Redemption Series Boxed Set, Books 1-4

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Redemption Series Boxed Set, Books 1-4 Page 29

by Sandi Lynn

  He gave me a small smile and climbed back in, wrapping his arm around me as I lay my head on his chest. Feelings. They were developing faster than the speed of light, and I was trying so hard to stop them.

  “I have a question for you,” he spoke.

  “What is it?”

  “How could you not think we were friends? After all, I did make sure you got home safely from my party, I stayed the night, and I made you coffee the next morning. I just don’t do that for anybody.”

  “I don’t know. I just thought you did those things because you were trying to get into my pants.” I smirked as I lifted my head and smiled at him.

  “True. I was.” He smiled back.

  I laid my head back down and listened to the beating of his heart.

  “Kinsley, I just need to make it very clear that I don’t want anything more. I mean, I like you and I love having sex with you, but that’s all I can give. Nothing more. It’s not who I am, and I think you know that by now.”

  “I do know that and I’m not looking for anything more either. I love being on my own, discovering who I am, and trying to find the best version of me.”

  “Well, if it makes you feel better, I like this version of you.” He kissed the top of my head.

  We both fell fast asleep, and when I woke up, I was lying on my side with Chase’s arm wrapped tightly around me. I liked it, maybe a little too much. He was closed off. Sure, he opened up to me a little bit last night, but not about his mother or his childhood, and I believed that was where his relationship issues stemmed from. He was a playboy who flirted with anyone of the female gender. I could never trust him, even if we did get into a relationship. So, for now, I’d take what I could get from him until I was ready to be with someone.

  One month later

  The moment I climbed out of bed, I ran to the bathroom and threw up. I had hoped it was a one-time thing, probably from the Chinese food I ate last night. But it wasn’t, and I had to call in sick to work. I felt bad because I only had two weeks left working for Mr. Calloway.

  “It’s okay, Kinsley. The most important thing is that you get better. Don’t worry about it. I’ll have Lexi fill in for you.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Calloway. I’ll be there for sure tomorrow.”

  “Feel better soon.”

  I hung up the phone, lay on the couch, and turned on the TV. A few moments later, I received a text message from Chase.

  “Dad said you called in sick. Are you okay?”

  “I think that Chinese food we ate last night didn’t agree with me.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “We didn’t eat the same thing.”

  “Do you need anything?”

  “No. I think I’m going back to sleep for a while.”

  “Okay. Text or call me if you need anything.”

  During the past month, Chase and I had been seeing each other a lot. We’d have dinner and then sex. The nights he wasn’t with me, he’d go out to the clubs and party. I would go to my yoga class or hang out with Lexi and a few other friends I made. We’d go to the bars and I would get hit on by multiple guys, but no one I was interested in.

  As the day went on, I felt better, so I took a shower and decided to clean my apartment. Six o’clock rolled around and there was a knock at the door.

  “It’s me, Kinsley,” I heard Chase yell.

  Opening the door, I saw him standing there holding up a brown bag.

  “I’ve brought you some soup. How are you feeling?” he asked as he walked inside.

  “Thank you. I’m actually feeling better.”

  “Good.” He smiled as he took down a bowl from the cabinet and poured some soup in it. “I can’t stay. I’m having dinner with my dad and bridezilla.”

  “Sounds like a fun time.” I smirked. “Is there a special occasion?”

  “It’s Penelope’s birthday this weekend, and since they’re going on a trip and won’t be here, dear old Dad thought tonight would be a good night to get together for dinner.”

  “Did you buy her a birthday gift?” I asked as he set the bowl of soup down in front of me.

  “As much as it pains me to do it, I’m going to stop at the florist on the way and pick up some flowers.”

  “I like Penelope. She’s really nice. I don’t understand what you have against her,” I spoke.

  “I’m just not fond of her.” He shrugged. “I better head out. I don’t want to get yelled at for being late. You good?” He smiled.

  “I’m good. Thanks again for the soup.”

  “No problem. I’m glad you’re feeling better.” He kissed the top of my head and then walked out the door.

  I sighed. I promised myself I wouldn’t fall for him, but I had. I hated him going to the clubs and doing God knows what with other women. I hated myself for feeling like that, but I couldn’t help it. I knew damn well he wasn’t good for me. As a friend, yes. As a sex partner, yes. As a boyfriend/lover, no. I still needed to find out what his real issues were. I had asked Lexi about it, but she wouldn’t say. She told me that when Chase was ready to tell me, he would.

  The next morning, I woke up with the same feeling as yesterday. I cupped my hand over my mouth and ran into the bathroom. What the hell was going on? I was fine last night. I couldn’t call in again and, with any luck, I’d feel better like I did yesterday, so I did my best to put on a smile and head to work.

  “Good morning, Kinsley.” Mr. Calloway smiled. “How are you feeling today?”

  “I feel a lot better,” I lied.

  “You look a little pale.”

  “Still recovering, but I do feel better,” I spoke.

  “Glad to hear it. Would you mind stepping into my office for a minute? There’s something I would like to discuss with you.”

  “Sure, Mr. Calloway.”

  I followed him into his office and took a seat while he shut the door. My sick stomach felt even sicker with worry that I did something wrong. Shit. What if he found out that Chase and I were sleeping together?

  “As you know, Audrey is supposed to be back in a couple of weeks,” he spoke.

  “Yes. I know.” I nodded.

  “I spoke to her yesterday and it seems her fiancé got a once-in-a-lifetime job in New York, so they’re moving there, and she will not be coming back to Calloway Tech.”

  “Oh.” My brows furrowed. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “I would like to offer you the full-time position here at Calloway Tech as my personal secretary. You’d get a pay increase, full health benefits, a 401k plan, profit sharing, and a yearly bonus.”

  “Mr. Calloway, I don’t know what to say,” I spoke in utter shock.

  “Say yes. I’d love to keep you, Kinsley. You’re a bright woman and you do a very good job. Plus, you can handle my son and I wouldn’t have to worry about his actions affecting you. You seem to be the only woman I’ve ever known who’s immune to him.” He smirked.

  Shit. If he only knew.

  “I would love to stay here at Calloway Tech.” I smiled. “Thank you for this opportunity, Mr. Calloway.”

  “Excellent. I’ll send your paperwork down to Human Resources and give the temp agency a call.”

  I thanked him again, and when I walked out of his office, Chase was walking down the hallway.

  “I was looking for you. How are you feeling this morning?” he asked.

  “Much better,” I lied again. “Did your dad mention anything to you at dinner last night about Audrey not coming back?”

  “No. Why?”

  “Apparently, her and her fiancé are moving to New York, so she’s not coming back.”

  “Oh. Then I guess Daddy is going to have to find a new permanent secretary.”

  “He did already,” I spoke.

  “Wow. That was fast. Did he tell you who he hired?”

  “Me.” I smiled. “He just offered me the full-time position.”

  “I see. Congratulations.”

  “Thanks. I feel a lot better now,
knowing I have a permanent full-time job.”

  Chapter 29


  Fuck. I wasn’t sure how I felt about my father making Kinsley a permanent fixture here. I did like seeing her every day, but when things between us start to go bad, it was going to be awkward. The feelings I’d developed for her over the past month were getting to me. I found myself always wanting to be with her. My mind wouldn’t stop thinking about her, even when she was right down the hall. I was actually looking forward to her time here being up, because the less I saw of her, the sooner I could let us drift apart. I figured my father had forgotten what he told me a few weeks ago about creating a position at Calloway Tech for her. He never mentioned it after that day. Shit.

  “Lexi, in my office, please,” I spoke as I walked past her desk.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “Have a seat. Kinsley just told me that my dad hired her permanently to be his secretary.”

  “What? What about Audrey?”

  “Apparently, she’s moving to New York with Dustin.”

  “Oh. Good for Kinsley.” She smiled.

  “It’s not a good idea and now I don’t know what to do.”

  “About what?” She cocked her head.

  “About her.”

  “I’m lost here, Chase.” She shook her head.

  I let out a long sigh. “I was going to slowly let things fade between us when she left.”

  “Why?” Her eye narrowed at me.

  “Because we’ve been sleeping together for too long now. We work together and see each other every day. It’s kind of hard to forget about her when she’s sitting right down the hall.”

  “So what you’re saying is out of sight, out of mind?”

  “Exactly!” I pointed at her. “How can I end things now that she’s going to be working here full-time?”

  “Why would you want to end things?” she asked.

  “Because I feel like we’re getting too close. I brought her chicken soup last night to her house. The other night when she stayed over, she left a few things in the bathroom. When I told her she left them, she said just to leave them there for when she stayed over again.”


  I walked over to Lexi’s desk to tell her the great news, but she was in with Chase. I started to walk away until I heard my name. The door was slightly ajar, so I carefully listened. Tears started to fill my eyes when I heard the things Chase said. The sick feeling that was already in my belly intensified and my heart started racing. I couldn’t listen anymore, so I went to my desk and composed myself the best I could. The feeling was too deep, and it sent me to the bathroom, where I vomited in the toilet a couple of times. When I returned to my desk, Lexi walked over.

  “Hey.” She smiled. “These are for Mr. Calloway to sign.”

  “Thanks. I’ll give them to him.” I gave her a small smile.

  “Are you okay?” she asked with concern.

  “Yeah. In fact, I’m great. I was going to walk over and see you. Audrey isn’t coming back and Mr. Calloway offered me her job.”

  “Oh my God, Kinsley. I’m so happy!” She hugged me. “You accepted it, right?”

  “Yeah. I did.”

  “Let’s celebrate tonight. Dinner and drinks on me.”

  “Maybe another night. I’m still not feeling well.”

  “Oh. Okay. Another night it is, then.”

  The work day was finally over, and I couldn’t wait to get home. The words Chase spoke went round and round in my mind like a carousel. All I wanted to do was take a relaxing hot bath, get in my pajamas, curl up on the couch, and binge watch something.

  I got home after being stuck in traffic due to an accident for over an hour, threw my keys down on the table, and started the bath water. I stepped into the bubbly tub and sank down until the water reached my neck. Closing my eyes, I started to relax, until Chase crept into my head. Tears started to stream down my face as I recalled the conversation I heard earlier. The way he was slowly going to let things fade once I left Calloway Tech, how we were getting too close, and the big deal he made about me leaving a few things at his house. Once again, my heart broke in two. I hated myself for getting involved with him. I knew better. I told myself that he would hurt me at some point, but I would be able to handle it. Was this handling it? Sitting in a bathtub crying my eyes out?

  Once I started to turn into a prune, I got out of the tub, dried off, and slipped into my pajamas. Walking into the kitchen, I grabbed a gallon of chocolate ice cream from the freezer, a spoon from the drawer, and took it over to the couch, where I started binge watching Sex and The City, Season One. I’d seen it a million times, but it was always my go-to when I had a heartache series.

  As I made my way to the halfway point in the carton of ice cream, my phone dinged with a text message from Chase.

  “Hey, I was thinking I could come over tonight. What do you say?”


  “Why not?”

  “I’m not feeling well.”

  “Oh. I’m sorry to hear that. Do you need anything? I can bring you over something.”

  “No. I have everything I need.”

  “Okay. Get some rest and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I didn’t reply back, and he was never coming over again. I was putting an end to our whatever the fuck you wanted to call it, letting it fade, just like he wanted it to.

  The next morning, I woke up sick again. I was attributing it to the gallon of ice cream I ate before bed. Like the past two mornings, I vomited, got dressed, tried not to think about how crappy I felt, and headed to work.

  “Good morning, beautiful.” Chase smiled as he stopped by my desk. “How are you feeling?”

  “Like crap. Thanks for asking,” I spoke with a hint of attitude in my tone.

  “Still? Maybe you should go see a doctor.”

  “So he can tell me I have a virus and to let it run its course? No thanks.”

  “Somebody is moody today,” he spoke.

  “Is there something you needed, Chase? I have a lot of work to do.”

  “No. I just stopped by to see how you were.”

  “You could have just texted me,” I spoke.

  “Perhaps I should have.” He shot me a look. “Have a good day, Miss Davis.”

  “You too, Mr. Calloway.”


  What the hell was her problem? I went into my office and threw my phone across my desk.

  “Good morning, boss.” Lexi smiled as she walked into my office and set my coffee on the desk.

  “What’s so good about it?” I growled.

  “Whoa. What’s your problem this morning?”

  “Why don’t you ask, Kinsley, what her problem is?”

  “I’m sensing the two of you had a fight,” she spoke.

  “I texted her last night and told her I was thinking about coming over. She said no and that she wasn’t feeling well. I just stopped by her desk to see how she was feeling and she had an attitude. She told me I could have just texted her instead of walking over.”

  Lexi snickered.

  “Really?” I cocked my head.

  “Sorry. She hasn’t been feeling good. Cut her some slack.”

  “Then she needs to go to the doctor,” I spoke.

  “That’s not for you to decide. It’s her decision.”

  “She doesn’t have to take it out on me because she doesn’t feel good.”

  “Just let her be, Chase.”

  “Trust me, I am.” I picked up my coffee cup and took a sip.

  Kinsley had had an attitude with me before, but this time, it was different.

  Chapter 30


  I escaped the rest of the day without seeing Chase. I was sure he was pissed off about my attitude towards him this morning, but I didn’t care. Let the fading begin. I went home and fell asleep on the couch, waking up at ten thirty in disbelief I’d slept that long. This wasn’t normal for me, and if I wasn’t feeling well
again tomorrow, I’d have to go see a doctor. Something wasn’t right.

  The next morning as I sat at my desk, I googled medical centers near me, found one, and called the office to see if I could get in the same day. Fortunately, there was an available appointment at four o’clock, so I took it.

  “Excuse me, Mr. Calloway.” I peeked my head inside his office.

  “Come on in, Kinsley. What can I do for you?”

  “Is it okay if I leave early today? I have a doctor’s appointment at four o’clock.”

  “Still not feeling well?” he asked.

  “No. I thought I was getting better, but I guess not.”

  “That’s fine.”

  “I can come back to the office after if you want.”

  “That’s okay, sweetheart. Go get yourself checked out and then go home and rest.” He smiled.

  “Thank you.”

  I walked out of his office and shut the door, only to find Chase standing by my desk.

  “There you are. How about dinner tonight at my place?” he asked.

  “Sorry, I can’t.”

  “You have other plans?”

  “Yes. Actually, I do.”

  “I see.”

  “How about tomorrow night, then?” he asked.

  “I have yoga tomorrow night.”

  “After?” his eye narrowed at me.

  “I’ll be too sweaty and tired,” I replied.

  “Okay.” He sighed.

  “You have all of L.A. to entertain you, Chase.”

  “You’re right. I do, Kinsley. I’ll talk to you later.” He walked away with an attitude.

  When it was time for me to leave for my appointment, I grabbed my purse, said goodbye to Mr. Calloway, and headed to the medical center.

  “Hello, Kinsley, I’m Dr. Harrison. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Nice to meet you as well.” I smiled.

  “So, tell me what’s been going on with you.”

  “I’ve been sick to my stomach the past few days and I’ve been exhausted.”

  “How many times are you vomiting in a day?” he asked.

  “Two to three times. Usually in the mornings. When I get home from work, I’m so exhausted that I feel like I need to take a nap. Yesterday, I slept for four and a half hours, got up, changed into my pajamas, and went to bed for the night.”


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