A Queen's Fate

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A Queen's Fate Page 4

by Nattie Kate Mason

  “Right, ladies,” the King interjected, attempting to restore peace. “Before we start any matchmaking, I need Annalyse and Anastasia to report to the infirmary for a health review with the healers. I want to make sure that you are both as fit and healthy as possible. We must all be at our best in this coming year before Annalyse ascends the throne. After their health review, we will meet in the war council chamber to review our plan to re-capture Agnes. I am sure that she is behind the recent attack and whilst she is still at large in the community, no one is safe,” the King declared. “Alecia, as our future Army General, I need you to be front and center, leading this meeting. I want your opinion on all tactical matters from this point onwards.”

  “Very well Your Majesty,” Alecia proudly agreed. “At least someone takes my experience seriously,” she mumbled under her breath.

  “Your Majesty,” Anastasia requested, “would it be possible to schedule some training time with you? I am aware that you are very busy, but I would like to train with you in my new shape-shifter gifting if you approve?”

  “My daughter, nothing would make me prouder,” the King responded, sitting up with renewed vigour. “I am sure we can make the time. It is important that you learn to harness your new gifting. As a matter of fact, given your newfound gifting, I think it is time that we start looking into finding you a suitable husband as well. Your blood is worth bottling, my Princess!” The King exclaimed.

  “Pardon me, Your Majesty,” Anastasia objected, “but I wish to train my new gifting, that is all. I am sixteen years old. I am not the Heir of Alearia, and I am not ready to be married yet. Please my King, do not send me away just yet, I have only just got to know my twin. I couldn’t tolerate being sent away to live the rest of my life with a stranger in another country. I want to live here and train with you,” Anastasia pleaded frantically.

  “As far as I can tell,” the King roared, rising from his seat and slamming his fists on the table, “none of you are mature enough for the responsibilities bestowed upon you. You are not children any longer. The Crowning Ceremony is over. You must all step up and take your royal duties seriously. Now stop all this argumentative nonsense. If I hear one more ungrateful word or disagreement, I will punish you. I am still Alearia’s King and I will not tolerate disobedience. Pull into line or I will marry you all off, send you all away and pass on my crown to someone who will put the needs of our people above their own. You are all excused!” The King roared.

  ‘Well that went well…’

  ~ ◊ ~



  The sun had now well and truly risen, and the castle grounds were bustling; full of groundsmen tending to the gardens and shovelling the paths clear of snow. The stablemen were out exercising the horses in the surrounding forest. After running through the city proper and up the mountain towards the main castle gates, Antoinette was exhausted and bedraggled. Heaving deep breaths, she was drenched in sweat beneath her thick white healer’s uniform despite the cold winter temperature.

  “Help me!” Antoinette panted, banging on the wooden gates of the castle’s surrounding wall. “I need to speak with the head healer.”

  A young guard dressed in the House of Brandistone royal colors of red and gold, a solid iron breastplate worn over the top of his guard’s uniform, peered through the peephole in the gate. “State your name and purpose for your visit. The castle is in lockdown. Only essential staff are permitted entrance into the grounds,” the guard firmly declared.

  “Please Sir, my name is Antoinette. I am one of the castle healers,” she replied flashing him her identification paperwork that was thankfully still in her top pocket. “I am rostered on duty today, but I was mugged and assaulted on my way here, so I am terribly late. I need to speak with the head healer urgently or I will surely be punished. Please, I have a clean uniform in the infirmary healer’s office to change into, please let me in,” Antoinette begged.

  “Very well… But clean yourself up as soon as you are inside. After you have finished your shift, I will need to take a statement from you, so your attacker can be identified and held accountable for their actions,” the guard instructed her as he began to unlock the multiple complex gate locks. Finally, he pulled the door inwards for the healer to enter.

  “Thank you, Sir. As soon as I have finished my shift, I will return to deliver my statement,” Antoinette replied with relief. “Thank you for your help kind Sir. Now, I must be going, please excuse me.”

  Antoinette released a sigh of relief as she began the trek up the main road leading towards the castle building. The healer’s head throbbed from dehydration, her body sore and weary.

  ‘Goddess, guide me, show me what I must do. Help me save my son, Arthur. Please forgive me for my wrong actions. If today is the last day of my life, please welcome me into the After World with loving arms and protect my son until we meet again.’

  Antoinette continued to follow the cobblestone path around the side of the castle, slipping occasionally in the sludgy wet snow, her feet numb from the cold. Many of the groundsmen stopped to stare at her bedraggled appearance. Antoinette glared at them in response.

  ‘How dare they judge me. The Goddess knows what I have been through. If only the world knew too and instead of judging me, they would rush to offer me their assistance.’

  ‘I am the Goddess’s vessel for healing, but to keep my son alive, I will do anything. He is my world. Without him in it, I would have no reason to exist. As soon as I have done what needs to be done, I will pack our things and we will flee Alearia. Together, Arthur and I will travel abroad and start a new life.’

  The healer clung to the small sliver of hope that she would be reunited again with her son. Approaching the staff service entrance, Antoinette removed her bronze key from her side pocket, thankful that the key had not fallen out during her torture at the hands of Agnes. Gently turning the key in the lock, she pushed the door open and held her breath; anxiety and panic stirring in her chest. Antoinette made her way through the main service corridor. Keeping her head down to avoid making eye contact with anyone else, the healer took the first right turn and followed the next corridor all the way to the end. Antoinette crept through the back entrance to the infirmary office, locating the spare uniform wardrobe and quickly changing her clothes in the designated healers’ bathing chamber, her bones and muscles aching with every movement. Antoinette quickly disposed of her dirty uniform in the laundry basket and went over to the supplies closet where she knew the enchanted ointments were kept. Antoinette knew it was a waste of resources and using the enchanted ointments for personal gain was a violation of the healers’ guidelines, but as she was unable to heal herself, she had no choice. If she entered the infirmary with her black eye, she would only raise suspicion, so she quickly snatched the cream she needed and rubbed it vigorously around the affected area on her face. The bruising and swelling disappeared in a matter of moments. Antoinette quickly snatched a comb and brushed out her matted hair before tying it up in a bun and securely pinning a clean starched healer’s bonnet in place. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, Antoinette peered into one of the bathing chambers mirrors. Staring back at her was a new woman. It was as though the past few days had been erased from her body entirely, thanks to the healing ointment. Antoinette still appeared weary but for all intents and purposes, she looked like a woman who was frazzled from being late for her shift, rather than someone on a devious mission for Alearia’s most wanted fugitive.

  The head healer walked into the room and stopped abruptly, taking in the sight of her missing healer. “Antoinette! What a relief it is to see you. We missed you at work yesterday and you are very late today. Where have you been? If you were sick you should have sent word of your intended absence. I was dreadfully worried about you after you attended to Princess Anastasia’s care, to no avail. I was worried you were blaming yourself for the young Princesses death, but I have some terrific news!”

  Antoinette turned to the heale
r matriarch, a surprised look upon her face. “I apologize for my absence, Head Healer. Please, what is your news?”

  “Princess Anastasia and Princess Annalyse are both alive, praise the Goddess!” The head healer exclaimed. “It is a very long story, but Princess Annalyse saved her twin. It is a Goddess given miracle. I have never in all my years of healing seen anything like it. Both Princesses are just about to come in for their health reviews. Would you like to assist me? Perhaps it would help to bring you some closure, to see the Princesses alive and well.”

  Conflicting feelings rushed through the healer’s heart, but she attempted to hide her inner turmoil and painted a fake smile across her face. She felt like a lion being handed her prey as her conscience fought a battle between what was right and wrong.

  “Praise the Goddess. I would be honored to assist you,” Antoinette replied, her mission to save her son’s life winning over her internal debate. “Thank you for the opportunity Matron. Once again, please forgive me for my recent absence. You are right, I have been blaming myself for Princess Anastasia’s passing. I should have sent word. Praise the Goddess that she is alive,” Antoinette warmly responded.

  “Very well, follow me please and we shall begin,” the head healer replied.

  Antoinette followed the Matron from the healers’ bathing chamber into the main infirmary and through the last doors into the royal infirmary suite. Awaiting inside the doors to the suite were two palace guards.

  “Excuse me gentlemen, but the Princesses will need their privacy for their assessments. I am afraid I will have to ask you to wait outside,” Antoinette stated authoritatively.

  “I apologize healer,” the senior guard responded, “but we are under strict orders not to let the Princesses out of our sight. It is protocol while the castle is in lockdown. I am sure you understand.”

  “Very well,” Antoinette replied, “but please turn around so that the royals may at least have the illusion of privacy,” Antoinette granted. The Matron chuckled at her response.

  ‘How on earth am I possibly going to carry out Agnes’s plan with two guards supervising my every move?’

  Antoinette took a deep breath before walking into the royal infirmary suite. Princesses Anastasia and Annalyse were waiting in chairs beside the two infirmary beds.

  “Your Majesties,” Antoinette and the Matron said together whilst curtseying before the royals.

  “Arise,” Princess Annalyse responded, taking the lead. Anastasia nodded her head in acknowledgement of the two healers. “We were advised to attend for a health review today, but I assure you, we are both well. There is no need to waste your time on us when I am sure there are people who need your care far more than we do.”

  “With all due respect Your Highness, we are here to serve you,” the Matron responded. “You are both just as important as all of our other clients. Please allow us to quickly examine you and you may be on your way,” the Matron politely requested.

  “Very well Matron, thank you for your assistance,” Princess Annalyse politely replied.

  “Thank you, Your Majesty,” the Matron began. “If it would be permissible, I would like to assess you whilst Antoinette, our senior healer, examines Princess Anastasia. You see, Antoinette was the first on the scene to attend to both of your injuries as she was on duty at the time. Unfortunately, until now she thought that Princess Anastasia had sadly passed away and was relieved to find out that was not the case.”

  “Thank you so much for trying to save my life Antoinette, that means the world to me,” Anastasia responded sincerely. “I cannot explain how miraculous it is that I came to live again other than I felt my sister tugging on my soul, and I knew my time in this Kingdom was not over. For helping to heal my sister, Princess Annalyse, I am eternally in your debt, for if she was not healed, I certainly wouldn’t be here today. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart,” Princess Anastasia spoke earnestly.

  “Agreed. Thank you, Antoinette, for all you tried to do for my sister and for helping to heal me too,” Annie responded. “You are a true hero. In fact, all the healers that bestowed their healing gift upon us are heroes to me. I was unable to complete my sister’s healing and if it was not for you, I am told Matron, then my sister might not be with us today. Thank you both for the roles you played,” Princess Annalyse thanked the healers.

  “You are very welcome Your Highness, you honor us with your praise,” the Matron responded with a warm smile. “Princess Annalyse, if you would kindly please follow me, I will examine you in one of our other private infirmary rooms,” the Matron requested. Annalyse nodded her head in acknowledgement and began to follow the Matron.

  Antoinette hesitated for a moment, fear creeping once more to the forefront of her mind. ‘Holy Goddess, how am I possibly going to carry on with my mission for Agnes now…’

  “Forgive me Matron,” Antoinette hesitantly interrupted the head healer as she was exiting the room. Under hushed tones she whispered, adding a shaky tone to her voice to make her story sound more genuine, “Matron, I know this is unorthodox, but do you mind if I assess the future Queen instead? I feel uneasy caring for Princess Anastasia after losing her so recently. I would feel much more reassured if you examined her yourself.”

  “Sister Antoinette, you need to tackle your fear head on,” the head healer said firmly. But understanding shone through her eyes. “If you do not care for Princess Anastasia today, that fear will continue to fester inside of you. If you are to remain in the service of the royal family, you must be able to act professionally and carry out your duties. Otherwise I am afraid you will need to be reassigned to another healer’s post,” the Matron firmly cautioned the senior healer. Antoinette reluctantly nodded in understanding before mumbling her apologies and returning to Princess Anastasia’s bedside.

  ‘Goddess have mercy, what am I to do now? I must save my son, but I have lost my only opportunity to see to the Heir in near private without her being guarded so closely. Perhaps Agnes would accept Princess Anastasia instead? Surely one Princess is just as valuable as the other…”

  Walking to stand by Princess Anastasia’s bedside, the healer began her ministrations.

  ~ ◊ ~


  Princess Anastasia

  The infirmary room felt sterile; the usual bedspreads had all been discarded and replaced with plain white linen. Anastasia noted the blood-stained wooden bed frame and the varnish that had started to rub away, presumably from the intensive cleaning process following the twins’ previous admission. Princess Anastasia hated the infirmary. She hated the feeling of constantly being examined. As a Princess, she was used to a level of authority, of assessing others, making decisions, taking the lead in discussions. As a patient she felt as if all power was stripped from her once more, and a sense of vulnerability plagued her. In the past year, Anastasia had spent more time in the royal infirmary suite than most. Between her reoccurring anxiety attacks, visiting her sisters during their admissions, and then most recently returning from the dead in this very room, likely on this very bed, it made the hairs crawl on Anastasia’s arm.

  ‘I need to get out of here. This room holds far too many ghosts from my past. I have only just begun to feel comfortable in my own skin. I cannot afford to regress again. A short assessment, that is all that needs to be done and I can get out of here. I can do this, I just need to breathe,’ Anastasia attempted to reassure herself, but her intuition told her that something was not right. Anastasia couldn’t explain why this feeling of dread plagued her, and therefore put it down to general anxiety from being back in the infirmary.

  “Healer Antoinette, I would like to thank you again for your previous care of my sister and me. However, I feel fine today. There is no need to concern yourself with assessing me. I will be on my way now,” Anastasia stated, abruptly standing up from the bed and beginning to leave the room.

  “Just a moment Your Highness,” Antoinette interrupted the young royal. “You seem tense. May I make you a cup of tea to
help calm your nerves? The Matron would be ever so upset with me if I did not assess you. It is no trouble at all, I assure you,” Antoinette spoke softly, offering the Princess a pleading smile.

  “Very well,” Princess Anastasia reluctantly replied. “Please bring me some tea and then we may begin.”

  “Certainly, Your Highness,” Antoinette responded, curtseying and leaving the room in the direction of the healers’ office.

  ‘Goddess, bless me, relieve this anxiety, help me to move on from my experiences and not associate this room with such dread and disdain. I know everyone believes I have overcome my struggles with anxiety and a lot of the time I have. I felt such relief when I wasn’t crowned Heir. I expected to feel dissatisfied, but I couldn’t be happier for Annie. She will do wondrous things for Alearia, she just needs me to teach her our Alearian ways and customs and she will fit in perfectly. Today’s anxiety is a completely rational response after everything that I have been through. I am still me. I can feel however I need to feel, to process through these emotions in whatever way works best for me. Healing has no time limit. Please Goddess, just help me through today,’ the Princess silently prayed.

  While Anastasia waited patiently for her tea, she practiced her deep breathing relaxation techniques with closed eyes. She tried to distract herself by thinking of people she could potentially pair her twin with that possessed the qualities of a King. Sadly, the list of potential suitors was not very long.

  “Thank you for your patience, Princess,” Antoinette stated, drawing the Princess from her thoughts as she walked purposefully back into the room, carrying a silver tray with a small pot of tea and a single cup and saucer placed atop. The healer gently placed the tray on the bedside table before pouring the royal a cup of freshly brewed tea. Anastasia eagerly sipped it, feeling her nerves float away on a cloud of fog.


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