Search and Devour: Pittsburgh Vampires Vol.14

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Search and Devour: Pittsburgh Vampires Vol.14 Page 8

by B. A. Stretke

  Keagan’s cock was hard and sensitized, and Keagan was barely holding on as it was brushed repeatedly against the rough blanket. He was going to lose it, but suddenly Sergio hiked Keagan’s ass even higher and hit him with a battery of rapid hard thrusts before driving fully inside and holding his position.

  The heat of his release filled Keagan with pleasure and passion that brought him to the edge and over, shooting hard and hot. Sergio still held him and bent to sink his teeth into the scar on Keagan’s neck and causing Keagan to come again just as hard and just as hot. The erotic sensations from Sergio’s bite coursed through him as his cock twitched and tried to come a third time. It was amazing.


  Sergio removed his fangs from the lovely scar and licked the wound closed. His beloved was exhausted and completely sated. He flipped him onto his back to the right making sure he missed the wet spot an pulled out of his tight embrace. “Did it feel good, sweetheart.”

  “I’d say fantastic, but it was so much better than that.” Keagan raised his head slightly off the pillow and winked at him before dropping back down. Sergio laughed and got off the bed while pulling Keagan with him.

  “Let’s take a shower, and then I’ll order dinner.”

  “Sounds good but I might need you to hold me up, my legs feel like noodles.” Keagan stumbled and laughed, and Sergio swept him up into his arms and carried him to the bathroom.

  After a pleasing shower where Sergio demonstrated to Keagan his skill and thoroughness in reaching every crack and crevasse and his fondness for the many stimulating uses for shower gel, they settled in for a nice dinner.

  Sergio explained to Keagan his meeting with Master Hadden and the plans that were taking shape for that evening. He wanted him to be aware but not to worry. “You will be safe here. No one can breach the security of the Hadden Center. There are too many layers and too many soldiers.” He told him when Keagan became tense.

  “I’m not concerned about me. I know this place is solid. I’m worried about you.” Keagan set his fork down and looked at Sergio directly and held his gaze. “I saw what you did at the rental yesterday, and you were fierce and definitely able to take care of yourself, but this is a siege you’re about to be part of, and what if something happens to you?” Sergio was once again touched by the emotions coursing through his beloved. He hadn’t said it, but Keagan loved him.

  Sergio reached over and took Keagan’s hand in his before speaking. “This is who I am, sweetheart. I am a Coven Guard, a soldier, I protect the Coven and the interests of the Coven. But more than that, I am protecting you, my beloved, and I would gladly go straight into hell if need be to defend you.” He raised Keagan’s hand to his lips and kissed it softly before placing it back on the table.

  “You are my life and my love.” He finished, and there were tears in Keagan’s eyes as he studied Sergio for a moment.

  “You are my life and my love,” Keagan repeated it back to him. “I can’t lose you.” He added with emphasis.

  “You won’t, sweetheart.”


  Sergio normally would be part of Killian’s team, but since he had a personal interest in the outcome of tonight’s campaign against Ramsey, he was made part of Master Hadden’s team, which was leading the charge.

  Four teams were taking the warehouse where Ramsey was located, and four other teams were spread out across the city, taking out his other interests. Ramsey would have no backup, no support. When the night ended, Ramsey, his business and his influence in this town would be destroyed.

  Kingston and his partner Diego took out the snipers positioned around the warehouse where Ramsey was located and did so silently. No one inside was aware that their first line was eliminated, and they were left open to an attack.

  Sergio moved inside with Kash as they followed Master Hadden and Josef. They were followed by Killian’s team and Lando’s with Kristof and the wolf pack bringing up the rear ready to do clean up.

  They took out the first floor effortlessly, and Sergio rushed to the second with Master Hadden leading. It was an impressive exhibit of strength and skill as he watched Master Hadden cut through the men guarding the entrance to a room at the back end of the second floor.

  This location was considered by the locals to be an abandoned warehouse, and the outside looked the part, but the inside was all high polish and muscle. Ramsey used it for business and other darker practices. It was a location that would be razed once the occupants were eliminated. The juju in the structure was dark and thick and malevolent.

  Master Hadden moved through the throngs of guards like they weren’t there as the rest of his team began to take them out. Sergio and Kash moved to take down a jackal shifter but were caught up short when the man turned on them with an assault weapon and opened fire.

  Many on Ramsey’s payroll were shifters, and they often used weapons they knew would slow down or disable other paranormals. The weapon wouldn’t stop them unless it was a headshot, but it would definitely slow them down. An automatic weapon could discharge a rapid number of projectiles forcing a paranormal to have to heal too many wounds at once and weakening him in the process.

  The jackal dove into an adjacent room as he continued to discharge his weapon in their direction. Sergio and Kash dodged and hit the floor scrambling to get out of range, but to no avail as Sergio felt several molten hot pieces of metal pierce his upper arm and his side. Sergio rolled to the wall and kept his eyes on the room with the jackal.


  Keagan sat in the living room of Sergio’s apartment, waiting. He turned down the offer to have someone sit with him as he waited for Sergio to return. He wanted the freedom to be nervous and walk the floor and worry without the pressure of someone telling him that everything was going to be okay. Keagan handled stress best on his own without an audience.

  Sergio had insisted at first but then recognized Keagan’s need to take care of himself in this respect. The only comfort he needed was Sergio coming home to him safe and well. He knew this was Sergio’s life, and he was trained for this work, but this seemed different than just having a job to do. It was different because there were emotions involved, he was fighting for Keagan, for his safety, and for his life.

  He remembered seeing Sergio take out the attacker at the rental house and recalled the sheer brutality and effortlessness of it. Sergio was a professional, and he had to keep that uppermost in his mind. Just as he was convincing himself of that fact, he felt it. A burning in his side that increased as he focused on his beloved.

  He knew in his heart in the depths of his awareness that Sergio was hurt. The radiating pain shot through his side and shot down his arm. His beloved was shot; he could feel the trauma of the wound. He jumped to his feet, wanting, needing to go to him but not having the slightest clue where he was. He paced the apartment until he felt a calming sensation like a warm, soothing blanket being placed over his cold fear, and he sat down. His mind cleared, and a confidence took over. Sergio was okay, he knew he was okay.


  Sergio sensed his beloved reaching out to him and tried to shield him, but the pain of his injuries touched Keagan, and his panic began to spike. His wounds were minor just through and throughs that quickly sealed and began to heal, but his beloved was still experiencing the shock. He had to calm his beloved quickly, or his attention would be torn between home and here, and that could spell disaster in their current circumstances.

  Thankfully Keagan was open to his calm and quickly settled down. As firm as he could place it, Sergio put up a temporary wall between himself and his beloved. He needed to keep his head in the game, and his bond was too new to not react to every emotion his beloved gave off.

  Now they had to deal with the jackal before others happened into the room and suffered the same outcome as they had or worse. Kash made a quick move to the center and then left catching the guy's attention and gunfire as Sergio came at him from the right.

  Sergio overpowered him as Kash
entered and delivered a simple headshot putting the guy down quick and clean. They moved on and caught up with Master Hadden as he stood over the bodies of several shifters before moving towards the entrance to the large room they had so determinedly protected.

  The room was dead silent. A large desk stood in the back corner. There was a door off to the left side of the desk, and it stood open as if someone had just vacated.

  The three of them approached the desk watching the man seated there. It was Harold Ramsey, and he was not responding to their presence. They took several steps closer and moved to either side of the desk watchful for any movement or trap. He just sat there silent and staring, and then it became apparent what was the cause.

  Harold Ramsey was dead; someone snapped his neck and left him sitting at his desk, staring into nothingness. Kash took off out the door to see if the perpetrator was still in the area while Sergio and Master Hadden contemplated the scene.

  Master Hadden approached the body and placed his hand on the forehead. “He didn’t see his attacker. He’s been dead for well over an hour, long before we arrived.”

  “What does it mean?” Sergio asked.

  “Ramsey is dead along with his men. Your beloved is safe.”

  “Who do you think killed him?”

  “It would seem that there is someone else in town looking to take over. Or perhaps someone with a duty to the Massey family. We’ll have to wait and see who rears their head.” With that, Master Hadden left the room.

  Sergio stood for several minutes staring at the dead body of Harold Ramsey, the man he wanted to tear limb from limb for the threat and abuse he caused Keagan. But he was already dead. He appeased some of his frustration by grabbing the man and throwing him across the room. Kash returned to the room as Ramsey’s body slammed into the wall and then hit the floor.

  “Feel better?” He asked with a grin.

  “A little,” Sergio told him with a grim look.

  “Well, the wolf pack is set to level this place, so how about you and I go give them a hand. Nothing like a little chaos and destruction to ease one’s mind.” Kash patted his shoulder, and they headed out.

  “Did you find anything?” Sergio asked as they descended the stairs.

  “Nothing, there was a strange odor in the back stairwell off that exit, but I couldn’t identify what it was. Could have been anything or anyone, didn’t smell paranormal.” Kash and Sergio jogged out the door and met up with Kristof and his men as they lit up the night. Bringing this place down and knowing that Ramsey was no longer a threat to his beloved went a long way in satisfying Sergio’s need for blood.


  Keagan sat at the window, staring out into the night. He could no longer reach Sergio couldn’t get a read on his condition or his emotions, but his heart told him he was alive. He saw an explosion off in the distance and knew it was connected to tonight’s activities. His heart rate increased as gradually he began to feel his beloved once again.

  He was reaching out to him. He was coming home. It was a massive relief, and Keagan felt his entire body relax upon contact with Sergio. He loved that man, and he would not fail to tell him so and do it often. Sergio was a competent soldier, he told himself, and in time he would get used to this. It was a better life and a better love than he’d ever imagined. He would be thankful and not fearful.

  He didn’t have to wait long before the object of his intense desire came walking back through the door. Keagan could not contain himself, and much like the night at the rental house, he ran and jumped into Sergio’s arms. He wrapped his arms around his neck and his legs around his middle. Sergio caught him easily and held him secure as he took Keagan’s mouth in a consuming kiss filled with love and a dash of desperation. It was delicious.

  He gripped Sergio as if his life depended upon the contact. “Are you hurt, I felt you get hurt.”

  “No, I’m fine. I heal fast.”

  “Is it over?”

  “It’s over, sweetheart.” Sergio smiled and kissed the side of Keagan’s face and then his nose and then his forehead.

  “I love you, Sergio, and I promise I will do everything in my power to make you happy.” Keagan needed to declare himself and make clear to his lover just what the man truly meant to him.

  “I love you too, sweetheart, and you make me happy just being here. I’ve never had anyone jump into my arms and hold me the way you do.” Sergio rained some more kisses on his face and shoulder.

  Keagan had no more words at that point but took Sergio’s lips in a kiss that was hard and demanding and filled with all the heated emotions coursing through him. Sergio’s arms tightened, and he began walking towards the bedroom.

  He rubbed his face into the crook of Keagan’s neck. “I need a hot shower would you like to join me. I promise it will be worth your while?” Sergio grinned. Keagan began pulling his clothes off the minute Sergio placed him back on his feet.

  “There is nothing I would like better than to get hot, wet, and naked with you,” Keagan stated.

  Sergio took him by the arm and turned him around to face him suddenly very serious. “I love you, Keagan. I want you to move in here with me, and I want us to start building our lives together. I know it’s a lot to ask, but I need you here with me.”

  “Are you asking me to marry you?”

  “Yes, if you want a wedding, a ring, whatever you need, I will provide.”

  “All I need is you.” Keagan was confident and secure in his decision and had no doubt that he and Sergio would have a wonderful life together. “All I need is you.” He repeated, and Sergio gathered him into his arms once again and kissed him senseless.


  Nik sat with Josef in the rooftop garden unwinding after the evening’s events. Walker had just stepped out to get them some drinks and Isaac, Josef’s beloved, had gone with him.

  “So, who do you think killed Ramsey?” Josef asked the obvious question.

  “I don’t know. Ramsey himself didn’t know. But I’m sure we will eventually find out.” Nik leaned back in his chair and took in the coolness of the night air. “What’s important is Keagan is no longer in danger. He and Sergio can begin their lives in peace or at least relative peace.” Nik smiled.

  “With Ramsey and his men out of the way that leaves a void in leadership here in certain sections of Pittsburgh.” Josef tossed out. “Perhaps it’s time the Hadden Corporation takes a greater interest in real estate, finance, and banking now that Ramsey’s influence has been eliminated.”

  “I think you’re on to something, Josef. No sense leaving it to someone else.” Nik agreed. “Besides, if we don’t, there is no telling who may try to take over, and I’ve had my fill of the dark ones here in Pittsburgh.”

  They sat in silence for a while, and Josef could tell that Nik was troubled. Josef waited for his Master to speak.

  “They knew he was alive,” Nik stated.

  “What do you mean?” Josef asked, a little confused.

  “The hitmen, Ramsey. They knew he was alive. There is no way they could have known, so quickly.”

  Josef felt the chill to his bones. “Unless…”

  Nik looked at him, rage simmering in his eyes, “Unless someone told them. Someone here. Someone we know.”

  “We have a mole.” Josef felt anger building inside of him.

  “And it’s someone we trust. How else would they know about a beloved?”

  “Maybe the Ruby Light isn’t the only place needing to be cleansed of dark ones,” Josef said, and silence fell once again.

  “Speaking of dark ones,” Josef interjected. “What did Jacque find when he cleansed the Ruby Light?”

  “He wasn’t specific, but he called it primeval and from a place of darkest misery. Thankfully, he dispatched the aura, and the Ruby Light is fit to occupy once again.” Nik said but then added. “But we will keep an eye on the place. Something tells me we aren’t finished yet.”

  “What the hell was Cruise into?” Josef grimaced.r />
  “Evil. Old, dark, and malevolent evil.”

  The Hadden Coven had dark times ahead.


  Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this story. Please rate and review! -B.A. Stretke

  About the Author

  B.A. Stretke is a Gay Romance and fiction author who publishes through Dreamspinner Press, LLC, and

  B.A Stretke began writing as a hobby. He read his first Jane Austen novel as a teen and was instantly hooked. The age-old dream of being a novelist took hold. Now long into adulthood, and a few years as an editor under his belt, B.A. is a full-time writer.

  B.A. spends his days reading, engaging in sarcasm, and plotting the next storyline, often leaving little head space for much else. He loves hiking through the Northern Michigan woods he calls home, often finding inspiration for his books. Writing and finding that perfect cup of coffee occupy the rest of his time.

  B.A. Stretke lives in Northern Michigan.

  You can connect with B.A. Stretke on his website:

  Follow him on Twitter @BAStretkeWriter

  Like him on Facebook! B.A. Stretke

  More Books from B.A. Stretke:

  Bay Harbor Wolves:


  Vampires of Blood and Bones

  Blood and Bones

  Stone and Steel

  Die Pretty

  Ezra’s Awakening

  Pittsburgh Vampires

  Meant To Be

  Bad Reputation

  Blond and Broken

  Master DuCane

  Love Is Danger

  Surrender To Me

  Eyes of Darkness


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