It is early in the evening of the day that has witnessed the eventsrecorded in the preceding chapters, and the Chief of the detectives issitting in his easiest office chair, listening attentively to the wordsthat fall from the lips of a tall, bronzed, gray-bearded man who sitsopposite him, talking fast and earnestly.
He has been thus talking, and the Chief thus listening, for more than anhour, and the story is just reaching its conclusion when the strangersays:
"There, sir, you have the entire case, so far as I know it. What I askis something unusual, but what I offer, in compensation, is somethingunusual too."
"A queer case, I should say," returns the Chief, half to himself; "and adifficult one. Twenty years ago a man was murdered--killed by a naildriven into his skull. Detectives have hunted for the murderer, singly,in twos and threes. English experts have crossed the ocean to unravelthe mystery and it remains a mystery still. And now, when the secret istwenty years old, and the assassin dead and buried, perhaps, you comeand ask me for my two best men,--men who have worked together asbrothers--and ask me to set their skill _against each other_, in astruggle, which, if it ends as you desire, will mean victory and fortunefor the one, defeat and loss of prestige for the other."
"There is no such thing as loss of prestige. A man may bow to a superiorand yet retain his own skill. Plainly, I have come to you as anhonorable man should. I wish to deal with these men through you, ifpossible. But they are free agents. What you refuse to do for me, I mustdo for myself; and I tell you plainly, that if money can purchase theirservices, I will have Van Vernet and Richard Stanhope to work thiscase."
"You are frank, sir! But I have observed that, in relating your story,you have been careful to avoid giving either your own name or the nameof the murdered man."
"As I shall continue to do until I state the case to the two detectives,_after_ they have enlisted in my service."
The Chief ponders for a time and then says:
"Now, hear my proposition: you are justified in believing that, if there_is_ a bottom to this ancient mystery, Vernet and Stanhope, singly ortogether, are the men to find it. That is my belief also. As for youridea of putting them on their mettle, by offering so magnificent areward to the man who succeeds, _that_ is not bad--for you and the manwho wins. Vernet and Stanhope have, this very day, taken in hand twocases,--working separately, understand. If you will wait in patienceuntil these cases are finished, you shall have the men from thisoffice,--if they will accept the case."
"Put my proposition before the two men at once. When I know that I shallhave their services, I can wait in patience until their duty of thepresent is done."
"Then," said the Chief rising, "the question can soon be settled; Vernetis in the outer office; Stanhope will soon be here. You will find theevening papers upon that desk; try and entertain yourself while I putyour case before Vernet."
Ten minutes later, Van Vernet was standing before his Chief, listeningwith bent head, compressed lip, and glowing cheek, to the story of theman who was murdered twenty years before, and to the splendid proposalof the tall stranger. When it was all told, and the Chief paused for areply, the young detective moved a pace nearer and said with decision:
"Tell him that I accept the proposition. A man can't afford to lose sosplendid a chance for friendship's sake. Besides," his eyes darkeningand his mouth twitching convulsively, "it's time for Dick and I to findout _who is the better man_!"
Returning to the inner office, the Chief of the force found his strangepatron walking fiercely up and down the room, with a newspaper graspedfirmly in his hand, and on his countenance traces of agitation.
"Look!" he cried, approaching and forcing the paper upon the astonishedChief; "see what a moment of waiting has brought me!"
And he pointed to a paragraph beginning:
"An advertisement, I see;" said the Chief. "But I fail to understand whyit should thus excite you."
"A moment ago it was my intention to keep the identity of the murderedman a secret. This," indicating the paper by a quick gesture, "changesthe face of affairs. After twenty years, some one inquires after ArthurPearson--"
"Then Arthur Pearson is--"
"The man who was murdered near the Marais des Cygnes!"
"And the child?"
"I never knew her name until now. No doubt it is the little girl thatwas in Pearson's care."
"What became of the child?"
"I never knew."
"And how does this discovery affect your movements?"
"I will tell you; but, first, you saw Vernet?"
"Yes; and he accepts."
"Good! That notice was inserted either by some friend of Pearson's, orby the child's father, John Ainsworth."
"What do you know of him?"
"Nothing; I never met him. But, as soon as you have seen Stanhope, andI am sure that these two sharp fellows are prepared to hunt down poorPearson's assassins, I _will_ meet him, if the notice is his, for I amgoing to Australia."
"Yes; I can do no good here. To-morrow morning, business will take meout of the city. When I return, in two days, let me have Stanhope'sanswer."
When Richard Stanhope appeared at the office that night a little laterthan usual, the story of Arthur Pearson and his mysterious death wasrelated for the third time that day, and the strange and munificentoffer of the stranger, for the second time rehearsed by the Chief.
"What do you think of it, my boy? Are you anxious to try for a fortune?"
"No, thank you."
It was said as coolly as if he were declining a bad cigar.
"Consider, Dick."
"There is no need. Van and I have pulled together too long to let a merematter of money come between us. _He_ would never accept such aproposition."
The Chief bit his lip and remained silent.
"Or if he did," went on Stanhope, "he would not work against me. Tellyour patron that _with_ Van Vernet I will undertake the case. He maymake Van his chief, and I will gladly assist. _Without_ Van as my rival,I will work it alone; but _against_ him, as his rival for honors andlucre, _never_!"
The Chief slowly arose, and resting his hands upon the shoulders of theyounger man, looked in his face with fatherly pride.
"Dick, you're a splendid fellow, and a shrewd detective," he said, "butyou have a weakness. You study strangers, but you trust your friendswith absolute blindness. Van is ambitious."
"So am I."
"He loves money."
"A little too well, I admit."
"If he should accept this offer?"
"But he won't."
"If he _should_;" persisted the Chief.
"If such a thing were possible,--if, without a friendly consultation,and a fair and square send off, he should take up the cudgel against me,then--"
"Then, Dick?"
Richard Stanhope's eyes flashed, and his mouth set itself in firm lines.
"_Then_," he said, "I would measure my strength against his as adetective; but always as a friend, and never to his injury!"
"And, Dick, if, in the thick of the strife, Van forgets his friendshipfor you and becomes your enemy?"
"Then, as I am only human, I should be his enemy too. But that will nothappen."
"I hope not; I hope not, my boy. But--Van Vernet has already acceptedthe stranger's proposition."
Stanhope leaped to his feet.
"What!" he cried, "has Van _agreed_ to work against me--without a wordto me--and so soon!"
His lips trembled now, and his eyes searched those of his Chief with theeager, inquiring look of a grieved child.
"It is as I say, Stanhope."
"What, has Van _agreed_ to work against me--without aword to me--and so soon!"--page 50.]
"Then," and he threw back his head and instantly resumed his usuallook of careless indifference, "tell your
patron, whoever he may be,that _I am his man_, for one year, or for twenty!"
Dangerous Ground; or, The Rival Detectives Page 5