Inter Galactic Peacemakers

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Inter Galactic Peacemakers Page 4

by Yathansh Sharma

  “Even if we do we might survive as we will fall in the river”

  “It’s too dangerous, I won’t do it.”

  “You can, TRUST ME (Oh man I am loving it)”

  Chapter 13 – Dancing With The Mermaids

  “Don’t you dare say that to me again.” She replied and then moved towards me as according to the plan we both will slide together. As we were coming down the same thing happened that we were afraid of, the rope was not able to handle us and it broke.

  In a second both of us were in the river quickly I swam to the top of the river and I saw that Kanika was still in there, which shocked me as she was a very good swimmer then I went back in and saw a mermaid in there holding Kanika with her one hand and Kanika was kind of fainted. The mermaid was naked with most of her long golden hair floating in the water. Her lower half was of a fish, but upper half looked pure human and that kind of attracted me towards her. I went forward and both of us were close to each other, I was kind of hypnotized, (Actually not kind of I was really hypnotized). She came closer to kiss me but then suddenly a bubble of air which came out of Kanika’s mouth arrived between both of us and burst, when I realized what was happening, then the looks of that mermaid starts to change her golden hair turned red, her face turned into a shark’s and she attacked towards me. I somehow douched the first attack but before her second attack Joshi came there without his B.T. pushing the mermaid off there, I took Kanika and swam at the shore of the river.

  I handed Kanika to Mishra and swam back in there and then quickly placed mechanical gills on my neck, which were Zemo compatible due to their mechanical nature. Upon my arrival what I saw was really pathetic, Joshi had his tongue stuck in the mouth of the mermaid and both of them were trying to pull apart (This is called joint by fate, or by tongue?). Well I grabbed the mermaid from behind and freed her of Joshi’s pathetic tongue. To which she reacted by kicking me with her tail, and she swam away.

  “What way of thanking was that?” I asked.

  “I am the one who must be thanking you” Joshi replied.

  “Go on, I won’t stop you.”

  “We are even” he said and swam back upward placing his B.T.

  “Anytime now?” I said and when I realized that he won’t say it I too swam upwards removing the Mechanical gills off my neck.

  As I reached the top I saw that Kanika was still fainted and all of them had no idea what to do. So I reached her gave her C.P.R. and pushed her stomach to remove water from her mouth.

  But still she showed no movement so I carried on with the C.P.R. then as I kept my mouth over her to blow air into her mouth Sakshi was burning like hell and I knew that Agent Sharma if you don’t do anything quickly you will be dead by tomorrow morning.

  Then suddenly Kanika coughed and I finally got a breath of relief that she is fine.

  “What happened here?” she asked.

  “Everything is fine, TRUST ME” I replied.

  “I told you not to say that to me again.”

  “I just can’t help it” I replied.

  With my help she stood on her feet once again and we saw the burning forest over the mountain.

  “We must leave, for now, away from this fire” Varun said.

  And after walking for some time we rested at a place and made a camp over there. We used the cloth and rope from the rest of the parachute and made a tent to rest in. Joshi and Mishra managed to get some wood for fire and the only requirement now was food.

  “Alright I and Joshi are going to get something to eat meanwhile you all stay here and be safe.” I said.

  “And how on earth are you going to remember routs of this dense forest?” Sakshi asked.

  “We will work on our instincts.” Joshi replied.

  “So are we good to go?” I asked Joshi.

  Both of us turned around, started walking and Joshi asked “Your girl has got a point. How will we return without our G.P.S?”

  “Yeah with our Bracelets off the G.P.S is also gone, but I have an idea.”

  “What is that?”

  “Maybe this thing was useless in the first try but not the second.” I said showing him the same blade that we used for river crossing.

  “What will it do?”

  “We will cut every tree that we pass and then we have a way back.”

  “Without its machine?”

  “I know a use of your tongue.”

  “I am having a feeling that something really dangerous and painful is going to happen”

  “Oh come on, I will take your tongue through this small hole and then make you grab the end of your tongue then you will rotate on the same spot and the it will work like a motor which will cut the tree in one slice”

  “What the…? Why only my tongue? Why don’t you try this madness with your own tongue? It will heel quickly if it cuts”

  “I should have done it but… you see my tongue is not long enough, and besides if my tongue cuts then my blood will dissolve this metal so I am not the perfect person for this”

  “Then why don’t you try this with that vine?” he said as he pointed at the vine lying on the ground

  “That is a very delicate thing and can cut if not revolved properly”

  “I will revolve it with all the care.”

  “Alright then you are in.” (Yeah the plan worked, as it did back there on the plane, yup I knew that the gun didn’t had bullets, but you see this is my specialty that I don’t tell anyone their role in the plan and it still work)

  This was becoming difficult as we were searching for a new vine more than food, as every new vine we found Joshi broke it, but somehow after reaching a point at the river back again we saw too many mermaids swimming in the river.

  Chapter 14 – King of Mermaids, the Merman

  So many beauties together attracted us towards the river.

  “You are thinking the same as I am?” I asked.

  “Yeah it’s like paradise, what if one of them falls in love with us?” Joshi replied.

  “I was thinking for a mermaid soup.”

  “Are you crazy? Making a soup with such beautiful creatures that look even more beautiful without clothes and…”

  “Hello Mr. dreamer, they are mermaids, they don’t wear clothes, and secondly it’s their job to attract men by their looks so they can do the same which we are suppose to do right now, have dinner.”

  “Oh! I would love to have a candle light dinner with them.”

  “You won’t be having dinner with them, you will be their dinner, and perhaps that isn’t their real face don’t you remember the one we saw about an hour ago?”

  “Are you crazy that was so much pathetic and ugly, they are so beautiful.” And Joshi started walking towards them.

  “I still think that mermaid soup is a much better idea, hey wait for me…” and I walked behind him.

  “Hello beautiful ladies, mind if you join?” Joshi said.

  “Well hello handsome you want to come closer?” said one of them.

  “Of course why not?” (Man this is going way too fast)

  “Oh yeah sure just be careful of their sharp canines, when you kiss her.” I said.

  “Will you please keep quite? I am busy here.” he replied turning towards me.

  “I am just trying to warn you, because that’s what they exactly do, call males closer to them and then eat them in dinner, or breakfast, and that’s exactly what she did to me” I said pointing to one of the mermaid the same one we met before.

  “Me?” She said.

  “Yeah exactly you… and… Joshi look behind…” I said and he reacted to it by quickly turning towards the mermaid and then jumping off as she had made a leap to grab him.

  “Woof! That was weird.” He said.

  “Told you.” I said.

  That mermaid quickly went back into the water.

  “Can this be true that they can’t live on the land?”

  “Maybe, who knows?” I replied.

  Suddenly all of them stoo
d in two parallel lines leaving a gap in between.

  “What’s happening?” Joshi asked

  “Don’t look at me.” I replied.

  Then a mermaid came towards the end and said “Our king wants an audience with you.”

  “What is he kind of a hungry merman?” I asked.

  “Hey how do you know?” she said smiling.

  “Stop playing these stupid tricks of yours with me.” I replied.

  “Alright I don’t even care, once the meeting is finished I will serve you to him with my own hands” she replied.

  “Sure if he doesn’t have the pleasure of doing that on his own.” Joshi replied.

  We both walked towards the river removing our B.T. and I put on the mechanical gills once again. As we swam deep inside the river we saw that it was way too deeper than it was supposed to be as a river. Deep down there was a merman with a spear in one of his hand and the other one empty.

  “So are you the king here?” I said.

  “You are absolutely right.” He replied.

  “Al right Mr. king I am having a problem with some mermaids of yours, first of all tell them I taste very bad, infect all my friends taste very horrible expect him so there is no point even trying to eat us” I said pointing at Joshi, “Secondly this place really stinks can’t you clean it at once?”

  “Shut up…” he shouted. “You tried to kill my wife?”

  “What me? Not you are mistaken, I never killed even a fly, so how can I kill a mermaid?” I replied.

  “Keep quiet, you will pay for this transgression” He shouted again.

  “Dude, now you have really pissed him off” Joshi said.

  “What’s my fault in this you were the one who attacked her?” I replied.

  “Listen here, now you entered my kingdom without my permission and then tried to kill my wife no. 13…” he said.

  “Now that explains why she was evil… wait you have 13 wives?” I said.

  “No , 20…”

  “Man what do you do with so many wives? Well are you in a mood to rent someone…” Joshi said.

  “Keep quiet, you stupid pathetic hopeless, dull, dumb good for nothing creature.” He said.

  “Now that’s what I call a true insult” I replied.

  “Now you will suffer my wrath.” He said.

  “Who knows I am not even sure myself.” I replied.

  He threw that sphere towards me and the battle starts between us. At first we were strong over him but then he transformed into a long sea dragon and that might turn the tables.

  “What just happened?” Joshi said.

  “He transformed.” I replied.

  “How is that possible?” he said.

  “I will surely tell you if we survive”

  There was very little chance of stopping him, especially in the water.

  “We have to get him out.” Joshi said.

  “But how you got a plan?” I replied.

  “Oh sure, run” he said.

  “I have even better plan, use your tongue.” I said throwing the blade towards him.

  “What all can it do except cutting trees and rocks?” he said.

  “Let’s see?” I said and Joshi used his tongue to tie the blade and then quickly rotated in the water, as it was his specialist.

  The king was badly injured by the attack and tried to escape, after transforming into a fish, a giant fish.

  “Not now your majesty, let’s have some fun” I said grabbing his tail and threw him out of the water. Then I quickly swam up dodging the attacks by the mermaids, and grabbed the sphere he threw at me (Which was still floating in the water), when I reached the top I saw that he was trying to get back into the water.

  I stepped on his tail and said “Stop right there you asshole, this game is not over yet” and I penetrated the sphere through his tale going into the ground which stuck him there.

  This made him unable to move and he choked to death.

  “I don’t think that you were supposed to leave me out there with those deadly mermaids.” Joshi said coming out of the water.

  “Actually I left those mermaids alone in there with you, and besides who was the one to fall in love with them?” I replied.

  “I… it was… different thing.”

  “Agent Joshi first rule in this great universe is that nothing is real, so don’t just believe what you see.” I said and then bent towards the mouth of the king… fish “Am I right your majesty?”

  “Arghhhh…..” it screamed.

  Both of us jumped back “Wow! Hell, what was that?” Joshi asked.

  “It’s the last word anyone of their species says before dying.” I replied.

  “You better be careful with that thing” he said.

  I bent down and one by one closed its eyes and said “Rest in peace my friend”

  “Friend? He tried to kill us…”

  “Shhhh! No one is our enemy after death.”

  “Stop this religious shit of yours, now what are we supposed to do?” he said.

  “Let me guess, lets head back for dinner.”

  “Ah! Good guess, but there is just one problem, Where is the dinner?”

  “Right here, this friend of mine sacrificed himself to feed us”

  “Are you serious? That’s a monster and…”

  “If you have anything else to eat in this forest other than this monster so you can tell me” I said picking it up and walking away.

  “… Agent Sharma can you read me?” said Brain from the communicator.

  “Brain I can read you and even our devices are online.” I replied.

  “What happened there? What’s your status?”

  “We are on the triangle and… Brain? Do you copy? Shit it went offline again” I said.

  “I am seriously trapped here” Joshi replied “Hey wait we just made a way cutting down every tree in our way so that we must not get lost and now you are walking beside this river.”

  “Yup! Remember we made our camp beside the river and now I realized that we don’t need those marks anymore, as we lost our way and reached the river once again so now we just need to walk beside it.”

  “This means all my hard work was for nothing?”

  “Sorry to say but, yes it was of no use.”

  “Just forget about it, tell me how can he transform without a B.T.?” Joshi said placing his B.T. back over his shoulder.

  “The answer is simple, these creatures were the first to show the ability to transform body parts without any electronic device. Also there D.N.A. coding helped us make the B.T.”

  “Back there at the plane do you felt something strange?”

  “Yup the arms and ammunition in charge was too big a jerk”

  “No the bomb, it wasn’t even activated, but still it exploded.”

  “My focus was on Kanika, that she should get hurt.”

  “Don’t forget we are on a mission.”

  “So what do you mean to say, this was all planned? To get us on the triangle? That Zemo radiation, and the plane, everything that happened till now was it planned?”

  “Exactly, because till now there was no sign of aliens on this island, but all of a sudden this happens and we are here, with this filthy thing in our hands.”

  “Maybe you are right but we didn’t come to this part of the triangle in our last visits? Maybe they were here for a long time, hiding?”

  “That dragon which flew above us today was hiding?”


  “Only if my device was working…”

  “But they are not, and we have to survive without them, at all costs.”

  “What’s that awful smell?”

  “What?” I asked.

  “Wow! It might become difficult for us to survive, if it wasn’t easy for him.” Joshi said pointing at something on his right in the forest.

  Chapter 15 – A Rotting Surprise

  I looked at it and to my surprise it was the semi rotted dead body of the same dragon that flew a
bove us.

  “We saw it today, didn’t we? How is it possible it died in a day, and decayed too?” Joshi said.

  “Yeah it is true that this is the dead body of that dragon that lived here, but not of the same one who flew above us today.”

  “Perhaps it might be some other dragon.”

  “No, it can’t be, these are very dangerous hunters and even hunt their kind if someone try to infiltrate their area. It’s impossible that there is another dragon on earth, or else he would have been discovered till now, although where can an animal like that hide except for Bermuda triangle?”

  “Wait a sec. we just have the dragon dead in front of us how can you say that someone else had not taken his place?”

  “Because after death their body rots for years more than 100 of years and during this time no other dragon even dares to enter that area.”

  “So you mean to say that it was the same dragon?”

  “No otherwise it might not have been in this state.”

  “No matter what we better get going, before someone comes looking for us.” Joshi said.

  After walking for some time we reached outside our camp I kept the fish down and then placed my B.T. in order to get back in the fake shape. Then I tried to pick it up again and “Man this thing suddenly got too much heavier”

  “Let’s do it together.” Joshi replied.

  “How much its weight might be?” I asked.

  “1000 N(ewton) if acceleration due to gravity is 10 m/s here”


  “Oh! Around 100 kg… You are too quite, is something going on in your head?”

  “No it’s just that dragon, if something on this island can hunt him, who knows what it will do to us.”

  As we united with all the others I saw that Srijita and Varun were talking to each other same goes with Mishra and Sakshi, but Kanika was nowhere to be seen. All the eyes turned towards us in amazement.

  “How on Earth you got to catch a fish like that?” Sakshi said.

  “Maybe I am a good Fisherman.” I replied.

  “Great, we are going to enjoy a good feast today.” Srijita replied.

  “Where is Kanika?” I asked.

  “She said that she is going somewhere where the sky is more open.” Mishra replied.

  “She is out there even after what happened to her?” I questioned.

  “Go find and ask her what’s on her mind?” he replied.

  “I know where she might be, I saw a place where the sky was clear while we were coming here.”

  “What’s for us? I mean you know that I don’t eat Non-veg.” Sakshi said.

  “We are in the middle of a forest on the deadliest island, and we have a survival challenge, so you better forget the luxury of your home.” I said as I turned to move towards the river.


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