A Queen's Fate

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A Queen's Fate Page 11

by Nattie Kate Mason

  The Alearian Heir sat upright in the throne; her brow slightly scrunched. Sir Tomlin pretended to rub an invisible mark from the table to avoid participating in the suddenly awkward conversation.

  ‘Typical... blaming the current lack of unity amongst the Legion on myself even though I have yet to even take up the post. It is such a male dominated Legion, that our commanders don’t know how to trust a woman in charge. But I will show them I am no ordinary Princess.’

  Annie schooled her features into a picture of calm. “Forgive me Lord Ashcott,” Princess Annalyse began, “but for many decades you have served this Kingdom, through attempted invasions, civil unrest, and attempted assassinations. I would have thought a man of your extended experience would find maintaining security for a wedding and coronation child’s play.”

  Alecia bit her lower lip to hold back the laugh that was threatening to escape.

  ‘Annie may be reckless and arrogant for wanting to carry through with such a risky public event, but you have to hand it to her, she can be a clever, manipulative snow fox. A Queen needs backbone, perhaps we are seeing the first sign of hers.’

  “Very well, Your Highness,” Lord Ashcott regretfully accepted defeat to save face.

  “Thank you, Lord Ashcott,” Princess Annalyse responded serenely. “Princess Anastasia?”

  “Yes, Your Majesty?” Anastasia responded.

  “A Queen needs a King. I need you to remain by my side as my adviser and discrete security guard over the coming week whilst I choose a King from the prospective suiters. Do you feel you are up to the task?”

  “It would be my honor, Your Majesty,” Anastasia blushed as she responded.

  ‘I somehow doubt Tash will mind in the slightest, being surrounded by eligible suitors all day long,’ Alecia thought mischievously.

  Alecia turned to Annie, “and what task do you have in mind for me, Your Highness?” Alecia drawled over the formal title.

  “Alecia, when you are not working alongside Lord Ashcott, leading the Legion and planning the ceremony security, I would like you to investigate the backgrounds on each of our potential suiters. Find out what their motives are for wanting to be King, and who is the most trustworthy,” Annie directed.

  “As you wish, Your Majesty,” Alecia responded.

  “Very good,” Annie stated. “The next topic on the agenda is city security. What are the latest updates on the civil unrest and riots brewing in the city proper, Alecia?”

  Alecia felt herself squirming a little in her seat at that question. Alecia had always desired for this level of responsibility but now that she was accountable for ensuring the peoples safety, she found delivering unfortunate news quite difficult. All eyes around the table were expectantly focused on her, awaiting her response with bated breath. All except for Lord Ashcott, who stared knowingly at his hands crossed in front of him upon the table.

  Alecia took a deep breath and maintained her composure. “Recent reports detail that two palace guards attained serious injuries while attempting to maintain security on palace grounds. At the time, a group of approximately ten rioters were attempting to break into the castle grounds through the back-service entrance gates. The attempted intruders were apprehended before they could harm anyone else and are all currently being held in our quickly overcrowding dungeon cells.”

  Princess Annalyse nodded her head in acknowledgement of the news, maintaining a cool mask of composure. “I see… and what is the latest news on the city’s movements?”

  This was the news Alecia had been dreading she would have to share. She felt her palms grow sweaty as she avoided direct eye contact with her sisters. “Last night, a group of rioters launched a handful of attacks on a noble’s manor in the city proper,” Alecia revealed. “Our city guards called for reinforcements but unfortunately, they did not arrive quick enough. One rogue peasant managed to break through the guards’ lines and assassinated the son of a noble.”

  Annie was quiet for a moment, pausing in thought. “Who was the poor gentleman that passed away?” Annie asked.

  “His name was Sir Riley Thornley, Your Majesty. Agnes and Sir Riley had a romantic history of sorts, though she was promised at the time to another noble. We believe that Sir Riley was murdered for his past connections with the traitor. Sir Riley had proved he was ignorant of Agnes’s crimes and severed ties with her as soon as her crimes became known, but some townsfolk still held a personal vendetta against him. It is a tragic loss for the house of Thornley. He was the Lord and Lady’s only living Heir,” Alecia concluded.

  “The Thornley’s,” Lord Ashcott continued, “have been loyal to the Brandistone family for many a generation. It is due to their strong connection to the royal family and past connection to Agnes, that we feel Sir Riley was assassinated. The protesters and rioters are gaining more of a foothold in the city and their actions are becoming more violent and unpredictable.”

  “To murder a noble due to their connection to our family,” Alecia carried on, “suggests that dissent amongst the people is rooted far deeper than we had believed. Sir Riley’s death brings the current death toll to twenty. Most deaths have been a result of crush injuries obtained during protests or untreated illness. However, three of the deaths can be attributed to physical injuries obtained during altercations with city guards trying to restore law and order. Sir Riley’s death is the first known assassination.”

  Alecia noticed the way Anastasia, who was previously excited by her set task, now sat pale and slumped in her chair.

  ‘We grew up alongside Sir Riley. He was a regular guest at the palace. His passing has surely shocked Tash, just as it has to me.’

  “Thank you Alecia and Lord Ashcott for that report,” Princess Annalyse replied softly, drawing Alecia from her thoughts.

  Queen Annalyse of Quillencia rose from her seat to address the group. “Your Majesty, in times of civil unrest death is sadly inevitable. We have been fortunate in Quillencia to have maintained peace for many generations. If it would please you, I would like to make a couple of suggestions?” Queen Annalyse requested towards the Alearian Heir.

  Annie nodded in affirmation of her request.

  “To earn the peoples’ trust,” Queen Annalyse stated, “a ruler cannot show favouritism amongst her people. As it seems nobles with connections to the crown may be targeted, additional security will need to be implemented. To evacuate the nobles from their homes would be a sign of mistrust towards the general population, so I advise against it. Might I suggest stationing a small number of the Alearian Legion within the grounds of each of the key nobles’ estates who have connections to your family as well as increasing the Alearian Legion presence around the city proper. The Legion can work alongside the city guards to help maintain order. By increasing guards in all areas of the city you will not be showing favouritism, but you will also be able to effectively protect those that are most vulnerable to attack.

  “To help foster trust between the Alearian family and the people once more,” Queen Annalyse of Quillencia continued, “might I suggest opening the grand city hall to the public each day to serve fresh water and food to the people. Whilst the people are protesting in the streets, the work balance has been interrupted and valuable jobs such as planting crops and harvesting vegetables have been neglected, and food stores are sure to be running low. By feeding the people, you show that the people are important to you.”

  “Thank you for your sage advice Queen Annalyse,” Annie agreed. “Lord Ashcott, please see to it that this community service is arranged. Employ local woman to prepare the food and provide stock from our castle stores. The Alearian Legion can oversee the project to make sure peace is maintained. Can you also please arrange for Alearian Legionnaires to be utilised as suggested by the Queen?”

  “As you wish Your Majesty,” Lord Ashcott nodded in respect.

  “Thank you. That concludes our meeting. Anastasia and Alecia, would you please accompany me to my suite to prepare for this evening’s meal? We have
company to entertain,” Annie smiled playfully, rising from her seat to signal that the council was dismissed.

  “For family and Kingdom,” Annie stated.

  “For family and Kingdom,” the council echoed.

  ~ ◊ ~


  Princess Annalyse – Heir of Alearia

  ‘Lady Margarette has outdone herself,’ Annie thought in awe as she took in the room before her.

  Waiting for Annie, in her suite, were a team of three seamstresses and their assistants. In the center of the suite was a table loaded with various exquisite and expensive dress materials. Officially standing guard in the room was one of the few female Alearian Legion warriors; Clara. Annie had met Clara previously in the training arena. When Annie’s usual combat trainer was away on official duty for the Legion, Clara would train Annie in his place. Leading up to the Crowning Ceremonies, Annie had only trained with Anastasia, but after her appointment as Heir, a formal combat trainer had been appointed to her services.

  The three Princesses examined each of the beautiful fabric rolls in front of them. All manner of material from delicate silk to embroidered taffeta lay before them. Alecia beckoned for the lady’s maid to serve the wine as they made their choices. Anastasia picked up a roll of deep red silk, before hastily discarding it back on the table, and quickly gulping down a large sip of wine. Annie suspected that after all her twin had been through recently, seeing any shade of red would likely evoke feelings of anxiety for her. Annie vividly recalled Anastasia’s blood-crusted bare body when she transformed back into her human form after rescuing her from Agnes. The horrors her sister must have lived through, Annie was ashamed to admit, that she did not feel ready to know the full extent of. It was not a topic either twin had raised since their return to castle Brandistone and Annie respected her sister’s right to privacy.

  ‘She will talk to me when she is ready.’

  “Do you remember the last time we were gathered like this?” Anastasia asked. “Times were easier back then. Mother was with us and our only worry was who would be crowned Heir. It seems a lifetime ago now,” Anastasia stated, her voice trailing off in thought.

  “I miss her too,” Annie spoke softly.

  Not one to give in to her emotions easily, and eager to restore the relaxed mood to the room, Alecia exclaimed, “I’ll have this one if you don’t want it Anastasia!” Before snatching up the roll of red silk her sister had just discarded. “Perhaps in a gown made of this, I will find my own doe-eyed husband,” Alecia smirked wickedly, handing the roll to one of the assistants and moving to a block to be measured for her dress.

  Annie gazed over a range of gorgeous shimmering blue tulles, organza and silk materials. “Anastasia, have a look at these. You would look a vision in a ball gown made of these.”

  “I do believe I would,” Anastasia offered a smile in appreciation. “But perhaps a gown that extravagant would be better suited to your wedding? That’s fine though, I already have a gown I can wear tonight.” Anastasia commented, picking up the fabrics and handing them to one of the assistants. “Yes, this will do perfectly for me to wear to the coronation. Thank you,” Anastasia nodded to the assistant in appreciation. “Seamstress,” Anastasia added, stepping upon a measuring block with false bravado, as one of the seamstresses beside the block dropped into a curtsy. “Design me a gown that makes the gentlemen blush.”


  With butterflies in her stomach, Princess Annalyse entered the dining room in a stunning silver gown with an empire neckline and a long draping, shimmering cape trailing behind her. Upon her flowing blond tresses, sat Queen Amealiana’s emerald crown. Due to the young Heir’s style of gown and aged appearance from healing her sister, anyone who didn’t know Annie’s history would believe she was a mature young woman in her late twenties.

  The room felt much smaller than Annie recalled it being at breakfast that morning. Along the royal family’s dining table, members of the royal family and five prospective suitors stood in respect as Annie made her way gracefully across the room to her seat at the head of the table. After Annie was seated, with the assistance of a servant, her guests all resumed their seats. To avoid giving the impression of favouritism towards her home country of Quillencia, Annie had politely excused Queen Annalyse of Quillencia from the introductory dinner party with her suiters.

  “Good evening everyone,” Annie began rather awkwardly. “Welcome to castle Brandistone. I am Princess Annalyse Brandistone, though I am sure you already know who I am. Oh dear, that was not very Queenly of me, forgive me, I do believe my nerves are getting the best of me. I do apologize for the unorthodox group meeting. I was hoping to have more time to get to know each of you during separate visits, however, after the Alearian King and Queen’s passing into the After World, the coronation and wedding are required to be brought forward.”

  ‘Oh, my goodness, why am I blubbering? I don’t know how to be a Queen or host a dinner party or court suitors. Nothing says romance like ‘I’m a young Queen about to assume a throne that I am not ready for… Or, be my King, I am to wed for pure expediency,’ Annie panicked, kicking her sister Anastasia gently beneath the table, signalling for help.

  Anastasia choked on a laugh but quickly composed herself. “I believe what our eloquent future Queen means to say, is thank you, to all of you who traveled far and wide to be here with us. We look forward to getting to know you all over the coming week. I am Princess Anastasia Brandistone, pleased to meet you all. Now, please join us in a feast to celebrate your arrival.”

  ‘Thank the Goddess for Anastasia!’

  “Thank you, Princess Anastasia. I hope you all enjoy your meal,” Annie attempted to recover from her previous comments, signalling with a raise of her goblet for everyone to do the same.

  “A toast to our guests, may your stay in Alearia be blessed by the Goddess. For family and Kingdom,” Annie concluded.

  “For family and Kingdom,” the room echoed as servants served the first course of the evening; a vegetable broth.

  ‘This is going to be a long meal...’


  Princess Anastasia

  After the first course was over in near silence, Anastasia decided it was time to save the party.

  “Perhaps, Princess Annalyse,” Anastasia spoke softly towards her twin, “now would be a good time for the gentlemen to introduce themselves,” Anastasia hinted. Annie looked like a mouse caught in a trap. “You can do this Annie, show them some of your country girl charm,” Anastasia gently encouraged her sister with a wink.

  Annie swallowed a large sip of wine before painting a smile across her face.

  ‘It’s times like these that make me remember just how little experience Annie has courting gentleman. It’s time to turn on the Brandistone charm.’

  “Gentlemen, forgive me, but I am afraid we have not all been formally introduced,” Anastasia spoke to the group. “As I said before, my name is Princess Anastasia. I was born and raised in castle Brandistone. The Goddess has chosen to bestow upon me the fire-wielding gift and shape-shifting giftings. Princess Alecia, our older sister, is to be our Kingdom’s future General and she also possesses an incredible fire-wielding gifting.”

  “Thank you, Anastasia, you are too kind, but yes... It’s all true,” Alecia declared, batting her eyelashes towards the eligible bachelor beside her. “But alas, this party isn’t all about me. Our future Queen, as I am sure you have all heard, is an incredibly talented mind-conqueror and sage.”

  Annie blushed awkwardly at the praise she was receiving rather oddly from her older sister. But what Anastasia knew though Annie likely didn’t, was that Alecia was a proud woman and would not let her Kingdom’s reputation be tainted by a shy Queen. So, Alecia would put aside her differences with her sister for one night and together the two fire-wielding sisters engaged their guests in conversation, relieving the tension from the room.

  “Your Majesty,” the dark haired, blue eyed gentleman sitting next to Princess Alecia began to
introduce himself. “My name is Lord Andrew Amidon, from the Kingdom of Quillencia. I wish to thank you, Princess Annalyse, for your kind hospitality and for welcoming us to your beautiful Kingdom. I too am sage gifted, descending from the Amidon bloodline. My late Grandfather, Lord Aloicious Amidon, was Queen Annalyse Amidon Caston of Quillencia’s brother and your late mother’s Uncle.”

  “Goodness gracious me, Sir Andrew,” Annie began, “forgive me but I am completely confused,” Annie chuckled.

  The table joined her in laughter. “That is completely understandable Your Highness. I find I am often confused myself. In fact, I carry a list with me in my pocket just to keep track of my family tree,” Lord Andrew joked, earning a surprised laugh from the Heir herself.

  “I must get you to make me a copy of this list of yours Sir Andrew, it may come in handy,” Annie joked in return, finally relaxing into the conversation.

  As the dinner party continued, each of the remaining four potential suitors, including a fellow noble from Alearia, introduced themselves one after the other. Representatives from each of Alearia’s allying Kingdoms, including Stanthorpe, Shadows Peak, Isle of Treseme, and Quillencia, were all in attendance.

  Throughout the dinner, Anastasia caught herself accidently flirting with the representative from Shadows Peak, who sat beside her at the dining table. Prince Cimmeris Davis was endearing. His deep brown eyes felt as if they could penetrate her soul, his deep, dark chocolate skin and rich black hair made him appear striking amongst the incredibly pale complexions of the Brandistone sisters.

  ‘Those eyes... He’s a shadow walker and a wind whisperer, who could resist his mysterious nature? What secrets does he keep? Why has he, a potential Heir of his own Kingdom, ventured so far from the safety of the shadows to be here? Perhaps he is not favoured to be crowned Heir of his own Kingdom? Enough practicalities! Oh, my goodness he would make gorgeous Heirs.’


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