Search and Devour: Pittsburgh Vampires Vol.14

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Search and Devour: Pittsburgh Vampires Vol.14 Page 4

by B. A. Stretke

  “Damn, you are so beautiful.” Sergio voiced his thoughts.

  “I’m not, I’m a mess, just a fucking mess.” Keagan’s tone turned somber as he took a deep breath and turned his head away from Sergio.

  “Hey there, come back to me.” Sergio turned Keagan’s face back so he could continue to stare into those lovely blue eyes. “You’re not a mess, you’re a guy who has been through a lot and survived all of it. You’re beautiful.” At that moment, Sergio decided not to hold back and pressed his lips to Keagan’s and took in the sweet softness and the soft moan. Pressing harder, Keagan separated his lips and allowed Sergio inside.

  Sergio swept his tongue inside, eager to discover and experience his beloved’s warmth and taste. The sensations were immediate and all-encompassing. Having his beloved well and in his arms sent his vampire nature over the moon with the need to claim and mark and never let him go.


  Keagan was shocked at his own behavior but did not have the will to stop. This vampire soldier felt like everything he wanted and needed, and he’d denied himself so much for so long. The kiss was full of passion and promise, making Keagan believe that light had finally returned to his life.

  Too soon, Sergio began to bring the searing contact to an end. Keagan never wanted to let go and chased after the tantalizing lips as they slipped away. Sergio held him and buried his face in Keagan’s shoulder, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly.

  “You do test me, my love.” He said, and Keagan didn’t understand. He didn’t understand why he felt so drawn to this man or why he kissed him, but he wanted more.

  “Your blood healed me.” Keagan blurted. “Is that why I feel so drawn to you?” A lot had happened to Keagan, and he was trying to sort it all out in his mind. This guy was kind, gentle, and also gorgeous, and Keagan needed to try to stay as grounded as possible. He really didn’t have time in his life for a savior complex right now, no matter how fucking sexy this guy was.

  “Yes, my blood healed you,” Sergio answered immediately. “Normally, it takes several hours or more to heal with the assist of vampire blood, but since you are my beloved, my blood healed you almost instantly.” Keagan knew what that word meant, and again he didn’t understand why this man was using it.

  Cruise had made a point of never hiring anyone who was mated or bonded. The presence of such a partner made it impossible for Cruise to fuck with them, and he loved to fuck with people. The bond of a beloved was sacred to a vampire according to what he’d been told.

  “How are you feeling? Would you like something to eat? Would you like to sit up?” Sergio obviously wasn’t going to explain further. Keagan found his sudden nervousness rather attractive. The man could take charge when he needed to, but he could also be just a little vulnerable. Keagan was warming to the man and drawing closer by the minute despite his resolve to resist.

  “I feel good, better than I have in months truth be told.” He started to sit up, and Sergio instantly tightened his arms around him and helped Keagan to a sitting position. Sergio released him long enough to fluff the pillows behind him and to straighten the blanket upon his lap. He then sat back down and took Keagan’s hand in his.

  Sergio’s touch was life-giving. If he were indeed Sergio’s beloved, all the things he was experiencing would make sense, but he was almost afraid to hope for such a miracle. His life had been plagued with nothing but disappointment up to this point, so it was hard for him to expect anything positive to be real. Don’t bank on it, his better sense was telling him.

  As his mind continued to wander, suddenly, a tray of food was brought into the room and rolled up to the side of the bed. It had several offerings upon it but nothing too extravagant.

  “The doctor said to keep it lite for today, and that means clear liquids.” Sergio looked apologetic. “Tomorrow, you can have something delicious and filling, but today it’s soup and tea.” Sergio held the bowl of chicken broth and carefully fed it to Keagan, one spoonful at a time.

  Between spoonful’s of broth, Keagan began to talk, getting his thoughts and feelings out, and Sergio seemed willing to listen. “I moved to Pittsburgh three years ago, right after I graduated. My hometown is just south of here and not all that tolerant of someone like me.” He glanced up at Sergio, who did not comment but lifted the teacup so that Keagan could take a sip. “I prefer bartending, but dancing paid better, and with tips, it was a lucrative business for a while.” He indicated that he was full, and Sergio set the things aside and pushed the tray away for now.

  “I kept it professional always and never hooked up with customers or coworkers. I kept my job and my personal life separate until I had the misfortune to get hired at the Ruby Light.” Keagan relaxed against the pillows but kept his eyes on Sergio, who continued to give him his complete attention.

  “As soon as you’re hired, they start stripping away your confidence, freedoms, and your general sense of self. It was slow but also seemed to happen fast, and then you just can’t find your way out. Threats, mind games, abuse it was outrageous, but they left you with no escape or so you believed.” He coughed, and a bottle of water was pressed to his lips, and he took several sips. “Thank you.” This was hard, but he wanted to get it out and get it out in his own words. For some reason, he didn’t want Sergio to think of him as nothing but a used-up go-go boy.

  “That last night, I’d had enough, and I just wouldn’t take anymore. I knew that I was courting destruction, but my rage pushed me forward. I was going to have it out with Cruise, and I was leaving. He’d begun to physically assault people and workers, and he was having his muscle, specifically Jason, rough them up for their tips. I had to get out, and why I didn’t just leave and never come back, I don’t know. There was some deep craziness within me that made me want to go face to face with Cruise. It was the stupidest thing I ever did.” Memories of that night came on him, and he gave a full-body shiver.

  “Relax, Keagan.” Sergio soothed while holding his hand. “You don’t have to explain yourself to me.”

  “I want to tell you. I want you to know.” Keagan insisted, and Sergio nodded and fell silent once again.

  “There were three of them in the office when I walked in, Cruise, Jason, and a man I didn’t recognize. He was younger, probably late twenties and looked prominent and put together. They appeared to be having some sort of business meeting, and when I walked in, Jason jumped and grabbed the stranger, and ripped out his throat with his teeth. He toyed with him, joking as he died. The man was not expecting that, it was obvious by his shocked expression.” Keagan felt his heart rate increasing as the full memory hit him.

  “Cruise grabbed me, and when Jason was finished killing that man, he said, here kill this one too, we don’t want witnesses. He made to toss me to him, but I managed to drop to the floor and scrambled for my life out into the hall and out the back door.” He tightened his grip on Sergio and soaked in his strength.

  “He was on my heels, but he was covered in blood and had to try and stay to the shadows. I ran out on to the road a half block down, and thank God there was a cab there idling as if waiting for me. I took off and have been hiding ever since.” Keagan took another long slow breath and released it as Sergio brought the water to his lips once again.


  “I am so sorry you had to go through that and had to spend so long-running and hiding. We should have known what was happening. We should have cared more. We finally discovered the truth of the Ruby Light when a guard, a close friend of mine, felt he had to do penance for letting his ego run away with him and asked to be assigned to the Ruby Light. Kash brought the criminals to justice. Their enterprise is no more. They can never hurt you again.” Sergio gathered Keagan into his arms and just held him both needing the solace of the other.

  Sergio was hanging on by a thread. His mind and body wanted to react to the terror and viciousness with which his beloved was treated, but everyone was dead. He had no outlet for his rage, so he fought to temper his mood an
d focus on the gift that lay in his arms.

  He held the image in his mind of the moment that Master Hadden killed Cruise, separating his head from his body and tossing it to the floor. It eased some of his rage but not enough. Kash had eviscerated Jason when Jason was sent to kill Kash’s two beloveds. He tore the man to pieces. Yes, that was helping he was calming down. Both Cruise and Jason met the death befitting the men that they were, trash total worthless trash.

  “His name was Jarod, and they killed him.” Keagan softly voiced the added thought.

  “The man in the office?” Sergio asked just as softly as Keagan not wanting to break the fragile spell between them. He felt Keagan nod rather than answer. Then he pulled away slightly with concern.

  “Is Carlo, okay? He saw nothing they had no reason to kill him.” Keagan asked as if afraid of what the answer would be, but thankfully Sergio could deliver good news.

  “We found him in Idaho living with family. He’s safe and well.” It was good to see his relief. “He gave us our first leads in our search for you.”

  “How long have you been looking for me?” That question hit Sergio like a punch to the gut. Some people had been looking for Keagan for over a month since the night the Ruby Light was brought down, but that didn’t include him.

  “Master Hadden sent a team to find you and Carlo along with others that had been mistreated by Cruise at the Ruby Light. They’ve been looking for you for over a month.” Sergio still couldn’t shake the sense of guilt. He felt at the knowledge that his beloved had spent so many nights out in the cold, afraid, and alone.

  “That must be who I thought was following me. I’ve been especially careful these last few weeks once I noticed that my name and photo were being handed around.”

  “You hid from our team because you had no way of knowing who they were. What’s important is that you’re here with me now, and you’re safe, my beloved.” Sergio eased Keagan back down onto the bed.

  “You need to rest. I’ll watch over you, don’t worry, just sleep and regain your strength.” Thankfully Keagan was exhausted enough that he didn’t fight the order and allowed Sergio to cover and tuck him in. He bent and kissed his forehead, still blown away by the fact that his beloved was here in his room and in his bed. He wasn’t lost or dead, he was here and very much alive.


  Sergio left the bedroom door open and went into the living room to have a cup of coffee and relax for a few. This day had brought him his lowest low and his highest high, and his mind and body were still processing the events. He was pleased when Kash stopped by to check on him. It gave him a chance to unload some of his worries with a trusted friend.

  “Congratulations, buddy.” Kash pulled him in for a brief hug and a pat on the shoulder. “How is he doing?”

  “Recovering.” Sergio offered him something to drink, and then they sat down in the living room. Sergio sat so as to have a visual on the bedroom in case his beloved needed him.

  He explained the situation at the hospital and the joy of finding his mate unconscious but alive. “Thank you for helping me through that. The very idea that I’d lost my beloved was a shock that tore me apart. I can’t even put into words the tremendous void of thought and feeling that overcame me.”

  “He’s alive, Sergio, and that’s all that matters.” Kash brought him back to the base facts.

  “Yeah, he’s alive. He’s been alive for months running and hiding and living on the street while I had a nice apartment and a good life.”

  “What are you saying? You had no idea that Keagan was on the street or, moreover, that he was your beloved. Don’t go there, Sergio, be thankful and let that shit go. It’ll do you no favors to hold onto guilt because you have nothing to feel guilty about.” Kash pressed it home, and Sergio understood it wasn’t his fault, but the pain his beloved had to endure was hard to accept.

  “If you’d known he was your beloved, you would have moved heaven and earth to find him. So, stop beating yourself up and glory in the fact you have found your beloved.” Kash ended with a wide smile that Sergio couldn’t help but reciprocate as his heart and mind began to lighten.

  Sergio told him what Keagan said he’d seen in Cruise’s office, and like Sergio, Kash was not surprised that Cruise was also, most likely, carrying out hired hits. He had his hand in a lot of illegal pies, and a man like Cruise would not bat an eye at murder for hire as long as the money was right.

  “He said the victim’s name was Jarod and he was human. Initially, he thought he’d walked in on a business meeting until Jason ripped out the guy’s throat.” Sergio explained.

  “I’m surprised Cruise would even care if Keagan witnessed the murder. It wasn’t as if he weren’t doing as bad or worse to the staff daily. He nearly killed my Gage simply for not making enough in tips, and he did so in front of all the staff.” Kash made a point, but people like Cruise were hard to understand and didn’t behave like normal beings.

  “Cruise liked to cause pain and suffering, as did Jason. They got off on it. Hunting and terrorizing Keagan was probably sport to them.” Sergio gave his theory, and Kash nodded absently as Sergio added. “I’m just glad they’re gone, and all the Hadden companies, corporations, and businesses have been thoroughly reviewed. We never want a repeat of what happened at the Ruby Light.”

  “As livid as Master Hadden was that such evil had grown right under his nose, I guarantee it will never happen again. There isn’t a square inch of his empire that he hasn’t examined personally.” Kash stated.

  “I wanted to ask you a favor.” Sergio changed the subject slightly. “My beloved has had a harrowing experience with vampires, and he’s still skittish as far as the Hadden Coven is concerned. So, I was wondering if you’d allow me to use one of your rentals for a few days, maybe a week? Just until I can get him comfortable with me and with us. Being in the Coven right now might not be conducive to him accepting his new life as my beloved and as a new member of the Hadden Coven.”

  “Sure, I’ll get you the keys to the brick colonial on Arlington Ave. Keep it for as long as you need.”

  “Thanks, Kash.”

  “No problem, just relax and take care of your beloved.”


  Keagan opened his eyes and looked around the room. He’d fallen back to sleep so easily, and it was a deep sleep, something he hadn’t enjoyed in months. It felt odd trusting someone like Sergio so quickly, but there was a connection between them, and Keagan could not deny it. Desire and comfort were just a couple of the things Keagan experienced when near Sergio Donato.

  There was just something about Sergio that drew him in. The light in his eyes, the strength of his grip, and the scent of lavender soap, among many other things, all came together to make Keagan relax and just breathe. He looked around the room and noticed the space airy and open with a large window on the opposite wall. He was on an upper floor and could see for miles from that window.

  He lay there quietly, taking in the calm surroundings and listening. He could hear someone in the outer room. Sergio was out there. He could sense that he was there. The security he felt was coming from Sergio’s presence. The vampire had brought him home, healed him, and dropped that bomb about being his beloved. He didn’t know what that all entailed, but he was pretty certain it was a serious commitment.

  Cruise and Jason were dead, and he no longer needed to be afraid. It was hard letting go of the fear, having lived and breathed it for so long. His senses were sharp, and his reaction time like a razor’s edge. Would he always be coiled so tight in terms of his awareness, or would there be a time when he would truly let it all go?

  He tossed the blankets back, sat up, and moved to the edge of the bed, placing his bare feet on the cool wood floor. “How are you, sweetheart?” It was Sergio, and he stood in the doorway, watching him for a moment before walking into the room.

  He was dressed casually in jeans and a cotton shirt that outlined the solid muscle beneath. Sergio was the most handsome man
Keagan could ever remember meeting. He made Keagan want to reach out for the comfort that always seemed to be there, but he held back.

  “Good, I’m good.” Keagan wasn’t lying; he really did feel good. “What time is it?”

  “It’s nine-thirty.”

  “How long did I sleep?”

  “About ten hours.” Keagan was surprised. It didn’t feel that long, but he was well-rested, and his injuries were all gone. It was as if the beating had never happened.

  Sergio came over and crouched down in front of him and took his hands in a loose grip. “Why don’t you shower and meet me in the living room for breakfast. I’ll order something delicious.” He smiled and dropped his head to place a sweet kiss to the back of Keagan’s hand. “I got you a change of clothes.” He gestured to the chair by the wall and then stood up and brought Keagan up with him.

  “I feel like nothing happened. Like those guys never found me behind that dumpster and beat the living snot out of me. I feel like a new man.” Keagan smiled.

  Sergio cupped Keagan’s face in his hands and drew him up close and kissed him hard on the lips, going deep and making an impression. Keagan opened up, welcoming Sergio inside, loving the forceful passion combined with a gentle touch. The need was clear, and Keagan felt the desire burning through him for this man he hardly knew.


  Sergio was going too fast, and he knew it, but he couldn’t stop, rather he wouldn’t stop as Keagan leaned into him held on and demanded more. His beloved was responding, and Sergio would not deny him. He gathered Keagan into his arms and gloriously plundered the sweetest mouth in all existence.

  He wore nothing but a thin pair of boxers that the hospital had given him, and the feel of Keagan’s hard cock pressed against Sergio’s thigh was a feeling that was without compare. His beloved wanted him, and his body was completely healed and reacting to his nearness. Sergio continued the kiss as he cupped the hardness in the palm of his hand and squeezed gently at first and then firmer as the sounds coming from Keagan increased.


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