Emily Lakdawalla

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by The Design

  accumulated on the diodes, the REMS team can derive the aerosol optical depth, a mea-

  sure of how much sunlight has been blocked from reaching the ground by particulate mat-

  ter in the atmosphere. Mastcam photos of the Sun can make the same measurement more

  Figure 8.7. Spectral response of the REMS UV photodiodes. “UVABC” is also known as

  “UV total dose.” UVA, UVB, and UVE have provided the highest-quality data. From Smith

  et al. ( 2016 ).

  11 Martínez et al. (2016)

  290 Curiosity’s Environmental Sensing Instruments

  precisely than REMS, but the REMS UV sensor measurements are far more frequent

  (multiple times per day, as opposed to the Mastcam cadence of roughly once per week).

  The sensors are covered about 10% of the time by shadows (mostly from the rover mast),

  but they spend most of their daytime unobstructed, and data taken in shadow are easy to

  remove from the data set.

  Dust is an obvious concern to an upward-pointed light sensor, therefore each of the

  photodiodes is surrounded by a ring-shaped magnet that prevents Martian dust from fall-

  ing in its center, working to keep the photodiodes clean. MAHLI takes a photo of the sen-

  sor roughly every two months in order to monitor dust deposition on it (see Figure 8.8).

  Although a lot of dust has accumulated on the magnets over time, the windows over the

  sensors have remained relatively clean over the course of the mission, and have become

  cleaner when the rover has paused in windy areas, particularly during the Pahrump Hills

  investigation from sol 800–900 and while driving through the Murray buttes around sol

  1400 and following. Empirically, the REMS team has found the UVA, UVB, and UVE

  sensors to provide the best estimates of optical depth.12 REMS Pressure sensor

  The pressure sensor is located inside the REMS electronics box, itself inside the belly of

  the rover. Although it is thermally isolated from the environment, the rover warm electron-

  ics box has vents that allow its interior to be filled with Martian atmosphere at ambient

  pressure. The pressure sensor has two transducers, one of which is designed to be more

  stable, and the other of which is designed to be more responsive to rapid pressure changes.

  Either provides good measurements, though, so the two transducers provide redundancy

  in the experiment design. Each has two electrodes, with the distance between the elec-

  trodes changing as a result of changes in pressure. That changes the capacitance of the

  transducer, providing a sensitive measure of pressure changes. The pressure sensors pro-

  vide better readings after warming up, so measurements toward the end of the 5-minute

  window of each hour are considered more accurate than those recorded in the

  beginning. 13

  8.4.3 REMS on Mars

  The loss of two of the wind sensor boards on Boom 1 (identified with orange tags in

  Figure 8.6) during landing was catastrophic to the wind experiment. REMS recorded data from the forward-facing wind sensor on Boom 2 since landing, but because the rover has

  been facing primarily south throughout the surface mission, and the prevailing wind has

  come mostly from the north, virtually all of the wind measurements have been

  12 Smith et al. (2016)

  13 Gómez-Elvira et al. (2012)

  8.4 REMS: Rover Environmental Monitoring Station 291

  Figure 8.8. All MAHLI images of the REMS ultraviolet sensor to sol 1500. More images were taken on sols 1552, 1614, and 1675. NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS.

  contaminated by rover hardware being in the way. The first board on Boom 2 failed on sol

  1485, and the other two on sols 1491 and 1504. 14

  Apart from the issues with the wind sensor, the REMS instrument package has been

  performing reliably, sol after sol, recording measurements of Mars’ weather. Figure 8.9

  summarizes some of the REMS data for most of the mission, sols 0–1514.

  14 Ashwin Vasavada, personal communication, email dated April 17, 2017

  292 Curiosity’s Environmental Sensing Instruments

  Figure 8.9. REMS air temperature and pressure minima and maxima for sols 0–1514 give an illustration of the continuity and density of the data set. The air temperature repeats reliably (within a narrow band of variation) year over year. Seasonal pressure variations have been consistent, with a notable secular decrease in pressure with time, caused by Curiosity’s increasing elevation. Seasons (gray text) refer to the southern hemisphere, where Curiosity landed. Note that sol numbers for each season go a bit into the future, beyond the data set.

  Graphs courtesy Javier Gómez-Elvira.


  Hassler D et al (2012) The Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) investigation. Space Sci

  Rev 170:503–558, DOI: 10.1007/s11214-012-9913-1

  Hassler D et al (2013) Mars’ surface radiation environment measured with the Mars

  Science Laboratory’s Curiosity rover. Science, DOI:10.1126/science.1244797

  8.5 References 293

  Gómez-Elvira J et al (2012) REMS: The environmental sensor suite for the Mars Science

  Laboratory rover. Space Sci Rev 170:583–640, DOI: 10.1007/s11214-012-9921-1

  IKI Laboratory for Space Gamma Spectroscopy (2011) Russian neutron detector DAN for

  NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory landing rover. http://l503.iki.rssi.ru/DAN-en.html.

  Accessed 21 May 2014.

  Martínez G et al (2016) Likely frost events at Gale crater: Analysis from MSL/REMS

  measurements. Icarus 280:93–102, DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2015.12.004

  Matthiä K et al (2016) The Martian surface radiation environment – a comparison of mod-

  els and MSL/RAD measurements. J Space Weather Space Clim 6:A13, DOI: 10.1051/


  Mitrofanov I et al (2012) Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN) experiment onboard

  NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory, Space Sci Rev 170:559–582, DOI: 10.1007/


  Mitrofanov I et al (2014) Water and chlorine content in the Martian soil along the first

  1900 m of the Curiosity rover traverse as estimated by the DAN instrument, J. Geophys.

  Res. Planets 119:1579–1596, DOI: 10.1002/2013JE004553

  Pla-Garcia J et al (2016) The meteorology of Gale crater as determined from rover envi-

  ronmental monitoring station observations and numerical modeling. Part I: Comparison

  of model simulations with observations. Icarus 280:103–113, DOI: 10.1016/j.


  Rafkin S C R et al (2014) Diurnal variations of energetic particle radiation at the surface of Mars as observed by the Mars Science Laboratory Radiation Assessment Detector,

  J. Geophys. Res. Planets, 119:1345–1358, DOI: 10.1002/2013JE004525

  Rafkin S C R et al (2016) The meteorology of Gale Crater as determined from Rover

  Environmental Monitoring Station observations and numerical modeling. Part II:

  Interpretation. Icarus 180:114–138, DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2016.01.031

  Smith M et al (2016) Aerosol optical depth as observed by the Mars Science Laboratory

  REMS UV photodiodes. Icarus 180:234–248, DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2016.07.012

  Vasavada A et al (2017) Thermophysical properties along Curiosity’s traverse in Gale

  crater, Mars, derived from the REMS ground temperature sensor. Icarus 284:372–386,

  DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2016.11.035

  Zeitlin C et al (2016) Calibration and Characterization of the Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) on Curiosity. Space Sci Rev 201:201–233, DOI: 10.1007/s11214-016-0303-y

; 9

  Curiosity’s Chemistry Instruments


  Curiosity has four instruments that study the chemistry of Martian materials. Two of them

  focus on elemental abundances. ChemCam is a remote sensing instrument, able to detect

  the elemental composition of a rock or soil from a distance of up to 7 meters by shooting

  it with a laser, a technique deployed in space for the first time on Curiosity. The Alpha

  Particle X-Ray Spectrometer (APXS) is a contact science instrument to examine the com-

  positions of rocks and soils reached by the arm, and has a long Martian heritage.

  The other two composition instruments form Curiosity’s analytical laboratory, ingest-

  ing samples directly. CheMin is an X-ray fluorescence/X-ray diffraction instrument for

  determining crystalline mineralogy, the first instrument of its kind sent beyond Earth.

  Sample Analysis for Mars (SAM) is a fiendishly complex machine with an oven for heat-

  ing samples to drive off gases. SAM’s manifolds and pumps can direct gas from oven or

  atmosphere to a gas chromatograph mass spectrometer and a tunable laser spectrometer

  for measuring molecular and isotopic gas composition.


  ChemCam employs a process called laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) to measure

  the elemental composition of the targets it zaps (Figure 9.1). When it fires its laser, it converts some of the target into plasma. A telescope gathers the light emitted by the plasma and sends it to a spectrometer. The wavelengths of the emitted light are diagnostic for some elements.

  ChemCam also uses its telescope to capture high-resolution context images of the LIBS targets using its camera, the Remote Micro-Imager (RMI). Nothing like ChemCam has been sent to

  Mars (or any other planet) before. Table 9.1 lists facts about the ChemCam instrument.1

  1 Two papers published before the mission described ChemCam: Maurice et al. (2012) and Wiens et al. (2012)

  © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018


  E. Lakdawalla, The Design and Engineering of Curiosity, Springer Praxis Books,


  9.2 ChemCam 295

  Figure 9.1. In fanciful artwork created for the ChemCam instrument proposal in 2004, ChemCam zaps a rock. By Jean-Luc Lacour for the ChemCam team.

  Table 9.1. ChemCam facts.

  Mast unit mass

  5778 g

  Mast unit dimensions

  384 x 219 x 166 mm

  Body unit mass

  4789 g (of which 2344 g is

  thermo-electric cooler)

  Body unit dimensions

  197 x 238 x 154 mm

  Fiber optic cable mass

  63 g

  Fiber optic cable dimensions

  5753 mm x 1.4 mm diameter

  Calibration target mass

  161 g

  Calibration target dimensions

  146 x 51 x 16 mm; 1.56 m

  from ChemCam window


  1024 x 1024 pixels


  22.5 mrad


  78 to 85 μrad vertical, 87 to

  105 μrad horizontal

  Autofocus laser wavelength

  785 nm

  LIBS laser wavelength

  1067 nm

  296 Curiosity’s Chemistry Instruments

  Table 9.2. Major and minor elements detected by ChemCam and APXS.

  Major elements

  non-metallic elements halogens minor and trace elements

  ChemCam only



  fluorine lithium

  (lighter elements)





  ChemCam and APXS sodium


  chlorine chromium












  APXS only

  bromine copper

  (heavier elements)

  Like APXS, ChemCam can only sense elemental composition; it isn’t able to tell how

  the elements are arranged into minerals. Many rocks on Mars have essentially the same

  elemental composition (the same as basalt) but completely different mineralogy and geo-

  logic histories. Still, ChemCam is valuable for searching for targets for follow-up contact science. Also, ChemCam is able to detect lighter elements that aren’t accessible to

  APXS. Table 9.2 lists the major and minor elements detectable by ChemCam and APXS.

  ChemCam is one of Curiosity’s international instruments. The Principal Investigator for

  ChemCam is Roger Wiens of the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The Deputy Principal

  Investigator is Sylvestre Maurice at the Institute de Recherche en Astrophysique et

  Planétologie. Part of it (the mast unit) was built at the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) in Tolouse, France, while Los Alamos built the body unit. ChemCam is operated

  out of Los Alamos and CNES, alternating every other week, and holding a hand-over phone

  meeting every Monday. The French ChemCam team must work very late into their local

  evening, on clocks usually 9 hours ahead of those in Curiosity mission operations at JPL.

  9.2.1 How ChemCam works

  ChemCam consists of four distinct pieces of hardware: the mast unit, body unit, the elec-

  trical and optical cables connecting them, and a calibration target. The mast unit contains the LIBS laser, telescope, and camera, as well as electronics. The body unit contains the

  spectrometer. The ChemCam Mast Unit

  Remote warm electronics box. Figure 9.2 shows the mast unit. The mast unit is located inside the remote warm electronics box, the large “head” of the mast. The mast unit must

  be kept to between –40°C and +35°C for instrument health. Thermostats inside the

  9.2 ChemCam 297

  Figure 9.2. ChemCam Mast Unit (front and back). Images courtesy Roger Wiens.

  298 Curiosity’s Chemistry Instruments

  electronics box trigger survival heaters every night, when the temperature falls below

  –35°C. The instrument is designed to be used at temperatures between –20°C and +20°C,

  so when ambient temperatures are cold, it is warmed to –15°C in order to be used. Any

  warming is performed at a maximum rate of 5°C per minute.

  LIBS laser. The LIBS laser is based upon a commercial laser, but was redesigned to

  reduce its mass by a factor of 10 and to make it reliable under the rigors of spaceflight. Its wavelength is 1067 nanometers, in the near-infrared. It should be able to sustain at least 20

  million shots over its lifetime. Individual pulses last 5 nanoseconds, and it can fire up to 10

  times per second. The laser fires through a telescope that focuses the beam diameter to

  between 0.25 and 0.35 millimeters.

  Remote Micro-Imager. The Remote Micro-Imager is a flight spare from the camera sys-

  tem developed for the Philae lander on ESA’s Rosetta mission. (Other flight spares of the

  same instrument were used on the ill-fated Phobos Grunt mission.) RMI has a 1024-pixel-

  square CCD and captures black-and-white images using wavelengths of light from 450 to

  950 nanometers. It has an auto-exposure feature. It can repeatedly capture images as fast

  as 1 frame per second. The RMI is intended to provide context imaging for LIBS shot

  points at a resolution finer than
is achievable with the right Mastcam. It has also turned out to be useful for long-distance imaging.

  Autofocus laser. To focus the laser on a target, ChemCam employs a second laser, with a wavelength of 785 nanometers, for an autofocus operation. The autofocus laser is mounted

  to the back of the secondary mirror. To prepare for a ChemCam LIBS operation, the team

  would estimate the distance to the target using Navcam stereo ranging, passing that value

  to ChemCam as a part of the instrument’s commands. The autofocus laser illuminated the

  target at 638 different test focus steps around that estimated distance, and a photodiode

  recorded how the intensity of the reflected light varied with focus. The intensity followed a generally bell-shaped curve. These data were sometimes noisy and the top of the curve

  sometimes flat, so electronics determined the best-focus position for LIBS and imaging by

  finding the axis of symmetry of that intensity curve.

  Autofocus using RMI. Unfortunately, the autofocus laser failed on sol 801. The ChemCam team implemented a quick workaround within 15 days. ChemCam was commanded to

  perform nine sets of LIBS observations for each observation point at a range of focal dis-

  tances around the best-guess distance determined from Navcam images; only one of these

  would turn out to be in focus.2 This process generated results but was wasteful in terms of time and data, and the team worked quickly in parallel to develop a new autofocus method

  using the RMI. The new autofocus capability was uploaded to Mars on sol 980 and used

  for the first time on sol 983. The RMI takes nine to eleven images, and performs a simple

  algorithm to measure image contrast, selecting the highest-contrast image to determine the

  in-focus distance and then proceeding with LIBS analysis. The method is similar to that

  employed by the Mastcams and MAHLI, except that the color cameras measure image

  complexity rather than image contrast to find the best-focus position. Regardless of the

  method, it takes the RMI about two minutes to autofocus.

  2 Peret et al. (2016)

  9.2 ChemCam 299

  LIBS operation. Once the instrument has determined the best-focus position for LIBS, it is ready to fire. The LIBS laser beam passes through two sets of lenses, expanding it from


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