Scold's Claim

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by Marie Hall

  Scold’s Claim

  Worship Series, Book VI

  Marie Hall

  Blushing Books

  ©2017 by Blushing Books® and Marie Hall

  All rights reserved.

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  Marie Hall

  Scold’s Claim

  EBook ISBN: 978-1-61258-359-4

  Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.


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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Marie Hall

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  Chapter 1

  Xavier Brice dismounted and looked around. With hours before the sun set, there should be people about, but only a few scattered servants could be seen. All the work sheds were dark, and with the exception of the two men watching the small army come through the gates, none of the soldiers or knights of the house were out. The lack of activity and the dereliction of the duty in ensuring the safety of the buildings and people made his hair stand on end. Something wasn't right, and his gut twisted wondering if bringing his wife home was wise.

  "Steady," Gerald said, still sitting his horse. "Everyone is in place. Stay with the plan."

  Xavier gave him a curt nod and handed up his reins. He should be thankful for no crowds. He'd planned on arriving early morning for this reason, but the strong winds overnight prevented much forward progress. He wanted no gathering, still he was uncomfortable.

  His men positioned themselves without prompting. Too, he knew they searched those about and took note of their reaction. Determining who was loyal or not, no one was above suspicion. The possibility the person or persons responsible for trying to kill his wife, trying several times, in fact, was under his roof was serious.

  "You all know what you are to be about, get to it before it gets dark," Jon said to the men standing closest. One man turned to affirm the command through Xavier.

  "Please," Xavier added and was strangely warmed by the smile his soldier gave him before they broke away to attend their assigned duties. Io was consistent about saying please and thank you. She didn't need to, but she did. Maybe because the response made her feel the same. And if it made Io happy to give people simple courtesy, he could make it a habit. Anything to see her smile.

  "Should you get her?" Lucas asked as he came to stand by the others who'd gathered close in preparation to escort Io inside. "She has not been on her legs in two days."

  Xavier sighed, concern made his feet drag. He headed to Io waiting in the small wagon. Around him, men moved to take horses and get the animals settled. Others headed for the barracks to eat and sleep before their rotation began. The first on duty formed a line and checked weapons. It'd be these men who'd be placing themselves between Io and any enemy in the house when Xavier couldn't be at her side. Some would make it obvious they watched, others would keep their distance, hoping to catch anyone in the act of treason. Not all were from Bainsport, many came from his other holdings. Xavier relied on them to find the disloyal in his ranks. The distance kept them from being blinded by familiarity. Io wouldn't be at risk because anyone refused to see the man they spent every day living with as a false friend.

  With a deep breath, he pushed back the tarp, hooking the lines so it wouldn't fall, and glanced inside. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust before he saw her. She sat blinking at the invading brightness. She looked ready, wearing a clean dress, her hair braided back from her face and the new cloak in her lap. She looked ready. Only he'd spent too much time assuming and that was part of the reason his wife felt the need to run. To risk her life. So he asked to be sure, to give her the courtesies she deserved from him.

  "Are you ready?"

  "It is safe?" Io asked

  "You will be safe, Io. I will not let anything happen
to you. Nor will any of the men." Xavier gave her the assurance she needed but only as much as he believed in. She wasn't likely to let her guard down, but he didn't want her so afraid she couldn't find any joy in life.

  "You will stay close?" She lifted her cloak around her shoulders and fastened it before crawling towards him.

  "I will not leave you." It was a lot to ask her to trust him. She continued to move towards him a slight upturn on her lips.

  "Xavier," she whispered as she settled on the edge. "I trust you."

  He slipped his arms around her back and under her knees, lifting her close before turning towards the house. "I will not fail you, Io."

  She sighed and set her head on his shoulder. "I hope not. I have been practicing." Xavier stumbled, caught himself and stopped walking while he willed the heat burning through him to ease. "I think you will be pleased," Io added and pressed her lips to his neck.

  "I am always pleased with you," Xavier said, starting for the steps again, even as Io snorted at his remark. "I will be most pleased to see what you have mastered." He nuzzled his check against hers. "But first let us get you settled. A good meal and a real bed."

  "Oh, Xavier." He heard the pout in her voice. "You do not intend to keep me in bed."

  "Io, you have not been well. You need to recover. It will not be such a hardship to lie in bed and let me spoil you." Xavier shortened his steps as four of the men in the detail rushed forward inside to make sure Io wouldn't enter an ambush.

  "For how long?" she asked, tightening her hold around his neck.

  "Only until you are fully recovered," Xavier said and put his foot on the first step.

  "Fully, according to whom?" She swiped at his ear with her tongue.

  "Io," he chided. Levity wasn't the most appropriate thing, but his wife wasn't restrained by what was appropriate.

  She giggled. "Well, if I must wait for you to say I am well, I will be in bed until midsummer."

  Xavier laughed and watched his men come back through the door and signal no one waited in the entry. "Would that be so terrible?" He continued the banter. It was a fine way to distract Io from her worry and keep her from noticing his own.

  "Well." Her fists curled and clutched his shirt as he started up the steps. "I have practiced, and if you are to stay close…" Xavier stepped up onto the landing, and Io became stiff in his arms. "Bed is a very good place."

  "I would enjoy nothing so much as to spend the whole year in bed with you," Xavier said setting her on her feet.

  "A whole year?" Io gasped and opened her mouth to say something more when raised voices sent her scrambling behind him.

  "I said let me pass." The shrill female voice shot out of the darkened passage. It was followed by a masculine howl of pain. A moment later, one of the men Xavier sent in first came stumbling back out holding his hands to his face. Blood poured from between his fingers, and he staggered towards the steps as if unable to see. Lucas rushed forward to keep him from falling off the landing.

  The scraping of blades coming free of their sheaths sounded all around even as, with a gasp, Io came out from behind him and stepped forward. Xavier reached for her only to find he had to catch himself before toppling down the stairs.

  "What were you thinking? How could you?" Sarah cried out as she grabbed Io and alternately shook her and hugged her. "You left me behind. How could you?" Again the woman, taller and heavier than Io, shook and then hugged her. "I told you I would go with you anywhere. I told you, you could not go alone."

  "Sarah," Lucas yelled at his sister. He was ignored completely.

  "You should have told me your plan. I would have met you." Sarah gave Io one final shake then pulled her into a smothering embrace. "Do you know how worried we have all been? Do you know how…" Sarah abruptly stopped speaking and pushed Io away. Her hands swept over Io's face and neck. "Oh, you are so warm. You should not be so warm." Sarah wrapped her arms around Io's shoulders and turned toward the entry. "Kate, Jude."

  Two more women rushed out of the house. With a cry, they both threw themselves at Io. Just behind them, a second man limped out, bent in half and holding his crotch, he used the wall as support. "What the hell happened?" Gerald shouted, and both men pointed at Sarah who snapped out orders to the other women.

  "Kate, the tub and water. Jude get Ann to heat a broth and then see if Gail can ready the chamber. Poor Io," Sarah soothed as the others rushed off to do as asked. "You are home now, everything will be all right."

  "I am sorry, Sarah," Io said.

  "Oh," Sarah cried and again collected Io against her. "I did want to give you a pinch, but you are here, all is forgiven. Come, we will go inside and ma—"

  "What is going on here? I—" Charlotte Brice stepped from the shadows, and as her eyes fell on Xavier, a look of satisfaction crossed her face. Then she looked towards where Io stood hiding behind Sarah. Charlotte didn't even attempt to disguise her contempt, and when she again looked towards Xavier, he saw contempt for him too. "You brought that back. Look at her," Charlotte snarled, pointing at Io. "She is more than half dead, better you should have dug a hole and—"

  "Shut your evil mouth," Jon yelled, stepping up behind the women. Putting his hands on Io's shoulder, he pulled her back against him.

  "Do not speak to me that way," Charlotte yelled back.

  "I will, and I will be clear about it. Shut your mouth." Jon pulled Io back more. Sarah naturally stepped with them until Io was pressed between their bodies.

  "Do not stand there and let that… cur speak to me like that." Charlotte directed her command at Xavier.

  He'd hoped he'd at least get through one night before having to confront his mother. Truth, he hoped he'd never set eyes on her again. Xavier stepped over to where Sarah stood shielding Io. "Mistress Sarah," he started calmly, softly. "Take Io inside and see her settled comfortably. She has been unwell, and I know you are best suited to see to her care." He waited to see Sarah nod before he reached out and pulled Io against him. He lifted his hand to her cheek and brushed his thumb gently along her temple. "Go with Sarah, Io. I will follow shortly." He saw her eyes flash to Charlotte and her teeth bit down on her lip. "Io, you are lady of this house."

  Her eyes came back to him. "Xavier, do nothing you will regret."

  "I already did, and I learned from it," he said as he bent his head and kissed her softly. When he lifted his head, he could see her worry and concern but words wouldn't take either of those away. Only action. He smiled, then waved Sarah toward the entry.

  "Xavier," Io called back with a shaky voice. "I left my camel… I…"

  "I will bring it." He waved her on. "Go inside and get warm."

  Xavier watched as Sarah took Io's hand and pulled her along. The maid kept herself between Io and Charlotte, even shifting to be at Io's back once they passed the woman. Everyone watched the women disappear into the darkness of the interior.

  "My lord?"

  Xavier turned to see Lucas looking questioningly. "Go, see to them and get everyone set in place. As soon as I have Io's camel, I will be in." Lucas gave a nod and went after his sister and Io.

  "Xavier, I demand—" Charlotte started.

  "You are no one to demand anything," Jon interrupted, taking a menacing step toward Xavier's mother.

  "Do not speak to me you worthless—"

  "Madame," Xavier snapped.

  Charlotte turned her full ire on him, and he felt the cold chill run up his spine. Everything he'd been taught, every experience, all advice, told him to stand down. He could feel the burn on his skin and the clenching in his muscles, pains from decades ago.

  "Do not stand there," Charlotte said, stepping towards Xavier. "You will not let such things be said to me. I am your mother."

  They were pains from decades ago. They were also nothing compared to the pain felt when he lost Io, when he learned the full peril she was placed in, the extent of her ordeal because he didn't stand up to this woman. He'd been a coward. He was not going to be one again.

  "Shut your mouth, Madame," Xavier said, surprised by the calm, hardness of his voice.

  "How dare you," Charlotte stepped up, raised her hand and swung.

  "How dare you," Xavier snarled, catching her wrist before her hand made contact with his face. "How dare you come into my house, my home and disrespect me, my wife and my friends." He threw her hand back at her and stepped forward so he was nearly on top of her. "How dare you set yourself up as anyone with any authority here. Use my resources and abuse my people." Xavier took another step forward and found immense satisfaction in seeing his mother step back. "I will no longer tolerate or excuse you, Madame. You will not only be silent; you will be gone." He saw Charlotte's eye flare wide and she paled a moment before her face went bright red in outrage.

  "I am your mother; you will never speak to me like this. Your father—"

  "My father is dead, and I will never believe he would condone your behavior. You will go, Charlotte Brice. You are not welcome here." Xavier pulled back and straightened up. "Get out of my house."

  "You cannot set me out," Charlotte sputtered.

  "It is done," Xavier told her and watched as she thought about what she might do next. Whatever she thought, the only thing she'd do was leave. As would the other woman hiding in the shadows. "Harold," Xavier called, gaining his man's full attention. "Find two mounts if you will, and I know you only just arrived, but if you would escort Lady Charlotte and Lady Claire as far as… Paxtire." That should be far enough. "They can await Alexander there." He didn't miss the wicked smile that passed over his man's face before he turned to do as bid. "Go, Madame, it grows dark, and I would have my man able to sleep in his bed."


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