For You

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For You Page 4

by Hope Ford


  I’ve been looking forward to this all day. I’m sitting with my sister and Scott when Chrissy comes in. I sit back and watch as Carrie and Chrissy hug, and she gets settled. I can see the lines by her eyes, and I know she’s stressed out. I can’t help but wonder if David has messed with her again. I have someone following him, but that still doesn’t comfort me completely.

  “So how was your day?” Carrie asks her, and Chrissy looks at me and then shrugs her shoulders.

  “It was fine.”

  Instantly, I know something’s happened, and all I want to do is send Scott and Carrie on their way and talk to Chrissy alone.

  I force myself to sit back in my chair instead of leaning across the table and covering Chrissy’s hand with my own. The need to comfort her is strong and almost unbearable.

  The conversation goes on around us, and I make a point to talk to Scott since it’s so important to Carrie that I make nice with her boyfriend. What she doesn’t know is that I’ve talked to Scott on more than a few occasions, and already I know he’s a good man. I couldn’t have picked anyone better to take care of my sister.

  “So are you gonna heat things back up with Leah, who is drooling over you?”

  My sister is always trying to fix me up, and it seems that now, even though we’re older, she’s not going to give up on it. I look at Chrissy, wanting to make sure she hears and understands what I’m saying. “I’m not interested in Leah.”

  Chrissy’s face flushes, but I don’t look away. I keep looking at her, wanting her to know how I feel even though I can’t say it right now.

  Eventually, Chrissy’s gaze drops, and I decide it’s best to change the subject before I make her even more uncomfortable.

  “So Chrissy, how was Katie today?” I ask her.

  She doesn’t look surprised that I ask. I can see the confusion on Carrie’s face, but I ignore it.

  “She’s good. Actually really good today. Right now she’s probably elbow deep in cookie dough.” She laughs, and the soft sound seems to shock her, like she’s not used to laughing and it sort of caught her off guard.

  She seems to sober quickly. “You don’t know how much I appreciate you coming by yesterday.”

  I nod, uncomfortable with the fact of why I was there. Of course I wanted to check on her, but I’m also checking out her ex. And the fact that she still doesn’t know I’m investigating her ex-husband bothers me a little. I hate that I’m hiding something from her.

  Only seconds later, she excuses herself from the table. “I’m going to the ladies’ room.” She holds up her phone. “And I’m going to check on Katie.”

  As soon as she walks away, Carrie nearly leaps across the table. “It’s obvious you like Chrissy. You should go for it.”

  Scott laughs and puts his hand on Carrie’s shoulder. “Oh, here we go. I don’t think your brother needs help finding a date.”

  I could agree with him, but I’m too surprised, to say the least. “You wouldn’t have a problem with it?” I ask Carrie.

  She stares back at me, and I can tell she’s honestly thinking about the question. “I mean, I don’t want you to hurt her. You live in Knox, and you’re addicted to your job, and…”

  “And nothing. I’m slowing down, and Knox is only an hour and yeah, well, I like Chrissy. There’s no way I would hurt her.”

  Carrie doesn’t even hesitate. “Well, then you should do something about it.”


  After talking to my mom and having her assure me that Katie is doing okay, Carrie joins me in the bathroom.

  “Okay, what’s going on?”

  I peak a glance at her in the mirror. “Nothing. I’m fine.”

  “You’re not, though. I could tell the instant you walked in the door.”

  I just shrug my shoulders and finish washing my hands. “I’m having issues with David, but it’s all right, I have it under control. David and I are not getting back together. No way, no how.”

  She watches me closely, and I wait for her next question, but it never comes. “Well, that’s great news! But I still want you to know that if there’s anything Scott or I can do, you know we’re here for you, right?”

  I nod my head, and it doesn’t slip past me that she’s talking about her and Scott as a “we.” They’re obviously good together, and I’m sure there will be wedding bells in their future soon. There’s a part of me that’s envious, but another part of me that knows there’s not going to be any time soon for me to settle down.

  “We should have done this a long time ago,” she says, interrupting my thoughts. “We should have gone out for drinks and celebrated before tonight. You’re doing great now. The divorce is over, and you have the freedom to find a better guy.”

  I laugh because Carrie’s always trying to play matchmaker, but I can’t help but point out, “There aren’t a lot of eligible men in Forest Grove.”

  Carrie turns from the mirror and waits for me to look at her. “Yeah, but Bart is available, and you should go for him. It’s not like you haven’t loved him forever.”

  I could laugh, but I don’t. Carrie knows I’ve always had a crush on her brother, but she’s never wanted to talk about it before. “You made me promise not to date him when we were teens. Do you remember that?”

  Carrie waves that off. “We were just kids. You should go for it if that’s what you want.”

  I don’t commit either way. I just walk out of the bathroom and hold the door open for her to follow me. Almost as soon as we get back to the table, Carrie says that she and Scott have to go.

  “What? But we—” he starts, but then he and Carrie exchange looks, and she’s pulling him out the door, waving goodbye as they depart.

  Bart laughs. “That was subtle. Right?”

  “Yeah, well your sister was never really known for being subtle.”

  “Yeah. So can I get you another drink?”

  I shake my head. “I better not. I need to go and get Katie before I go home, so maybe I’ll just have a water.”

  He waves for the server and asks for two waters. When the server leaves, I tell him, “You could have had another one.”

  “Nah, I’m not much of a drinker anyway.”

  “Well, it looks like me coming ruined your chance to get to know Scott. I had no idea Carrie would barge out of here like she did.”

  He shakes his head. “It’s okay. I actually know Scott pretty well. He’s a good guy. But I’m more interested in talking to you anyway.”

  I tense up and try not to look nervous. I haven’t been flirted with in I don’t know how long. Is this even flirting? Man, I’m so out of the game.

  He gets a big smile on his face, and I move around in my seat. There’s no doubt the man still affects me. “Do you remember the time you and Carrie hid out in the back of my SUV to try to go to a party I was going to?”

  I laugh a full belly laugh. I haven’t thought about that night in years. “I remember that. I also remember that we ruined your night. You made Carrie and me stay right next to you the whole time. We pretty much ruined your chance of getting a date with the head cheerleader, if I remember right.”

  “You didn’t ruin my night. At least not in that way. The only thing that was bad that night is you were there with a bunch of senior guys that were looking for a good time. I had to keep you by my side or punch out my friends.”

  I roll my eyes in disbelief. No one in high school was interested in me. Ever. “I doubt that. Maybe Carrie, but not me.”

  “No, it was you, Chrissy. I warned them all to stay away from you.”

  I know I shouldn’t, but I have to know. “Why would you do that?”

  He shrugs. “I had a thing for you then. I always did.”

  I’m nervous, and with the name calling of my ex still fresh in my mind, I give him an out, saying, “That was a long time ago.”

  He must be able to tell I’m uncomfortable, because he changes the subject. The rest of the time, he talks about his jo
b and asks me about the gym and Katie. I’m sure he regrets it, because I can talk for hours about Katie. “By the way, you seem to have won Katie over. She’s still trying to figure out that magic trick.”

  “Well, I’ll show her when I see her.”

  He agrees so easily that I really start to get nervous. Already, Katie seems to be attached to him after meeting him once. I can see me so falling for him again… easily.

  I decide right then that it’s time for me to go.

  I make the excuse that I need to give my mom a break, and he walks me to my car. “You okay to drive?”

  “Yes. I’m fine. Thank you, Bart. For everything.”

  “Anytime. And the offer still stands. You need anything, you call me.”

  I assure him I will. I go to my mom’s and pick up Katie, who is on a sugar high, but I can’t get mad at my mom for it. She’s always so good to Katie and me.

  We get to the house, and as soon as I walk in, I can tell that things in the house are out of place. I walk through each of the rooms and find them all empty, but an eerie feeling settles into my stomach. I help Katie with her bath and then put her to bed before picking up my phone. The urge to call Bart is strong, but I know I can’t do that. Not now. Instead, I call my ex-husband.

  “Were you in my house tonight?”

  “You mean while you were out on your little date?”

  My skin starts to tingle, and a feeling of dread and pure ickiness fills me. “We are not married, David. You have no say on what I do or where I go. And I got the house in the divorce. You aren’t supposed to be here, and you know it.”

  “I didn’t say I was there,” he says with anger.

  “I know you were.”

  “Prove it,” he says, right before I hear a click and the line goes dead.

  How could I ever have been in love with such a jerk?



  The whole way back to the bed and breakfast, I’m kicking myself for jumping the gun as soon as Carrie gave me the green flag. Chrissy’s obviously not in a good place right now, and I should have told her why I came to town instead of hitting on her.

  But just sitting next to her makes every rational thought leave my mind. She’s so beautiful. Even more beautiful than I remember and sitting next to her at the bar was enough to bring all my urges back. The only difference is now there’s nothing holding me back. She’s not too young, she’s not married. Now I just have to convince her that we could have something good together.

  Once I’m in my room, I force myself to think about the case. The sooner I get this taken care of with David, the sooner I can move on with Chrissy. Of course, I hope I can convince her that I’m the right man for her, but I’m willing to wait as long as I need to for her to realize it. I’ve given her up once, and I’m not about to do it again.

  I check my emails and notice an email from one of my buddies at the precinct. He says that one of David’s criminal buddies is on parole and just got out yesterday. I make a plan to go visit the guy in the morning and see if I can get a lead to the source of David’s money.

  I finish emailing my boss back to give him an update on my case and then I shower.

  Standing under the hot water, I can’t get my mind off Chrissy. The way she looked tonight conjures up every image in my mind, and I feel bad about the thoughts I’m having, but I can’t get her out of my mind. The way she bites her lip when she’s nervous. The way her cheeks and chest turn red when she’s embarrassed. The way she holds on to her little girl with that fierce look on her face letting everyone know that no one is going to mess with her. She’s fierce and loyal and beautiful. She’s so perfect and so much better than me, but I’m not strong enough to walk away. The thought of having her in bed with me, tucked safe in my arms, with her curvy body molded next to me stops me from even thinking about giving up. It’s a mental picture I can’t get out of my mind, and I know I can’t give up on her. I won’t let myself. Whether she wants me or not, I’m not leaving until I know she’s safe.

  My hand goes down between my legs, and my cock is already at half mast just thinking of her. I stroke myself once then another time before my other hand goes to the shower wall and I lean into it with a moan. The image of her in the bar, walking back toward the table with her eyes solely on me, is the only image I need to stroke myself to completion. It’s been a long time, and I’m obviously burning up in desire for Chrissy. I groan as my release shoots through my body before I lean against the wall with my head back.

  Yeah, there’s not an option. Chrissy is going to be mine. I’ll make sure of it.


  I don’t have any proof that David is harassing me. I felt weird all night last night and ended up sleeping on the floor next to Katie’s bed because I just wanted her near me. Maybe if I was at work today, I’d be able to put it out of my mind, but the fact that I'm off and Katie’s at preschool, my mind is working a hundred miles a minute. I almost kept her home with me today, but I know right now more than ever she needs her friends and stability.

  Because I’m tired of sitting here, worrying myself to death, I pull out Bart’s card. I start to dial his number and can’t help but think he told me to call him if I needed anything and well, I hope he meant it.

  “Chrissy, you okay?” he asks as soon as he answers the phone.

  “How’d you know it was me?” I ask. I know I didn’t give him my number—not that I wouldn’t.

  “I begged my sister for your number. Are you okay?” His concern makes my heart pound even harder in my chest.

  “Yeah, uh, I just have a question.”

  “Sure, what is it?” His voice is soft and low, and it makes me wonder if I woke him up.

  “Well, I was wondering if you can tell me how to catch David so I can have proof he’s breaking into my house.”

  “Is he there now?” he asks, alarmed.

  “No, but I’m pretty sure he was here last night while I was out.”

  “Don’t move. Lock the doors and I’ll be right there.” He hangs up, and I pull the phone from my ear and stare at it. Okay, so he’s definitely worried, and that puts me even more on edge.

  I already had the doors locked, but I go around the house and triple check them and the windows.

  It isn’t long before I hear Bart pull up, and when I peek out the window and am sure it’s him, I open the door.

  He looks amazing and smells so good I want to lean in and just inhale him.

  Concern is etched on his face. “Why do you think he broke in here?”

  “It’s just a feeling more than anything. But there were all kinds of things moved, and well, I don’t know. I called him, and he knew that I was out with you last night.”

  Bart nods his head and opens the front door and looks at the door jamb. “Has this always been like this?”

  I come around him to look. “What?” When I see it, I gasp and cover my mouth with my hand.

  “There is evidence of someone picking the lock but without footage or theft to report, we don’t have a leg to stand on.”

  I walk backward into the room. I can’t believe I missed that. It’s obvious the door jamb had been pried open. He was here. David broke in last night, and if he’s done it once, he’ll do it again.

  “It’s going to be okay, Chrissy. I promise, okay?” He holds me by the shoulders and doesn’t soften his grip until I look up at him. He’s concerned, it’s obvious, and I put my hands onto his waist, whether to reassure him or me I’m not sure.

  He pulls his phone from his pocket. “I’m going to make some calls. Stay right here.”

  I go to the couch and sit down while he steps onto the porch. I know I need to be doing something, but I don’t know what. Only a few minutes go by, and he comes back in.

  “Okay, the locksmith is coming to change all the locks. And I called the home alarm company and they’re on their way too. They’re putting alarms on the doors and windows and putting in a camera.”

  I hold m
y hand up to stop him, but he just shakes his head. “It’s not negotiable, Chrissy. If you and Katie are going to stay here, I need to know you’re safe. You need to know you’re safe.”

  Because I completely agree with what he’s saying, I nod my head. “Yeah, yeah, you’re right.”

  I fall back onto the couch, and Bart sits down next to me. “Ya know, I can look into David further. It’s what I do. I don’t like the idea of him harassing and threatening you.”

  I simply nod, unable to say anything.

  I don’t know if it’s his soft voice that sounds seriously worried for me and Katie or the fact that he came so quickly, or maybe it’s the fact that I don’t have to do this alone, but it all wells up inside me, and before I know it, before I can stop myself, I lean in to hug him. His arms around me tighten, and all I feel is a warm, masculine body pressed against mine. I lean into it, reveling in the warmth and soft touch. I pull back just a little, but it’s hard because he’s still holding me tightly. I look into his eyes, and I know that mine are mirroring what I see in his. Desire turns his eyes a darker shade of blue, and before I can even consider the consequences, I lean my face toward his and touch my lips to his.

  Upon contact, I gasp. I knew that kissing Bart would change me. I knew it would be good, but I didn’t know how good. His hands go to each side of my face, and he holds me tightly as if he’s afraid I’m going to pull away.

  As if I could. I’m drawn to him, my hands on his chest, and I cling to him. I move, and before I know it, he has me pulled onto his lap, and he’s holding me like I’m the most precious thing that’s ever been in his arms.

  He groans and pulls away, his head resting against mine. His breaths are coming out in pants, and he utters the exact words I’m feeling. “I don’t want to stop.”

  I shake my head. “Then don’t.”

  I don’t have to say it again. He stands up, holding me in his arms, and walks down the hall. “First door on the left,” I tell him, knowing exactly where I want him to take me.


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