Princes of Paradise: An Academy RH Bully Romance (M.A.G.E. (Magical Academy of Gods and Elementals) Series Book 1)

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Princes of Paradise: An Academy RH Bully Romance (M.A.G.E. (Magical Academy of Gods and Elementals) Series Book 1) Page 7

by Kailin Gow

  feeling stupid. “I could run back to get it...” I sighed,

  thinking of the jog across the field.

  “No problem,” said Varun. “The hotel gift shop sells


  “Oh, I couldn't...” I didn't want to admit to Varun that

  any bikini sold in the Cutter Imperial Hotel would probably

  amount to half my mother's monthly salary.

  “Hey – they give me free stuff all the time there! It's

  a small perk, but a good one. Uncle Tony wants the staff to

  treat me like everyone else, of course...but I'm sure I could

  score you one for free if my man Tom's behind the counter.


  Princes of Paradise (M.A.G.E. #1 )

  You just hold on!”

  He disappeared, only to emerge moments later

  carrying a hot pink bikini. “I hope you like Electric Scarlet,”

  he said. “That was all that was available in your size.” Now

  it was Varun's turn to blush. “I mean, I kind of guessed your


  “As long as you figured out I'm not the same size as

  Alice,” I said. Varun looked confused, and so I regaled him

  with the tale of my mortification that day at wrestling. Varun

  tried to maintain a respectful silence, but burst into laughter

  when I told him about Misty's response to the boys' cat-calls.

  “Knowing the guys in that class,” he said. “They

  probably deserved it.”

  I slipped into a changing room, finding that – unlike

  Alice's gym clothes – the bikini fit me perfectly. Varun's

  “kind of guessing” had evidently been based on a more

  detailed study of my curves.

  I tied my scarf around my hips and re-emerged.

  “Oh my...” Varun let out a gasp. For a moment, his

  eyes seemed to go dark, like a clouded sea, and something

  like pain came over his face. As his eyes lingered upon me,



  it looked like he was seeing something else, some one else.

  He wasn't looking at me at all but through me, his mind and

  face clouded up with something painful.

  “What is it?”

  That was enough to break the spell.

  “Oh, nothing,” he said. “You just – uh – you forgot

  to take off the tag.” He came closer and took hold of my

  bared shoulder, pulling on the plastic tag. I could feel his

  rough, warm palms against my skin, as he touched me, my

  body ached to lean back into his. His fingers lightly traced

  the blades of my shoulders as he pulled out the tag.

  “There you go,” he said, staring at the floor. “Now

  you're good to go. Really good, I mean. I mean – you know,

  the bathing suit. It fits. I guess I got the size right and


  Varun's embarrassment amused me. From what

  Coach Matthews had hinted at, Varun was pretty used to

  luring girls into his embraces. But from the way Varun acted

  around me, he seemed more than a little tongue-tied.

  “Hel lo, new girl!” A handsome K-pop idol Asian boy

  with a pearly smile, washboard abs, and a surfboard in hand


  Princes of Paradise (M.A.G.E. #1 )

  sauntered out of the dining area. “I see you brought

  entertainment for the grownups too, eh Varun?”

  “Brandon, shouldn't you be slopping out pizza?”

  “We're waiting for a second batch from the kitchen.

  Little monsters swallowed them all down already. Sally's

  making sure they don't kill each other in the meanwhile.

  Anyway, who are you?” He turned to me.

  “This is Mac Evers,” said Varun. “She goes to our


  “Nice one!” Brandon laughed. “If we had girls like

  you at Aeros, Mac, I definitely would have met you by now.”

  “I transferred in this morning,” I said. “I'm a new

  senior. We used to live on Angel Island.”

  “I'll do my best to make you feel welcome,” Brandon

  took a couple steps towards me, getting ever so slightly too


  “Welcome, Brandon. Not harassed.” Varun rolled his

  eyes. “Told you, Mac. Fresh meat.”

  “She gave me a scare, though!” Brandon kept

  talking. “When I saw her from a distance, in that hot pink

  bikini – you know, she always used to wear pink. And from



  the back, you know...God, I thought I was seeing a ghost.”

  Varun visibly stiffened. “It was the only color left in

  the gift shop.”

  “I was like ‘whoa! Is that Jana? Am I seeing

  something spooky?’ Really Vertigo, right?” Brandon kept

  laughing, but Varun's silence made it clear that he was

  evidently not amused. “Sorry, man.”

  “Go get your pizza.” Varun looked away.

  Luckily, we were interrupted by another girl – Sally,

  according to the name-tag – who grabbed hold of us all at

  once. “You are not leaving me alone with these brats,

  Brandon! One of them asked me if he could touch my

  breasts! Little pervert. You guys come too.”

  She dragged us into the dining room, where we all

  began serving out the next round of pizza pies. I breathed a

  sigh of relief as the awkwardness passed. Who was this Jana

  – and why had the mention of her name made Varun so


  “So, is that the new trendy thing or what?” Brandon

  came over to me. “Hanging out at kids' parties?” I couldn’t

  help noticing how he was just as well-built, tall, and


  Princes of Paradise (M.A.G.E. #1 )

  handsome as the Cutter Cousins. His chocolate eyes took me

  in appreciatively.

  “My mom works here,” I said. “Antonio asked me to

  help out. Figured I'd meet some of the younger staff as well.”

  “That's how he lures us all in,” Varun gave a mock-

  sigh, his annoyance evidently forgotten. “Charming us with


  “Hey, it works!” Brandon stuffed a pie into his

  mouth. “Next up is surfing, Mac. You ready to take these

  little perverts out for a spin?” His good-natured humor was

  contagious. I could see how Brandon and Varun were close


  The party passed without a hitch. The boys gleefully

  played Marco Polo and water-tag in the pool before heading

  to the ocean for a spot of surfing. As Sally had suggested,

  they were a little too keen to stare at my bikini top, and I

  heard a few snickers from the more obnoxious loudmouths,

  but we managed to get through the evening without too many

  accidents. At last, as the sun began to set on the water, its

  orange flames shooting through the dark ocean, we returned

  to land to roast marshmallows. Varun vanished into the hotel,



  returning with his guitar in tow, and began to play as Sally,

  Brandon, and I helped man the making of the s'mores.

  “Down on the island/where everything's lovely

  Down on the island/where everything's fine

  I knew a girl, I knew my true love.

  Down in the waters I made her mine.”

  Varun's voice rang out true and clear – a
light, lovely

  sound. The cool light of the sunset made his golden hair

  shine even brighter than before.

  But down on the island/where everything changes

  Down on the island/where time goes by

  I knew a girl, I knew my true love

  Down in the fires I watched her die...”

  Varun's face grew mournful once again as he played,

  and I couldn't help but wonder what lay behind his bright

  blue eyes. Did Varun, like Chance, have secrets too?

  After the kids left, we began clearing up, paper plate


  Princes of Paradise (M.A.G.E. #1 )

  by paper plate.

  “So, isn't Chance supposed to be here?” I asked

  Varun, trying not to sound too eager. “Your dad said he was

  supposed to learn the ropes of the family business and all


  Varun snorted. “Yeah – he'll learn what he needs to

  know in a year. That'll take. Some of us have been working

  with this hotel since we were kids. I'm sure he's busy on a

  date or snorting cocaine or whatever it is he does.”

  “I take it you guys aren't close?”

  “Is it that obvious?” Varun smiled. “Sorry – I mean,

  I should let you make your own judgments about him.

  Maybe he's changed.”

  “He wasn't exactly warm and fuzzy with me, either,”

  I said.

  “Last time I saw him,” Varun sighed. “Last time I

  saw him was when Jana died.” He took a deep breath. “Three

  years ago.”

  “Jana? Was that the girl – I thought that was in


  Varun gave a dark laugh. “No, not that girl. You see,



  Chance gets around quite a bit. A lot of girls seem to get

  burned up when he's around. The rumor about Eton – I don't

  know if it's true. Maybe he was setting fires again. Maybe

  some girl just left her cigarette burning out by mistake. But


  “The girl Brandon mentioned,” I said quickly. The

  girl I look like. “ I saw that he upset you.”

  “Yeah,” he walked over to pick up another pile of

  discarded plates. “I don't usually like to talk about it. But I

  feel like I can talk to you, you know? Like I can trust you.”

  “You can trust me,” I said quickly.

  “I'm glad. Listen, Jana – she was Haven's best friend.

  She was a great person – really nice, smart. Interesting, too.

  She and I – you know. She was my girlfriend. Until Chance

  came back for the summer.”

  “And you think he had something to do with – with

  what happened to Jana?”

  Varun shrugged. “I don't think he stopped it,” he said,

  his voice growing bitter. “He's just as responsible as if...” He

  stopped short. “Never mind,” he said. “She loved him, you

  know. A whole year with her – and then Chance showed up


  Princes of Paradise (M.A.G.E. #1 )

  and suddenly it was like I never existed. And they started

  taking risks together, you know. Going to places on the

  island where it wasn't safe. Fire-dancing with the locals

  without being trained. Like – hopped up on adrenaline. And

  I know that wasn't her, Mac. That wasn't what she was like –

  she wasn't stupid. But she loved Chance so much she was

  willing to take any risk possible...and he didn't watch out for

  her. He just cared about himself. About being cool. And he

  as good as killed her for it. I would have watched out for


  We fell silent. Varun took my hand and led me down

  the beach. As we left the lawn, we came to a lush garden,

  studded with tropical flowers. The sunset gave them all an

  unearthly glow – yellow, pink, and orange. The night was

  just starting to fall over the inky sea.

  “Isn't it beautiful?” Varun turned to me. “The most

  beautiful thing you've ever seen?”

  “Yes,” I breathed. It was true. Nowhere in Angel

  Island was anything like this.

  “When I miss her – or when I'm lonely, I come here.

  To think. To be alone. I've never taken anybody here before.



  But there's something about you, Mac. It makes me trust you.

  It makes me feel like I can talk to you. Even about her.”

  He slid his arm over my shoulders, pulling me

  towards him. It was not the brash, stupid flirtation Brandon

  had tried on me earlier. This was something different.

  Warmer. Friendlier. I felt, as I leaned into him, as if I were

  being enveloped within his kindness, his compassion.

  Surrounded by beauty.

  I could feel Varun pulling me closer, and I did not

  move away. His lips were so soft, so gentle on mine.

  As he stepped back, I could see his blue eyes

  glimmer with happiness.

  “I missed you, Mac,” he said softly.

  But before I could ask what he meant, he pulled me

  closer into another kiss – more passionate, more urgent, and

  then – with his arms around me – I forgot what I was going

  to say.


  Princes of Paradise (M.A.G.E. #1 )

  Chapter 8

  The sun woke me early the next morning, streaming

  over my face in bright, hot rays. I murmured softly as I

  emerged from my cocoon of dreams. I had been dreaming of

  Varun, of how we had kissed until the moonlight emerged

  above us, how he had offered me his arm like a perfect

  gentleman and walked me across the lawn to our cottage,

  how he had kissed me on the forehead as we stood before the

  door, neither one of us wanting to be the first to say goodbye,

  before kissing me once more full on the mouth, squeezing

  my hand before I entered the room. I had gone straight to

  bed, curling up with my blanket although the night was

  humid, feeling the cotton caress my skin and imagine that it

  was Varun's arms holding me tight. Being him was like

  swimming in a warm spring, I thought – safe, all-

  encompassing. I didn't want to leave the dream behind. But

  it was day – a Saturday – and the promise of the whole

  weekend lay before me like a pearl-hiding oyster. I had

  homework to finish, sure – but I also had a whole day to



  explore the island. Last night, over pizza, Brandon had told

  me how fantastic the island was for nature-lovers. There

  were hills and mountains, he told me, caves and secret lakes,

  forests that human beings hadn't even entered for century.

  “Maybe I could take you for a hike tomorrow,” he'd

  asked, in a tone that made it clear he wanted nothing better

  than to be secluded with me in a hidden cave. His fingers

  lightly brushed against my shoulders, and I felt a thrill go

  through me as my mouth opened slightly.

  Brandon’s chocolate eyes smiled at me as he looked

  at my mouth. “So you’ve grown up on Aeros Island?”

  “Been here as long as Varun and Chance,” Brandon

  said. “We grew up together. And we were inseparable when

  we were younger. But Chance…he went his own way

  while back. Now it’s just Varun and I, and we are tight as


  “I could see that,” I said.

  “Varun’s cool, you know,” Brandon said. “He’s

  generous, giving, and he doesn’t mind sharing.”

  “Really?” I asked.

  Brandon licked his lips. “Really.”


  Princes of Paradise (M.A.G.E. #1 )

  “Girls, too?” I asked.

  “If the right one came along that we both want,”

  Brandon said. “Varun and I wouldn’t want the other one to

  miss out.”

  “Oh, I see,” I said.

  “But she has to be some special girl,” Brandon said.

  “One strong enough to take both of us.”

  I gulped. Why did that sound so hot? And why was I

  even contemplating it? It wasn’t like I was a virgin, having

  lost it when I turned 16 two years ago, but in this territory, I

  was, and it just sounded so forbidden…

  “I’d like to take you out hiking tomorrow, Mac,”

  Brandon said. “Show you some places that are so secluded,

  no one can interrupt our exploration of each other.”

  Oh, yes, I wanted to say, but I wasn’t about to jump

  into anything that soon.

  “Maybe some other time,” I said. I did wanted to get

  to know Brandon more as he was fun and sexy too, giving

  me a sense of familiarity when I first met him, too. I didn’t

  know what, but it was somewhere between the cool comfort

  of Varun and then the heated passion of Chance. Brandon



  gave off a vibe that was both to me, and I couldn’t figure it

  out what.

  “Okay, Mac,” Brandon had said. “Since Varun saw

  you first, he should take you out first. But keep me in mind.


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