Matched: A Galactic Battle Series, Book 1

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Matched: A Galactic Battle Series, Book 1 Page 5

by L H Whitlock

  “Probably talk with Rowan before piss pants.” Alberta leaned against the side of the pool.

  Lily snickered. “Anyone want to take my place?”

  “Fuck, I wouldn’t want to have that conversation,” Brock said, tilting his head to rest on the side of the pool.

  “Dude, all you need to tell him is that someone set us up! What were we supposed to do? We had to get the council and then Ulrick showed up.” Gustavo’s pearly white teeth contrasted harshly with his bronzed skin and dimpled chin. The playboy wore yellow swim trunks that matched his dyed hair and showed off his slightly rounded belly. Gustavo climbed into the pool and took a spot between Brock and Alberta.

  Lily sighed heavily. “I know…”

  “Why does Golan care about getting rid of us so much? I thought the Renegade was nothing compared to his army.” Gloria cupped her hands in the water, pulled them up, and then allowed the water to spill back into the pool.

  “Golan’s a sick fucker. I think he wants to show his slaves that he gets rid of anyone or anything that opposes him,” Brock responded.

  “I just don’t understand why he cares. Why does he need Synthnic so badly?” Gloria asked, her brows furrowed.

  Gustavo sighed through his nose. “Well, it’s said that he needed to Harvest Synthnic to save his planet. It was dying and the only way to keep it alive was to feed it.” Gustavo paused for a moment. “But then he left his Home World…”

  Alberta scoffed. “Hows stop being god?”

  Brock smirked. “He probably fucking enjoys it. He likes the power.”

  Gloria nodded solemnly.

  “His entire army is slaves. He hardly has any willing alliances, and those that are, are fueled with fear. He probably can’t stop now or they would have nothing to fear anymore and turn on him,” Brock said.

  Lily sighed. “Alright…well, I guess I have to go talk with Rowan.” She reluctantly climbed out, grabbed a cover dress, and threw it over her head. “Get some rest you guys.”

  Gustavo whistled at her as he leaned against the side of the pool, a too-wide grin plastered to his face.

  Lily gave him the finger before closing the door.


  The meeting room was filled with computer stations, screens, and holographic sensors. Normally, there was a long, metal table and chairs, but those were currently in their holding chambers beneath the floor, leaving the center of the room empty. Cords looped along the walls, twisted and tangled together, connecting to various stations and screens.

  Rowan’s hologram paced in the center of the room, his body passing through a computer station; his black cloak chasing after his quick, silent footsteps.

  Rowan glanced up at Lily, his emerald eyes shining against his tanned skin, and his white hair gleaming with reflected light. “Lily!” he exclaimed, stopping his pacing. “I’m glad to see you. I’m sorry I couldn’t give you more time to rest.” Rowan had a soft voice, but it held a command of its own and it was hard not to hang on to his every word. Lily supposed this was one of the reasons he was nominated for Captain of the Renegade year after year.

  In its early years, the Renegade had run itself with no clear leadership hierarchy or organization. As the group grew larger and more refugees and allies joined their forces, leadership became necessary to be successful. Rowan was nominated as the first Captain because of his diplomatic skills, charisma, battle experience, and because he was always calculated and never hot-headed.

  Lily clenched her fist and crossed her right arm over her chest. Rowan did the same, a sign of mutual respect. Rankings didn’t work the same in the Renegade as they did most armies; they were much more informal, especially in the higher levels. Many commanders ran ideas off each other and worked together, regardless of ranking. Lily had worked under Rowan for a long time and didn’t only see him as her Captain, but also as a friend, confidant, and fellow warrior.

  Lily smiled. “No problem. Sorry to keep you waiting.”

  Rowan nodded before enlarging a diagram, showing her report. “We had some troubling news tonight.”

  Lily slowly walked around the rotating pictures. “Have you located the Council?”

  “Yes, their ship was located in the far east quadrant of the galaxy. They are claiming that their navigation system was tampered with.”

  “Are they going to join the others at the refugee station? They are supposed to be transported to a new home planet in three rotations.”

  “Yes.” Rowan waved his eight-fingered hands in the air; the various rings he wore reflected the light, speckling his hologram with bright dots. He swiped through the files until he found a picture of a moon. “They were supposed to be transported to Unilla, but I’m unsure where the new location will be.”

  “New location?”

  “Yes, we feel the mission’s been compromised. There’s no way of knowing how much information has been leaked and we don’t want to risk the Alvernonian refugees being located.”

  Lily paused as she processed the information. “What did they mean when they said that the navigation was tampered with?”

  Rowan pressed a button and a picture of the navigation unit on the Council’s ship floated through the air. The unit had been bashed in and pieces of the broken machine were scattered over the ground.

  “They didn’t notice that?” Lily rolled her eyes as she enlarged the picture so she could read the maintenance schedule taped to the side of the machine, but the last name had been blacked out.

  “The engineer who was overseeing the control room is in interrogation now. I’ll let you know what happens.”

  Lily’s stomach twisted with thoughts of what the prisoner would go through, but she wouldn’t feel sorry for a traitor.

  Rowan cleared his throat, drawing Lily out of her thoughts. “I have a new mission. I would like Gloria left out of this one.”

  “You think she is an informant?” Lily asked.

  Rowan sighed. “I’m not sure, but she’s the newest member of the team and, honestly, I don’t know what to think anymore. We can’t have Golan finding out we are going to be on Ha’Wera, it will only put you and your team at risk.”

  Lily bit the inside of her lip. “I understand, but I do not believe she is a traitor. She fought hard in the last mission and is very valuable. You should see the shields she can generate, she has saved us many times.”

  Rowan’s eyes softened and his lips tilted into a frown. “I know she is valuable, this is only a safety precaution. Now,” Rowan said, pressing on a button on his RAB. “You’ll be going to Ha’wera.” A hologram of the giant blue orb floated in the room, several small moons wisped around the deep navy planet. Ha’Wera was the Renegade’s main source of fresh water. It was a neutral zone but the Renegade kept a close eye on the planet in anticipation of Golan’s inevitable attack.

  “Golan has breached Ha’Weras atmosphere, he’s expected to start the Harvest the moment the current storm has passed. We estimate this happening in just a few rotations.”

  Lily crossed her arms, her lips pressing into a thin line. “Damn them! That is a violation of the Water Treaty. The people of Ha’Wera agreed they would remain neutral and would trade water with both sides, why wasn’t that good enough for Golan.”

  Rowan twisted one of the many rings on his fingers and sighed. “It seems Golan has decided if he can’t control the planet, then no one can. The natives have clustered in the underwater dome.” Rowan waved his hand and the picture zoomed in to show the massive underwater colony. The Renegade had built the structure as a base to keep a close eye on the planet. It was large enough to have an entire landing bay and house tens of thousands of people. “They await your arrival. You’ll assist the Ha’Warian Council as they escort their civilians off the planet. I believe they have a few hundred transporters ready to go. Your job is to defend them and make sure they get out of the atmosphere alive.”

  Lily’s heart throbbed; they were going to lose another planet, another civilization. “What happ
ens when they are out of the atmosphere?”

  “Alberta will be waiting and she’ll open several TIP’s to bring the Ha’Warian’s to a refugee colony on the planet U’Wera. It’s a recently discovered water planet –named after Ha’Wara actually-with plenty of space and the proper atmosphere for the Ha’Warians to thrive.”

  Lily nodded. “When do we start?” She forced her tone to remain calm and not give away her exhaustion.

  Rowan’s eyebrows drooped. “You’ll be within range in eight hours.”

  Lily saluted. “Thank you sir, we will get it done.”

  “I have no doubt.” With a nod, Rowan’s hologram faded out.

  Lily connected her RAB with the computer dock, uploaded the mission’s data, and sent it to the team, giving Gloria a message letting her know she would be on a cycle of rest.

  She was almost to her sleeping chamber when she heard crying coming from Gloria’s room. Lily tried to convince herself to let it go, but found herself in front of the blonde’s door. Taking a deep breath she knocked. “Gloria, you okay? Can I come in?”

  A shaky ‘yes’ filtered through the door.

  Lily entered to find the bedroom, and its occupant, a mess. Clothing littered the floor, dirt—tracked in by Gloria’s boots—had sprinkled a light layer of grit over the normally shiny metal. Gloria sat in the middle of the bed, sheets tangled around her. The blonde’s knees were pressed up into her chest. Her eyes were red with tears shining in the corners and makeup smearing her cheeks in a purple waterfall. Her usually turquoise-colored lips were smudged, making her bottom lip look twice its normal size.

  “Oh, um, you okay?” Lily asked, timidly approaching the bed.

  “Yes.” Gloria’s chin trembled.

  Lily raised her eyebrow and the thin woman broke down into hysterical tears.

  “I’m just so worried…what if we don’t find Vincent? What if he’s dead? No one likes me. I’m just a linguist who doesn’t deserve to be on your team. You didn’t have to take me just because I’m with Vincent.” A hiccup interrupted her ramble. “Brock thinks I’m some stupid bimbo.” Hiccup. “I just want to know he’s okay.” Gloria’s cries became heavier and she wiped a stream of snot away from her nose. “I’m sorry. You should go to bed,” Gloria said between jagged breaths.

  Lily took a seat next to the crying girl and wrapped an arm around her. “We will find Vincent, he is a tough guy. Rowan has several teams looking for him.” Lily rubbed a hand over the trembling girl’s back.

  “I know. I just feel so lonely without him.” Gloria sniffled.

  “I understand. It is hard joining a new team and not knowing anyone. I have been there. I was not accepted right away either. Even now some people still do not trust me because I am Hilian. You have to remember that we have all been together for about ten years. Give them a chance; they will see what a great person you are.”

  Gloria wiped her sleeve over her cheek. “Thanks.”

  Lily smiled. “You know Vincent thinks the world of you.”

  “He does?”

  “Yes, he loves you. I am certain he misses you.”

  “Thanks. I love him too.” Gloria pulled away to grab a tissue. “How did you meet him? He never told me the story. Only that he’s known you for a long time.”

  Lily took a deep breath. The emotional trauma of the night Golan destroyed her home came back to her in a wave of sorrow. “Yes, we have known each other for a long time.”

  Gloria stared at her silently, her eyes pleading.

  Lily sighed, “I was living with my Guardian and younger adopted brother in a refugee camp—”

  “What’s a Guardian?” Gloria interrupted.

  “It was the woman put in charge of watching over me. She had a bunch of other children she was responsible for as well. My brother and I were playing in a field when Golan attacked. He set the entire camp on fire. It spread quickly and we ran until we were trapped in a gorge. Golan’s troops were collecting refugees to turn them into soldiers and slaves, those he deemed too weak to do his bidding were killed on the spot. Vincent and Brock were the ones who found me. They saved my life.” Lily hoped this would satisfy Gloria’s curiosity, but she had no such luck.

  “How did you end up in the camp?”

  Lily swore to herself. She didn’t share this story with many people, but Gloria had shared a vulnerability and she felt compelled to return the favor. “I was abandoned there by my parents.”

  “Oh!” Gloria’s gaze dropped to her lap where she was slowly tearing apart the tissue. “I’m so sorry. I never should have asked.”

  “No reason to be sorry. It is the way it is with most Hilian mixes. My mother was Vintorga, a pixie race; my father was Hilian, a warrior race. My guardian told me my mother was raped when her planet was pillaged before the Harvest. Many families would get rid of a Hilian hybrid. We are not trusted.”

  “Your parents…do you know who they are?”

  Lily shook her head and sighed. “I don’t know my mother. My father worked for Golan and was killed during a battle with the Renegade many years ago. I didn’t know it was him at first, but it is rare to come across a Hilian, so I thought there was a chance we may be blood related. Rowan tested him for me; it turned out to be a match.”

  “I’m so sorry.” Gloria’s voice came out in a whisper and her hand squeezed Lily’s thigh.

  “It is fine. I am not ashamed of my past.” No, never ashamed of my past, but my race…

  “Where’s your brother?”

  Lily faltered for a moment. “He did not make it off the planet.”

  Gloria fell silent. “I’m sorry I pried. I was born in a Refugee camp as well. The Renegade saved my family. It has been a dream to serve ever since.”

  Lily smiled. “We are lucky to have you.” Lily stood from the bed and turned out the lights. “Get some rest. If you ever need me I am right across the hallway.”

  “Thanks for talking.”

  Lily nodded, shut the door behind her, and made her way back to her bedroom. She barely got her boots off before collapsing onto the bed.


  Lily woke with a jolt from dreams of her home being destroyed. A cold sweat chilled her and she shot out of bed, frantically looking for the encroaching flames. Realizing she wasn’t in the burning fields, she fell back onto the scratchy sheets. She tried to close her eyes, but the images still burned the back of her eyelids.

  The shrill of her alarm filled the room, summoning her from her bed, but she stubbornly remained still. When the alarm wasn’t shut off, the lights flicked on. “Fine,” she grumbled, rolling out of bed and onto the cold floor. She discarded her clothing on the way to the bathroom, leaving a messy trail in her wake. The shower turned on automatically as she stepped in, the cold water hitting her like a cyborg’s metal fist. Damn, they already used all the hot water. Not that it really mattered, she supposed, she couldn’t remember the last time she got a long, warm shower anyway.

  She rolled her wet hair into a tight bun, pulled on a clean pair of fitted cargo pants and a matching shirt, then shoved her feet into black, lace-up combat boots. She grabbed her backpack and headed out the door, checking it as she made her way to the dock.

  The steel door automatically opened as Lily approached; she stepped through, not once looking up from her RAB.

  Brock, who was hunched next to the W-1905-ST shuttle lacing his combat boots, glanced up at her, his eyes heavy with fatigue. Lily moved to his side and studied the craft. Its smooth, rounded sides were designed for underwater travel and it was equipped with stabilizers to fight against waves. Instead of blades on the top of the ship like Alberta’s heli-shuttle, the Sub-water vehicle had propellers on the bottom that not only allowed them to fly, but also power through water. It was an older model and could not camouflage, so the team painted the curved metal a slate blue to help it blend in.

  “You know where we’re going?” Brock asked, tossing his bag haphazardly into the shuttle’s open doorway.

; “On our way to Ha’Wera, Alberta will open a TIP and transport us a few light years from Ha’Wera.”

  Brock stretched his hands over his head and yawned. “Nice, love it when they drop us off at the front door.” He winked at Lily, giving her a lopsided grin.

  Lily smirked back at him and shook her head. “You always got something to say don’t you?”

  “You bet your fine ass, darlin’.”

  Lily gasped and playfully hit his shoulder.

  “You guys ready for this?” Gustavo asked as he entered into the landing bay and walked briskly past the heli-shuttle and single person fighter units to join them next to the sub-water shuttle. He threw his bag onto the ground and kneeled to lace his boots.

  “Where’s Sara?” Brock asked.

  “She’s on her way,” Gustavo responded.

  “How is she?” Lily asked.

  Gustavo’s brow creased. “She’s in rough shape, but she’ll get through it. She’s strong.”

  The group turned as the dock’s door opened, and watched silently as Sara walked into the room.

  “So, where are we flying to?” Gustavo asked.

  “Alberta is going to TIP us to Ha’Wera, no need to fly. It will be a quick ride,” Lily replied. “All right, you guys, looks like we are ready. Let’s board the W-1905-ST shuttle so we can get moving, we do not want to miss the storm.”

  “Of course there’s a storm, nothing’s ever easy,” Gustavo grumbled as he walked up the shuttle’s ramp.

  “Don’t be such a little bitch,” Brock snickered as he followed Gustavo.

  “You guys, don’t start with this nonsense now, we have an important mission,” Sara scolded.


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