The Emperor’s New Road: China and the Project of the Century

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The Emperor’s New Road: China and the Project of the Century Page 34

by Jonathan E. Hillman

  Hahn, Johannes, (i), (ii)

  Hailemariam Desalegn, (i)

  Haile Selassie, (i)

  Hambantota Port (Sri Lanka), (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii); airport financing and construction, (i); author’s experiences at, (i); China Merchants’ role in, (i); Chinese financing and construction of, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v); feasibility studies for, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); history of, (i); inefficiency of, (i); location on Indian Ocean, (i); military vessels using, (i); opening festivities, (i), (ii); redundant to Colombo Port, (i), (ii); subsequent construction, (i), (ii)

  Hammond, Phillip, (i)

  Handelsblatt (German newspaper) on EU criticism of BRI, (i)

  Haqqani, Husain, (i), (ii)

  Harper’s, on U.S. railway expansion in 1860s, (i)

  Harvard Development Advisory Group (Pakistan), (i)

  Hassan, Said, (i)

  Hata, Tsutomu, (i)

  Hatch, Walter, (i), (ii)

  Headrick, Daniel, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)n1

  Heinz, H. J., II, (i)

  Hengtong Group, (i)

  Herbert Smith Freehills, (i)

  Hewlett Packard, (i)

  high-tech. See technology and digital infrastructure

  Holbrooke, Richard, (i)

  Horn of Africa, (i), (ii), (iii)

  HSBC, (i)

  Huawei (Chinese tech company), (i), (ii); in Africa, (i), (ii), (iii)

  Huawei Marine, (i), (ii)

  Hu Jintao, (i)

  human rights record of China, (i), (ii), (iii)

  Human Rights Watch, (i)

  Hungary: Austria-Hungary’s desire for regional railway, (i); border with Serbia, (i); BRI and, (i); on China’s claims in South China Sea, (i); fears and criticism of Russian and Chinese power, (i). See also Belgrade-Budapest railway

  Hussain, Muzammil, (i)

  IBM, (i)

  Ibn Battuta, (i)

  IMF. See International Monetary Fund

  imperialism: Chinese power and influence compared to, (i); definition of, (i); incremental creep of, (i). See also British Empire; colonial powers

  India: on Bay of Bengal, (i); Caspian Sea corridor and, (i); Chabahar (Iran) port and, (i); competing with China, (i); development finance activities of, (i); Hambantota Port project in Sri Lanka, refusal to fund, (i); Pakistan and, (i), (ii); rise of, (i); Shanghai Cooperation Organization and, (i); Sri Lanka as concern due to growing Chinese interests, (i), (ii); Suez Canal trade route to, (i); telegraph in nineteenth century in, (i), (ii)

  Indian Ocean, (i), (ii). See also Hambantota Port

  Indo-European Telegraph, (i)

  Indonesia: ASEAN membership of, (i); foreign direct investment needed in, (i); Japanese financial aid to, (i); Japanese ports in, (i); railway development in, (i), (ii), (iii); size and economy of, (i); as U.S. security ally, (i)

  Indo-Pakistani War (1965), (i)

  infrastructure investment and projects: appeal to developing countries, (i), (ii), (iii); China Development Bank’s pledge of loans to BRI partners, (i); China’s internal success with, (i); China’s lending to global ports, (i); China’s predatory practices, (i), (ii), (iii); financial needs projected by 2030, (i); imperial expansion requiring, (i); Japanese foreign aid, (i), (ii); “Nurly Jol” (Bright Path) initiative in Kazakhstan, (i); U.S. initiatives in Pakistan post-9/11, (i). See also BRI; corruption; debt diplomacy; railways; technology and digital infrastructure; specific projects by name or location

  Innovative Road Solutions, (i)

  International Alliance of Museums of the Silk Road, (i)

  International Crisis Group, (i)

  international law and best practices, (i)

  International Monetary Fund (IMF): Central Asian connectivity plans and, (i)n16; on CPEC potential, (i); Ethiopia and, (i), (ii); loan requirements, (i); Pakistan and, (i); Piraeus Port (Greece) and, (i)

  internet. See technology and digital infrastructure

  Iran: Baghdad Pact and, (i); BRI corridor and, (i); Caspian Sea corridor and, (i)

  Islam and Muslims: Id Kah Mosque (Kashgar), (i); leaders of Muslim countries supporting BRI, (i); Uighurs, (i), (ii)

  Islamic Development Bank, (i)n16

  Islamic militants, (i), (ii)

  Isma’il Pasha, (i), (ii)n16

  Italy: African colonial railways and enterprises, (i); deals with China in 2019, (i), (ii); Djibouti, Italian military base in, (i); fears and criticism of Russian and Chinese power, (i)

  Jakarta-Bandung railway, (i)

  Japan: adopting new technologies at end of nineteenth century, (i); BRI and, (i); compared to China, (i); competing with China for development projects, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi); corruption in, (i), (ii); and criticism of predatory aid practices, (i), (ii); East-West Economic Corridor supported by, (i); end of “economic miracle” era, (i); flying geese theory in, (i); foreign aid to China, (i); foreign aid to Southeast Asia, (i), (ii); “Free and Open Indo-Pacific” strategy, (i); Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, memories of, (i); high-speed railways in, (i); imperial rule of Korea, (i); Malaysia and, (i); Maritime Self-Defense Force ships, (i); Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), (i), (ii); as model for Chinese economic rise, (i); New Asian Industries Development Plan (1987), (i); “Partnership for Quality Infrastructure,” (i), (ii); port development at Mombasa, Kenya, (i); port development throughout Southeast Asia, (i); Southern Economic Corridor supported by, (i); Sri Lankan investments by, (i), (ii); as U.S. ally, (i), (ii), (iii)

  Japan International Cooperation Agency, (i)

  Jiang Zemin, (i), (ii)n43

  Joko Widodo “Jokowi,” (i)

  Kagame, Paul, (i)

  Kaplan, Robert, (i)

  Karakorum Highway (KKH). See Pakistan

  Karimov, Islam, (i)

  Karzai, Hamid, (i)

  Kashgar, China, (i)

  Kazakhstan: agricultural leases to foreigners in, (i); author’s experiences in Aktau and Kuryk, (i); benefits of BRI to, (i); BRI corridor and, (i); Caspian Sea corridor and, (i), (ii); China–Central Asia gas pipeline in, (i); Dostyk railway station, (i), (ii); Eurasian Economic Union membership of, (i); Khorgos Gateway on China-Kazakh border, (i); as landlocked nation, (i), (ii); “Nurly Jol” (Bright Path) initiative for infrastructure improvement in, (i); protests against Chinese influence in, (i); railway in, (i), (ii); relocation of capital to Nursultan, (i); Russian military bases in, (i); strategic position of, (i), (ii); world’s fair in (2017), (i)

  Kennan, George, (i)

  Kennedy, Paul, (i)

  Kenya: author’s experiences in, (i), (ii); British colonial railway in, (i); Camp Simba, (i); corruption by Chinese employees embezzling railway revenues, (i); Lamu Port–South Sudan–Ethiopia Transport Corridor (LAPSSET Corridor), (i); Mombasa Port, (i), (ii), (iii); M-Pesa (mobile payment system), (i); PEACE cable and, (i), (ii); railway (SGR) built with Chinese financing, (i), (ii); security for Chinese workers in, (i); telecommunications, Chinese role in, (i); Vision 2030 (national development plan), (i)

  Kenyatta, Uhuru, (i), (ii), (iii)

  Kerry, John, (i)

  Keynesian economics, (i)

  Khalid, Muhammad, (i), (ii)

  Khan, Ayub, (i), (ii), (iii)

  Khan, Imran, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Khan, Omar Ayub, (i)

  Khorgos Gateway (China-Kazakh border), (i); author’s experiences on drive to, (i); billed as “New Dubai,” (i), (ii); bribe to highway police on drive to, (i); COSCO shipping and, (i); DP World management, (i), (ii); promises of future growth, (i), (ii); publicity, (i); railway and, (i)

  Kissinger, Henry, (i), (ii), (iii)

  KKH (Karakorum Highway). See Pakistan

  Korea, Japanese rule of, (i)

  Kovrig, Michael, (i)

  Kumaratunga, Chandrika, (i)

  Kuryk, Kazakhstan, (i)

  Kux, Dennis, (i)

  Kyrgyzstan: Bishkek power-plant project, (i); BRI corridor and, (i); corruption of Chinese-financed projects in, (i); debt of, (i); public dist
rust of Chinese influence in, (i); railway in, (i); Russian military bases in, (i); terrorist attack on Chinese embassy in (2016), (i); as trade entrepôt for China, (i)n46

  Laboucher, Henry, (i)

  Lagarde, Christine, (i)

  L’Aigle (French imperial yacht), (i)

  Lamu Port–South Sudan–Ethiopia Transport Corridor (LAPSSET), (i)

  Langley, James, (i)

  Laos: China-Laos railway, (i), (ii); as landlocked nation, (i)

  Lattimore, Owen, (i)

  Lavrov, Sergei, (i)

  Lembong, Thomas, (i)

  Le Monde on breach of African Union servers by China, (i)

  Li Keqiang, (i), (ii)

  Lincoln, Abraham, (i)

  Li Xiaopeng, (i)

  Long Telegram, (i)

  Lugar, Richard, (i)

  Mackinder, Halford, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Macron, Emmanuel, (i), (ii)

  Maersk, (i)n31

  Mahan, Alfred Thayer, (i), (ii)

  Mahathir Mohamad: on BRI’s potential, (i), (ii); on China’s power, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v); Japanese relations with Malaysia, (i), (ii); “Look East” policy, (i); on “pan-Asian” railway network, (i); re-election and suspension of East Coast Rail Link and pipeline, (i); strategy of, (i)

  Malacca Strait, (i), (ii), (iii)

  Malaysia: ASEAN membership of, (i); BRI and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); Chinese investment in, (i); corruption in, (i), (ii); East Coast Rail Link, (i), (ii), (iii); Japanese ports in, (i); Japanese relations with, (i), (ii); rail development in, (i), (ii); as U.S. security ally, (i)

  Malcom, Howard: Travels in South-Eastern Asia, (i)

  Manila Pact (1954), (i)

  Mao Zedong, (i)

  Marco Polo, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Marcos, Ferdinand, (i)

  maritime shipping: between Asia and Europe, (i), (ii)n31; China’s lending to global ports, (i); container shipping, (i), (ii)n31; economic benefits of, (i); historical importance in Western imperialism, (i); Lamu Port–South Sudan–Ethiopia Transport Corridor (LAPSSET Corridor), (i); steam power, use of, (i), (ii). See also specific names of ports

  Maritime Silk Road Initiative, (i), (ii), (iii)

  Marshall Plan, (i), (ii), (iii)

  Mason, Edward, (i)

  Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport (Sri Lanka), (i), (ii)

  Matura, Tamas, (i)

  Maurer, Ueli, (i)

  May, Theresa, (i)

  McGlinchey, Eric, (i)

  McKinsey (consulting firm), (i)

  Medvedev, Dmitri, (i)

  Meles Zenawi, (i)

  Menelik II (Ethiopian king), (i)

  Meszaros, Lorinc, (i)

  Mihin (Sri Lankan airline), (i)

  Mirza, Iskander, (i)

  Mirziyoyev, Shavkat, (i)

  Mombasa Port (Kenya), (i), (ii), (iii)

  Mongol Empire, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Mongolia, (i); New Eurasian Land Bridge and, (i)

  M-Pesa (Kenyan mobile payment system), (i)

  Mukhtar, Chaudhary Ahmed, (i)

  multilateralism, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv). See also specific multilateral development banks

  Munich Security Conference (2018), (i)

  Musharraf, Pervez, (i)

  Mutual Defense Agreement (1954), (i)

  Nairobi, Kenya: railway service, (i), (ii), (iii); surveillance cameras in, (i)

  Najib Razak, (i)

  Nares, George, (i)

  National Development and Reform Commission (China), (i)

  National Security Strategy (U.S.), (i)

  NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization): Belgrade shelling (1999), (i); former Soviet states joining, (i)

  Nazarbayev, Nursultan, (i), (ii), (iii)

  Nazarbayev University (Nursultan): author presentation (2018), (i); Xi address (2013), (i)

  Network of Silk Road Arts Festivals, (i)

  New Eurasian Land Bridge, (i), (ii)n29

  HMS Newport, (i)

  New Silk Road (U.S. initiative), (i)

  New York Times on Suez Canal’s effect on maritime travel, (i)

  9/11 terrorist attacks, (i), (ii)

  Nixon, Richard, (i), (ii)

  Nizhneleninskoye, Russia, (i)

  North Atlantic Treaty Organization. See NATO

  North Korea, Chinese and Russian policies on, (i)

  North Sea, (i)

  nuclear weapons, (i), (ii), (iii)

  Nuraliev, Jamoliddin, (i)

  Obama, Barack, (i), (ii)

  Obrenovi´c, Mihailo, (i)

  “One Belt, One Road” as original name, (i)

  Orbán, Viktor, (i), (ii)

  Orient Express, (i), (ii)

  Orr, Robert, (i)

  Ottoman Empire, (i), (ii)

  Pakistan, (i), (ii); Baluchistan Liberation Army attacks in, (i); Belt and Road Forum (2019) and, (i); border with China, (i); Chinese naval base in, (i)n101; Chinese relations with and aid to, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii); Cold War, U.S. relations with and aid during, (i), (ii); corruption in, (i); creation of, (i); Diamer-Bhasha Dam (Gilgit Baltistan), (i), (ii)n80; Frontier Works Organization, (i), (ii); Harvard Development Advisory Group in, (i); Indian war with, (i); Karakorum Highway (KKH) as BRI project, (i), (ii), (iii); as major non-NATO ally of U.S., (i); in Manila Pact and Baghdad Pact, (i); Mutual Defense Agreement with U.S., (i); New Silk Road (U.S. initiative) and, (i); nuclear weapons testing by, (i); post-9/11 Afghanistan war and U.S. relations with and support for, (i), (ii); Satpara Dam (Gilgit Baltistan), (i); security for Chinese workers in, (i); Shanghai Cooperation Organization and, (i); special economic zones in, (i); USAID and, (i); Water and Power Development Authority, (i). See also China-Pakistan Economic Corridor; Gwadar Port

  Pakistan and East Africa Connecting Europe (PEACE) cable, (i), (ii)

  Pakistan Army Corps of Engineers, (i)

  Palmer, James, (i)n7

  Papanek, Gustav, (i), (ii), (iii)

  Paris Club, (i)

  Partnership for Quality Infrastructure (2015), (i), (ii)

  PEACE (Pakistan and East Africa Connecting Europe) cable, (i), (ii)

  Peloponnesian War, (i)

  Pence, Mike, (i), (ii)

  People’s Liberation Army (PLA), (i), (ii)

  Persian Empire, (i)

  Petraeus, David, (i)

  Philippines: ASEAN membership of, (i); corruption in, (i), (ii); Japanese ports in, (i); as U.S. ally, (i)

  Piraeus Port (Greece), (i), (ii); archaeologic restrictions on expansion, (i); author’s experiences at, (i), (ii); commercial success of, (i); criminal smuggling at, (i); part of “China-Europe Land-Sea Express Line,” (i); semiautomated operation of, (i); showpiece of Chinese infrastructure investment, (i), (ii)

  Poland: fears and criticism of Russian and Chinese power, (i); Warsaw-Berlin highway, (i)

  “Polar Silk Road,” (i)

  political influences on BRI development, (i), (ii); lack of transparency and, (i); Sri Lankan example, (i). See also corruption

  Power Construction Corp. of China, (i)

  Power of Siberia pipeline, (i), (ii)

  Powers, Francis Gary, (i)

  Primakov, Yevgeny, (i)

  private investment, (i), (ii)

  Professor Gül (ship), (i), (ii)

  Pua, Tony, (i)

  Pushkov, Alexei, (i)

  Putin, Vladimir, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Qing Empire: opening of treaty ports, (i), (ii)n21; railway construction in, (i), (ii)n43; in Sino-Japanese War (1894), (i); telegraph expansion in, (i). See also China (pre-Chinese Revolution)

  Rahmon, Emomali, (i)

  railways: China-Europe railway services, growth of, (i), (ii); China-Laos railway, (i), (ii); China Railway Express, (i); compared to air shipping, (i), (ii); compared to maritime shipping, (i), (ii), (iii); constraints due to incompatible tracks and border procedures, (i), (ii); EU competition with China, (i); high-speed, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); historical importance in Western imperialism, (i); in imperial Chi
na, (i), (ii), (iii)n43; Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway, (i); Kenyan rail system (SGR), (i); Khorgos Gateway (China-Kazakh border) and, (i); “pan-Asian” railway network, proposal of, (i); recessions from burst of U.S. investment bubble (1873 & 1893), (i), (ii); specialty companies to handle cross-border paperwork, (i); U.S. transcontinental railway, (i), (ii), (iii). See also specific names and locations of railway lines

  Rajapaksa, Gotabaya, (i), (ii)

  Rajapaksa, Mahinda, (i), (ii); background of, (i); corruption of, (i); personal astrologer of, (i); political ambitions of, (i), (ii), (iii); as president of Sri Lanka, (i); as prime minister, (i). See also Hambantota Port

  Ramboll (Danish consulting firm), (i)

  Raza, N. A. M., (i)

  Ren Zhengfei, (i), (ii)

  resource-credit swaps, (i), (ii)

  Roman Empire, (i), (ii), (iii)

  Roosevelt, Franklin, (i)

  RuralStar mobile access, (i)

  Russia: author’s experiences in Blagoveshchensk, (i), (ii), (iii); Boxer Rebellion and, (i); BRI requiring cooperation from, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); Caspian Sea corridor and, (i); Central Asia and, (i), (ii); Crimean annexation, (i); Djibouti and, (i); economy, (i), (ii); EU public’s fear and criticism of, (i); Eurasian Economic Union and, (i), (ii); Far East region in, (i); foreign direct investment from China in, (i); as gatekeeper, (i); “Greater Eurasian Partnership,” (i); insecurity and paranoia of, (i); joint military exercises with China, (i); joint projects with China announced in 2009 and under way in 2015, (i); military bases in Central Asia, (i); New Eurasian Land Bridge and, (i); “Power of Siberia” pipeline, (i), (ii); Serbian regional railway in mid-nineteenth century and, (i); strategic partnership with China, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii); U.S. policy on Russo-Sino cooperation, (i), (ii). See also Khorgos Gateway

  Russo-Turkish War (1877–1878), (i)

  Safaricom, (i), (ii), (iii)

  Sa’id Pasha, Mohamed, (i)

  Samarasinghe, Sonali, (i)

  Saudi Arabia, (i), (ii)

  SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization), (i)

  Senanayake, D. S., (i)

  Serbia: border with Hungary, (i); China favoring, (i); as EU candidate, (i); rail service in, (i), (ii), (iii)n23; upgrade needed for railway tracks in, (i). See also Belgrade, Serbia

  al-Shabaab militant group, (i)

  Shakespeare, William: The Merchant of Venice, (i)

  Shanahan, Patrick, (i)

  Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), (i)

  Sharif, Nawaz, (i), (ii), (iii)


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