Phoenix Ashes Master

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Phoenix Ashes Master Page 16

by Anne, Melody

  Cassidy gave her husband a sympathetic smile. Watching the turmoil lance through him wasn’t easy for her — feeling his pain to her very soul was even harder. He’d learned a lot in the past few weeks they’d been gone, and none of it was easy for him to take in. She wasn’t sure how to make it better for him.

  “John, I know this is difficult. I understand you want to protect her, but you’re leaving her in more danger by hiding the truth. She needs to know because Vyco is more determined than ever to get his slimy hands on her. He wants her to join him, and he’s not going to stop. It would be detrimental if that were to happen. We’ve warned enough of the surviving camps of the new battle about to overtake them. It’s time to go home,” she said as she gently caressed his arm.

  “I don’t know how to . . .” he trailed off, not knowing how to finish his sentence.

  “I know. We’ll do it together.”

  “Jayden won’t be happy about this.”

  “He’ll have to adapt, just like we’ve had to. None of us knew when or how this would happen. You’re new to this immortal life, but now that you’ve had time to adjust, you have to realize there’s so much more than what’s right in front of us. We need to stay together, and we have to remain strong.”

  “The closer we get to the battle against the dark forces, the more pressure I feel building inside me. It’s almost too much to bear. It’s as if I can feel all the emotions of the people hiding in every dark corner.”

  John began pacing in the soft twilight of the forest; his emotions swelling ever higher, causing Cassidy to take a few steps back and take a deep, cleansing breath. She had to get him to calm down or both of their hearts were going to explode.

  “Those feelings you’re having are good, John. It means you’re in tune with the light magic. It means you are meant to be a savior to mankind. Embrace the emotion — hold all of it tightly to you, and no matter what happens, remember this feeling. We’re entering the darkest hour yet, and we have to remain strong or Vyco will win. You know the consequences of that happening. All of these lives will be lost — too many have already died.”

  “I don’t deserve you, Cassidy. I don’t understand how I managed to survive before you were in my life, but I do know I don’t deserve you. You’re the best of us all, and no matter what the prophecy says, you’re the true savior. You’re the one who will save all of mankind.”

  “This might sound a bit selfish, but I’m grateful to not be the one chosen. I’m grateful to have been saved by Josiah, instead of born into a destiny. Your sister will go through hell and back before this is over. She has to choose her path, but I have no doubt she’ll choose the right one. She will be the key — the means of everlasting light or deep, dark despair.”

  John reached out and took Cassidy’s face in his hands as he gazed into her eyes, memorizing her features for the millionth time since that fateful day they’d met. She was breathless as he leaned down and kissed her, the two of them floating off the ground as their intense love encircled them in their own protective bubble — the rest of the world uninvited.

  “Okay, we’ll go back,” John agreed as he released her, and their feet once again touched the ground. “Mom and Dad are already terrified and confused about all of the magic surrounding them in a world they used to see as black and white. I’m really not looking forward to telling them not only is their son an immortal, but their daughter is the one chosen to save the world.”

  “Yeah, I think I’ll leave that conversation for you and Jayden,” Cassidy said with a smile.


  “I’m not going to try to deny that. Let’s go.” They resumed their journey through the forest, having a long way to travel before they reached the base in Washington. Neither of them were in too big of a hurry to get back, even though there was a feeling of urgency in the air. They both wanted to fight what they knew deep inside.

  “John, do you feel that?” Cassidy asked as she suddenly stopped, her body tense as she looked around the now completely black woods. The lack of light didn’t impede her vision, but the lack of sound wasn’t a good sign. Something was out there, and whatever it was, it wasn’t friendly.

  “Yes, but I can’t trace it,” John said as he gathered her close and scanned the trees.

  “We’re being boxed in. We need to get out of here, now!”

  John and Cassidy began running through the forest, afraid to take flight. They needed to get into the open where they’d have more of an advantage. Something was pursuing them, getting ready to pounce.

  “It’s too late. We have to fight,” John shouted as he turned to make a stand.

  Cassidy stood strong beside him as they waited for the monsters to show themselves. Whatever was chasing after them wasn’t a lower-level demon. They would’ve known. Before more than a few heartbeats, they had their answer as three Reapers stepped from the shadows.

  Cassidy’s chest clenched. If Vyco was sending in some of his deadliest predators, he had stepped up his game. He wasn’t content to wait any longer for his desired results.

  The three stayed side by side as their heads twisted at an unnatural angle, their glowing red eyes zeroing in on their targets. They were thirsty for power and ready to take what they wanted.

  “If it’s just these three, we’ll survive this. If he has more as a backup, we’re in serious trouble, John.”

  “Why? What’s so different about these demons?”

  “They suck out your power, building their own. What frightens me most is that if they are prowling the lands, Vyco is saying he doesn’t care about the rules any more. The true battle has started.”

  A shudder wracked John’s body. He’d been ignoring the pit in his stomach. He’d been a fool to do so. He had so much faith in Cassidy and her abilities, and though they were seemingly immortal, that wasn’t necessarily true. They were vulnerable to the dark forces.

  Their time might be up. Vyco might’ve found the very knowledge they’d just discovered. If that was the case, he’d stop at nothing to keep them from telling Phoenix everything.

  He’d been such a fool.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  *** Phoenix ***

  Exhaustion was overtaking Phoenix. Her eyes wouldn’t stay open no matter how much she commanded them to do so. Barely making it back to her room, she flopped onto her bed, falling asleep before her head even hit the pillow. Heavy sleep pulled her under until she was awakened by a deep, consuming warmth passing through her body.

  As she turned her head to try and orient herself, heat flooded her cheeks. Was she dreaming? She didn’t know what she wanted the answer to be. Her dreams were always a way to lead her down a dark path. She was so scared she’d someday make the wrong choice and put those she loved the most in harm’s way.

  “I’m really here, Phoenix. This isn’t a dream, and you haven’t lost your mind. I’ve been sent to talk to you. It’s time for you to learn about who you really are.”

  Devon stood there before her, looking so beautiful she could barely gaze at him. She certainly couldn’t speak. She wanted to reach for him, but she stayed exactly where she was.

  Phoenix knew with an absolute certainty she didn’t want to know what Devon had to say. He was supposed to be dead. She’d held him in her arms as he took his dying breaths. She’d been the one who’d devastated him, leaned on him when she needed a shoulder, and then turned from him when Jayden walked back into the picture.

  She’d been selfish — so very selfish. She didn’t think she’d ever forgive herself for that.

  To look upon Devon now in all his eternal glory was painful for her, breaking her heart all over again. The look in his eyes as he glided to her bed was even worse. He seemed so at peace, happy — but still, there was an underlying pain in the depths of his eyes that tore her in half.

  “I don’t want to know. I have a bad feeling . . .” Phoenix trailed off. Her stomach clenched at the secretive smile that appeared ac
ross his lips as he sat on her bed and his arm stretched out so he could take her hand in his.

  The touch of his warm skin against hers was too much. Pain radiated through her. She loved him — just not enough.

  “Vyco’s still coming to you in your dreams. His call to you is getting stronger, and the more he does it, the harder it is for you to fight against him. It’s time you know why.”

  Phoenix looked at their joined fingers, feeling as though the affection was betraying Jayden. She hadn’t been the one who’d called Devon to her. Jayden had known he was there. Still, the moment was so intimate — so wrong.

  “How long have you been watching me?”

  “I’ve been back for only a short time. I’ve been sent here to guard you.”

  “I don’t need you to watch over me, Devon. I have Jayden and my family. I’m stronger than everyone thinks, and I can take care of myself. If you feel some misguided obligation to care for me, you don’t have to. I’m fine . . . really.”

  “It’s not what you think, Phoenix. I know you’re confused, so the best thing I can do for you is tell you why Vyco is so interested in possessing you, why this is all happening.”

  “I don’t want to know,” she whimpered.

  Devon ignored her comment as his expression changed to sympathy. At that moment she felt like punching him as anger boiled inside her. It was too much — all of it was just too much.

  “Time to get up, Phoenix—”

  Sadie’s words halted as she stood in the doorway and gaped, her eyes going from Phoenix to Devon and then zeroing in on their joined fingers.

  “It’s not what it looks like . . .” Phoenix gasped, instantly sitting up in her bed and pulling her hand free as she clutched her blankets up to her chin.

  “I . . . uh . . . I didn’t say anything,” Sadie whispered.

  “It’s okay, Sadie. Join us. You need to hear this too.”

  “You’re dead,” Sadie said, almost like an accusation.

  “Maybe in your mortal world, but there’s so much more to this universe than you’ve imagined possible, Sadie. You know a little about it because of Jayden, Cassidy, and John, but you’ve barely scratched the surface. Join us, because what I’m about to share with Phoenix involves you and Brian. Because of your unbreakable connection to Phoenix, you’ve also been chosen.”

  “Chosen for what?”

  Devon turned his attention back to Phoenix before he stood and walked over to her one small window and gazed out at the fog drifting across the dreary ground. The light was trying to break through the depressing gray without much success.

  “All of our fates are chosen for us long before we have life. You’ve heard of destiny — an inevitable set of occurrences that you have no choice but to follow — but this goes so much deeper than that. This is your birthright, your obligation — and more importantly it’s a gift. Some look at it more as a curse, and they resist, causing death and destruction to thousands, even millions of people. But truly, it’s a gift, something to hold tight to and never let escape.”

  “What are you talking about?” Phoenix snapped, even more afraid and confused than she normally was.

  “It all starts in the outer realm, a place so far from here, your mortal minds can’t comprehend its existence, but planet Earth is only one small planet in a greater realm of planets, of places where various forms of life dwell. Earth is the first of its kind, though, a place where life is so fragile and can be taken away easily. Most of the places in the heavens thrive with a rich and unique environment. The living beings on those planets are happy, content, and never jealous. There are no wars or bids for power. The reason for this is because they are all the same.”

  “You’re confusing me more.”

  “It’s about to get a lot worse,” Devon said sadly.

  “Please don’t play games. Please just tell me what’s happening,” Phoenix begged. She wasn’t going to be able to bury her head in the sand so she might as well listen to what he had to say. She had to remember who she was, and she didn’t run from a fight.

  “First of all, Josiah isn’t at all who you think he is,” Devon said.

  “He can’t possibly be a bad guy,” Sadie said with a gasp. In this new world, it was hard to know who was right or who was wrong. Nothing was black and white. Nothing was simply good or bad. There were so many colors blurring together.

  “Josiah has been here for an eternity. There’s no way to comprehend this, so don’t begin to try. The gods who watch over this universe have no beginning and no ending. Human brains are too closed to comprehend this — they can't grasp it because they see things in black and white. There has to be a start and a finish, and they want to know exactly how something works. To imagine something never having a beginning is impossible for the mortal brain. I’m getting off track, though.”

  He was right. It was impossible to try to comprehend. Everything had to have a beginning and an end. Otherwise where did anything start? It couldn’t just be one big bang, and suddenly there was life. It was making Phoenix sick as she tried to figure it out. Devon smiled at her before he continued to speak.

  “As I was saying, Josiah has been here for eternity. No one knows much about this, not even his most loyal followers. They believe he was once a regular mortal like you and me. But believing that makes it possible for him to walk with his followers, to make it possible to help so many, though he’s not supposed to interfere. He’s been the guardian over many different planets and universes and as he watched these various forms of life, he decided he wanted to come to Earth. He spoke to the High Council and told them he believed he could make a world where many different life forms could come together and co-exist. The council was intrigued and gave the okay.”

  “Are you talking about the beginning of our planet?”

  “Yes, and so much more. Josiah brought different forms of life and settled them on Earth. He was pleased with his success as the planet thrived. For a while, things seemed perfect. Then the life forms began fighting, emotions taking over as one group decided they were better than the next. That’s when they started destroying each other. They wiped each other out and eventually Josiah had no choice but to start over as he tried to come up with the perfect plan.”

  “Did he kill the people he was supposed to protect?” Sadie asked in horror.

  “No, there rarely ever is a true death. Life goes on, just not as we know it. You watched me die, but I’m still here. If you think about it, you have felt many spirits in your life. You can call them good forces, angels, witches, demons, whatever term you’re comfortable with, but there is an afterlife, and it’s all around us. There is no beginning or ending to an immortal world. But the longer we stay within the confines of Earth the more human even immortals feel. There is nothing like the emotion of love in all of existence. For those who never experience it, they can’t grasp the power of it.”

  “Love isn’t universal?” Sadie asked, stunned. It was incomprehensible to imagine.

  “Love is rarer than you could possibly imagine. We have all used that term very casually. But tell me, can someone truly ever love and then hate that same person. Real love knows no bounds,” Devon said.

  Phoenix shook at his words. She honestly loved everyone she said she loved. He smiled as if he could read her thoughts.

  “We mistake respect and love often. We even mistake kindness and compassion for it. But real love is nearly impossible to feel. Real love can kill us because once we feel it and have it ripped from us, we can’t go on.”

  “What happens to those who die then?” Sadie asked. Devon sighed.

  “If those who died were worthy, the next step in their existence would be residing in the light realm — but if they were unworthy, the next step would lead them into the dark realm. The disappointment Josiah felt over the choices made by those he’d brought together caused him to pull away from this planet for thousands of years. When he looked upon Earth again, to his a
stonishment, he found the place thriving. There were still wars and contention, but the planet was doing well. He made two decisions at that time that would change the course of life on this planet forever.”

  “What?” Phoenix demanded.

  “He chose to give people free will. He wouldn’t step in again and destroy anyone, no matter how bad the planet got. If they did end up wiping themselves out, he’d be broken, but he wouldn’t intervene.”

  “Is that why he’s not there when madmen hurt children, and serial killers torture women?” Sadie asked as tears filled her eyes.

  “That’s part of the reason.”

  “It’s not right!” Phoenix shouted.

  “No, you’re right, what those dark souls are doing is very wrong, but they have to be accountable for their true intentions. If Josiah intervened, they’d never be held accountable. It’s painful for any of us to stand by, but he vowed to not interfere again, but instead to comfort those who were wronged. But he couldn’t completely keep that vow. It’s why certain mortals were changed. It was a risk, as the power of magic draws many to the dark forces. But he saved Jayden and Cassidy, as he saved John. He’s saved many to walk on Earth while not taking them to the light.”

  “What’s the difference?” Phoenix asked.

  “You can still live and feel human,” Devon said with sadness in his eyes. “I cannot.”

  “But you say you still feel,” Phoenix told him.

  “It’s fading. It’s why I’m drawn to you. I don’t want to let it go. But each day that passes draws me farther away.”

  Phoenix wanted to reach out and comfort him, but she knew that was wrong. She couldn’t do that.

  “What was his second vow?” she asked instead while her fingernails dug into her palms.

  “The other decision he made was to provide a guardian for the planet. This person had a destiny that would only be realized if he or she were needed. This guardian would be the savior of the world if that was required.”


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