Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse c1-705

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Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse c1-705 Page 132

by Adventure, Action, Fantasy, Game

  "...please take a seat and relax Progenitor, put this undeserving child at ease."

  Noah reached the position where the silver haired Vampyre with shocking features was kneeling as he used his right hand to lift her face upwards, turning her still shaking eyes towards him as he then released her chin and proceeded to comfortably sit on the huge throne that the Vampyre King had just been sitting on not too long ago.

  "You are someone from the Dark Expanse?"

  Noah asked calmly as he noticed besides the aura of a Royal Vampyre on this being called Elena, she held a distinct aura that he had never seen on anyone else before, and paired with the Vampyres who were connected to a force in the Dark Expanse, he quickly made this connection. It seemed like beings from the different regions held a distinct aura that could be easily discernible!

  "Yes, Progenitor. The Acheron Clan that manages the Vampyres in this Underworld sent me forth with commands for how the one who is about to have access to the 7th Celestial Star should move. Of course, your wishes and plans rise above all others, and I will faithfully follow whatever commands you have for me."

  Elena replied as her silver hair danced below her shoulders, still kneeling as her gaze brought itself to stare upon the impassive face of her Progenitor.

  Noah pondered in silence as he observed this figure in front of him, getting to the most important thing first, and that was information!

  "Rise. For now, let's start with information. The Vampyres in this world...this Acheron Clan in the Dark Expanse...the Alliance...the Celestials, tell me everything."

  Elena's slender legs rose as her heart beat wildly, her immense strength at the Soul Forging Realm meaning nothing in front of this being that was the Progenitor of Vampyres. She calmed her beating heart as she began to reveal secrets very few had access to as fast as she could towards the Ruler that was now seated on a throne!

  Chapter 320 - Unfolding Secrets

  Beginning with the forces surrounding the Vampyres located in the Underworld- they were a force that those in the Dark Expanse had managed to squeeze through the eyes of the Celestials in the period of the last 1000 years as they grew themselves in name and power in the Light Expanse.

  The Vampyres held a special relationship with a few powerful figures in the Dark Expanse through the powerful being that held the entire race on her shoulder, the Vampyre Progenitor.

  With her death being one of the many results coming out from the war more than one thousand years ago, the Vampyres were more than willing to act as spies in enemy territory, becoming a stable force over the past hundred years as they came to prominence in the Underworld.

  The Vampyres also fit this task perfectly as they held abilities that allowed for complete secrecy, the covert qualities of their techniques making them move unhindered for the past hundreds of years.

  They had been able to smoothly monitor the grand moves that Celestials continued to make, and even occasionally take down Celestials as was recently done by the rash Prince Cassius!

  They continued to be a force that relayed information to the forces of the Dark Expanse for all these years, until the recent developments caused by Prince Cassius grabbed the attention of the higher echelons of the Archeon Clan where the Pureblood Vampyres in the Underworld were from, which also meant they had grabbed the attention of a few figures in the Alliance that oversaw the Dark Expanse.

  The Archeon Clan was the top most lineage of Vampyres descending down from one of the first children of the Vampyre Progenitor, with a few other clans taking different names existing, but the Archeon Clan always remained at the top in power and bloodlines.

  They held significant power in the Dark Expanse and oversaw a few core operations for the war that continued to occur behind the scenes.

  "So what exactly did the Archeon Clan send you to do?"

  Noah stopped the Vampyre that held a fervent light in her eyes as she continued to speak, the silver-haired Vampyre still not being able to fully contain herself as she realized what the return of this figure in front of her truly meant.

  Elena's immaculate face tried its best to remain calm as she reached into her ample bosom and pulled out a small cylindrical container. It looked like a small ancient bottle with a wooden stopper that contained contents that would draw anyone's eyes instantly!

  In this small bottle, a sparkling black liquid that seemed to be moving by itself was present, a mystical light running through it as Noah observed it closely.

  "The Archeon Clan sent me here to provide the one becoming a Celestial Disciple with this treasure. It is…a unique poison obtained from the Letalis Expanse."

  Noah observed the mysterious liquid as he couldn't help but ask.

  "A poison? You all wanted to send me on an assassination mission?"

  "No such thing, O Progenitor. This is a unique treasure that is aimed at something specifically on the 7th Celestial Star, but it is not for assassination."

  Elena quickly clarified as she brought the bottle forward, leaving it on Noah's hands as she continued.

  "Another result from the last full scale war that occurred over a thousand years ago were some very powerful beings imprisoned on the many Celestial Stars. This unique treasure that was sent with me for you to carry into the 7th Celestial something designed to release the shackles binding a particularly powerful figure imprisoned in that Celestial Star."


  Noah looked closely at the viscous starry liquid moving within the small bottle that only seemed ancient, but did not let out any other aura. Even his Planetary System did not know anything about it as no information could be found out.

  "A prison break?"

  He spoke to himself as he evaluated his own goals when he eventually stepped into the 7th Celestial Stars, and how exactly the movements of these beings from the Dark Expanse could come into play.

  "The message they told me to pass along was for you to simply pop the stopper on that bottle and release the liquid flowing within into the soil of the Celestial Star, and this treasure would do the rest."

  Elena spoke respectfully as she observed the thoughtful expression on the Progenitor's face, feeling her heartbeat increasing as his gaze landed on her again. The fearsome Progenitor in front of her put the small ancient bottle away with a wave of his hands as he continued.

  "Alright, this never ending war you continue to mention. The Alliance in the Dark Expanse and the Celestials in the Light Expanse. What exactly is the history behind this? A Celestial Grandmaster told me the Celestials have reigned over the last thousands of years bringing prosperity and peace over the Light Expanse, while also calling the Alliance overlooking the Dark Expanse to be an unstable collection of stars that sow chaos and disorder. What version of the story will you tell me?"

  Noah asked this Soul Rank being in front of him languidly as he called for more information on the Celestials, and for the exact reason of the apparently ongoing war and conflicts that continued to occur between the Light Expanse and the Dark Expanse.

  The only history he had with the Celestials was them almost killing him while they wiped out an entire world because of what they believed in, and he aimed his sword towards them because of this reason. He did not know of their real history or what they really stood for, the memories he obtained from the Celestial Disciple Drax only showing him more of their fearsome power as he continued to go down the path against them.

  Elena's fervent expression actually turned serious at the mention of the Celestials, her gaze becoming somber as she spoke.

  "The Celestials...were an organization that slowly rose up a few thousand years ago. They began expanding their forces across a few worlds at first, preaching a doctrine of Order and Balance as they garnered more forces and support through all means possible."

  Her shimmering silver hair danced as her voice became stronger.

  "Their rise was paved and built on countless wars and bloodshed under the name of their doctrine, destroying anything and anyone that s
tood against them as they were labeled heretics and beings that sought to cause chaos and disorder. What made the Celestials even more fearsome was their unbelievable proficiency in the Law of Fate, a Supreme Law that has allowed them to remain unrivaled until now!"

  A grand and shocking story weaved itself out from the red lips of the curvaceous Royal Vampyre as the secrecy covering the Celestials was slowly torn through.

  "The number of beings that have died under the hands of the Celestials over the years, the number of stars that have been destroyed by their deadly uncountable."

  Noah's entire attention was focused on this silver-haired Vampyre as a picture was slowly being built about the beings that always shone with an ill.u.s.trious golden light, the beings that stood for Order and Balance- the Celestials!

  Chapter 321 - The Celestials, The War of the Righteous!

  The Celestials were beings of immense strength who quickly rose to power by relying on the mysterious Supreme Law of Fate. It was an extremely abstruse law that very few beings could master, and yet the Celestials held numerous techniques that could manipulate the Law of Fate as if it was their own two limbs.

  Through the fearsome power given by their domination of the Law of Fate, they rapidly expanded their influence across multiple worlds in the Light Expanse, continuing to dominate many forces over the years until it all led to the culmination of a huge war more than one thousand years ago!

  This long war was later known as The War of the Righteous, where two sides with their own strong beliefs clashed in large scale combat that colored the stars red and created thousands of dead planets. It occurred over decades as the death toll rose to the billions just for those involved in the war.

  The Celestials that were close to fully expanding their power over the Light Expanse fully clashed against the newly allied forces in the Dark Expanse that called themselves the Alliance.

  The Alliance saw the numerous atrocities that the Celestials continued to commit under the banner of Order and Balance as a few powerful figures chose not to stand on the sidelines and finally act, coming together and joining hands against this mysterious force. They banded together as they could already foresee that this force wanted to completely wrap everything in their palm of their hands, and they were destroying anything that stood in their way in order to achieve it!

  The Vampyre Progenitor was among these powerful beings that chose to stand against the Celestials and participated in the War of the Righteous, her power matching even the most powerful Celestial Grandmasters as the battle came to a brief impasse with her intrusion.

  Alas, it was too late.

  The power that the Celestials wielded had grown too much, utterly dominating the battlefield with their unique uses of the Law of Fate as they besieged hidden locations of the Alliance with precision and seemed to always know the movements of their enemies even before they acted.

  The Alliance was utterly and completely outclassed as the Celestials went on a crusade of Order and Balance, continuing until their forces completely dominated the entirety of the Light Expanse, pushing many opposing forces into the Dark Expanse as they retreated from their own homes.

  The War of the Righteous raged on for tens of years, multiple figures eventually meeting their True Deaths as even the Vampyre Progenitor was among them! Some of her scattered forces of Vampyres surrendered to the Celestials, choosing to occupy a small land in the Underworld as they recuperated from their defeat and losing their Progenitor while living under the rule of the ones that contributed to her death. The other scattered Vampyre Clans ended up running into the Dark Expanse as they rebuilt their homes and licked their wounds. Other powerful beings at the level of the Vampyre Progenitor were taken prisoners or killed as the conquest of the Celestials continued to rage on.

  After the Celestials had taken over much of the forces in the Light Expanse, they stabilized their power as they now turned their attention towards the Dark Expanse with hungry eyes!

  But this action...would be the one that finally stopped the Celestials on their tracks.

  They raised a huge force as they prepared to finish off the forces of the Alliance for good and spread their power across the Dark Expanse as well, but it was at this moment that a horrendous power coming from a region they had not even eyed yet came forward!

  From the Letalis Expanse, a terrible being that was only later termed as a Terror, a being at the pinnacle of the Ancient Races that dwelled in the Letalis Expanse came forward and called for an end to the unbelievably destructive war.

  The Alliance that was weary with a tremendous number of losses agreed to stand down, but the Celestial Grandmasters that held full belief of their power under the Law of Fate moved forward with their aims, proposing to crush any that would choose to stand on their path.

  It was this action...that went on to cause the first colossal losses for the Celestials, and eventually brought an end to the long War of the Righteous.

  The moment they chose to continue on this path, aside from the Terror, horrible creatures that would later become known as the Infernals appeared en masse from Realms of Hell that were never before seen as they rained down destruction!

  The being from the Letalis Expanse that they ignored the words of- this single being was enraged at the continuation of the unneeded war and acted against the huge army of the Celestials with the terrible creatures known as Infernals, utterly decimating the forces of the Celestials. This Ancient Being held power never before seen as just the size of its body made those that were near look like ants, carrying out attacks that decimated all that stood against it.




  This single battle was the reason that this colossal being was given the name of a Terror, as what they brought to the battlefield was nothing but that! This was also the first time many beings came to know the power of the creatures known as the Infernals, especially the cruel Infernal Lords that absorbed the bodies of the defeated to strengthen themselves even more.

  The Celestials faced losses they could have never foreseen in this battle as numerous Grandmasters fell along with hundreds of their powerful Interstellar Warsh.i.p.s.

  The Infernals faced their own casualties as they receded into the hellish doorways they came from, while the Celestials looked forth as the Terror from the Letalis Expanse left their decimated forces with but a single message.

  [Do not overstep your boundaries.]

  The message applied to the Celestials that now held control over the Light Expanse, as well as the Allied forces that looked on in shock from the Dark Expanse!

  This single being of the Ancient Race from the Letalis Expanse and the forces of the Infernals had brought an end to the War of the Righteous as the forces of Celestials pulled back and recuperated their losses.

  Noah raised his head as the curvaceous Elena stopped briefly as she told the story, his mind going to the words of the Celestial Grandmaster who had called the Ancient Races cowards that only slumbered towards their destruction.

  He did not understand the reason for that tone then, but he understood now!

  A single being had decimated the forces of the Celestial until they could not advance any further!

  'Ancient Races and a Terror, huh?'

  He wondered about the [Ancient Being] title that he now held as the Vampyre Progenitor as Elena continued on.

  "The Celestials pulled back and consolidated their forces, but they did not stop pushing their aims these last one thousand years. They have continued to grow even stronger as their mastery over the Law of Fate increased. The Ancient Races in the Letalis Expanse have gone silent, while only the Infernals continue to hinder the movements of the Celestials. Constant skirmishes and battles have been held over these last one thousand years in the locations where gates of Hell reside as well as the border between the Light Expanse and Dark Expanse."

  In the past one thousand years, the power of the Celestials had just continued to grow as
wars at a much smaller scale continued to occur, the tide of victory once again beginning to shift to the side of the Celestials as they developed more fearsome strength with the advancements they continued to make with the Supreme Law of Fate.

  Many thoughts were passing through Noah's mind as he heard this story, his thoughts also going to the Infernals that had appeared alongside the Terror from the Letalis Expanse.

  There were still clouds of mysteries about the Celestials, Infernals, and these beings from the Ancient Races that he had to slowly figure out as he continued to advance in power...and eventually become able to stand side by side with them in the future.

  A smile appeared on Noah's face that wasn't the usual calm and enthusiastic smile for the future. The enraptured Elena that was observing the Vampyre Progenitor all this time saw a cold smile that seemed to be hungry for power, a smile of a being filled with confidence even after hearing about the ridiculous levels of strength that his enemies and those around them held!

  Chapter 322 - A Taste of Blood!

  The curvaceous Elena that had just finished relaying numerous secrets about powerful figures became enchanted with the cold smile of the Vampyre Progenitor, the blood within her coursing even faster as they observed the being that stood at the peak of all Vampyres.

  This was just one of the huge effects for those that knew about their Progenitor, just the knowledge that the being holding the purest Vampyre Bloodline being in front of them making them feel extreme respect and reverence!

  Elena found her red lips unexpectedly moving by themselves as she continued to be lost in thoughts, deviating from her story after she found the state of her Progenitor in thought.

  "This undeserving child wondered if you've had the chance to feed yet, O Progenitor. I know you just returned from the Inheritance Grounds now, and I don't wish to be an even worse servant that hasn't offered anything to you."


  Noah returned to the present as he heard the melodious words of the Royal Vampyre whose head shimmered with silver hair. He observed her long hands pull the many strands of her hair to one side as she showed her neck and leaned her head to the right, voicing out with a slightly shaking voice that seemed to hold a tinge of excitement for something that she considered the biggest honor!


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