Sovereign Servants - The Sending (VIRGIN EARTH Book 1)

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Sovereign Servants - The Sending (VIRGIN EARTH Book 1) Page 28

by W. C. Jasper

  “Even so,” said King Jeraash, “they are still in the leviathan’s lair… They are literally living in the enemy’s dwelling…”

  General Thayman reassured him, “I understand that as a king you are concerned for your people’s safety and well-being. But as the most experienced General, I am asking you to leave this matter in my hands. I assure you that they will be safe. The legendary Yuvan Jidragin is greater than any of you know him to be. Even Lord Akula does not know his true greatness. Those two will definitely come back to us alive. So please, leave this matter in my hands now.”

  Chiati had now fallen asleep once again as Thaymas remembered something and turned to Prince Jared and asked, “The one who poisoned King— Uncle Jahous and is Emperor Thon’s spy… It is Lord Boris, isn’t it?”

  There was a loud gasp in the room as Prince Jared smiled proudly. Yaakub had heard from Prince Jared that Thaymas was a genius and had uncommon wisdom, but until now he had only witnessed Thaymas at his foolish moments. But now that he had witnessed for himself what Prince Jared had spoken of, there was suddenly respect in Yaakub’s eyes for Thaymas.

  “Yes indeed, my lad…” King Jeraash spoke with a grim and unforgiving dedication, “Boris is indeed the one who will regret the day he was born, who will wish that he had never been born.”

  Queen Maomi interrupted with a loud voice, “It seems my husband needs to cool down.” The inherent commanding aura in her spirit had now taken over the room as her tone grew stern, “Today has been quite a long day, everyone will move for dinner now.”

  “Jared and I will stay here,” replied the King.

  Queen Maomi walked over to the King, knelt down on one knee, caressed his cheek and said with a kind and affectionate voice, “I am not affording you the freedom of choice. Chiati has fallen asleep, and if you stay here, you will only ruminate your grief.”

  King Jeraash got to his feet and embraced the Queen as she kissed him on the cheek. The party proceeded to move out of the wolves’ quarters and headed for dinner in sombre silence.

  Chapter Ten

  Breakfasts And Celebrations

  On the fourth-last day of the year, Akini and Thaymas visited Prince Jared to discuss some things that they wanted addressed before they set out on the journey to Devaar and Ketaar. They walked into his workshop to find him and King Jeraash making megaphones. Man-made electricity and electronic devices did not exist in those times, not even in Gessold. But, like oliones, nature provided numerous alternatives that were far more sustainable and efficient than our devices today.

  Another example of such providence was a fabric called ‘salouin’ that amplified all vibrations passing through it, functioning like nature’s megaphone. The rough side of the fabric would receive the vibrations and the smooth side would release those vibrations. Salouin was a fabric that was harvested from the ears of woolly mammoths. Woolly mammoths were not as common as they were a few centuries ago at this time and were found only in Jerudia and Paang. With not too many of them left on the Earth, Jerudia did not allow killing them. But whenever one died of natural causes, their ears would be harvested under the direct supervision of the King and Prince. In fact, no one in the general public in Jerudia could even claim to have seen a woolly mammoth, as the King and Prince protected them with utmost rigour. Since SHAR 2420, no country other than Jerudia and Paang had access to fresh salouin except through Jerudia and Paang because woolly mammoths had gone extinct in all other lands since that year.

  Prince Jared had fashioned a special device that was more efficient than simply using salouin stretched on a standard frame. Being a natural fabric found in animal biology, it was not a very refined or controlled megaphone on its own; but just a fabric that simply amplified vibrations, making any and all sounds that pass through it sound louder. Hence it was not very efficient as there wouldn’t be much control on how much and what sounds it picks up. Prince Jared’s standard megaphone device had a circular piece of salouin with a radius of 1.5 centimetres attached to another circular piece of salouin with a radius of 5 centimetres. These two pieces were connected with a thick wooden frame gradually widening and about 27 centimetres long. Not only did the small end restrict how much sound was being taken in, but also the two layers meant that when the vibrations passed through them the amplification was multiplied. He would also add more layers if an even louder sound needed to be produced - this particular technique was used by other megaphone producers as well.

  As they neared the door of the workshop, they could see their backs as they worked on the megaphones and talked to each other. Prince Jared was sitting shirtless (as usual) and King Jeraash was advising him about Thaymas’ choice of weapon as they created unique megaphones that were meant for musical instruments. As they stepped inside the door, King Jeraash spoke without turning back or breaking away from his work, “Welcome! We were just talking about you two. I believe Akini is here to ask for custody of the twin swords of Naathosu, and Thaymas… Hmm…” Akini and Thaymas stared at each other in surprise as he turned around and peered at Thaymas with eyes that were visibly trying to read him. He continued, “Ahh… of course,” and turned back to his work and continued, “You wanted to ask for a weapon from the Royal Armoury. Well, I guess this is a good time to discuss this with both of us present.” Thaymas and Akini stared at each other in surprise once again and turned back to look at the Prince and the King. They continued their work as Thaymas asked, “Well, I’m sure you knew who we were by hearing our gait, but how could you possibly have known what we were here for? More so, how did you know what Akini was here for without even looking at us?”

  “Well,” replied King Jeraash with his mind engrossed in his work and his eyes and hands fully dedicated to the megaphones, “For one thing, our departure for the mission is approaching soon, and given the kind of person Akini is, it is really not much of a guess. Add to that Akini’s nervous footsteps which were given away not only by its erratic pace but also the uneven landing of her every step. Now, a lot of things make Akini anxious, but few things make this girl nervous. And what exactly would make this girl nervous that involves her speaking to Jared? Not many things. And the most probable one was undoubtedly asking for the custody of the blades of Naathosu. Not only because she was worried that he wouldn’t agree to it, but because she knew that the final decision probably rested on me. And you, dear lad, your breathing was a little more stressed than usual, which meant you are not here to merely accompany Akini. You are stressing about something for yourself. Now, what would you want to discuss with him? I could not think of any such thing at first, but then I looked at you two and that is when it occurred to me. Knowing what a… well… let’s say, difficult person Akini is, you would definitely not want to have anything to do with this conversation; which means you were convinced to be in attendance for this conversation. And despite what you seem to be, you do have enough pride to not be intimidated into accompanying and would rather have endured a beating by her hands. And I see no signs of physical abuse on your body.”

  King Jeraash put up his index finger seeking their pardon and said to Prince Jared, “That one needs to dry some more.” He then lowered his hand and returned to his conversation with Thaymas, “And knowing how Akini thinks, her best idea would have been to convince you to request a weapon from the Royal Armoury stating that yours is not sufficient for this mission and that since you are yourself a prince, it is only fair that you get a weapon from the Royal Armoury. So tell me, how much did I get wrong?”

  Thaymas and Akini stared at each other with empty, sheepish eyes that were in shock and turned back to the King as Akini spoke in her discourteous tone, “I think you have made your point. So, tell us now, when shall I get the blades of Naathosu?”

  Prince Jared, continuing to be engrossed fully in his work as he interrupted in a fairly stern voice, “You seem to be forgetting something.”

  Akini apologetically added, “My King.”

  King Jeraash turned around to answe
r as Prince Jared stopped him and the King turned back to their work in the same motion as if they both were being triggered by a single switch. Prince Jared spoke without turning around or slowing down his work, “You will not be getting the blades of Naathosu anytime soon. You are not even close to being ready for them, and the blades that Brother has crafted for you are more than adequate for this mission. As for Thaymas - you need to start thinking for yourself. Your training has already progressed a great deal, and you are no longer as uneducated as you were when you first arrived in Radaa.” His voice started exhibiting his displeasure as he continued, “And while you are a far better fighter than you were when you arrived here, you are still the weakest one on the mission by a great extent. After months of rigorous training, even today, Akini would crush you in a fight with ease. And based on how you have been progressing in your combat training, it is painfully obvious that you are still a disgrace to your father and sister.” His voice now became angry, “You are shamefully weak for someone who carries the blood of the House of Rash-Yaph,” Prince Jared said with a raised voice, “and you desire a weapon from the Royal Armoury?” He turned around in his seat, leaned forward with his elbows on his knees and asked in a voice that suppressed his anger, “Tell me, do you really think a failure and a disgrace such as you should be wielding a weapon from the Royal Armoury?”

  King Jeraash pressed the Prince’s shoulders calming him down as Thaymas silently stood with his shame plastered all over his face.

  “We will be leaving then, see you at training,” said Akini to Prince Jared and turned around, but she was interrupted by the King, “Wait. Take a seat, both of you.”

  Akini sat down on a huge pile of polished wooden planks, but Thaymas stood unmoved. Prince Jared spoke with a raised voice, “What? You can’t even sit down now?” His eyes were shooting arrows at Thaymas and his nose flaring ever so slightly as he continued, “Are you too weak to even sit? Huh? Shall I call for a nurse to help your frail and failing body sit down?”

  Thaymas grabbed a chair and sat down in humble obedience.

  King Jeraash spoke with a compassionate voice, “I understand that not everyone can be the best or the strongest warriors. But if Jared says that someone is not doing as well as they ought to, then he is definitely taking into account their true potential and every other relevant factor. It is very obvious that Thaymas has no desire to excel in battle, and neither of us has any desire to force anyone to do something they themselves do not wish to do. So, I want to confirm that you really want to be Jared’s protege. If you do not wish to continue with this, we will find you some other wonderful role in the military. A man of your talents can definitely be of great use in the military even without a combat role.”

  Thaymas answered in a timid voice, “I do wish to continue.”

  King Jeraash now spoke with a hint of sternness, “If that is the case, you cannot continue disappointing him. It is your job to make sure you live up to his expectations. I’ve been hearing about your disappointing progress for a while now; and the next time I hear it, you will need your mother to shield you from me. Are we clear?”

  “Yes,” replied Thaymas in a bland voice.

  Prince Jared added, “And the next time you fall back on your studies, I will kick you out of the military forever.”

  Thaymas looked at the King in shock and distress as he nodded to confirm. Prince Jared continued, “Do you think these books are easy to come by?” His voice rose again in anger, “All this knowledge that enables us to be the best versions of ourselves - Do you think this is some optional luxury? Do you think we can protect Jerudia without making sure we are anything less than the absolute best versions of ourselves? Not only are you shamefully weaker than Akini in combat, but you are also not anywhere close to being as learned as she is. You know what’s worse? Unlike me and you, she does not even like to read! She despises academics! She does it because it is her job! So tell me, why should someone as incompetent and useless as you not be kicked out of the military?”

  Thaymas sat still and silent without any response when Akini spoke, “The least you can do is act like you intend to make a change, you incompetent moron.”

  King Jeraash put his hand on his face and silently sighed when Thaymas spoke, “I will do better.”

  “He will do better - he says!” said Prince Jared in derision as King Jeraash added in a soft voice, “Okay, let us calm down now. This discussion is done. If he does not prove himself in a week, you will kick him out of the military forever and never again will he ever be eligible to join the military. That concludes this. We will be getting back to work now, leave us.”

  The King and Prince returned to working on the megaphones as Akini and Thaymas left with downcast faces.

  On the final night of SHAR 3305, celebrations were raging with all of Jerudia looking forward to welcoming the new year. The entire nation was lit up with festive lights and decorations of all kinds and colours. Oliones of all colours were fashioned into light-based ornaments and decorative lights of all kinds ranging from bright to blinding lights. It was as if the entire Kingdom was attending a festival of lights.

  The final night of the year was the only night that Jerudia spent outside their homes into the end of the twentieth hour. Just as every year, the land was storming with bright lights and decorations and would continue to do so well past midnight. The streets were teeming with hawkers and sellers of all kinds. One could find delicacies, toys for little children, and novelty items of all kinds being sold. Singers, dancers, acrobats, magicians, and performers and entertainers of all kinds were swarming the streets. Every street had a performer or entertainer capturing the attention of adults and children alike. Every adult’s as well as child’s face radiated joy and bliss as they roved the streets, absorbing the cheer and merriment that the atmosphere was exuding. Almost all the amusing and entertaining things in the nation were out for display on this night. People would also hire horse carriages or get horse rides for roving through the jubilant jungles of celebration and merriment. It was every child’s favourite party to even simply be roaming the streets on this incomparably festive night.

  But there was one child who preferred to spend it alone with her father rather than the lights and community merriment. Since the early part of the twenty-second hour, Princess Jeniah was spending the night on the terrace of the Royal Palace with her father. Prince Jared was lying down shirtless (he was almost always shirtless when at home) on the terrace, gazing at the sky with a pillow beneath his head. Princess Jeniah was lying on top of him, gazing at the sky in identical fashion with her father’s right hand resting on her abdomen. There was no sky-dance that night, but the bright bluish-indigo sky with an overabundance of stars and a multitude of other heterogeneous celestial bodies like heavenly ornaments each designed to be unique was enchanting all on its own. Prince Jared and King Jeraash had an obsession of staring at the sky far too often and for far too long. Princess Jeniah too, had inherited this ardent fondness of vacantly staring at the sky from her father. A while into the twenty-third hour, Princess Jeniah suddenly turned around to lay belly down on the Prince’s abdomen and staring deep into his eyes, asked with her delicate, adorable voice, “Appa… You must miss Amma a lot, right? Like Papa-Jur would if Maomi-ma ever went away on a long journey… Is that the reason you so often choose to stay alone when others are celebrating?”

  Everyone knew that Princess Jeniah possessed prodigious intellect and unearthly wisdom for her age - a frightening amount of it. But she also possessed supernatural emotional wisdom, the kind that was inexplicable for a person of any age. So Prince Jared was not shocked to hear such a question from her. He continued to stare at the sky and answered after a substantial drag, “Not really, Love. Even when Amma was with us, we often used to steal ourselves away and enjoy only each other’s presence. And yours too of course. When you were inside Amma’s belly, it was one of the happiest phases of our lives. Even back then, Appa always knew you were going to be
a girl.” He lifted his head, and now looking back into the Princess’ eyes, asked, “You asked to come here because you knew that this is what I wanted, didn’t you?”

  Princess Jeniah, tilting her head, flashed a smile as wide as the circumference of the Earth as her eyes almost drew to a close. With her melodically hypnotic and enchantingly adorable and sweet voice she answered, “What you wanted, you know. What I wanted was to be with you.”

  She buried her face in his chest, and wrapping her hands around his neck, pulled herself a little higher and drifted into deep rest. Prince Jared kissed the top of her head and started patting her back rhythmically in an effort to get her to sleep.

  As the final hour of the day fell, King Jeraash and Queen Maomi arrived at the terrace with General Thayman and Thaymas. Princess Jeniah stood up on the Prince’s belly and digging both her feet into his stomach, kicked herself high into the air. She landed on King Jeraash’s shoulder as he caught her and sat there comfortably. Queen Maomi asked as Prince Jared sat up halfway, resting on his side with his elbow against the floor, “Did she get any sleep at all?”

  “She did attempt to fool me, but no,” answered Prince Jared as he put on the shirt that King Jeraash threw at him - the shirt he had brought for him knowing his little brother well.

  King Jeraash spoke as he proceeded to sit beside the Prince, “How I wish you would put an end to your obsession with nudity.” He turned to the others and continued, “Come, let’s all sit down for a while. We have time yet. Let us relax for a while.”


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