Tamed (Cherry Grove Book 2)

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Tamed (Cherry Grove Book 2) Page 14

by Cole Lepley

  I take a deep breath. “Ollie, I have to tell you something and I don’t want you to freak out.”

  He groans, shaking his head. “I hate when you say that.”

  “I didn’t even say anything yet.”

  “Yeah, but you’re going to say something that’s going to piss me off.” He locks his eyes on mine. “Just tell me. I won’t freak out, I promise.”

  “Okay,” I say calmly. “Liam asked me to go have a drink with him, as a friend—and I said yes.”

  Ollie’s posture goes rigid, but he tries to hide it and appear casual, turning back to the television. “Cool. When?”

  I fold my arms and watch his face for signs of distress. “Next weekend.”

  He nods, but the muscle in his jaw is working. “Where at?”

  “A bar downtown.”

  “Which one?”

  I purposely remain quiet and it only takes a second for his head to turn back to me. “Charlotte. Which one?”

  I laugh. “Charlotte, huh?” I slide my legs from his lap and sit up on the couch, facing him. “Why do you want to know, Oliver?”

  He chuckles, but there’s a tinge of sarcasm to it. “It’s not funny.”

  “Are you jealous?”

  He nods.


  Ollie’s face scrunches up, disgusted by my question. “I’m not seeing anyone else. I don’t want you to, either.”

  “We’re not together. You know that.”

  “Yeah, but it still doesn’t mean I want to see you fucking around with him.” He runs a hand down his face and laughs again. “I can’t do it.”

  Scooting closer, I place my hand on his back. He looks over at me, and the sadness in his eyes causes my chest to seize. Without thinking, I lean in and kiss him.

  His lips press against mine for only a moment, and they burn when I pull back. He raises an eyebrow. “Um…”

  “I don’t feel that way about him,” I say quickly. “That was the only way I could think to prove it to you.”

  The corner of his mouth turns up with the beginning of a smile. “I don’t think it was convincing enough.”

  I scoff and give him a small push, but he grabs me by my waist and tugs me onto his lap. My arms instinctually fall around his neck, and he cups my ass with his hands, bringing me closer.

  His tongue darts out and wets his bottom lip before he inches forward. “Prove it, baby,” he whispers. He brushes his lips over mine, feather light, before pulling back.

  He’s waiting for me to take this further. I’m not sure if that makes me in control or not, but it definitely makes it my decision. My brain is currently arguing with my heart while all of my blood seems to be rushing straight to my core. Being pressed against him like this is difficult. I can feel how much he wants this through the thin fabric of my shorts. God, I’ve missed him.

  It doesn’t matter though. This was going to eventually happen, anyway.

  I don’t hesitate this time when I kiss him—and I don’t think he minds.

  Chapter 24

  Flightless Bird

  Oliver - Then

  Chickens shit a lot. This is a fact I was previously unaware of. If you want to get technical about it, there’s forty chickens and one rooster. He seemed to be very close to them so I didn’t feel comfortable leaving the poor guy all alone.

  We stole—I mean, borrowed—them from Jake Parker’s farm. He’s the leading defenseman on the team, and an integral part of the most epic senior prank in Central’s history. Actually, the whole team is an important part. Naturally I’m the brains of the operation, but I didn’t anticipate how much damage a few birds could cause.

  We’re taking a huge risk. Last year the seniors weren’t very smart. Long story short: they flooded the science lab and caused about ten grand worth of damage. Beakers and other nerd shit don’t come cheap. Administration and Coach Hudson gave several talks about how any incidents this year would lead to serious consequences.

  I’m calling their bluff.

  My confidence is forced because I’m already starting to get nervous. The winged savages have taken over the main hallway, clucking around and spewing feathers and excrement all over everything. It’s fucking hilarious, but the clean-up is going to suck. That’s why we have to make certain we don’t get caught.

  Jimmy is chasing a bird toward the stairwell while Jake stands back and laughs. He nudges my arm, his body shaking. “Look at him trying catch that thing. They run fast.”

  I scoff. “He needs more hustle. He’s running like he does on the field.”

  Hunter gives a mocking look from beside me. “Get of it, Ollie. This is fun, not football.”

  “Football is fun,” I say with a serious expression. I point my finger at him. “If you do it right.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Hunter says dismissively. “You’re a champion. We’re all peasants compared to you.”

  I wink at him. “Damn straight.”

  He looks like he wants to snap at me, but Jake’s laughter distracts us both. We turn to see what’s so hilarious.

  “Hey, that one’s trying to lay an egg.”

  I raise an eyebrow. “That’s the rooster.”

  He rolls his eyes, clearly missing the point. “Okay, smart guy. That rooster is trying to lay an egg.”

  I’m about to explain to him the basic concept of reproduction, when Hunter shakes his head at me. “Dude, don’t bother.”

  We exchange a look, and both start laughing. The kid grew up on a farm and is still as dumb as box of rocks when it comes to poultry. It’s a good thing he’s such an excellent defenseman. Everyone needs at least one solid skill to get through life.

  Lucky for me—I have many.

  Hunter laughs, but then concern shows on his face as he takes in the havoc the chickens are already wreaking. He leans into me again. “We need to catch these fucking chickens and trap them in this hallway. They’ll tear shit up if we let them run wild.”

  I nod, my eyes scanning the clusters of clucking chickens. “Yeah, I think you’re right.” I glance at Liam. He’s standing off to the side and messing with his phone, not really paying attention. Typical.

  “Hey!” He looks at me with a subdued glare. We’re obviously still not buds. “Help Jimmy close all the doors by the stairs. We’ll get the ones near the auditorium.”

  He gives a terse nod and stalks off down the hallway. I nudge Hunter, and we walk toward the gym. He waits to speak until we get out of earshot of the others.

  “You think he’ll rat us out?”

  I scoff. “No, why would he? He’s a part of this, too. Coach said we’ll all get benched if he hears about any kind of prank.”

  Hunter taps his forehead. “Exactly.”

  This gives me pause, and I stop walking for a moment. My dad will literally murder me if I get suspended before Friday night’s game. It’s the season opener, and the last one of my high school career. That could be really bad.

  But then I decide I don’t care. What the worst that could happen?

  The following day at school, the chicken scandal is full blown. Speculation is coming in from all angles and all of them are leading back to me. I’ve been popular for many reasons but doing crazy shit and not giving a fuck is what I’m known for. It makes me the obvious choice.

  The prank was fucking amazing. Several of the chickens broke into the band room and pecked the shit out of the instruments. In hindsight, we probably should have fed them first, but you live and you learn, I guess.

  I’m digging through my locker when Hunter comes up beside me. His locker is right next to mine, but he doesn’t open it. He just stands there, staring at me.

  “Something I can help you with, dear?”

  His jaw tenses. “It’s not funny, Ollie.” He leans down to whisper harshly. “We’re seriously fucked. Those chickens wrecked some expensive shit. They’re talking like thousands of dollars’ worth of damage.”


  “So?” He laughs once. “I’
m sorry, but not all of us can be so fucking causal about money.”

  “Don’t worry. If shit goes down, my dad will pay for it.”

  “What if we get suspended? You may not need a scholarship to go to college, but I sure as fuck do.”

  I stop my search for my missing calculus notebook and look over at him. His face is turning red and I can almost see the smoke about to pour from his ears. He’s seriously pissed.

  I place my hand on his shoulder. “Dude. It’s going to be fine. Trust me.”

  He shrugs me off and levels a dark glare. “That’s what you said last night. When you assured us no one would find out.”

  “No one did find out,” I counter, slightly frustrated. “Did you hear any names being thrown around by the faculty?” I shrug. “It’s all just speculation at this point.”

  My words spew into the air like a premonition. I don’t have time to hide my surprise when I see Coach, the principal, and my fucking old man walking our way. Even Hunter looks scared, and that doesn’t happen often.

  They stop in front of us and Coach Hudson nods at his office. “Let’s go, Ollie. We have something we’d like to show you.”

  Somewhere deep down, I regain the ability to appear aloof. “Uh, sure.” I grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder. “I have class, though.”

  My father glares at me. When I look at Coach, he places his hand on my shoulder. “It will only take a minute.”

  I shoot a look back to Hunter and follow them across the hall toward Coach’s office. I try to think of how to lie my way out of whatever it is they think they have. I need to prepare myself for anything.

  He nods to the seat in front of his desk and my father sits beside me. Principal Bellamy stands behind the desk in front of the window and Coach takes his chair.

  I wipe my palms on the legs of my jeans. “What’s up?”

  Coach pulls his phone from his pocket, scrolling on the screen for a moment. He turns it around and sets it on the desk in front of me.

  “Care to explain this?”

  Leaning forward, I keep my features neutral as I stare back at photo of me standing in the hallway last night. It was when we first got there and I’m holding a chicken with both hands, laughing while it tries to flap it’s wings hard enough to escape. It’s a good pic, actually. But I don’t say that.

  I cross my arms and lean back in the chair, feigning innocence. “I’ve never seen that chicken before in my life.”

  My father rolls his eyes. “Don’t act stupid, Ollie. I know you did this.”

  Coach Hudson and the principal remain quiet, momentarily muted by my fathers’ dominant presence. When he speaks, everyone listens.

  I cast my eyes downward, slouching a little. There’s no point in lying. Photographic evidence is hard to dispute.

  “It was supposed to be funny. We didn’t mean for it to get out of hand.”

  “Who’s ‘we?’”

  I can feel them all staring at me. I look up, realizing my mistake. It’s one thing to get caught. It’s quite another to take everyone else down with me. I ain’t no snitch.

  I sit up straight, plastering a look of confidence onto my face. In reality, the only thing I’m confident about is the amount of trouble I’m about to be in.

  “It was just me.”

  Principal Bellamy cocks his head like I’m full of shit and Coach Hudson folds his hands on his desk with a skeptical expression. “You mean to tell me that you got forty chickens into the school, after hours, all by yourself.”

  I raise a finger. “And one rooster.”

  My father slaps my arm with the back of his hand. “Don’t be a smart-ass. Answer the question.”

  I turn back to Coach Hudson. “Yeah, just me.”

  He purses his lips, disappointment lacing his features. “Ollie, I warned all of you what would happen if you got involved in any kind of senior prank. After last year, administration established a zero-tolerance policy.” He gives my father a look and then turns back to me. “I’m sorry, but I have to suspend you.”

  My stomach drops. “For how long?”

  “Three days and at least one game.”

  Dread surges through me when I remember how important this week’s game is. It’s not like I forgot—I know how crucial this season is—but I guess I never thought I’d actually get caught.

  “You can finish out the day and then you’ll be gone until Monday.” He stands up and gives a regretful nod. “I’m very sorry about this. But we have to set an example.”

  “Fuck,” I mutter, which earns me yet another glare from my father. “Sorry,” I say, standing up from my chair. “For everything.”

  Everyone appears satisfied with my apology, with the exception of my father. He nods to Coach. “Give us a minute, will you? I’ll meet up with you to discuss payment for the damages later.”

  They all shake hands and Coach and Principal Bellamy head for the door, leaving my father and me alone. I’m more nervous now than I was before. He closes the door and turns to me with a murderous look. I swallow hard.

  “You think this is what I work for?”

  I’m not stupid enough to think he’s actually asking me this question, so I shake my head and he laughs darkly before taking a step closer.

  He cocks his head toward me, inches from my face. “You think I like taking time out of my day to come down here and clean up your fucking mess?”

  I shake my head again.

  “It’s all a big joke to you, isn’t it?”

  He eyes me hard and I shrink under his glare. Somehow I remember how to speak and decide it would be a good time to say something.


  He pokes his finger into my chest, anger creeping up his neck in a fiery patch of red. One thing my father hates more than anything is being embarrassed. Being called down here in the middle of a workday was strike one. This? This is strike two. I’ve never made it to three and I don’t think I want to.

  “You may think it’s funny to do dumb shit and make everyone look at you like you’re some kind of hero, but it’s not. You’re the one who’s going to pay for acting like an idiot, and I’ll be damned if I let you ruin your future because you’re too stupid to know when to quit.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  He laughs under his breath and then runs hand through his hair. “Sorry doesn’t mean anything to me until you can prove that you can do something right.” His eyes lock on mine again. “Football is something that you do right. Don’t fuck it up.”

  All I do is nod because now I’m not scared anymore. My fear is replaced with anger and I’m afraid I’ll say something stupid if I let it show. At the end of the day it’s all about appearances—and I’m a master of disguise.

  The one person I can always count on to make me feel better is Charlie. That’s why I’m climbing through her window the moment her Gram’s light goes off.

  She’s lying on her side on the bed, her homework sprawled out in front of her. Her hair is twisted into a sexy bun and she has those glasses on that make her look like a naughty Librarian. I suddenly forget why I was even upset.

  Her eyes are filled with concern when I step onto her bedroom floor. She sits up straighter, her pen falling onto her notebook. “Are you in trouble?”

  I slump my shoulders and put on my most pathetic look. “Yeah, I’m grounded.”

  She laughs. “Seriously?”

  I sputter a laugh of my own before flopping down on the bed beside her. “No. Does that like really happen?”

  Charlie shuts her notebook and gives me a sideways glance. “Um, yeah. Most adolescents are supposed to follow the rules set by their parents.”

  “Guess I’m not one of them.”

  “Guess not,” she replies dryly.

  I inch my fingers over to her hand. Her skin is always so warm and soft. My eyes drift to her tank top and I think about shoving my face in between…


  I look up at her and flash an innocent smile. “What?

  She gives me an irritated look for a moment and then her eyes soften. “Are you upset?”

  I keep my gaze focused on her hand as I run my fingers along the back of it. “About what?”

  She sighs. “Missing the game on Friday. I know it’s important.”

  Her fingers lace through mine and I close my eyes for a moment. Nothing ever feels bad when I’m with her. Especially now that I can kiss her anytime I want.

  Instead of answering her question, I pull her over to me so her lips are inches from mine. “I don’t feel so bad right now.”

  She pulls back, and I groan. “Can’t you be serious for one minute? I know you’re upset.”

  “I am,” I say, tugging her back to me. “I’m sad, so you need to kiss me right now and make it better.”

  She smiles and grabs the sides of my face, holding me away. “You’re stupid for taking the fall for them. They couldn’t have suspended all of you.”

  I try to move forward, but she holds me out of reach. I sigh. “I’m loyal. What can I say?”

  “You promise?” she whispers back.

  There’s something about the way she says it that makes me think it’s not about the prank, or the team. She’s talking about us. We haven’t set any kind of boundaries or put a label on what we are, but that doesn’t matter. She belongs to me and I belong to her. Period.

  She releases me and I quickly lean in to catch her lips. I fight the urge to deepen the kiss, and instead pull back to see her face.

  “I’m yours, Charlie.” I kiss the side of her head and tug her into my side, wrapping my arms around her tight. “That’s a promise.”

  Chapter 25


  Charlotte - Now


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