Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse c1-705

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Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse c1-705 Page 83

by Adventure, Action, Fantasy, Game

  The powerful PHANTASMAL ranked Calamities were screaming out in anger and frustration. There was even more despair as they looked at the descending red beams of light from the distinct ship much higher above them.

  "Why?! WHY?!"

  The Eel Kaiju screamed out in anger as it felt the pain of the world it was so familiar with. It couldn't understand why their world was targeted like this!

  "We have lived in peace and kept to ourselves, why must we be bullied like this? Why is the universe so unfair?!"

  The Eel Kaiju voiced out the frustrations and despair that all the other Calamities were feeling as they looked powerlessly towards the destructive beam of light none of them could withstand.

  "No, no, NO!"


  The Eel Kaiju did not stand still as its body flashed, rushing towards the red beams of light and floating upwards to their source.


  In distraught, the other Calamities noticed a second later as they rushed up behind their friend.

  The Kraken was looking forward with blank eyes as it received messages from the world it could not protect. He felt broken as he thought about his home that he was still too weak to protect.

  'It is ok my child. Some things are written and cannot be changed.'

  Messages of comfort were coming out from the entity that was getting its origins destroyed every second that passed towards the beings it had watched grow up. Death and destruction were coming to it, and yet in its last moments, it was comforting its inhabitants as certain death came for all of them!

  'The new friend you made might have a possibility to save you and your siblings, go with him.'

  Sadness and unwillingness were in the voice as the words broke the Kraken out of his stupor, noticing the Other Calamities that were swimming up towards the source of the destructive red rays of light.

  "You fools!"

  He called out in fear and anger as he watched the body of the Eel Kaiju near the red ray of light, its body shining a green and blue hue as it let out attacks towards it.


  The attacks landed on the destructive red rays as nothing changed, but in the next instant, a singular red ray deviated and flew towards the body of the Eel Kaiju.




  It passed by in less than a second as the Eel Kaiju realized its eyes were getting further apart from each other, and then watched what looked to be half of its body drift away, before darkness overcame its consciousness.



  The distraught Calamities stopped themselves as they pulled back from the destructive rays of light, the pain and fear in their hearts only increasing.

  "Come with me, and hurry!"

  The Kraken voiced out towards its remaining siblings unwillingly as it watched one them get sliced in two pieces in an instant. Its beady eyes looked up far in the distance where a distinct interstellar warship floated in space as it burned the sight into its memories, and then began rushing towards Noah's position.


  Tremendous heat and lava had begun bursting from the deepest layers of the sea as the destructive rays had begun attacking the Planetary Core of the Lost World.


  The earth and seas trembled and cowered in the face of this destruction as Noah came face to face with Sect Master Inuit who was looking at him calmly, with a slight excitement in his eyes.

  "There will be time for explanations and revenge later. For now, we have to run."

  Noah looked at this Sect Master as he was trying his own skills to see if anything could work, but nothing came to mind. In this horrendous situation, he had to trust the new figure to come out of this apocalyptic situation alive.

  "What do you need?"

  "I will create a small opportunity, just a few seconds that will allow you to teleport us out of here. If that window is missed, we are all doomed."

  The Sect Master calmly replied as he looked towards Noah and the newly arriving figures of Calamities that were looking at them with blazing eyes of anger, their identity still being that of invaders in their eyes.

  Noah nodded as he watched the white light already apparent on the bodies of the Sect Master and the Disciples of the Karmic Sect shine even brighter, the voice of the Sect Master ringing out once again.

  "A few seconds to decide our fates, and the fates of many more worlds in this universe."

  The white light surrounding the Sect Master increased rapidly as Noah observed the level of power break past what he knew of the PHANTASMAL rank and go above it. The process of aging rapidly increased as the power bubbled even higher, giving Noah a glimpse of the aura of the next stage as he observed the resplendent power of the TRANSCENDENT rank.


  A level of power that Noah had not come across before, but he was getting a glimpse of it as he watched streaks of white light shoot out from the many disciples of the Karmic Sect and be absorbed by the glowing Sect Master Inuit. He was shocked at the sight but continued to be ready to act as soon as the signal was given.

  The stage was already set, with events unfolding rapidly in unknown directions. Amongst all these various events, a small group of beings huddled together as a white light expanded in a world experiencing a true apocalypse.

  Chapter 199 - End of the Rope

  Noah watched with clear eyes as the white light on the bodies of the beings from the Karmic Sect shone even brighter. There were hundreds of disciples behind Sect Master Inuit, and Noah began watching as one by one, they began shriveling up into aged figures that turned to dust soon after.

  He looked towards the Sect Master who was calmly continuing as if nothing was wrong while his disciples were falling and turning into dust deep in the sea.

  "They have sown their seeds of Karma, and are now repaying the favor I bestowed upon their lives long ago."

  The explanation seemed sufficient for the Sect Master as his disciples became aged and turned to dust, each time a white light coming towards him as his body shone even brighter and the power at TRANSCENDENT rank consolidated even further.

  "A few seconds, be ready."

  The white light became brighter and brighter as it acted like a beacon in the chaotic dark waters. Martial Uncle Dylan was looking around in panic as he could not communicate with his sect in the World of Cultivation nor could he form a channel to get back, the situation looking dark for him and his disciples.

  He looked around to find the area of white light he could discern a few figures as his eyes opened wide and began moving towards them. He wasn't the only one as the remaining Rulers of the Demon World also found the area of calm and began moving forward, looking at it like their salvation.

  Noah continued to transfer the unwilling Calamities of the Sea into the Spiritual Land as the Kraken was the last one to remain in the outside world with him along with the disciples of the Karmic Sect that continued to turn into dust.

  The Kraken had extremely black lines of tears coming out of its red eyes as it continued to hear the voice of his home.

  'I know you are angry and saddened my child, but be patient before you act from now on. This will be my last piece of advice for you now. Patience will be a bitter pill to swallow, but the fruits of it will blossom to make you even stronger in the future. Take care of your siblin- GAAAAAAH!'

  A piercing cry resounded throughout every single location in the Lost World as the red rays of destructive light had reached a crucial origin of the world and began disintegrating everything around it. The cry brought out emotions of sadness and unwillingness from everything that heard it as the few islands in the Lost World began to crumble as magma overflowed deep underwater.

  "A few seconds!"

  Sect Master Inuit's cry came as more than half of the Disciples he was with had become husks of their former selves and turned to dust. Only the more powerful ones remained as they had aged bodies and came to cl.u.s.ter near their
Sect Master and Noah who was still in his powerful Hydra form that allowed him to move even faster.


  A brilliant white light flashed from the Sect Master as Noah transferred the Kraken, the remaining disciples of the Karmic Sect, and Inuit himself into his Spiritual Land. The white light that was released from Sect Master Inuit had expanded to cover a large area around them, but it was contracting just as fast. It wasn't fast enough though, as before it could retract completely, {Spatial Travel} was cast once more, and this time the skill was not blocked.


  A flash of light.

  That was all that happened, and the figures of Noah and the Cultivators from the Karmic Sect were all but gone from the Lost World of Atlantis.

  Only a few particles of dust remained where they were as Martial Uncle Dylan and the Rulers of the Demon World arrived at the location as well.


  Despairing cries rang out as they found their salvation disappear in front of their eyes, the destruction around them continuing.

  Many areas around the Lost World had become deadly and suffocating as land and sea quaked, the destructive rays released from the ship floating in space reaching and piercing through the Planetary Core.

  Some areas became dangerous and unlivable as living beings began dying en masse. The heavily protected and technological Atlantis had many buildings laying in waste as quakes continued to spread out. Panic and fear was apparent on the faces of millions of Atlanteans and Merfolk who were still spread out over the vast area of Atlantis, but they could do nothing to change their fates.

  The painful and saddening cry of the World continued as it could only watch unwillingly as millions of the beings on it began to die, and it would follow soon after. Its large consciousness was directed at the floating interstellar ship that stood grandly in space as it let out calm but wrathful words towards it.

  "Just as you have brought death to me and billions of innocent creatures, there will come a time for you as well."

  The words were wrathful but filled with strength as the entity at the center of the Lost World continued to see it's living beings die one after another.

  It was painful!



  Yet nothing could be done. Its voice had become weak as the control it had to hold everything together was disrupted and began losing strength, its core beginning to crumble.

  "Death is the one universal thing we will all face, I'm only saddened I won't be able to watch your wretched deaths!"


  Destruction had begun on a large scale as apocalyptic scenes were present across the Lost World of Atlantis. Death throes could be heard from the remaining Cultivators and Demons that were dying in droves.

  The fear of Rulers of the Demon World only increased after a Legendary ranked Ruler met his death from an explosion of deadly magma from the depths of the sea, and yet they felt his True Death!

  His soul did not return to the Demon World. This caused fear in their hearts as they couldn't explain why someone like them would face true death through seemingly normal means, but what they didn't understand was the restrictive power the interstellar ship released did much more than just isolate communication and spatial transmission of the Lost World, it was something completely out of their knowledge!

  Fear and terror overwhelmed the hearts of every thinking being in the Lost World as they found themselves watching their ends come to them.

  The Cultivators feared.

  The Demons despaired.

  The Atlanteans and Merfolk were sorrowful as they watched the deaths and destruction occurring en masse.

  Yet nothing could be done. There was nobody to save them. The beings left in the Lost World experienced terror rarely felt across the universe, the terror of an unstoppable death with no way out.


  Were one to be looking far from space towards the large blue planet that was the Lost World, they would notice a red streak of light shooting down from a huge ship while even more red streaks and cracks were forming across the entire planet.

  Those with perceptive eyes would even notice the thin golden barrier the ship had somehow released to cover the entirety of the blue planet. The red rays of destructive light that were shooting out of the ship stopped as this thin film of golden barrier seemingly became more reinforced.

  The ship did not need to continue sending down their destructive weapon as the planet had reached an irreversible position with its core ruptured and damaged, the only thing left was for it to completely shatter.

  Extreme heat was blazing across the largely water-based world as its core contracted and heated up, the continued reaction causing the heat to expand outwards, but it was knocked down and held inside the perimeters of the planet as the golden barrier released from the ship let nothing out.

  This caused an extremely cruel situation where the heat returned into the world as there was no way out, and the reaction only became worse as land and sea were both bubbling with fire.

  Whatever beings remained alive, no matter their rank, would be burned alive by the heat released from a dying planet. This heat was further concentrated as it wasn't even allowed to be released outwards.


  Tremendously powerful explosions resounded out as the Lost World exploded in a Supernova!

  The golden barrier around it stretched from the force of the supernova, but it stayed active, keeping to its objective of making sure nothing would come out of this planet alive.


  Minutes passed, and then hours as this process continued until the golden barrier was released, allowing what remained of the debris of the Lost World to explode and spread outwards.

  That was all that remained of a large word that raised beings up to the PHANTASMAL rank.


  Not a single being that was left in the Lost World of Atlantis had survived. No matter if it was Atlantean, Merfolk, Demon, or Cultivator, everything burned in a fiery death that continued for hours.

  The Lost World with its expansive technology was no more. Nothing remained of it, only memories and hopes of a certain group of beings that had somehow managed to escape.

  Yet, under such an immense power that allowed for the death of this large world, what could they do?

  Chapter 200 - Order

  Clear skies and a blue sea stretched out for miles in all directions as a humongous figure appeared to disrupt this serenity.

  A menacing Three-headed Hydra with a complex expression on its monstrous face floated peacefully above the waters as its three heads gazed upwards. Noah had used {Spatial Travel} in the small window that Sect Master Inuit provided and made it back to his homeworld safe.

  In his Spiritual Land, he had a wide variety of beings collected, many of whom he could not bring himself to look at at this moment in time. He observed the large body of the Dictatorial Kaiju- Hydra, as he felt its tremendous strength that made him feel like he was at the top of the world.

  Yet at this moment in time, he felt weak.

  He felt weak as he thought of the enemies he did not even have knowledge of that forced him to run. He felt weak as he closed his eyes and recalled the images of despairing faces all over Atlantis as they felt their world break down.

  This feeling of had been a long time since he last felt it. Maybe his mind was still affected by the saddening cries of the Lost World when its core was being ripped apart, maybe he was just exhausted mentally after running around the Lost World of Atlantis for so long, only to run as it was destroyed by foreign enemies.

  He let out a sigh as he deactivated his many skills, feeling his large body change as a tingling sensation spread throughout and he became a two-meter tall Atlantean with shining golden hair.

  He floated in the skies above the sea that was between the United Federation and the Blessed Empire as he thought about how to even face the beings who had their home entirely destroyed.<
br />
  He was in his thoughts when a small white light shot out from the Spiritual Land anchored on his body, and the figure of Sect Master Inuit appeared in the skies with him. Beings usually needed his authorization to enter or leave the Spiritual Land, but this mysterious Sect Master continued to do surprising things. His gaze looked older and wizened as he looked around the new world they were in and spoke out.

  "Try not to despair too much over the fallen. For many beings, the time of their deaths is already written, and they cannot do anything to change it."

  His gaze traveled around Noah's homeworld as he seemed to know a great deal of things. Noah listened to this as he asked a question he was pondering in his mind.

  "What about my death? You mentioned you foresaw it."

  The eyes of the Sect Master sparkled at this question as he looked at Noah with a smile.

  "Yes, my techniques showed me of your end, and yet here you are, very much alive. That is one of the things about death, too mysterious for even someone like me to give you any more understanding. Maybe your time was actually today in that destroyed world and my interventions stopped it, maybe it wasn't really your time and events flowed as they should have. It's too complicated to wrap our minds around this idea for beings of our level, so we can put them aside for now and focus on what to do next."

  Cryptic words that didn't add anything useful to his knowledge were all that came out from the Sect Master's mouth as Noah stared into his white eyes and nodded.

  "Before we get to your goals, tell me more about the force that took down the Lost World as if it was nothing."

  The whiteness in the eyes of the Sect Master flashed as a frown appeared on his face.

  "Ah, yes. The Celestials. Beings from many different worlds that banded together to supposedly maintain the order of the Universe. There are very few forces that would even dare to stand against them."

  Incredulousness was all that was on Noah's mind as he heard of the identity of beings he had falsely played as some time back.

  "The World Engine that Atlantis created was a piece of technology that defied the norms, allowing the Lost World to actually change and mask its position in the Universe with but a thought from the World Core. After finding out about this, The Celestials sat on their high chairs and decided to wipe out the world that was playing around with such dangerous technology under the name of restoring and maintaining the order of the universe."


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