One Night with a Duke

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One Night with a Duke Page 29

by Sandra Masters

  Raven’s contentment at this moment was one to savor. Her radiating glow could light a ballroom, and he had two such rooms that could use her presence. These subjects of comfort to him he chose to share with her. Someone still blocked the charter. “We should have been granted approval by now. All the cartel members have tried to obtain information that would aid us. Something is much amiss.” He clenched his mouth tighter into a frown.

  The stakes were high for all of them. The more time elapsed, the worse it seemed for the charter’s approval. Confidentiality signified, but the crucial element of surprise would affect progress. Raven, to his surprise, found enjoyment in such discussions with Samantha about business matters since she had a logical thought process.

  “I’ve ordered tea for us. Would you join me?” Again, her demeanor appealed.

  Nigel brought in a tea tray and left it on the table in front of them. She spoke amiably while she served him tea in a porcelain cup, which he accepted. Then she poured her own. “I smell a rat, Your Grace,” she said in a serious moment. He held her gaze enjoying this rare moment.

  “I’m afraid you’re right. I now know the identity of the rat. He is a big one. I need irrefutable proof. And if the Prince Regent is involved, the rat is even larger than I thought. There is also a third rat. Perhaps even more—a nest of them.” Raven gave her a narrowed glinting glance.

  Samantha returned her teacup to the tray. “We need a big cat, Your Grace. Are there any detective agencies you can trust? Perhaps former Bow Street Runners?”

  “I’ve hired private investigators of the highest quality, and they report to me daily. I want you to know how much I’ve needed to talk to someone who could understand my problems. You’re a keen thinker. While I sometimes believe you know enough to be dangerous, I have no one around me who can understand.”

  “You have all the members of your cartel you could ask,” she answered in a quick retort.

  “It is difficult to be a chairman and have to confide your private doubts to associates. They expect me to be an intrepid leader who somehow will conquer all problems. It does not always happen that way. My lady, I am alone at the top.” Raven stood, and then moved toward her. “I’ve no desire to play games, my lady. I have a need to hold you in my arms, for a moment, if you would allow me.” Would the Ice Princess melt? The frost in her voice was almost gone. There was hope at last. He now had an indefinable sense of rightness.

  They faced each other, and she stood and ran to his outstretched arms. “I’ve no desire for games either.” Time stood still as he held her in a firm embrace, relishing the female scent of her, more fragrant than a field of flowers in spring. “Ah, your embrace is what I needed.”

  “Forgive me, Raven.”

  “Let’s forgive each other and speak no more. There are happier things we can discuss.” He bent his head low and kissed her open lips, darted his tongue to hers. His arms tightened around her, and the pleasure of her breasts against his chest reminded him of what they could be. Draping her arms around his neck was an obvious enjoyment. When she didn’t pull away, he continued to hold her, for this was paradise. “Does this mean you missed me too?” His breath warmed her ear below her neck. Thrill after thrill snaked up his spine and he welcomed the sensation back. Only she could make this happen.

  “More than you’ll ever know, Raven.” She sighed. “I know I am safe in your arms.”

  Surprised at her answer, he asked jovially, “Did you ever have doubt?” While her statement seemed odd, he did have news to impart. With reluctance, he took her arms and removed them from around him. “Much as I would like to continue this, there is a time and a place. First, there are matters to be discussed.” After a few silent moments, he asked, “Is Winston at home?”

  “He may be in his study. I’ll see if you wish.”

  Raven nodded to her, but to him, the weight of the world was still on his shoulders. “Ask your aunt to join us also, Samantha.” It was time to resolve their issues and now was as good a time as any.

  He stood tall near the fireplace and addressed the three of them after they sat. “I find this difficult, but I’m convinced there was a plot to implicate all of you in a scheme that would make me doubt your loyalty to the cartel’s cause. There are many signed legal documents that testify to this, and I am aware of the mastermind of the plan. You and your family are exonerated. I only ask that you remember while I trusted all of you, it was necessary to prove to other cartel members that there wasn’t an issue since they were aware of my affection for your family.”

  Winston exhaled in obvious relief.

  Lady Minerva said, “The tension has been hard on everyone.”

  “My Lady Minerva, the good news is the cartel will accept you and Samantha into the conglomerate in return for the schematics on the pistol.”

  Lady Minerva smiled, “I never doubted it for a moment, Your Grace. Is it on my terms?”

  Raven answered, “Yes, all of them. You and Samantha are now investors in return for the cartel’s ownership of the pistol rights.”

  “On whose recommendation was this made?” asked Samantha.

  “Mine,” answered Raven.

  “So all along, you could have gotten me into the cartel, but chose not to do so?” Her annoyance simmered again and appeared about to boil.

  He knew her so well, it seemed, he responded, “Yes, but you must understand that my primary concern was for your welfare. I have enemies as does any powerful man, and I couldn’t endanger you.”

  Samantha said, “You, you…are…

  Her aunt retorted. “Magnanimous, Your Grace.”

  She stared down Samantha and commanded. “Samantha, enough is enough. No more. Raven has explained his reason, and you should be grateful for his concern.”

  Her harsh tone and stony gaze caused Samantha to reflect. She brought her hand to her stomach, and let it rest there where their child grew and bestowed an innocent-like smile.

  They were interrupted by the butler, who stated there was a note for the duke.

  How strange, thought Raven, that a note should be delivered here to him at Winston House. That could mean he’d been followed. Or perhaps the message went to his townhouse and the majordomo forwarded the message. That made more sense.

  He smiled as he read the note. “The Prince Regent will see me next week. The charade is about to end.”

  Raven could now relax, happy that so much progress had been made on the cold front with Samantha and that things were set right with her family.

  Lady Minerva asked, “Your Grace, will you tell us who the person is who initiated this plot to hurt you and the cartel?”

  “I do not have definitive proof in that regard. I have narrowed down the culprits to three possible men. I’ve eliminated one of them for he is not daring or skilled enough to attempt anything on his own. You know him as Roger Dudley. Therefore, I will not make allegations about the other two until it is beyond doubt. You will have to trust my judgment.”

  Raven walked to the mantel, place a booted foot on the hearth, then turned. He stared at Winston. “There is also another member of royalty in the current gas light company.”

  “Another royal? English?” Winston asked.

  “No, he’s Russian.” Raven observed Samantha’s mouth open in surprise.

  “Prince Nicholas?” asked Winston. “How can that be? How can he be part of two opposition cartels? There would be a definite conflict of interest there.”

  “Correct, Winston. However, it is not Prince Nicholas. I have the list here in my pocket.” Raven handed the parchment to him.

  It was a moment full of suspense as they waited for the important announcement. All eyes were glued to Winston as he read the list and then peered at them in surprise.

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  Raven announced, “Prince Sergei Romanov, Nicholas’s brother.”

  Samantha asked, “Was this a scheme on their part to inform on each other? But that doesn’t make sense. His Highness alwa
ys gave the impression of concern and care for his younger brother. Is Prince Sergei so jealous of his brother he would attempt to hurt him and his assets?”

  “Remember that Prince Nicholas joined our cartel on behalf of his brother also. It is my belief that Prince Sergei was duped by a woman.” Raven smiled, and said, “I know you still have questions. So bear with me. The plot is complicated. At the moment I can only guess it is someone connected with the gaslight company, but there are many persons in high places who might be the culprits. I will not be pointing fingers until I know who it is.”

  Raven mentioned that when he left Winston House, he would meet with Prince Nicholas to inform him of the latest events. It was his belief Prince Sergei had not planned to sabotage the cartel’s efforts. He attributed the actions were of an inexperienced young royal who was manipulated by an accomplished courtesan in the intrigues of politics.

  “Why would Countess Sofia want to betray the man to whom she was a mistress?” asked Samantha.

  “It is well known that both princes were bored with their current situations and had sought other relationships. It is my belief that Sergei’s mistress, Countess Sofia, older now, wanted to secure funds to maintain her through her latter life. A sad circumstance to say the least, but somewhat understandable, even though the years have been kinder than most. Young princes do tire easily, and tend to look for younger women.”

  Samantha nodded. “A woman scorned can be dangerous.”

  “Some men do not treat their mistresses well,” Raven emphasized with a glance to Samantha.

  “What happens next?” asked Winston.

  “I will meet with Prince Nicholas today and then see the Prince Regent soon. We will soon be able to prove who wished to sabotage us. Up to this point, there is no evidence, just allegations. Even though the Prince Regent and I are of different parties, we are Englishmen first. I believe I can convince the Regent of our noble intentions to co-exist with the current company and will offer him an honorary membership, also.”

  Raven chose his words with care. “It is not a crime to attempt to get information on a possible competitor. If nefarious means were used to get this information, that is quite another thing. However, to date, all we know is that the approval of the charter has not been given.”

  He further explained that the demand of a promissory note in debt is not unknown in politics and assured that after his two crucial meetings with Prince Nicholas and the Prince Regent, he would be in a better position to decide their actions. “I am pleased that the people I care about in this room are clear of any allegations. It means much to me.” He glanced at Samantha and gave her an assuring smile.

  “In the meantime, ladies, be careful. We’ve not identified the mastermind yet. Winston, engage footmen to accompany the ladies when they leave the premises. This is a necessary precaution.”

  “We do not need footmen, Raven,” Samantha argued. “They will just get in the way.”

  Lady Minerva gave Samantha another look of steel.

  “Do you have footmen, Your Grace?” Lady Minerva asked.

  “Yes, they are in my coach and await me,” he answered, to Samantha’s surprise.

  “Is it your belief that there are men who would like to see you dead?” Samantha asked Raven.

  “Yes.” His shoulders dropped for a second and then firmed.

  “But why kill you?” asked Samantha.

  “Because I can make our cartel work, and it would be a threat to the current company. Their gas prices are costly for sale to the highest bidder. Usury is a better word. It is a burden to our laborers and merchants to afford such energy and yet progress forward. Imagine what it could do for our middle classes as well as the poor who labor. Our cartel would bring competition and in a short time, lower prices. We would affect their profit basis.”

  Winston asked the inevitable question, “How will lower profits for both companies benefit anyone?”

  The answer was simple. “Our cartel has other profit-makers, each one intertwined to the other. It is our conglomerate as the holding company that would make the ultimate profit. It is possible some start-up ventures might have a temporary loss to get established.” He explained that this was done in large businesses all the time.

  “Thank you for all this information,” Lady Minerva said, as she curtsied. “I now go in search of my reticule. Brandon, listen to His Grace, and get additional footmen. The danger is not yet over. What Raven has said is that his life and ours could be in danger. I still have a lot of life to live.”

  “It is time for me to depart. Winston, I will keep in touch with you,” said Raven.

  Samantha showed him to the door. He stepped through, and because he debated whether he could presume to kiss her hand once again, he took no notice of anyone but Samantha.

  However, in good cheer and elation with his mind still on her, Raven decided to be somewhat gallant, took her hand, and kissed it. “I have missed you so much,” he said and his lips on her hand sent shivers up his spine. The excitement was still there.

  Her pleasing voice and her lovely demeanor encouraged him further. He said. “We have much to discuss, Samantha. May I call on you tomorrow? We could visit the National Museum. Perhaps you and your aunt would like to visit Ravensmere again without additional guests?” He turned away to descend the steps.

  She called out to him, “Raven?” A radiant smile was bestowed to him. “I have important news to tell you.”

  As he turned to her, one foot on the upper step, he said with a grin, “It’s time we picked up where we left off, my lady.” He was never happier than at this moment. “You are everything beautiful to me. I cannot envision my life without you, Samantha, for I love you with all my heart.”

  Raven’s heart raced in happiness. His eyes drank in Samantha’s glowing beauty. Raven was about to speak to her when a voice called, “Yer Grace.”

  Raven turned his attention to the broad, sturdy frame of the man who walked to the bottom of the steps and with a quick hand removed a pistol from his coat and pulled the trigger once. “Compliments of an old friend, Yer Grace.”

  Raven fell. His head hit the hard stone steps. His impeccable white shirt crimsoned with spewing blood.

  Samantha screamed.

  She raced down the steps toward Raven in her blood-splattered dress.

  By now the servants had arrived. Two of the footmen took off after the assassin. The two bodyguards leaped off the coach and went to the duke’s body.

  Samantha shouted, “Take him into the drawing room now. Fetch the doctor. Transport him with care.” She followed them into the large room.

  The flow of blood must be stopped. Samantha ripped off part of her slip and pressed the material to his right shoulder to stem the flow.

  “Fetch my aunt,” she screeched to one of their servants. “Has the physician been summoned?”

  The sight of his wounded body made her dizzy, but she couldn’t give in to female hysteria—not now that he needed her. She fought the terror that attempted to overrun her like a runaway coach. No. No. No. He needs me.

  “You cannot die on me now, Raven. I will not let you. I love you.” She held the wad of her undergarment against the blood flow but it continued to turn crimson.

  “No, this cannot be!” She kept the fabric compressed against the gushing wound with both hands.

  Lady Minerva rushed down the stairs.

  “Help me, Aunt! Help me!”

  Lady Minerva knelt beside Samantha. She relieved Samantha’s pressure with the remnant of the garment to compress the wound. “Get some bandages, anything clean from the kitchen. Towels will do. Have the staff boil water, lots of it. Hurry. It will be needed for sterilization.”

  A servant nodded and raced off.

  Minerva issued orders like a gunnery sergeant. “Brandon, send someone to get a constable. Samantha, remove his neck cravat so he can breathe easier.” She paused.

  “Tell Raven’s coachman to fetch Lady Margaret at once. Do not tel
l her he’s wounded, but that it is imperative she come. We do not need her to suffer a heart attack.” She barked another order. “Brandon, take off his boots and then help me hold this cloth on the wound.”

  Samantha took it all in and exhaled. She assisted her aunt, but things developed much too fast. “Where are the clean linens?” Samantha shouted in a voice that would awaken all the dead in a cemetery.

  The settee was soon stained with Raven’s blood. Samantha could not believe this had happened. There was a danger to him. He knew all along and tried to shield her while she had scoffed at him many times. Oh, my darling. Forgive me. Stay strong for us. I need you.

  In what seemed an indeterminate amount of time, the surgeon arrived and with speed and dexterity, made a critical assessment of the gunshot injury. He removed his jacket, pulled up his sleeves, and requested hot water and clean, hot cloths. “Now!”

  A servant came in with a large basin and a supply of linens. “The cook has immersed them in boiling hot water, sir. Clean, dry towels are on the way.”

  “I will need more basins of hot water. See to it.”

  The doctor pointed to Winston, “You, my lord, help me remove his jacket, but keep your hand on his wound. I will cut away his shirt so that we do not interfere with the pressure you apply. Can anyone tell me what happened? They said he was shot. Were there several?”

  Samantha explained she only heard one shot as the would-be assassin pulled the trigger and ran. The surgeon noticed her bloodstained dress. “Are you injured, my lady?”

  “No, but please tend to him. He cannot die.” The tears flowed like a raging torrent in a swollen stream.

  “I will do my best, but prayers would be in order,” he said, furrowing his brow.

  Whether it was a few minutes or more, they waited in anxiety until Lady Margaret arrived escorted by Prince Nicholas. At the sight of her favorite nephew in a pool of blood, she started to swoon.

  The Prince held her. “We will all need your strength now, my lady. Do it for the duke’s sake.” The Prince addressed Lord Winston and explained, “I awaited the duke’s return as he summoned me about information for the charter. So I accompanied Lady Margaret here.”


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