Shona Jackson- The Complete Trilogy

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Shona Jackson- The Complete Trilogy Page 50

by Vicky Jones

  "Safer? So, I just get together with any man? Marry him, maybe have kids with him? Just to throw everybody off the scent, right?"

  "Yeah. Pretty much." He nodded gravely.

  "Who wins then, Jonny?"

  "You don't die," he said matter-of-factly.

  "I don't live either," Shona fired back, wiping her nose on her sleeve.

  "Listen, Shona, I gotta go. But my advice, if it's worth a dime, is start packing up from this place. Won't be long before it gets out here too. And for God's sake, if you're even thinking about Chloe Bruce in any other way than as your boss, well, I hate to be the one to say it but your days would be numbered." He tipped his hat, headed back to his truck and roared away up the driveway.

  She coughed and wiped her face, Jonny's warning resonating in her mind.

  Chapter 76

  "Miss Bruce. What a pleasant surprise!" Charlie gushed as he looked up from the dress he was altering on the counter of Stella's Boutique that Saturday morning.

  "Charlie, how are you?"

  "I'm fine. Oh, let me be the first to offer my sincerest congratulations." He clasped his hands to his chest and beamed.


  "Yeah, you know. On becoming the future Mrs. Kyle Chambers."

  Chloe's mouth went dry.

  "Charlie, what are you talking about?"

  "Your lovely fiancé came in here two days ago, with your mother."

  "What? Why?"

  "Why? They were looking for your wedding dress, of course." Charlie threw his arms out wide.

  Chloe rocked back on her heels and gripped the edge of the counter, the color draining from her face.

  "What else did they say?"

  "Just that he's told everybody in town that he's gon' make an honest woman o'you and what kind of dress he'd want you to wear. I thought you knew! Everybody knows. Oh heavens, have I spoiled the surprise?" He clamped his hand over his mouth.

  "Did Kyle say anything else?"

  "Just that in the next few weeks he'd announce the news."

  Chloe nodded her head thoughtfully.

  Time was running out.

  After some small talk and Charlie showing her some new fabrics that had just come in, Chloe asked if they could talk somewhere quiet.

  "Of course. Juliet, can you mind the register, please?" he called out to his fellow shop assistant, holding the door open as he took Chloe into the back room.

  "Right, what can I do for you? Charlie smiled.

  "Well, I mean, I'm asking this for a…friend. And you're an understanding man. You know a lot of people in this town and she feels a little different. She'd like to go somewhere to socialize where she can be comfortable around people of her own persuasion," Chloe said intently, hoping that he was catching her drift.

  His face turned more serious. He straightened his shoulders and brushed his eyebrow with his little finger. "And why would y'think that I would know anything about this affliction your friend has?"

  "Oh, I don't mean to cause offense—"

  "With all due respect, Miss Chloe, your father has made a lot of folks scared in this town, especially since you went away five years ago. A lot has changed–"

  "I know, Charlie! But you're talking to me now, not him. Please trust me."

  "What exactly are you asking, ma’am?"

  "Is there a place that people who can't be open in town can go? You know what I'm saying, Charlie, don't you?"

  Her eyes pleaded for him to understand.

  "I think I do."

  "Can you help me?"

  "This can't get out, Chloe, for obvious reasons. This place is a haven for a lot of people." His eyes moistened.

  "What can't get out, Charlie? I need to use the bathroom. Could you come back out, please?" Juliet, the middle-aged shop assistant, sauntered into the back room, curious as to why the two of them were whispering.

  "I'll be right out," Charlie said as politely as his shaking voice would allow. Did she overhear anything? His mind was whirring. Juliet tutted loudly and returned to the shop floor.

  "Your secret is safe with me, I promise."

  "OK. You need to ask for Sidney at this address." He scribbled on his notepad.

  "Thank you." Chloe tucked the address in her pocket.

  "Please, not a word about Sidney. He means a lot to me."

  "I promise, I won't tell a soul."

  "So, this friend, she close to you?" he probed gently.

  "Yes. Very close." Chloe blushed.

  "I won't say a word. I'll go to my grave with half this town's secrets. Trust me, you'll see!"

  With her hand on the door handle, Chloe turned and smiled.

  "So, was it love at first sight for you two?"

  "I love him more now than ever," he replied, his voice quaking with pride.

  "That's beautiful, Charlie. I look forward to meeting Sidney, and thanks so much."

  "Goodbye, Miss Chloe."

  Charlie rejoined his snippy colleague on the shop floor.

  Slipping the piece of notepaper back in the pocket of her new green dress, Chloe lightly tapped on the nondescript wooden door, checking behind her to see if anybody had followed her. She felt like the butterflies in her stomach would fly up her throat any minute, and swallowed hard every few seconds to keep them down.

  "Hello?" came a man's croaky voice from behind the door, his face hidden.

  "Hello. I'm looking for Sidney?"

  "Who sent you?" the old man replied sharply.


  "What's your name?"


  The old man appeared from behind the door. He was tall and well built, wearing a red and navy checked shirt. His jeans were spotlessly clean, his gray hair neatly trimmed. He searched Chloe's face with suspicion in his eyes, but she understood why he had to be so cautious.

  "I trust that given who your father associates with, you won’t tell a living soul about this place? This place is all we got…All they got," Sidney said, cocking his head.

  "Of course, I trust that you'll also not tell anybody about me being here?" Chloe winked.

  "Sweetheart, we call it The Shelter. I'll take those secrets to my grave," he replied, reminding her of Charlie's words earlier.

  "Thank you. Where is this place?" she asked, looking over Sidney's shoulder and into his modestly-sized farmhouse.

  "Well, I wouldn't want it to be too obvious, now would I? It started as a little room just inside the storm shelter, then year after year, I extended it underground to what it is now. You wan' go take a look?"

  Chloe nodded excitedly. He led the way around the perimeter of the farmhouse and to the storm shelter door.

  "After you, ma'am." Sidney yanked open the heavy door.

  Walking down the steps in near pitch black, Chloe couldn't help but feel a little underwhelmed. The walls were cold and damp, the odd drip of water the only sound.

  "Made it like this to throw 'em off the scent. Smart, eh?" he whispered behind her, holding a flashlight as if reading Chloe's puzzled mind. "By the way, I know you're probably worried about people recognizing you, but everybody is sworn to secrecy. Go on, don't be shy, open the door."

  Chloe pushed open the door at the bottom of the stairs. Instantly, she was bathed in warm light, the cold and damp darkness evaporating around her. The inside had been heavily soundproofed, with swathes of black duct tape around the frame to block out any giveaway chinks of light. The room was expansive. There were scores of people drinking and laughing as they danced to the smooth jazz playing on the jukebox. Every face she saw looked completely relaxed in their surroundings.

  "Can I get you a drink?" Sidney asked.

  "Yes, please. Just a soda." The bartender heard and poured her one right away.

  Women sat with other women, some locked in an embrace, others were just talking. A small group of men were holding hands and laughing on the other side of the bar area.

  "Sidney, this place is incredible!"

  "I couldn't
have done it without my Charlie. He's the one who put the money behind it and then I built it."

  "Sounds like you're the perfect team," she said, smiling as she sipped her drink.

  "We are. Only ever been him for me, since we were kids." His voice cracked as he spoke of his love for Charlie. "Just wish we could live together properly, but we'd be pistol-whipped before the end of the first day if we were seen out together." Chloe's smile vanished, knowing he was right. It gnawed at her heart, recalling her mother's revulsion for Pete and Ronnie who were there at The Shelter, pointed out by Sidney as she stood at the bar.

  Meandering around The Shelter, Chloe smiled at every face she came across, recoiling slightly in surprise at the amount of townsfolk she recognized. Even the local judge was there, stroking the back of a man's head. He nodded at her, in equal recognition, but all now duty bound to keep it a secret to keep themselves alive.

  Wandering around for the last time after checking her watch and seeing that almost two hours had flown by, Chloe found a door leading to another room. It was slightly ajar and, curiosity getting the better of her, she peeked inside. As her eyes adjusted to the dim light inside the room, she stepped back in shock, recognizing a face. She knew who it was immediately.

  It was Billy, the youngest Bullen brother.

  Not only that, his arm was draped over a young black man in a tender embrace. Their faces registered pure bliss, entirely comfortable in their surroundings.

  Still in shock at seeing one of the town's thugs in a place like this, Chloe took a deep breath to steady herself, then headed for the exit door. But as she did so, two women, a little worse for wear, bumped into her, sending their drinks flying. The loud smash of breaking glass on the concrete floor startled the two men she had just been watching.

  She looked back to see both of them now staring at her open mouthed.

  "Miss BRUCE! I…What are you doing here?"

  Billy Bullen looked mortified to see the daughter of his family's employer bearing witness to his deepest, darkest secret.

  Chloe stumbled over herself, trying to politely leave the two men to their evening, shocked and surprised at the reality that anyone in Daynes could be lying about who they truly were underneath. She couldn't work out if she felt comforted or scared by the tragically necessary dishonesty she had witnessed that evening as she drove home.

  Chapter 77

  Monday morning, Larry Bruce leaned back triumphantly in his leather chair.

  "You got it, thanks. Bye." Replacing the receiver and taking a long puff of his cigar, Bruce grinned, his smugness palpable.

  "You done it?" Kyle asked, his eyes wide.

  "Of course I have." Bruce stubbed his cigar out and took a swig of whiskey.

  "What'd I miss?" Deputy Paul strolled in, catching the last part of Bruce's phone conversation.

  "A friend of mine's back from vacation and, after a little persuasion, he’s willing to take one of our best employees to pass on their excellent ideas." Bruce couldn't hide the smirk crossing his face as he spoke.

  "Right, so?" Deputy Paul frowned.

  "So, that employee would be a certain broad! Ha, Ellis said we can't fire her—so we'll promote her!" Kyle sniggered.

  "OK, I get 'cha now. Where you sending her?"

  "Louisiana! She won't even make it to my guy's place. Way too many enemies there, more than willing to get her blood on their hands. And the best part? Nobody suspects we know about her bein' on the run, so imagine our heartbreak when we discover we sent her there in good faith and it's all her own fault for lyin' to us about where she came from. It's all coming together nicely, gentlemen! She goes next week. Just another employee on an outreach program–and who better than our star pupil, eh, boys? It'll be nice and clean!" Bruce clinked glasses with an equally jubilant Kyle.

  "Paul, I want you to do the honors. Give her the news that she's going in a week's time," Kyle said.

  "With pleasure."

  "Randy, let me help," Shona offered as he struggled with the huge delivery he'd just taken.

  "Thanks, Shona," he said nervously. Randy never knew how to talk to her now, in his new role as chief spy for Kyle. Guilt was eating him up inside, especially when he saw her black eye. But he was in an impossible situation, with Kyle knowing about his young family and how much he needed his job.

  "Jackson!" Deputy Paul yelled across the yard.

  Shona strode over and was ushered into a damp side room in the garage.

  "Can't believe I'm saying this, but you been doing good lately."

  "Really?" she stared at him, mystified.

  "Yup, I mean, I know y'have it tough here, being the only broad and all, but y'got our respect now, after you saw to the changes around here gettin' made."

  "OK. Well, thanks."

  "So, what we thought was that you could…share them."

  "Share what? With who?" Her brow creased as she tried to follow what Deputy Paul was getting at.

  "Your knowledge. Your ideas."

  "I'm sorry, sir, I don't understand."

  "Well, Larry Bruce himself wants you to train guys at other places."

  "Other places? Like here in Daynes?"

  "Oh no. In Louisiana!" Deputy Paul said inching closer, enjoying his moment.

  "Louisiana?" Shona's world began to spin as she tried to keep a lid on her panic as best she could. "No, sir, please, not Louisiana."

  "Why, what you not telling us?" His rancid breath filled her nostrils, causing her to gag even more.

  "What? Nothing, I just–"

  "You start in a week. End of discussion." He kept his face straight for the few steps he needed to, but then broke out into a loud cackle as soon as he was out of earshot.

  Shrinking to the ground, Shona's face contorted in shock.

  It was after 8 o'clock that Monday evening and Chloe was still in her office, begrudgingly catching up on her paperwork, when Kyle casually strolled past.

  "Workin' late?" he asked, looking behind him to see if anyone else was around.

  "Yes. Father's gone home and Ron's downstairs. What do you want, Kyle?" Chloe couldn't stand the sight of him now.

  "Just to let you know, you got a call this morning, while you were out…from the dry cleaner. Something about a piece of paper you left in your dress pocket?" He waited for her reaction, not taking his eyes off her.

  "Yeah?" She continued to stare blankly at her paperwork.

  "They weren't sure whether it was important or they should just toss it out." He stepped forward into her office.

  Chloe felt her blood turn to ice.

  "Which dress?"

  He paused, knowing the impact of his next three words.

  "The green one," he confirmed nonchalantly.

  The lead point of the pencil Chloe was writing with splintered. She looked up at him, trying to mask her inner panic.

  "Okay, well, I'll ring them first thing." She smiled at him, her face as calm as she could muster.

  "No need. I picked it up this afternoon for you."

  He cleared his throat and curled his fingers around the edge of the door. Closing it gently, he turned the key in the lock.

  "Who's Sidney?"

  The room began to spin for Chloe. She sat in silence, unable to break the intense stare Kyle had fixed on her. After a few unbearable moments, she opened her mouth to speak, but this was too much for him. His calm facade slipped as he strode across the floor and grabbed Chloe's throat, squeezing her windpipe.

  "Kyle, stop, get off me," her strangled voice croaked.

  "WHO IS HE? You'd better tell me, goddamn it, or I SWEAR to God, I'll–" he hissed into her ear, flecks of spit landing on her neck.

  "Let me go, Kyle, let me go!"

  "Why can't you just answer me? Who's Sidney?" he repeated, squeezing tighter.

  "He's a friend. I haven't done anything wrong." She could feel her strength slipping away from her as his grip tightened around her thin neck.

  "I'm gon' pay this Sidney a little
visit, to make sure his story matches yours." He released her from his sweaty grasp finally and reached over her to the phone, dialing the number he knew by heart.

  "It's me. Got a job for you and the boys. Get down here now." He replaced the phone, his eyes blazing with adrenaline as he pressed his face back into Chloe's.

  "Kyle, who did you call? Where are you going?" Hot tears streamed down her terrified face.

  "Well, I got an address right here. I might start with that!" He pulled out the piece of notepaper that Charlie had given to Chloe that day at Stella's. "I can't believe I was wrong about Jackson all along! When I found that fucking swan in your tray, with the letter S on it, I thought it stood for Shona! I just figured she was sniffing 'round my girl. But now I see it stood for Sidney. I shoulda known you weren't no dyke! You liked it that night, didn’t you? The feel of a man inside you?" He pressed his face into her menacingly, his hands on the armrests as she sat pinned back in her chair. "What a shame we've already arranged to have your lil' friend sent away, but who the fuck cares?"

  "Shona? Sent where?" Chloe swallowed hard, trying to clear her throat enough to make her voice audible.

  Kyle sniggered loudly, still reveling in his triumph over the one woman to ever reject his charm. He looked away, his attention drawn to the dull roar of the Ford pickup that had just pulled up outside.

  "I'm gon' pay Sidney a little visit and I don't want you following me."

  He reached over into Chloe's purse, taking out her car keys, then left her in her chair in paralyzed shock at what had just happened.

  "Um, what we doing here, boys?”

  Billy Bullen wiped his brow nervously as they pulled up to the location written on the note Kyle was holding.

  "Good question. Boss?" Earl Bullen directed his confusion towards Kyle.

  "I need to know if a guy called Sidney spent the evening with my Chloe last night." His voice was eerily calm.

  "Wait, we sure it's here? I mean, I can't see Miss Chloe comin' all the way out here?" Billy shook his head, desperate to get them to leave. He shrank into the back of the truck.


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