Alpha Knows Best

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Alpha Knows Best Page 10

by Aja Foxx

  "How much money are we talking?" Elder Ramsey asked.

  "The last offer was two hundred and fifty thousand."

  Fagan gasped then quickly slapped his hand over his mouth when he realized he'd made a sound, but it was too late. A few seconds of silence ticked by before a shadow filled the doorway.

  "I'm afraid I have to go for now, Headmaster Eithar. Proceed with your orders and I will call you in the morning to discuss how we are going to proceed from here on out." Elder Ramsey hung up his phone and slid it into his pocket. "Well, I can't say I was expecting you back quite so soon, Beck, but it does make things a bit easier."

  Fagan tightened his hand in Beck's fur when the tiger growled and took a step forward. He didn't want bBeck to attack before they knew exactly what they were dealing with, because he was a little confused.

  "You're crazy if you think you're going to get away with this," he stated firmly. "People will find out."

  "Oh, I already have gotten away with this, my dear boy, and have for many years." The elder let out a very unflattering snort. "Do you think you're the first omega to go through the monastery? There's been hundreds. Hundreds!"

  Fagan clenched his jaw. His anger warred with his disbelief. He'd been at the monastery for twenty-five years. He knew a lot of omegas had come and gone, but he doubted there had been hundreds. But what if this wasn't the only monastery? What of there were others?

  "You're going to pay for each and every one of them," Fagan snapped. "I'll make sure of it."

  Elder Ramsey snorted again. "You and what army?"

  "This one." Fagan let go of Beck and stepped back.

  As he listened to Beck roar and Elder Ramsey's screams, for the first time in his life he was glad he was blind. He could imagine what was happening, and he could certainly feel the waves of anger, but he couldn't see it.

  That was a plus.

  Fagan jerked when he heard a crash and then a roar from the other side of the house. Beck was fighting Elder Ramsey. Hopefully, Jaggar was fighting Tyrnan. That left Fagan standing there doing nothing and hoping the fight didn't spread in his direction.

  But maybe he could help in one small way.

  Fagan hurried back to the kitchen then made his way to the walk in pantry. He opened the door to the basement and carefully made his way down each step. They should have done this before they started searching the house.

  "Dominic?" he called out in a low tone just in case someone else was around. He was pretty sure no one else was down here, but he couldn't be positive. "Dominic, can you hear me? Dominic?"

  When he didn't get a response, Fagan stood still in the middle of the room and just listened. He drew in a couple of slow even breaths to regulate his own breathing and slow his heart rate. It was easier to hear if there was someone else around that way.

  He was grabbed before he realized someone was there. A thick muscular arm wrapped around his throat, choking him. Acting on instincts instilled in him over several years of defensive training, Fagan turned his head toward the bend of the arm holding him. He sucked in a breath of air then drove his elbow into the man behind him.

  The man grunted, his hold loosening.

  Fagan stomped down with the heel of his shoe. At the same time, he reached back and racked his fingernails down the first bit of flesh he felt under his fingers. The man's shout as he shoved him let Fagan know immediately who had grabbed him.

  He spared just a moment to worry about what had happened to Jaggar before turning and driving his knee into Tyrnan's groin. He shot out with the heel of his hand, aiming for where he hoped Tyrnan's face was. The sound of cartilage breaking was unmistakable, as was the man's high cry as Fagan broke his nose.

  Fagan didn't wait to see what Tyrnan would do. He stepped back then kicked out with his leg, slamming his foot into the side of Tyrnan's head. He jumped back out of the way when he heard the man crash into the wall.

  This was one of those times when he wished he could see, not only because he needed to know if Tyrnan had gone down or not, but also because he wanted to see the man pay for all the horrible things he'd done over the years.

  Fagan kept his hands clenched as he waited, listening. The lack of sound bothered him on a level he wasn't quite ready to acknowledge just yet. There should have been breathing at the very least.

  "Fagan!" Beck shouted in his head. "Where are you?"

  "Basement." Fagan heard the pounding of feet overhead before someone came racing down the stairs. "Careful," he called out loud. "Tyrnan is down here."

  "Damn, baby, you don't mess around, do you?"

  Fagan swallowed tightly. "Is he dead?"

  "No, but he's gonna wish he was once he wakes up. You broke his nose, his arm, and his leg. He's going to be laid up for quite a while."

  "What about Dominic? I couldn't find him."

  "Stay here."

  Fagan huffed. He would have rolled his eyes, but it never seemed to have the same effect when you were blind.

  "He's okay," Beck said a moment later as he came back. "They had him tied up in the supply closet. He's got a nasty bump on the head, but other than that, and being really pissed that he got taken by surprise, he's fine."

  Fagan hated to ask, but..."And Elder Ramsey?"

  "They need a new elder for the council."


  "Beck called," Dominic said as he walked into the kitchen. "He's almost home."

  Fagan blew out a relieved breath. It had been three days since he'd seen his mate, and even though they'd spoken on the phone several times, Fagan hated being away from him. He understood why Beck had to leave, but that didn't make it any easier.

  "Did he say what was going to happen to the monastery?"

  "The high council is sending an investigation team to track down the missing omegas. The monastery will be kept open for the time being while they try and figure out how a peace treaty turned into such a shit storm. In the meantime, they've asked Greyson to overseea things until they can find a new headmaster."

  Oh, that was going to thrill Greyson.


  "Jaggar and Greyson are headed over there now."

  "I really hope they figure out what happened to the missing omegas. It's not fair that they've been sold into slavery and denied the mate fate had planned for them."

  "Greyson seemed to think that there was more going on with the omegas than that."

  Fagan cocked his head curiously. "How so?"

  "There were supposed to be five omegas. Now there are more than fifty at last count, and that's just the ones we know of. There aren't that many shifter kings. That maybe there are other shifters out there who are shifter kings out there that no one knows about."


  Fagan chuckled. "Now, wouldn't that be interesting if you all had omega mates?"

  Dominic snorted before walking away, not saying a word, but then, he didn't really need to. He might protest, but Fagan had no doubt Dominic and the others would take whatever mate fate had in store for them, omega or not.

  Fagan went back to cooking until he heard the sound of motorcycles rumbling up the driveway. hHe turned off the burner and set the food aside then hurried outside. He paused at the top of the steps and wrapped his arms around the porch pillar.

  "You're home," he said when Beck walked up the steps. He reached out, knowing Beck would catch him. The kiss that was laid on his lips curled his toes. If they hadn't been standing there in full view of everyone in their little pride, he would have stripped his clothes off and bent over the railing.

  "I'm home to stay," Beck replied.

  Fagan frowned. "Was that even in question?"

  Beck snorted as he lifted Fagan up, his hands sliding under Fagan's ass. Fagan wrapped his legs around Beck's waist.

  "What?" Fagan asked. He knew his mate had something to say.

  "They offered me the vacant shifter elder seat on the high council."

  Fagan sucked in a sharp breath.

  "I didn't take it, ba
by. I have no desire to be an elder."

  "Are you sure?" Fagan asked. "It's a pretty prestigious position."

  "Being your mate is much more prestigious."

  Fagan grinned before leaning in to whisper in Beck's ear, "It pays better, too."

  Beck stilled for a heartbeat then he started walking toward the front door at a fast pace. "Oh yeah?"

  Fagan chuckled as pure delight flooded him. "Oh yes."

  "Do you think the boss man would give me an advance?"

  With that one sentence, Fagan's cock hardened to a steel rod. "I'm sure something could be arranged."

  He licked the side of Beck's throat. When the man shuddered, he did it again.

  "Careful, baby, I don't want to drop you."

  "You won't drop me." Fagan was positive of it. "You'd never do anything to hurt me."

  Fagan leaned in and shoved his face back into the curve of Beck's neck, inhaling deeply. He shuddered ast the deep rich scent filled his senses. He nuzzled his face against the man’s skin, rubbing Beck’s scent all over his face.

  He would bathe in the scent if he could.

  He heard a door open then close. "What did you have in mind, shifter king?"

  "It's been three days, mate," Beck replied. "Three very long days."

  "We should get naked."

  "Naked is good."

  Fagan scrambled to get out of his clothes. He knew Beck was doing the same because he heard something tear. A moment later, Beck grabbed him and flopped down on the bed, taking Fagan with him.

  Fagan moaned and arched into the air when he felt Beck’s hands slide over his skin. It felt so good to be touched, caressed. He wanted to touch as well. All that smooth skin combined with a smattering of dark hair across the top of his chest—it was incredibly yummy.

  Fagan leaned down and followed the small trail of hair from the edge of Beck’s bellybutton and up his chest to one dark-hued nipple hidden in even more curly hair. He heard Beck moan when he gently bit down on that nipple. Large hands curled into his hair, holding him there.

  Fagan took it as an invitation for more and bit down a little harder. One of Beck’s hands stayed in his hair. The other moved down Fagan’s back to grab his ass. Fagan moaned as heat filled him. The need to feel more snapped any control he might have had.

  He scooted down Beck’s body and buried his face in the man’s groin. The strong fragrance of man was overwhelming. Fagan inhaled again and again, rubbing his face back and forth over Beck. He growled when Beck’s erect cock smacked him in the face.

  Fagan wanted.

  He wanted to feel that silky hard cock in his mouth and he wanted to feel it in his ass as well. Fagan wrapped his hand around Beck’s wide girth and licked the tip, pressing his tongue into the small slit on the top before swirling it around the mushroomed head.

  Beck shouted out his name and bucked beneath him. Hot spunk filled his mouth. Fagan swallowed it down and kept licking and sucking until Beck was hard again.

  He yelped when he was suddenly grabbed and rolled beneath Beck. The man was all over him, as wild as Fagan felt. Their mouths came together in a flurry of passion, lips against lips. Beck was a master kisser. Fagan could come just from being kissed.

  Fagan stiffened when their cocks rubbed together. His hands clenched against Beck’s shoulders. He ached. He throbbed. He felt like his head was going to blow off, both of them. He inhaled sharply when smooth naked skin met hairy muscular skin. Fagan groaned as a shiver of pure ecstasy rippled through his body.

  “Need,” he pleaded.

  “Mine,” Beck whispered back.

  Fagan stiffened for a moment when he felt Beck’s fingers trail between his ass cheeks. He yelped as Beck grabbed him by his arms and pulled him up his chest until he was straddling Beck’s face. Hot breath blew across his balls followed quickly by something wet and cold and cloth like. Then Fagan felt Beck’s long tongue stroke over him. He shuddered.

  “Fuck, Beck, that’s… that’s…”

  Beck lifted him up by his thighs. Fagan fell forward, catching himself by his arms. They started shaking when Beck’s tongue scrapped across his hungry hole. He could feel Beck’s fingers digging into his ass cheeks. The man’s thumbs were just a hair’s breadth away from his opening. The tease was almost Fagan’s undoing.

  All coherent thoughts were pushed from his mind when Beck’s tongue began pushing into him. Fagan inhaled deeply and clenched the tight little ring of muscles. Beck just pushed right on through them and started fucking Fagan with his tongue.

  Before long, Fagan started bouncing, impaling himself on the thick organ. His arms shook even as his ass quivered. There was no word in the dictionary Fagan could think of to describe the ecstasy flowing through his body. He felt like he was on fire. Every stroke of Beck’s tongue lit another fire.

  He could feel his body opening up, begging for more. He didn’t know how much more he could take without exploding into a million pieces. Fagan ached so bad that his entire body shuddered.

  “Beck, please,” Fagan begged.

  He could only shiver in anticipation as Beck pulled him down until he was once again straddling him.


  It took Fagan a moment to understand what Beck wanted. When he did, he grinned and lifted his ass into the air. He grabbed Beck’s cock and placed the head against the entrance to his body.

  Fagan held his breath as he slowly lowered himself down on Beck’s thick cock. He winced a little at how much he was being stretched. Beck gripped his hips. His lips were pulled back tight against his teeth. Fagan could see the man’s canines threatening to descend. If Fagan didn’t know better, he would have thought Beck was in pain.


  Beck’s reaction took Fagan by surprise. Exquisite pleasure shot through Fagan as Beck suddenly started to move, pulling his hips down as he thrust up. The sensations were at first a little abrupt, but they quickly turned into something that kept building and building until Fagan couldn’t catch his breath.

  He distantly heard Beck cry out, and then the man was frantically pounding into him. Beck stiffened, and something burning hot suddenly filled Fagan’s tight channel. Fagan shouted out as the hot seed filling him dragged him into his own orgasm. His body felt like it was seizing, shaking from head to toe.

  Fagan slumped against Beck when his body finally stopped throbbing. He panted heavily. He could hear the heavy thud of Beck’s heart beneath his ear. Every few seconds, the cock in his ass would spasm, sending little shockwaves through Fagan.

  When he could breathe again, Fagan lifted his head and smiled down at Beck. "Still need that advance?"

  Beck chuckled as he smoothed back the hair at Fagan's temple. "I think it's going to be a reoccurring issue."

  Fagan started to laugh until his stomach cramped and began to roll. He covered his mouth and rolled off of Beck, scooting to the edge of the bed. He raced to the bathroom, only crashing into the doorframe once.

  He heard Beck race into the bathroom after him just as he dropped to his knees and tossed up anything that was in his stomach. It didn't happen quickly. By the time he lifted his head and took the glass Beck was pressing into his hand, he has sweat dripping down his temples.

  He rinsed his mouth and spit it into the toilet.

  "You okay, baby?"

  "I'm dying." He was positive of it. No one could feel this bad and still be alive.

  "No, love, you're not dying." Beck's lips pressed to the side of his head. "You're pregnant."

  Fagan really wished he could see Beck's face to see if he was telling the truth or not. "I'm what?"

  "I told you, love. Omegas can carry young once they bond with their true mate. You are my true mate. I've claimed you." Beck's large hand settled over Fagan's abdomen. "And now you are carrying our child."

  The man was insane.

  "If my ankles swell, you're a dead man."

  Beck chuckled as he lifted Fagan up in his arms and carried him back to the bed. He laid him
down on the bed as if he was made of fine china then pulled the covers up over him.

  "You are going to be fine."

  Fagan wasn't buying it. "I just puked. How is that fine?"

  "I'll get you some mint tea. That should settle your stomach."

  Fagan still wasn't buying it.


  "Do you not want to carry our child, Fagan?"

  "No, it's not that." He actually thought it would be kind of cool. And he loved the idea that he and Beck might have a child together. "I'm just scared."

  "I'm not going anywhere, Fagan. We're in this together. Why do you think I turned down the high council? My place is with you."

  Fagan grabbed Beck's wrist in a death grip. "It had better stay that way or you'll find out just what this omega can do to the human body."

  Beck grinned as he leaned in close. "I already know what this omega can do to the human body. How do you think you got knocked up?"

  Fagan snorted. "Knocked up. That's what you're going with? Knocked up?"

  Beck chuckled. "I—"

  Fagan squeaked when the bedroom door slammed open.

  The bed gave as Beck jumped up and growled. "Damn it, Jagger," Beck snarled, "don't you know how to knock?"

  "Greyson is missing."

  The End

  About The Author

  The vicious bite of an enemy, a shout, a cry in the dark. A lover's touch, the whisper of a kiss. A sigh, a groan, heart beating faster, desire surging through a body. Love words spoken in the shadows. The yearning for a soft caress. I'm a writer of fiery passion in all its glorious forms. Paranormal, Contemporary, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, MM Romance books. There is no limit to my imagination.




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