Escaping From Forever: Tank & Kat's story, Part 1 (Battle Born MC Book 5)

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Escaping From Forever: Tank & Kat's story, Part 1 (Battle Born MC Book 5) Page 12

by Scarlett Black

  I’m not able to stop myself from softly touching my lips to hers, to feel what I craved for so long.

  “Don’t be soft with me, Tank, please.”

  She begs for me to not be soft, why? Does she suffer from a broken heart and past? Being rough with her would only show her the animal she wants me to be. I’m not the monster in her dreams and never will be.

  Ignoring her request, I do what I want anyway because who knows how long I’ll have her. I’ll take her however I need and be selfish with her, then figure out the rest later.

  My hands begin to tenderly remove the clothes from her body, one by one. I toss her shirt away and remove her boots, which are followed by her pants and lacy red underwear.

  My hands roam over her skin as I lead her over to the bed to lay her down. When I bend over, I kiss across her heart for a moment. She freezes but her breathing gives away the rawness of her feelings. With a light touch, I spread her legs wide and sit between them, resting them on either side of my body. I caress her breasts while my lips taste her salty sweet skin, down to her stomach.

  “I don’t understand this, Tank,” she confesses quietly into the dark. “How do you do this to me?”

  I don’t answer, not knowing the answers myself, and follow my path down her body until I reach her pussy. My hands hold her hips and my tongue takes a sensual lick of a long lost home, my woman. Sweetly and slowly, I build her up with tender licks and sucks until she is panting desperately for more.

  Pushing my tongue more firmly against her clit, she lets go of a moan that sounds like a love song to my heart. I keep the pressure until she grinds her hips even harder against my face. I give her what she wants and add two fingers into her cunt, pumping them in and out until she is screaming my name as she’s squeezing my fingers.

  Before she comes down all the way, I rip the shirt away from my body and pull out the condom from my wallet. I push my pants down like an eager kid and wrap up my dick like an expert. I hover over her before plunging inside her hot and ready cunt, and love the shit out of it with every thrust.

  Kat wraps her legs up and around my waist. Her hands roam through my beard and her eyes memorize my body. “You’re not going anywhere, Kat, you’re not leaving me again.” She wants to believe me, but she can’t lie to me. I see the secrets swirling around in her eyes.

  Her legs tighten when I pick up my pace, and my eyes close when I come from the contractions of her pussy squeezing my dick. I drop on top of her and cradle her body to mine.

  My lips capture hers before I answer her question from before. “I don’t understand how, but I know who you are to me, and you do the same to me. You make my heart beat alive just with your presence. That’s what you do to me.”

  I slide out and lie down next to her. I remove the condom and toss it onto the floor, then pull her into my body, wrapping my leg and arm over her.

  “Did you really just toss the condom on the floor? God, that’s gross, Tank.”

  “I aimed for the trashcan,” I laugh a little. “Go to sleep. Tomorrow I’m going to fuck you without being fucked up for once, and you are going to be here in the morning because the prospects are told not to let you leave this building. No escaping me this time, Kitty Kat.”

  When she doesn’t answer, I repeat her words from earlier, “Cat got your tongue?”

  She lets out a deep soulful laugh that makes me laugh with her. We fall asleep together, wrapped around each other.

  As I drift off, I can’t help but thinking that it will be a tough road ahead, but, eventually, we are going to be solid.


  I wake up with an unfamiliar feeling of a man resting beside me. Jesus, love fucking hurts, and my heart beats hard when I open my eyes for a moment to confirm that, in fact, there is a man next to me.

  Shit, what the hell am I doing? Goddamn it. All it does is rip your heart out and leave you feeling like your chest is on fire.

  My thoughts race with the rush of possibilities of love, then fear paralyzes them, the ideas, before my heart takes off. My mind catches on and I freeze the thoughts of forever, pushing those feelings away. My heart becomes numb and stone to the world.

  I crawl out as slowly as possible without waking him up, and start looking for my clothes that are scattered around the room. I put them on just as the early dawn light starts shining through the window.

  Tank said the prospects would be watching for me, and that stops me from putting my boots on. He’s going to know as soon as I leave.

  My hands hold a boot in midair, and I look back over to him. I want to crawl back in bed with him. When I was younger, I would have.

  The stubborn and wiser part of me wins over because love is a risk I can’t afford to gamble with right now. With my head back on straight, I place my feelings on lockdown, my heart cold and hard as ice. I am dead set to come out the victor in this game where Tank has no idea what is going on, and he can’t be a distraction. I can’t lose.

  I pick up the other boot and tiptoe over to the door. My hand is steady as it ever so slowly turns the knob. I jump back and let go when Tank’s large one comes down onto mine.

  “Kit Kat, where are you going?” His big body steps forward and pushes mine against the wall. My eyes squint at him, annoyed that he stopped me and that I was caught. “You aren’t going anywhere, love.” His hands incase my face and his lips crash down on mine.

  He takes things from me without asking, and a part of me wants to love it, but the other part knows better. I bite his lip and tear away with my teeth, fighting him for dominance. His head jerks back and he licks where I bit him, tasting his own blood. His eyes narrow in on my own.

  “Before you pick a fight, Kat, make sure you can win. Don’t fucking bite me and think shit won’t happen to that ass.”

  He rips the shoes from my hands and throws them on the floor behind him. I didn’t notice before now, but the man is naked and very hard. He pulls the shirt up and off my body. Like a hurricane, he has my bra off, his hand in my hair, pushing me to the floor onto my knees before him.

  He tugs my head back with a firm grip and growls down at me, “Bite me, K-Love, I fucking dare you.”

  Some sick part of me loves his dark and twisted side. The smirk on my lips and the smile in my eyes lightens his grip just enough to let me move.

  “Hands behind your back,” he grinds out, and I do as he asks, holding my hands together while my mouth sucks his dick into the back of my throat, apologizing for my behavior the only way that I can, with submission.

  Tears leak down my cheeks from the forceful thrusts he delivers in and out of my mouth. He gathers more of my hair into his hand into a ponytail, gaining more grip and control of the momentum.

  My teeth scrape lightly on his shaft giving him the naughty cat he loves so much. Tank becomes wild and unhinged with passion with the small twinge of pain. His eyes shine with approval at the sight of saliva that drips from my mouth.

  “You my dirty girl, Kat?” He moans before ripping me away and jacking off, his dick shooting his cum over my chest. He groans at the sight of my tits covered in him.

  He pulls me up and gives my mouth a tender kiss, then fucks me with his tongue next. It’s his way of saying that he accepts me just the way I am. He removes my pants and lays me out on the bed, eating my pussy before breakfast.

  I’m really fucked when it comes to Tank.

  Chapter 24


  It’s been weeks since Kat looked at me, or even acknowledged me. Blade mentioned that she took a job working at The Black Rose. She also has been helping the kids get set up in group housing over in California, then herself and Tami into a place of their own. I know that Spider put their place under an unknown name so that it wouldn’t come back to any one of us.

  While she’s also been busy working, Kat has found the time and creative ways to keep me at an arm’s length.

  Blade wanted someone with Vegas, looking after her twenty-four-seven, and I’ve been crashin
g on her couch since she took a beating inside the building of her new brewery. Since all the shit that went down with the club, bitch has proven that she is strong though, and she’s been recovering well considering the fucked-up shit that went down.

  The Club has taken over any plans I had of pursuing Kat further with this fucked up mess. I’ve kept tabs on her from a distance and I know she has on me too. Whenever we are close by, we know the other is near. She has a lot of secrets and I plan on uncovering each one of them.

  You may think I’m crazy and should find an easier woman. But she is it. I’m no fool either. This shit she is wrapped up in is big if my best friends and, or the Prez, and Sargent in Arms are keeping it a secret. If Blade and Spider are keeping this between them, it’s some heavy shit if both Axl and I don’t know, not to mention the national Prez, Stryker. There is a damn good reason for it.

  Tonight, we finished the business up at the mines, with CC, that slut, buried her deep in the desert, never to be thought of again. Blade got his revenge on CC for her hand in Vegas losing their baby.

  Still, we have another debt from the past to clean up. See what I was saying, we’ve been putting shit back together for the past few years, barely keeping up with it all. I’m gonna need some vacation time soon, this shit is soul draining.

  Tony Riva, the partial casino owner, seems to think he has our nuts in a vice to pay his ass back for the past president’s mistakes. He does, for now. The brothers and I are down at the casino waiting for Pawn to fight, and, if all goes as planned, Kat will be working the bar tonight for the patch-in party for the prospects.

  Maybe I’ll get lucky and corner her ass and get some answers or maybe more? That is a great fucking idea and I need Pawn to get his ass to work so I, I mean we, can get the fuck out of here.

  Pawn is a scrappy little fucker. I found him and Solo getting into some stupid shit when I picked up these pound puppies. I smirk thinking of Kat and her nickname for these little fucks. I slap him hard on the back. “Don’t fuck around with the dude, go in and lay him out. He plans on making it stretch out for a payoff. Go at him hard.”

  Pawn gives me a fist bump and tosses me his shirt before getting into the ring where he jumps back and forth, waiting for the other fighter to come in.

  His opponent has a good fifty pounds on Pawn. “He’s gonna get hit hard, but he can handle it,” I tell Axl who gives me a doubtful look. Trust me, I know. Blade has had us watching these fighters, and this one asshole has a good left hook that will catch Pawn off guard at least once.

  Finally, the diva motherfucker shows up and jumps into the ring. As predicted, he has Pawn chasing him around the ring a bit until Pawn finally has him cornered. He goes for the body and doesn’t see the left hook coming.

  Pawn stumbles back from the blow a bit but comes right back with a kick to his gut and then an uppercut. They go at each other, and Pawn does deliver a good show.

  Tony sits over in his VIP section. I wave my fingers when he catches me looking at him. Axl elbows me. “What, he was staring.” I laugh at him because, whatever, Tony is a little bitch.

  Pawn gets down and dirty taking the fighter to the floor with a leg sweep and beats his face in with his fists. The bell is rung, and, again, Battle Born takes the win. I can’t stop smiling at the bloody mess Pawn made as I toss him his shirt before we haul ass to the bar for the after party.

  The guys all congratulate Pawn on our way to the bikes. “Not only did you kick ass, but tonight is the first patch-in party since Blade took over as Prez. Let me make sure you all realize that I brought in these two to the club. You are welcome.”

  The brothers shake their heads, but, whether they like it or not, it’s true. We jump on our bikes and eat up the pavement to the after party to patch these two fucks into the club.

  Solo walks in with a limping Pawn, helping him now that the endorphins probably wore off. Collective gasps sound in the air at Pawn’s swollen and bruised up face.

  Axl walks in behind them, with me and Spider in tow. Axl belts out to the crowd, “You should see the other guy!” The crowd chuckles as he continues, “This pissant fucker gave it back to that asshole twice as hard.” Axl slaps Pawn’s back, causing him to wince in pain.

  Blade stands up, directing the attention to himself. “Solo, Pawn, bring your scrawny asses over here.”

  As they walk toward Blade’s table, which is the one closest to the bar, he continues, “You two, over the past year and some change, have proven yourselves and your dedication to the Battle Born brothers. This,” Blade points around the room, “Is your patch-in party. Don’t be stupid,” Blade finishes and sits back down while Pawn and Solo fist bump the air with a “Fuck yeah” from both. They then turn to face each other and begin giving manly back slaps and fist bumps to one another.

  All the guys cheer for the newest members when Axl hands them their new patches and rips off the Prospect ones from their cuts.

  Tami comes running over with ice for Pawn and pulls up a chair for him. The brothers laugh at her worry and the care that she shows for him. Her face blanches, feeling embarrassed, and she turns around, taking long strides back behind the bar.

  Kat turns from handing a beer over the counter and glares daggers at the men. Abruptly, they all get quiet.

  I can’t help but laugh at the scene. “My little kitten has sharp claws, don’t ya, Kitty Kat?” I purr at her. Kat rolls her eyes in response, but winks at me when no one’s looking.

  It’s been a long time since we’ve been this close, and I can’t stop the pull that makes me stand in front of the bar. She slides the beer over the top of the counter, and I take it from her, unable to stop from staring at her.

  Kat busies herself by getting the brothers drinks, while Ghost and I start catching up right before I’m sure he hears what the rest of us can hear as well.

  Is Axl really going at his girl behind the office door? My brother has a set of brass balls. The desk scrapes loudly from what sounds like it being pushed across the hardwood floor, along with moans from Dana in between.

  Ghost grinds his teeth together, and I can’t wait for that stupid ass to get out here and face her father. This really could not be more perfect.

  “So, are you guys staying with Dana while you’re here?” I look at Ghost, but he doesn’t respond, so Katie, his Ol’ Lady, chimes in. “Well, uh, I think we were, but maybe we may need a room.” She nervously bites her lip, and I can’t help but snicker.

  She fills me in on all her activities in California while Ghost stares ahead. The banging in the office quiets down, and, shortly after, Axl emerges with Dana. I start clapping for the happy couple, then another clap is heard, and another, until the entire bar claps for their office sexcapade. Even Vegas, Jenn and Kat do it!

  Dana’s face turns a bright red and her eyes hit the floor when she sees her dad’s arms are crossed over his chest with a very pissed off look on his face. Her mom has her hand over her mouth, trying to stifle her laugh when Ghost turns to glare at her instead of Axl.

  I look over at Axl and see that he’s not worried one bit as he smacks an ‘I don’t give a fuck your dad’s here kiss’ on her lips. Shaking my head, I give my brother knuckles behind Dana’s back and take a drink from my beer.

  It doesn’t take long for the brothers to take their Ol’ Ladies home, the ones that have one anyway. And, then, the real party starts. Strippers, baby. I spared no expense and bought me, I mean Pawn and Solo and the guys, some working girls for our momentous occasion.

  Putting two fingers to my mouth, I get their attention with a high-pitched whistle. “To mark this occasion, I have hired entertainment. First two lap dances go to Pawn and Solo.”

  The room fills in with strippers of all shapes and sizes, and, not to mention, different talents if asked. They’re all from the local strip club.

  I set up two chairs in the middle of the room, back-to-back, and whistle loudly to the brothers in case some of them missed the action walking in. Cowboy and S
nake push Solo and Pawn into the two chairs. I laugh to myself and elbow Spider who’s standing next to me.

  A group of strippers come forward through the crowd, and the music changes to their bump and grind stripper mix they sent to Jenn. A couple of girls dance in front of Pawn and Solo, capturing their and everyone else’s attention that’s in the room.

  A brave blonde straddles Pawn. His hands go up to grope her tits, but, before he gets too far, the girl off to the side handcuffs both of his hands to the chair, and he is scolded before she grinds around his body, thrusting her fingers into his hair.

  Solo plays along and holds his hands up like he’s being arrested, then he too is cuffed to his chair. The stripper in his lap whispers sweet nothings, how fucking cute, into his ear before giving him a little nip on his ear.

  I would say lucky bastards, but, been there and done that. The guys enjoy the show and the girls spread the love, adding two more chairs for lap dances.

  Sharp nails scratch across my back and shivers run up my spine. “You didn’t call.” Her nails scratch down my arm next, and I glance to my left.

  I shrug a shoulder, “Didn’t think you did these parties.”

  Topaz, their show stopper, stands in front of me with her bright blue eyes and long black hair. The bitch is fucking stunning. She runs her hands up the back of my neck and massages my scalp.

  Fuck, she’s trouble, and my dick springs to life for her. A better man might stop but a few memories of a few private nights we shared come forward, and she feels tempting.

  “I’ve missed you, Tank,” she purrs, her lips barely touching mine.

  “Sorry, sweet cheeks, I have a party to host, I can’t fuck around.”

  I pull my head up from her grasp and take a swig off my beer. She takes the hint and finds Spider to rub over for attention. He glares at her in disinterest. She scampers off quickly to save herself from another brush off. Poor Topaz, she’s picking up on the wrong guys here.


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