The Point of View

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The Point of View Page 6

by Elinor Glyn


  The sun was blazing gloriously next day, the whole air was full offreshness and spring and youth. An ideal one for lovers, and not at allthe atmosphere for anger and strife. But these facts did not enter intothe consideration of three of the people, at least, connected with ourlittle comedy.

  Eustace Medlicott woke more full of wrath than he had been the nightbefore, and, the moment he was dressed, proceeded to make havoc withthe peace of the Reverend Canon and Mrs. Ebley. He sent up an urgentsummons that they would see him immediately. Having no sitting-room, hesuggested the reading-room, which would be empty at this hour.

  The Aunt Caroline had experienced some misgivings herself at theEmbassy about her niece's absence with the foreign count, who had risento this distinctive appellation in her mind from "that dreadful man,"but she had felt it more prudent not to comment upon her apprehensionsto her niece. Eustace evidently had discovered further cause ofresentment and feminine curiosity assisted her to dress with greaterrapidity than usual.

  The pair entered the room with grave faces and took two uncomfortablechairs.

  The Reverend Mr. Medlicott remained standing, and soon, from hiscommanding position, let them hear his version of the hated foreigner'scommunications. They were duly horrified and surprised and then Mrs.Ebley bridled a little--after all, it was the behavior of her own nieceupon which aspersion was being cast.

  "I am certain, Eustace, the man must be mad--I assure you, Stella hasnot been for an instant absent from me, except yesterday morning shewent to the Thermes Museum with Martha, whom you know has proved bytwenty-five years of faithful service that she can be completelytrusted, therefore the girl cannot have had any opportunity ofconversing with this stranger until last night. It would be only fairto question her first--"

  "My wife is quite right," Canon Ebley agreed. "We should listen to nomore until Stella is here to defend herself. Let us send a message forher to descend at once."

  He went and rang the bell as he spoke, and the summons to Miss Rawsonwas dispatched. Then the three somewhat uncomfortably tried to exchangeplatitudes upon indifferent subjects until the waiter returned.

  Mademoiselle was very fatigued and was not yet up! Such an unheard ofthing petrified them all with astonishment. Stella to be still in bed,at half past nine in the morning! The child must be ill!--or it wasdistinct rebellion. Mrs. Ebley prepared to go and investigate matterswhen another waiter entered with a note for Canon Ebley, and stoodaside to receive the answer.

  "Dear, dear!" said that gentleman to his wife, "I have not my glasseswith me, I came down in such a hurry. Will you read it to me?"

  But Mrs. Ebley was in a like plight, so they were obliged to enlist theservices of Eustace Medlicott.

  He knew the writing directly he glanced at it and every move of hisbody stiffened with renewed anger. And it is to be feared he said tohimself, "it is from that cursed man."

  He read it aloud, and it was the briefest and most courteous noteasking for the honor of an interview at whatever time would be mostagreeable to Canon Ebley. The nature of the business to be discussed atit was not stated.

  "I strongly advise you not to see the scoundrel," Mr. Medlicott saidvehemently. "It is far better that we should all leave Rome immediatelyand avoid any chance of scandal."

  "Before we can decide anything," Mrs. Ebley said decisively, "I mustspeak with my niece. If she is quite ignorant of this foreigner'sravings, then there will be no necessity to alter our trip--we canmerely move to another hotel. The whole thing is most unpleasant andirritating and has quite upset me."

  Stella, upstairs in her cosy bed, had meanwhile received another notefrom her lover. Full of tenderness and encouragement, it made her feelas bold as a young lioness and ready to brave any attack. That her aunthad not been to see why she was not dressed already was filling herwith surprise, and after the waiter had brought the message she guessedthe reason why.

  A firm tap to the door presently and her Aunt Caroline's voice sayingsternly. "It is I, Stella, please let me in at once."

  Miss Rawson got out of bed, unlocked the door and bounded back again,and a figure of dignified displeasure sailed into the room.

  "Are you ill, my dear?" Mrs. Ebley asked, in a stern voice. "It isotherwise very strange that you should not be dressed at this hour--itis a quarter to ten o'clock."

  "No, I am not exactly ill, Aunt Caroline," Stella answered gently, "butI was very tired, and as I was making up my mind what I should say inmy letter to Eustace to break off my engagement--I preferred not tocome down until I had done so."

  The Aunt Caroline could not believe her ears. She was obliged to sitdown. Her emotion made her knees tremble. It was true then--somethinghad been going on under her very eyes and she had not perceived it--thedeceit and perfidy of human nature had always been a shock to her--

  "You wish to break your engagement, Stella," she said, as soon as shecould steady her voice. "But you cannot possibly do so scandalous athing--and for what reason, pray?"

  "I find I do not love Eustace," Stella answered calmly, although herheart now began to beat rapidly. "I know I never have loved him; it wasonly because I thought it would please you and Uncle Erasmus that Iever became engaged to him, and now that I know what love is--I meannow that the time is getting nearer, I feel that I cannot go throughwith it."

  "There is something underneath all this, Stella," Mrs. Ebley saidicily. "You cannot deceive me. You have been led astray, girl--it iswiser to confess at once and I will try to pardon you."

  Stella's spirit rose--she raised her head proudly, then she rememberedher lover's counsel to have no arguments whatsoever, and so she curbedher heated words and continued gently:

  "I have not been led astray, Aunt Caroline, and there is nothing topardon. I am twenty-one years old now and surely can judge for myselfwhether or no I wish to marry a man--and I have decided I do not intendto marry Eustace Medlicott. I almost feel I detest him."

  Mrs. Ebley was petrified with anger and astonishment.

  "I am sorry to tell you I cannot believe you, Stella," she said, "yourfiance had a most unpleasant shock last night. The foreign person,Count Roumovski, who was presented to us at the Embassy, insulted himgreatly, and told him that you had agreed to marry him as soon asEustace should set you free! I almost blush to repeat to you thisshocking story which we had considered the ravings of a madman, but thetime has come when we must have some plain speaking."

  "It has indeed," Stella agreed, her wrath rising, then went onrespectfully, "but I must refuse to discuss anything about CountRoumovski at present. Please believe me that I do not wish to annoyyou, dear Aunt Caroline. I only wish to do what is right, and I know itis right to break off my engagement with Eustace Medlicott."

  Mrs. Ebley felt her anger augmenting to boiling point, but nothing, shecould say had any effect upon her niece, who remained extremelyrespectful and gentle, but perfectly firm. Mrs. Ebley could not get herto tell her anything about her acquaintance with this dreadfulforeigner. She became silent after she had refused point blank todiscuss him. At last the baffled and exasperated older lady got up andfired her last shot.

  "Words cannot express my pain and disgust at your conduct, Stella," shesaid. "Putting aside all the awful suspicions I have about thisRussian, you will lay up for yourself a lifelong regret in outragingall decency by refusing to marry that good and pure young clergyman,Eustace Medlicott."

  "I have done nothing wrong, Aunt Caroline, please do not go away angrywith me," Stella pleaded. "When Count Roumovski asks Uncle Erasmus' andyour consent to his marrying me--then I will tell you everything abouthim,--but now I do not wish to. Please forgive me for causing youpain--we shall all be very happy soon, and surely I have a right to mylife like any other person."

  Mrs. Ebley would not bandy further words; their points of view were toodifferent.

  "I regret that I am obliged to request you to keep your room and haveno communication with anyone whatever until I can consult with youruncle and Eus
tace as to what is the best thing to do with you. That weshall leave Rome immediately you may be prepared for."

  Stella here burst into tears. She had an affection for her aunt, whohad always been kind to her in a hard, cold way, and she was deeplygrieved at their estrangement, but there were forces in life which sheknew now mattered more than any aunts in the world.

  Mrs. Ebley did not relent at the sound of the sobbing, but left theroom, closing the door firmly after her. And a few minutes afterwardMartha was let in by the chambermaid without knocking and sat downgrimly by the window and began to knit.

  Then Stella's tears turned to resentment. To be insulted so! To have aservant sent to watch her was more than she would bear. But as sheturned in bed she felt her lover's note touch her and like a magic wanda thrill of comfort rushed through her. After all, he would settlethings for her--and meanwhile she would close her eyes and pretend tosleep. So with her precious love letter clasped tight in her hand underthe clothes she turned her face to the wall and shut her eyes.

  Meanwhile, Canon Ebley and the Reverend Eustace Medlicott were spendinga very disagreeable time in the reading-room. Relieved of Mrs. Ebley'spresence, Eustace had recounted more fully the interview he had hadwith Sasha Roumovski the night before. He was not a very accurateperson and apt to color everything with his own prejudice, so CanonEbley did not obtain a very clear idea of the Russian's arguments. Theyseemed to him to be very unorthodox and carnal and reprehensible fromall points. But it was evident they were dealing with a clever anddangerous character and Stella must be rescued from such a person'sinfluence and married off to her lawful fiance at once.

  "We could have the ceremony here, Eustace, in three weeks' time, or wecould go back to England immediately, for until our niece is your wifeI am sure her aunt and myself will not feel easy about her."

  "Nor I either," Mr. Medlicott returned, and at that moment the AuntCaroline entered the room and gradually disclosed the awful truth shehad arrived at from Miss Rawson's admissions.

  "That dreadful foreigner must be told at once we refuse to have anycommunication with him and Stella shall be kept locked in her roomuntil we can leave Rome," Mrs. Ebley said sternly. "I could not havebelieved my own sister's child could have behaved so disgracefully."

  "Dear, dear," said Canon Ebley, "but we must get at the facts of whenshe has been able to see this Russian. It is impossible that thepresent state of things could have arisen from merely last night at theEmbassy."

  At this stage of the proceedings, it being a public room, CountRoumovski entered it serenely and, coming toward the group, made astiff bow to each in turn.

  "I believe you have received my letter, sir," he said, addressing CanonEbley, "but, as I have had no reply, I ventured to present myselfwithout further delay--"

  "We do not wish for any communication from you," Eustace Medlicotthastened to announce before either of the others could speak. "I haveinformed Canon and Mrs. Ebley of your disgraceful conduct and that issufficient. We shall discuss nothing further."

  "I was not addressing you, sir," Count Roumovski returned mildly. "Mybusiness with you terminated last night." And he turned his shouldersto the irate junior chaplain and looked Canon Ebley straight in theface. "I am here to ask for the hand of your niece, Miss Rawson, as sheis now free from other engagements, and with her full consent I desireto make her my wife."

  "Come, Erasmus," Mrs. Ebley said with icy dignity. "Let us go up to ourapartment and if this person annoys us further we can complain to themanager of the hotel," then, with an annihilating glance, she took herhusband's arm and drew him toward the door.

  "As you will, madame," and the Russian gentleman bowed with respectfulserenity. "It would have been more sensible to have taken my requestotherwise, but it is, after all, quite immaterial. I will wish you agood-day," and he bowed again as Canon Ebley and his outraged spousesailed from the room--and, with an exclamation of suppressed fury,Eustace Medlicott followed in their wake.

  Then Count Roumovski laughed softly to himself and, sitting down at awriting-table, wrote a letter to his beloved. His whole plan of lifewas simple and direct. He had done what he considered was necessary inthe affair, he had behaved with perfect openness and honor in hisdemand, and if these people could not see the thing from a common sensepoint of view, they were no longer to be considered. He would take thelaw into his own hands.

  When he had finished his note he went straight up in the lift to thecorridor where Stella's room was and there saw in the distance herraging and discomfited late betrothed evidently keeping watch and ward.Count Roumovski did not hesitate a second; he advanced to the door andknocked firmly on the panel, slipping his letter through the littleslide for such things before Mr. Medlicott could bound forward andprevent him.

  "A letter for you, mademoiselle, from me, Sasha Roumovski," he said inFrench in a loud enough voice for the occupant of the room to hear, andthen he stood still for a second, as both men heard Stella jump fromher bed and rush to the door to take the missive before Martha from theplace at the window could intercept it.

  "Do not dare to touch that, Martha," they heard her voice sayhaughtily, and then she called out, "Sasha, I have it safe and I willdo exactly as you direct."

  Count Roumovski looked at Eustace Medlicott, who stood as aspread-eagle in front of the door--and then, smiling, went calmly onhis way.

  The Reverend Mr. Medlicott shook with burning rage. He was being madeto look ridiculous and he was absolutely impotent to retaliate in anyway. He would bring scandal upon them all if waiters and other guestssaw him guarding Miss Rawson's actual door, and he could not sitoutside like a valet; the whole thing was unspeakably maddening, andmurderous thoughts flooded his brain.

  "Give me that letter this minute, Stella," he said in an almostinarticulate voice through the keyhole, he was so shaken with passion."Open the door and let Martha hand it to me. You are disgracing us all."

  "It is you who are doing that, Eustace," Stella said from beyond thepanel, lifting the slide that her voice might be heard distinctly. "Youhave no authority over me at all. I told Aunt Caroline I did not intendto continue my engagement with you--but even if I had not decided tobreak it off, this conduct of yours would now be sufficient reason. Howdare you all treat me as though I were a naughty child or insane!"

  "Because you are both," Mr. Medlicott returned, "and must be controlledand compelled into a proper behavior."

  Stella was silent--she would not be so undignified as to parleyfurther. She got back into bed, taking not the slightest notice of themaid, and then proceeded to read her letter.

  Her lover had explained in it the situation and advised her to dress atonce, and then if menaced in any way to ring the bell. Ivan would bewaiting outside to obey her slightest orders, and to warn his master ifany fresh moves were made, so that when the waiter or chambermaid camein answer to her summons she might be sure of extra help at hand. Thenshe was to walk out and down into the hall, where he, Sasha, would bewatching for her and ready to take her to the Excelsior Hotel, wherethat same evening would arrive the Princess Urazov. "But if they do notmolest you, dearest," he wrote, "do not leave your room until seveno'clock, because I wish my sister to be in the hall ready to receiveyou that your family can see that I only desire to do everything right."

  And as she finished reading, Stella got up and told Martha to prepareher things.

  "I have no orders from Mrs. Ebley for that, Miss Stella," the womananswered sullenly. "I do wonder what has come over everybody. I neverwas in such an uncomfortable position in my life."

  Stella made no answer, but proceeded to dress herself, and then satdown to read again the letters she had received in the last twenty-fourhours.

  If her family, who knew her, could treat her in this abominable way,when she had committed no fault except the very human one of desiringto be the arbiter of her own fate, she surely owed no further obedienceto them. So she waited calmly for a fresh turn of events.

  Her luncheon was brought up on a
tray by the waiter, and some forMartha also, and the two ate in silence, until Stella suddenly burstinto a merry peal of laughter, it was so grotesquely comic! A grown upEnglish girl in these days locked in her room with a dragon duennagaoler!

  "Martha, isn't it too funny, the whole thing!" she said, between hergurgles. "Can't you laugh, you old goose! and to think how sorry youwill be, you were so horrid, when I am gone, because, of course, youknow you cannot keep me once I make up my mind to go."

  "Mrs. Ebley said I was to have no conversation with you, Miss," Marthasaid, glumly, at which Stella laughed afresh.

  Meanwhile Count Roumovski had made all arrangements at the ExcelsiorHotel, and after lunch sat quietly in the hall awaiting his beloved.Mrs. Ebley had felt too upset to go down to the restaurant, so the twoclergymen were there alone, and glanced wrathfully at the imperturbableface of Count Roumovski seated at his usual table, with his air ofdetached aloofness and perfect calm. They, on the contrary, were soboiling with rage that they knew not what they ate.

  After lunch it had been decided that the party should leave the Grandand take the five o'clock train to Florence, and their preparationswere made.

  Mrs. Ebley had herself been laboriously packing so as not to takeMartha from her post, and orders were whispered to that faithfulAbigail through Stella's letter slide to pack Miss Rawson's things atonce.

  Stella watched these preparations serenely, and gave Martha directionsas to what to put on the top. Then when all was finished and she haddonned her hat, she rang the electric bell for the waiter, and when heknocked at the door she calmly bade him enter, which, of course, he wasable to do with his key, and she told him in French, which Martha didnot understand, to send the porters there immediately, and have herluggage consigned to the care of the servant who would be waiting inthe passage. This person would give orders for its destination. Thewaiter bowed obsequiously. Had he not been already heavily tipped bythis intelligent Ivan, and instructed instantly to obey the orders ofmademoiselle?

  "It is much better I am before them," Stella thought to herself, whileMartha looked on in rageful bafflement.

  "The porters will come up and take the trunks outside, Martha," MissRawson said. "You can give them what orders aunt told you to."

  Such was her supreme confidence in the methods of her lover that shefelt sure once Ivan was apprised of the fact by the waiter that thetrunks would be consigned to him it would not matter what Martha saidto the porters! So she calmly sat down by the window and folded herhands, while the elderly maid fumed with the uncertainty of what sheought to do. And in a few moments the men appeared, and smilinglyseemed to understand the gestures and English orders of Martha to takethe trunks to the door of Madam Ebley, number 325, round the corner ofthe passage and on the opposite side.

  They nodded their heads wisely and carried the box out, shutting thedoor after them, and then there was silence for a while; and Stellahalf-dozed in her chair, it was so warm and peaceful by the window andshe had had so little sleep in the night.

  An hour passed, and at four o'clock the Aunt Caroline appeared. Herface was grim. Had Stella been an outcast in deed and word she couldnot have looked more disdainful.

  "You must come down with me now, Stella," she said, "we are ready to goto the station. I will remain with you here until Martha gets her hat."

  Stella rose to her feet and before the astonished lady could speakmore, she had swiftly passed her and gained the door, which she threwopen, and, like a fawn, rushed down the passage toward the staircaseentrance side of the hotel, and by the time her slowly moving aunt hademerged from the room she had turned the corner and was out of sight.

  Fortunately, she met no one on the stairs except one astonished page,and arrived in the outer corridor breathless with excitement andemotion.

  Count Roumovski saw her through the door of the hall, and hastened tomeet her.

  "There is not a moment to be lost," she said, as he got to her side.

  "Go to the place you went before under the trees," he whisperedhurriedly in return. "The automobile is there, and I will followpresently." So she went.

  Her knees would hardly support her, she trembled so, until she was safein the big blue motor, which moved off at once. For an awful moment ahideous sense of terror overcame her, making her cold. What lay infront of her? What new fate?--and then joy and life came back. She wasgoing to freedom and love-away from Exminster and dreary duties--awayfrom Eustace Medlicott, for ever! For, of course, her uncle and auntwould come round in time, and they could be happy again with her someday.

  When Mrs. Ebley had collected her scattered senses and followed downthe passage only to find Stella out of sight, she was obliged toretrace her steps and rejoin her husband and Mr. Medlicott, who wereawaiting her at the lift on the other side, the restaurant end, whichwas the one they were accustomed to descend by.

  "She ran away from me, Erasmus!" the agitated lady cried, "passed mewithout a word, and I suppose has gone down the stairs--if we hasten inthe lift we shall catch her yet."

  But as they frantically rang the bell and the lift boy did not come,Eustace Medlicott, with a most unsaintly exclamation, hastened off bythat staircase and arrived in the hall to see the hated Russian calmlysmoking his cigarette and reading an English paper.

  He advanced upon him regardless of the numbers of people beginning toassemble for tea.

  "What have you done with Miss Rawson?" he asked furiously. "She hasthis moment run away from her aunt."

  "I have nothing to converse with you about," Count Roumovski returned,with mild surprise. "And, as I see it is four o'clock, I must wish youa good-day, as I have an appointment," with which he rose quietlybefore the other could prevent him, and crossed the broad path ofcarpet which separates the groups of chairs, and there was seen toenter into earnest conversation with a Russian-looking individual whohad just entered.

  The Reverend Mr. Medlicott was nonplussed, and hurried into the frontvestibule, where he made rapid inquiries of the hall-porter.

  Yes--the young lady, he believed, had walked out of the hotel not twominutes before. Monsieur would overtake her certainly, if he hastened.And the frantic young man rushed from the door, through the portecochere, and so to the street, but all he saw in the far distance was aretreating large, blue automobile--and this conveyed among all the restof the traffic no impression whatever.

  To search for Stella was hopeless; the only thing to do was to returnto the Ebleys, and with them go to the Embassy. There they could,perhaps, get advice and help how to communicate with the police.

  But what an ignominious position for a Bishop's junior chaplain to beplaced in, a humiliation in every way!


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