quickly, my instinct to avoid the drink is because Kane is drugging me. He is putting something in my daily drinks which is harming me. It's no wonder he is asking about my dreams. It's no wonder he is angry that I don't want wine with breakfast. He has been keeping me from being strong like I need to be.

  A wave of anger rolls over me, and I close the vial in my palm, crushing it, feeling the small shards of glass prick into my skin. My teeth clutch tightly and my eyes narrow toward the door of the dining hall. If there was any question before that moment of whether Kane cares for me anymore, those questions are completely gone. They are gone just like the man that I thought I knew.

  Chapter 16


  As I stand in the dreary crypts staring at my book, watching the mortals cower in the corner, I read through the last bit of text that I have pulled from the secret writings. Everything is going just as it's supposed to. I'm so close to figuring out how to fill my old corpse with life. In fact, if I wanted to, I could do it that very evening, but there is one threat standing in my way. I have not been able to gain control of Lux. She is not showing herself anymore, and though I am tempted to push down the dreams and visions in order to pull her forward, she is seemingly hiding worse than before.

  Lux is dangerous, and I am not stupid, I know that she's a threat to me just as much as anybody else. She is the one that took my life, who attempted to put a spell on my crypt in order to keep me from ever coming back. She cried tears, tears of love and remorse as she drove the dagger into my heart. I will never forgive her for that. I will never forget that the woman I loved ultimately was the woman that took my life.

  Nonetheless, as much as I hate her, I don't want her dead. I want her sedated enough to not ruin the transfer of souls, but then I want to use her. I want to keep her as a weapon. A weapon that also stands as a sign to all those who would oppose me. I want them to understand that not only am I extraordinarily powerful, but I control the most powerful being who has ever graced the Underworld. She may not be by my side any longer, but I will have her in my cage. She will not rule with me voluntarily, I already know that, and it's not even a question in my mind. Lux is plagued by the human side of her. The side that feels that it's necessary to do the right thing even though I disagree with that. But forced, she can be extraordinarily destructive, and everyone knows that.

  But how do I do it? How do I keep Lux from coming through? I shut my book and wave it off into the shadows, walking up to my corpse, and standing over it. The only way to ensure the Lux will not interfere is to enslave Briar. I need to reduce her ability to interfere in any way shape or form.

  "No," Kane's voice roars out in my head. It takes me by surprise and I close my eyes, transporting my conscious to the void where I keep Kane locked.

  As I appear, I find him standing, his body tense and strong, his face angry. "Aren't you feeling strong today. Tsk, tsk, tsk, don't make me put you back into your dreams."

  Kane yells out and charges straight at me. I stand with ease, and when he is close enough, I swipe my hand to the right knocking him into the wall. He slams hard, and slides down, too weak to remember that his body is just a figment of his imagination. He himself is creating his own pain.

  I tilt my head back and laugh, flicking my finger in the air. He slides across the dark void of the ground, and into the corner. "That was a feeble attempt to overpower a God. You of all people should know that towering toward someone will not make them fearful of you. You just used up a lot of energy for that. I think that maybe, you should calm yourself down a bit."

  As I stand there laughing at Kane, in the back of my mind I notice one thing, he's surprisingly strong whenever Briar is at risk. No matter, he's not strong enough to overpower me, but he does have front row seats to the show.

  * * *


  My mind is so much clearer and my body does not drag like it has been the last few days. I'm angry at the fact that he is trying to drug me, to make me a pawn in his game, but I won't let Kane win. Whoever it is inside of him has no idea what's coming for him. I turn the corner and stop, narrowing my eyes. Climbing out of the stone staircase, shaking his head is Kane. I look around, realizing that in my inner thoughts, I hadn't noticed where I was walking. Funny though, he hasn't noticed that I'm standing here either.

  I sit back and watch him, crossing my arms over my chest. He's laughing to himself. It's so irritating I can't help but speak out at him. "What in the world do you find so funny standing in a hallway?"

  My voice rings out, and I can see his face, surprised at my appearance. But as I watch him further, he begins to twitch, his head shifting right and left faster than I can keep track of. Slowly I lower my arms and step forward toward him, unsure of what I'm watching.

  His head snaps to the left and then to the right, stopping. His eyes shoot open, and for a moment, his face softens in the same way that Kane's always has when he looks at me with comfort and love. His body races toward me and he grabs me by the shoulders. "Don't give up. I'm still in here. Don't give up."

  His face contorts and I can tell he is fighting whoever's inside of him. He rolls his neck around dropping his hands from my shoulders. I back away, turning and running down the hall. I know it's best I'm not there when the other version takes back over. I don't stop running, I keep running until I'm out of the castle and down the steps, making my way across the lawn.

  My Kane, the real Kane is still there, he has shown himself to me. There is no way that I can kill him now. I drop to my knees in the tall grasses, and wrap my arms around my stomach, feeling the rush of relieving emotion. It may not mean anything, it may not change the course of what will happen, but at least I know I'm not alone.

; "You shouldn't be out here by yourself," a voice says deeply behind me.

  I turn around and look, finding one of the Guardsmen, Willems men, Riordan, standing tall and strong, his wings tucked behind him, staring down at me with black eyes. I'm not sure whether to run or to tell him everything.

  Chapter 17


  I did it. I finally did it. Briar was so close and was able to surprise Drogaem to the point to where I could take over. I'm not strong enough to hold onto that yet, but I was able to tell her, to let her know I am still here, that I'm holding on, and for her to not let go. Unfortunately, the whole ordeal cost me every bit of energy that I have. As soon as Drogaem took back over his body, I fell to the ground, back in the blackness of the void. I don't even have enough energy to manifest a body. Drogaem, angry as hell, appears before me. He roars, throwing his arms to the side. My soul crashes around the void, like a ragdoll.

  "How dare you!" Drogaem roars. "Your little mortal is so important to you that you just sentenced her to death!"

  He tosses my soul again, but this time as I hit the wall, my body reappears. I fall to the darkened floor on my hands and knees and use everything I have left in me to stand. Drogaem huffs and puffs, his hands pulled into fists. "When my body is back, I will make Briar mine and you will watch every second of it. You will watch it while I torture you. You will watch her become nothing but my slave. For the rest of your existence you will feel the pain that you should have felt long before now."

  He roars loudly and throws his arms to both sides, ripping the manifestation of my body completely off my soul. The pain, one thing he doesn't think about, immediately releases.

  Drogaem disappears, taking my body back over. I fear what will happen to Briar, but there is nothing I can do at this point. I only hope that she is strong enough and smart enough to overcome this. Hopefully Willem is there too, though I still don't know if I can trust Willem.

  Just a moment with Briar was worth it all. Our lives have been doomed since our fated meeting. From the moment our souls were bonded we were destined for a future of hardship. But I know, no matter what happens from this point on, neither of us will perish without the knowledge that we care deeply for each other. In just those moments I could feel her anxiety, her fear, and her heartbreak. I could feel the love she has for me and I sent it right back to her.

  I know it's possible to take my body back, but I need the strength to do it. And when I do, Drogaem will pay. Maybe not right away, but one day I will end his life forever.

  * * *


  To say that I'm angry is an understatement. In reality, if he weren't way stronger than me, or if I was in control of my powers, I would rip Willem in half. I stomp across the yard, heading straight for him. His eyes fall on me, and he looks confused shifting from me back behind me to Riordan who is following quickly behind me. Without a word, he turns and heads straight for the hedges, entering through the moving branches. I come in behind him, but close out his friend before he can enter. I'm raging mad. Of all the moments to take away the happiness I'm feeling, this is the worst time.

  "How dare you," I scream. "You don't care about me or Kane. All you care about is the throne! That's all you've ever cared about."

  Willem put up his hands. "Briar, calm down."

  I move toward him, snarling my lip, the light in my hands beginning to shimmer. "Don't you tell me to calm down. Riordan told me that you've been plotting against Kane for a very long time. That you, and him, and an entire group of rebels have been planning to usurp Kane for longer than I've been alive. You are a disgrace to your family. You are a coward. And I know now why you have cowered to whoever has taken Kane's body over and lapped at his feet. It's not because you're trying to save yourself, it's because you want me to kill him."

  Willem scoffs. "And how do you know that there is some other magical Kane inside of his body? How do you know this isn't the real Kane? You haven't known him as long as I have. You don't know what he is capable of."

  I nod, my whole body shaking with anger. "You're right. I don't know what he did in his past, and I don't know what he's fully capable of yet, but I do know that I just spoke to the old Kane. Somehow, he managed to break free from where he is being held captive within his own body and for a split second, told me that he is still here. And all the while, you have been trying to convince me to kill him and you know that'll kill me too. How easy for you is that? Two birds with one stone."

  Willem waves his hands at me, shaking his head. "Kane hasn't been the same since you arrived."

  My mouth drops open, not believing that he is actually blaming me for any of this. As if I am the one who caused this whole mess. But before I can say a word, he continues. His voice lowers, and his shoulders slump. "The real truth is Kane hasn't been the same since he seized that crown. From the moment he put it on his head he became someone else. And yes, I've seen Kane be at his worst, and I've seen Kane be at his best, but this is not Kane at all. This is someone else."

  I swallow down my anger, seeing the first flicker of emotion I've ever seen from Willem. I slowly walk toward him, standing at the back of the wrought iron bench watching as he stares down at the ground. "Then help me. We can fix this but I need your help in doing it. I cannot do this on my own."

  We stand silent for several moments and then Willem shifts his eyes up toward me. He presses his lips together and nods his head. "I will help you. But if I take him down, it will be when he is himself, not when someone else has taken him."

  I put my hand to my chest, pushing away the tears, and closing my eyes for a moment. "For the first time since all of this has begun, I finally feel like there's a glimmer of hope."

  Willem walks toward me, holding me by both shoulders. I look at him surprised. His face is serious but not angry. "Hope isn't something everyone can have in the Underworld. You have to be realistic."

  I pull my shoulders away from him. "I know you live in some sort of sick and twisted existence, but there's no difference between the Underworld and the world up there when it comes to hope. Maybe if you had a little bit, instead of plotting to kill a man you call brother, you would be building this empire with him."

  Willem's lips snarl and he rolls his eyes. "You'll never learn. You never learn because you're vapid and useless."

  I walk toward the hedges and stop as they open, turning back toward him. "You keep thinking that but I promise you, by the end of all of this, I'll have proven you wrong. You'll be eating those words."

  Chapter 18


  I fully expect for whoever has taken over Kane's body to come after me, especially after what I saw. But the Kane imposter was nowhere to be found for several days. I am fearful of his retribution, I'm not going to lie. I know that whoever's inside of him, and I have a good idea of who that might be, they aren't going to give up so easily. I figure that after seeing Kane's true self come through, the imposter would assume that I was definitely against him. But that doesn't seem to be the case.

  This morning I woke up, had breakfast, even though Kane was not there with Willem and I, and got dressed for the court gathering that we have to attend. I don't know whether to expect Kane or not, and in fact I don't know what to expect at all. I dress for the event in one of the pieces from my wardrobe, a navy-blue satin dress that drapes across my chest and over one shoulder. The material is light and airy, keeping me cool under the pressure. I pull on the pieces of jewelry that have been sitting in my room since I arrived. A set of pearl bracelets, black ones, and a matching necklace. On my head, I set the tiara and pin it to my long flowing hair.

  Arriving at the court event, my heart skips a beat as I see Kane standing, waiting for me at the entrance. He smiles at me, and I smile back, nodding my head. When he takes my hand it's stern, with a serious lack of connection as usual, but not in the least angry. This sparks a confusion in me, a suspicion that he is playing the game. But maybe, just maybe he doesn't think I have realized what happe
ned in that hallway. Maybe running was the best choice for me.

  We walk toward the door and he stops, turning back toward me. "I just want to apologize for the way I acted in the hallway a few days ago. I wasn't feeling like myself and when I got control you were gone."

  I am really glad that I'm a quick thinker on my feet, something I learned living with my sisters. I immediately smile, flexing my fingers against his arm. "You're under a lot of stress and we all understand that. We'll just forget it ever happened."

  He looks at me with surprise and a slight bit of uncertainty. That's exactly the kind of feeling I want him to have toward me.

  With my arm draped over his, we walk up between the aisles and to our normal black throne chairs at the front. During this gathering we will have a concession line, anyone who wishes to introduce themselves to both Kane and I. Sitting in the chair, as different members of the court present, I glance over the crowd. The Nephilim isn't hard to spot even in the overfilled chamber. His eyes are red, and he stands taller than the rest. Our eyes lock for only a second before I look away as if I've never noticed him before. I look back over at Kane and smile at him.

  On the outside I am gathered and demure. On the inside, my body is wild with fear and anticipation. This very event could be the defining moment where everything changes. With all the drama that is happening, I almost forgot about the Nephilim altogether. Now I know I made the right decision. There is someone else in that body of Kane's, someone who is pushing Kane to the bottom, and if anyone has a chance of fixing this, it's definitely the Nephilim. Again, I can't believe that the fate of Kane and I rests in the hands of the very creature whose ancestors killed thousands. Whose same kind forced Kane and I to be leached and soul bonded in order to stay alive.


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