Escaping From Forever: Tank & Kat's story, Part 1 (Battle Born MC Book 5)

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Escaping From Forever: Tank & Kat's story, Part 1 (Battle Born MC Book 5) Page 6

by Scarlett Black

  “Bueno, take the gray shipment truck.” Cobra lifts his chin and I nod in goodbye before turning to leave.

  It seems that Cobra has his own agenda in Mexico City, and that makes it my fucking business. But to have Cobra stall half a day is actually perfect.

  “Angel, fly up to Reno, Nevada, immediately and set up there, then wait for my instructions while I handle everything here. Create distractions only as I instruct.”

  I pause because I know what he is going to do, he’ll find Jennifer, the woman that was promised to him by my father that he refuses to allow him to have now. I should feel guilty, but I don’t.

  “Also, go pay off that lawyer up there to infiltrate and work with that MC of Battle Born. We need the transport access. Make it happen, and, when we take over the MC, you can have your precious American puta.”

  I would feel sorry for the fucking bitch, except she is exactly what I need to reel Angel in. He is my brother after all, and if he doesn’t eventually get what he wants, he will kill me too.

  Chapter 9


  Las Vegas, about three years ago…

  Stryker bellows from the hall for us to get to church. After the men gather and the door shuts, a very pissed off Prez, looks at us all before telling us why we are here.

  “It’s suspected that there are a few trucks moving across our territory and not paying for access through Nevada.” He stops to let out an exhale. “From what I know of the increase in trucks and with Cobra constantly on my ass to allow him transport, I suspect he knows who they belong to and wants back into our good graces.”

  Maddox, the VP, holds up a hand. “That isn’t going to go down well with Fuego and his crew up north.”

  Stryker nods, “I know, and I feel it in my gut that someone is setting up to take us over.”

  I can’t say I’m surprised by this because of the past feud, but what we all can guarantee is one thing. It is about to get a whole lot worse before this will get any better.

  “Crank, you and Tank hit the freeway and have first watch. Split up into teams and I’ll text out a schedule. Until then, no fucking booze, bitches or blow,” Stryker orders us and slams down the gavel. Church is over but I have a long night with Crank watching the road.

  As we filter out, I catch up to Blade and Axl. “He said the B’s of life, brothers, booze, bitches and blow.” Blade shakes his head at me and Axl laughs, “I want some head before I head to bed, another fucking B.”

  Even though I feel that today will turn into a shit day, I try to keep it light and joke, move forward or else the stress could eat us alive.

  Crank and I suit up for the ride out. We don’t wear our cuts or take our bikes but instead hit the highway in a black truck.

  For hours, we call in trucks and van plates until we get lucky. We find an unregistered truck that hasn’t reported to the club and we follow him. Almost too easy to be true and my instincts flare up.

  “Crank, I think this fucker wants us to follow him. Ease up, brother, and let me put in a call to Stryker first.”

  “Don’t be a fucking pussy, Tank.” Crank, the old bastard, snarls at me. I hold my hands up for a moment. But, fuck this asshole, and decide to send off a text to Stryker anyway, letting him know where we are and what we found.

  The cargo truck takes a turn off the freeway into an industrial area outside the city. He parks the truck and starts getting out. Fuck! I internally scream before I see Stryker texting back, saying to keep our asses where they are until he gets here.

  Crank takes off through the buildings, not waiting for me as his backup. Gunfire goes off into the short distance and I run up, holding my gun out in front of me while firing at the cargo truck that’s hauling off.

  Crank holds his chest and spits up blood. “Fucking Cobra had his man transporting, tell Stryker.” He spits up more blood.

  Holstering my gun, I rip off my shirt and hold it to his chest. It feels useless with the amount of blood that now has saturated the fabric. Two shots in each lung, fuck. He’s done.

  I stand up and roar out the frustration of the whole thing. If the stupid bastard listened, he would still be breathing. Pulling out my phone, I call Stryker and inform him that we need a clean-up van now too.

  By the time that he and the club make it to where we are, fire has lightened up the club and Styker wants revenge. He, Maddox and Titan take off after the man I described in the truck. The other one, I have never seen, and, as much as I tried to slow them down, revenge was the only thing they understood.

  I help with loading Crank into the van to bury him on an unmarked grave out in the desert. Like this shit couldn’t get any worse, but no bodies, no evidence, and, unfortunately, Crank just became evidence. His body is removed of anything that could identify him, like his wallet and cut which Spider bags and throws into the truck. His club tatt is burned away with a torch.

  A coyote howls off into the distance and an eerie feeling surrounds us, rendering us all silent before Blade looks up at the sky. “Stryker found him, he’s dead.” Axl, Spider and I look at each other for clarity, but words are left unsaid.

  A grave is dug with shovels and four men into to the early morning sunset. Crank is lowered inside before he is covered, and we all stand speechless, in our own way saying goodbye to a member.

  None of us has ever had to bury a man. This is a day not a one of us will ever forget. The reality. Nothing lasts forever, bet on today and not tomorrow.

  This is the moment when the four us become men of the Battle Born. The day we buried one of our own is the day when life and death gets tattooed into our souls.

  You are not born until you battle.

  Battle Born.

  Chapter 10


  Maria, our housekeeper, keeps looking at me over the stove while she cleans the kitchen.

  “I need your help today.” I decide to shoot her straight. If there is any way to get her help, I have to be blunt with her.

  “Para qué? For what?”

  Stepping closer to her, I lay a hand on her shoulder, hoping to gain her sympathy. “I need to see mi papa before he leaves, and Matias, I’m scared to ask him.” I clam up and look down at the floor.

  Maria huffs out a breath, “Mija, your husband will kill me. Literally.” She gives me a pointed look and I know she’s right.

  “I know he won’t be happy. I’ll just tell him I took you to lunch and my father showed up,” I plead with her. She shakes her head, and I know that I won.

  “We leave to get supplies for the house, and you came to the bakery to gather groceries, sí?”

  “Sí, Maria, gracias.”

  After we both are ready to leave, I notify Maria and she distracts the guards with sopaipillas while I dart and lie down in the back of her car. She opens and shuts the door before muttering, “This is so silly, mija, really.”

  The guards watch her, and she hollers out, “Adiós,” waving as she drives out.

  When we pull up to the small store, I ask her, “Do you recognize anyone? Did anyone follow us?”

  She looks around and grabs her bag, then looks behind us. “No. Be back here in thirty minutes, no más.” She gets out of the car, and, a few moments after her, I do the same. My breathing gets labored as I quickly walk the three blocks, dodging hundreds of people before I reach my father who is sitting at a table.

  “Nice hat and sunglasses,” he chuckles at me.

  “Do you want to be shot for eating with me?” I deadpan.

  He stops laughing and leans forward. “Take the bag next to me, it will have everything you need. Follow your instruction as you were taught.” He leans in a little closer. “Matias has something planned, I need you to find out what and let me know. He tried to have me followed today.” He gets up from the table. “Keep your eyes and ears open,” he advises before turning to leave.

  “I need information on a guard, Juan Cervantes, as soon as possible,” I manage to squeeze out before he’s out of here
with a nod of acknowledgement.

  Quickly, I grab the bag and take it with me out of the busy restaurant, then hurry to meet Maria. I barely make it back right before she does. She looks down at me, then buckles up and leaves the city to head back to the house.

  I feel safe, for now at least, but it saddens me what I have to do next. I take the phone out and text Cobra. Maria needs to be taken care of.

  A moment later, I know when I receive a text back that it is done. I close my eyes and push the pain away, knowing the monster that created the evil in this world lives within me too.

  As soon as I get into my room, I stuff the cash, phone and Glock in plastic bags. Then, I clip the bags to shirt hangers and cover them with my suit jackets and shirt sets.

  While I wait for Matias to get home, I strategize his possible next move. This cat and mouse game is growing intense.

  To keep the appearances, I start dinner for us and set out the food on the counter for shrimp fajitas. I glance up when Korina walks in. She looks hesitant to be in the same room as me.

  “What were you doing today? I came by and no one knew that you weren’t here, Katherine. Does Matias know you were gone?” She tosses her bag down after firing her questions and squares up to me with her hands on her hips.

  “I went out to buy my husband our favorite dinner, Korina. What I do or don’t do is none of your business anyway, or is it?”

  She glares at me and swallows, not sure what else to say to me. “He is going to find out you weren’t here.”

  I jerk my head in confusion. “Korina, is there something wrong with surprising him? Please don’t ruin it for me.” Or, I may have to stab you with a kitchen knife. I don’t add that, but I know without a doubt that I’m not the one who will die today.

  “I do appreciate your thoughts and concern, I was just so happy to make this for him for our anniversary,” I explain with as much fake enthusiasm as I can muster. “So, you said you came by looking for me then? For what?”

  The surprise on her face is like a slap to the face. Stunned, she stands there speechless. I wave a hand at her, “Oh man, you have it bad for Esteban, don’t you?” I tease. “I can’t wait to tell Matias, he will be so happy to hear this!”

  “NO, please,” she stumbles forward. “He-uh, doesn’t want anyone to know yet. We haven’t, um, we will soon, okay?”

  “Don’t wait too long, okay? Your secret is safe with me like I know mine is with you, right?” The little pinche perra grabs her bag and fakes a laugh, waving me goodbye.

  “Sure is.” She walks out, leaving me and forgetting all about the fucking knife she left in my back.

  Soon after she leaves, Matias is strolling in with a pleased look on his face, sitting down at the table. I grab a Corona and his plate, then walk over, softly placing the food and beer down in front of him. His hand darts out and captures my wrist in a tight grip.

  “Katherine.” He scoots his chair back and pulls me down in his lap. “Happy anniversary, mi amor.”

  My heart is pounding in my ears. I just never know what his actions really mean. I slowly raise my hand and cup his cheek. “Happy anniversary,” I repeat the words back that taste like vomit in my mouth.

  Matias’ hand comes up and runs over the protruding, pounding vein in my neck, running his thumb over it.

  “What is it, Katherine?” he whispers and kisses along the vein, then licks it with a long moan.

  “You.” It is a confession, but I don’t add how much I despise him and how hard my heart is pounding from fear.

  “Mmm,” he responds and cups my tits before removing my shirt and then my bra. “Stand,” he commands, and I do listen, for now.

  Slowly, Matias pulls my pants down my legs and removes them, followed by his own. His strong hands pull me back forward but this time he has me straddle his dick.

  “Fuck me, Katherine, make me come in this pussy that belongs to me.”

  Everything in my body screams at me to run, but I don’t, and I do as he asks, and I fuck my husband, on a chair, in our kitchen, on our tenth wedding anniversary.

  Matias rocks me back and forth by my hips, grinding me down hard while he shoots his release into me. “Fuck, I don’t want you to move. I want my cum to stay inside you.”

  I close my eyes and lean forward, concealing my shock from him. Oh my God, why would he want that? Only one thing comes to mind and this just got that much worse. I hold on to him, terrified and too frozen to move in my panicked state. His fingers trail up and down my spine.

  “I need you, Katherine, I need you to talk to your father and get close to him. Would you do that for me?”

  Nausea rolls through my body in waves, because now he just turned me into Korina.

  A little snitch in his game of lies.

  Chapter 11


  “What the fuck do you mean Maria is dead?” I snarl into the phone.

  Esteban sighs at the other end. “Cops just called. It was a mugging gone wrong. They took her phone, purse, jewelry and car. She was left with a cut throat in a ditch. Fuck.” Someone interrupts him before he comes back to me. “Her last call was to your burner phone. The call was missed at the time of her death.”

  The employees are only allowed to dial that number under extreme circumstances.

  “I don’t think it was a random. If she was killed while getting mugged, they would have taken her by surprise. She was targeted. Find out why, Esteban, we don’t need any distractions from tonight or tomorrow.” I disconnect the call and curl my body back into Katherine’s where she lies on her side with her back to me.

  My fingers trail over her silky skin, from her hip to her shoulder, then I lightly drag her hair away from her face. “You’re awake, mi amor.” My lips press a kiss to her shoulder and my hand runs down her body where I hold her still flat stomach.

  “Yes,” she croaks out and clears her throat.

  “I need you to rest, it’s barely dawn. Sleep in. I need to go meet Esteban.” I don’t really need to explain, she was lying next to me when I took the call, and heard me.

  I need her pregnant with my child as soon as possible. And, with the amount of times I’ve fucked her over the last few months and then again last night, it’s a real possibility.


  Cobra. I knew that he would kill Maria, and, from the sounds of it, it was barely in time before she ratted me out to Matias. That was too close. I need to be more careful if I want to make it out alive.

  My stomach starts turning again, but this time I believe it is because of my guilt for my hand in getting a good woman killed.

  A part of me believes that, except, she was paid well to work for Matias, knowing the possible consequences, just like I do. I can die at any given moment. I’m wrapping myself up in these lies, and, if I’m not careful, I’ll be caught in my own web.

  Pulling myself up, my weak body protests at leaving the warm bed, and I slowly walk into the bathroom. At the sink, I splash cool water on my face.

  In my mind, I pray for the guilt or nausea to leave, but neither does. The nausea increases, and, a second later, I race to the toilet before my vomit can hit the floor.

  I empty whatever was in my stomach in seconds, with a gut-wrenching force. A sickness I’ve never felt in my life overcomes me.

  And, just like that, the game has changed, and I must leave before he realizes what I have of value to him.

  I am pregnant with a Cartel prince.

  My hand trembles as I wipe my mouth. No, this can’t be happening now.

  A cold sweat breaks out over my forehead. My forearm wipes it away but the worry intensifies. How could this be? I know that I had my shot a few months ago. I’ve been so careful about it in the last couple of years.

  My body rests as I sit down next to the toilet, with my back to the wall, and I allow myself to cry for a few moments. I can only feel pain. A pain so deep that it shatters me in two. My husband betrayed me one last time. It’s the only thing that makes

  Tears stream down my face, and I breathe through it all like they are drops of betrayal leaving me with every single splash down my chest. I am being swallowed up by the grief, and I let it take me for the ride, allowing it to crash into me with the force of a hurricane.

  My father and Matias are both going to kill me when they discover what I have done, and all this will come crashing down. But, one thing I know with clarity. They can’t have my baby. He is mine.

  Pure will and determination drives me to get up and get back into the fight and finish this. My heart strengthens and the tears stop. I walk over to the mirrors and look at myself, Katherine, the wife of one of the biggest kingpins in Mexico, a Cartel Prince himself. I promise my baby to never cry again, to be stronger than anything or anyone that I have ever seen.

  There is only one reason Matias would want me knocked up. To secure himself with his father, El Rey, the King himself. I also wonder what my father has done, because it is clear that I am of no use to the Cartel boss. The puzzle starts snapping together, one piece at a time. Something big is going down today with Cobra and Matias and the Battle Born MC.

  Cobra does all their transport in the U.S. and that MC in Nevada controls the western border. My father has failed them in some way, and I am of no use to hold over him anymore. But I don’t think that is all.

  I step into the shower and rinse away the toxic feelings, breathing strength in along with the hot mist. If there was ever a right time to escape, today would be that day. I can feel it deep within my bones.

  After I am cleaned up and dressed, I go back into the closet and pull my burner phone out to call Cobra.

  “Papa,” I wait a second for him to acknowledge me, the background growing quiet and I hear a door shutting closed.

  “Katherine, what do you have for me?”

  “Matias knows that Maria is dead because she tried to call him right before one of your men killed her. We are fucked, they are going to kill us over this. I need to leave now.”


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