The Sixties: Diaries:1960-1969

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The Sixties: Diaries:1960-1969 Page 105

by Christopher Isherwood

  Macklin, Paul (chiropractor) 396, 399

  McLuhan, Marshall 473

  McNally, Terrence 500

  McNamara, Robert 473

  MacNeice, Louis 288–9

  Macy, Gertrude 446, 452, 465, 669

  Madhavananda, Swami 305, 311, 332, 669

  Maffei, Mike 39, 40

  Magnificent Ambersons, The (film) 566

  Maharaj see Brahmananda, Swami

  Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 189, 473–4, 588

  Mailer, Norman 29, 121, 301, 669

  Majority of One, A (film) 57

  Malamud, Bernard 367

  Mallory, Margaret 261n, 669

  Maloney, Jean 191

  Malraux, André, The Walnut Trees of Altenburg 183–4

  Maltin, Arnold (pseud.; accountant) 500, 519, 596

  Manchester 73, 77, 79

  Manchester Guardian (newspaper) 171

  Mander, John 77, 81

  Mangeot, André 86

  Mangeot, Olive 85, 86, 120, 449, 493, 670

  Mangeot, Sylvain 86, 670

  Mann Borgese, Elisabeth 504

  Mann, Daniel 401, 403, 407, 408, 411–12, 413–14, 428, 534, 669

  Mann, Thomas: Death in Venice 530; Felix Krull 496; The Magic Mountain xii

  March, Fredric 106

  Marchand, Leslie, Byron 366

  Marcuse, Ted 427

  Margaret, Princess 272, 481n

  Marie Walewska (film) 65

  Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles 422n, 494, 529, 551, 554

  Marković, Vida 190–91

  Markovich, John (Mark) 598, 670

  Marlowe, Christopher 448

  Marlowe, Kenneth, Mr. Madam 345

  Marple Hall, Cheshire 417, 421, 422, 437, 489, 670

  Marshall, Anne, Hunting the Guru in India 231

  Marx, Karl 205, 351

  Mascagni, Pietro, Cavalleria Rusticana 67

  Masefield, John 575

  Masocco, Mirandi see Levy, Miranda

  Mason, James 207, 671

  Masselink, Ben: friendship and socializing with C.I. 6, 29, 30–31, 56, 58, 123, 126, 140, 144, 145, 174, 183, 189, 208, 234, 239, 259, 261, 356, 374, 377, 406, 444, 454, 459, 469; and Henry Miller 127–8; and Jo Masslink’s children 142–3, 341; television work 144, 215, 259, 293, 466; trip to New York 180, 183; at brother’s funeral 206; and Peter Gowland 213; depression 215; trip to Florida 259; admiration for Jim Charlton’s writing 270; views on C.I.’s A Single Man 294–5; on introduction of skateboards 365; birthday 378; on noisy neighbors 399; C.I.’s admiration for marriage 400; C.I. brings gifts from London 447–8; marriage problems 453–5, 457, 459, 460, 466, 470; relationship with Dee Hawes 454, 457, 459, 460, 470, 478, 496 –7; drinking 455, 457; sees psychiatrist 464; separation from Jo 470, 476, 477–8, 496 –7, 557; marries Dee 523, 524, 542; views on Tahiti 573, 574; 671

  The Crackerjack Marines 56, 215; The Danger Islands 269

  Masselink, Eugene 206

  Masselink, Jo: friendship and socializing with C.I. 6, 29, 30–31, 58, 123, 126, 140, 144, 145, 174, 183, 189, 197, 208, 234, 239, 259, 261, 356, 374, 377, 406, 444, 454, 459, 469, 562; C.I. organizes party for 55–6; and Henry Miller 127–8; children and grandchildren 142–3, 341; trip to New York 180, 183; at brother-in-law’s funeral 206; injures knee ice-skating 210, 215; and Peter Gowland 213; exhibits watercolours 234, 237, 293; trip to Florida 259; jaw infection 265, 266; views on C.I.’s A Single Man 294; C.I. borrows hot pad 374; at opening of Don Bachardy’s show at Rex Evans’s gallery 387; recommends chiropractor 396; C.I.’s admiration for marriage 400; dislike of Michael Sean and Ricky Grigg 405–6; C.I. brings gifts from London 447–8; marriage problems 453–5, 457, 459, 460, 466, 470; sees psychiatrist 464; visits family in Oregon 466; separation from Ben 470, 472, 476, 477–8, 496 –7, 557; hears Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 473–4; Prabhavananda advises on meditation 476; trip to Hawaii with Alice Gowland 477, 481, 493, 496; career as designer 494, 496; her cats 517, 557, 562, 576; Dorothy Miller dreams about and prays for 517, 519, 554; and Ben’s remarriage 523, 524; severs relations with Ben’s father 542; house burgled 546; trip to Brazil 554, 565, 576; 671

  Massey, Raymond 252

  Masters, William 206n

  Mattachine Review (magazine) 175

  Maugham, Robin 552–3, 571

  Maugham, William Somerset (Willie): illness 101, 107; in South of France 111–13; at Don Bachardy’s exhibition in London 119, 120; C.I. socializes with in London 121–2; decides to leave Villa Mauresque 122; death 384; George Cukor organizes memorial supper 387, 391–2; Remembering Mr. Maugham (Kanin) 392n, 438; setting for “Rain” 577; 671–2

  Maupiti, Leeward Islands 475, 576

  Mayer, Louis B. 176

  Mayne, Peter, The Bird of Time 72

  Mead, Mr. (mechanic) 19, 42, 58

  Medavoy, Mike 579

  Medley, Robert 63, 672 Meeting by the River, A (C.I.; novel): themes xxxii–xxxiii, 357–9, 360, 367, 386, 390–91, 392–3, 400; writing xxxii–xxxiii, 354, 357, 360, 362, 365, 366, 367, 370, 373, 375, 376, 382, 383, 386, 388, 391, 392, 395; characterization 358–9, 360, 367, 371, 375, 376 –7, 382, 383, 390–91, 392–3, 396 –7, 400; Don Bachardy and Gavin Lambert read drafts 371, 396, 397; Edward Upward reads drafts 375, 376 –7, 383, 391, 400; word length 376; Vidya reads drafts 377, 390, 396, 397, 400; Bachardy’s suggestions for 386, 390–91, 396 –7, 407, 411; Prabhavananda reads draft 395, 396; dedication 401, 406 –7, 411, 423; correction of proofs 423, 439; Auden’s and Dodie Smith’s comments on 445; C.I.’s publicity interviews for 446, 447; publication 446; ending 582

  Meeting by the River, A (play): co-written with Don Bachardy xxxv, 475, 520–21, 522, 526, 528, 529, 533; collaboration with Jim Bridges xxxv, 457, 466, 475, 479, 496, 499, 507, 509 –510, 520, 521, 522, 528, 529, 532, 535, 576 –7; productions 528, 529, 551, 563, 565, 566, 569 –70, 572, 594, 598; Gavin Lambert comments on 529; Brian Bedford criticizes 543; rejected by UCLA 547; Christopher Gable praises 569

  Melville, Herman, Billy Budd 555 Memorial, The (C.I.) 441

  Memphis, Tennessee 238–9 Meramec Caverns, Missouri 286

  Mercury Gallery, London 446, 447

  Meredith, Burgess 458, 475, 505, 508, 526, 572, 578–9, 672

  Meredith, George 537

  Merlo, Frank 149, 353, 673

  Methuen (publishers): and Down There on a Visit 66, 69, 75, 79, 81, 82, 87, 96, 98; and A Single Man 290, 298; and Exhumations 336, 343, 351; and Ramakrishna and His Disciples 336, 342; and A Meeting by the River 446; 673

  Metzger, Deena 363

  Meyer, Florence see Homolka, Florence

  MGM (film studio) 422, 590

  Michel, Gigi 411, 413, 414

  Michel, Margitt 363–4

  Mid-Century Book Society 196

  Middelton, Thomas, The Changeling 35

  Midnight (film) 374–5

  Milam, Webster 133, 497, 673

  Milland, Ray 182

  Millard, Paul 42, 44, 131n, 499, 500, 673

  Miller, Arthur 29

  Miller, Dorothy: cooks for C.I. 4, 277; Charles Laughton confides in 17; cleans for C.I. 141, 280, 282, 283, 335, 371, 470–71, 475, 511, 517, 554; illness 178, 280, 371, 557; ideas and beliefs 282, 299, 340, 371–2, 442, 475; keeps house during C.I.’s India trip 299; advises on suitable Watts family for charity 431; and nephew’s marriage problems 471, 475; on self-defence 511; and Jo Masselink 517, 519, 554, 557; bullied by Black Muslims 522–3; on Jackie Kennedy Onassis 531–2; 673–4

  Miller, Harry 68, 69, 71, 91, 94, 116 –17, 120, 674

  Miller, Henry 127–9, 144, 530, 674; Tropic of Cancer 166 –7

  Miller, Jonathan 65n, 81

  Miller, Tony (Henry Miller’s son) 127, 128–9

  Miller, Valentine (Henry Miller’s daughter) 129

  Mineo, Sal 541, 559

  Minnelli, Denise 523

  Minnelli, Liza xxxiv Minton, John 83

  Miró, Joan 255, 263

  Miron, Stanley (pseud.) 140, 170, 220, 245, 271, 275, 488

  Mishima, Yukio
24, 675

  “Mr. Lancaster” (C.I.; section of Down There on a Visit) 33, 37, 61, 63, 64, 537

  Mr. Norris Changes Trains (C.I.) 85

  Mitchell Boys Choir 251

  Moffat, Ivan: friendship and socializing with C.I. 4, 176 –7, 450; and Iris Tree 29, 79, 87; New Year’s Eve (1960) 37, 39; and C.I.’s film script writing 45; at C.I.’s party for Jo Masselink 55; marriage to Kate Smith 79, 87, 169, 184; and Glenn Ford and Hope Lange 139; enthusiasm for C.I.’s Down There on a Visit 160; Don Bachardy’s portrait of 177; political views 177; at Alan Pakula’s party 184; Cecil Beaton’s view on career 272; prose poem about return to America after war 450; recommends K.H.3 tablets 531, 532; 675

  Moffat, Katharine see Smith, Katharine

  Moffitt, John 326

  Moffitt, Peggy (Mrs. Bill Claxton) 222, 619 –20

  Mohan, Mathur 317

  Molière 550

  Mondrian, Piet 379

  Monkhouse, Allan, First Blood 88

  Monroe, Marilyn 29; death 212, 213

  Monsour, Amelia see Pagli

  Montecito, California: Sarada Convent 24n, 26, 256, 278, 343, 696; Paul Wonner and Bill Brown’s house 565

  Monument Valley 224, 355

  Moody, Robert 120, 675–6

  moon landing (1969) 569, 570, 577

  Moore, Dudley 65n

  Moore, Frank 19

  Moore, George: Avowals 96, 98, 100–101; Memoirs of My Dead Life 403; A Mummer’s Wife 470; The Untilled Field 81, 87

  Moore, Ursula (pseud.; UCLA student) 364

  Moorea, Polynesia 570, 574, 575

  Moorehead, Alan 589

  Moreau, Jeanne 452–3, 579, 591, 676

  Morehead, Jeff 395

  Morley, Robert 204–5 Mormons 200

  Morris, Phyllis 74, 676

  Morris, William, Daughter of Silence 148

  Morrow, Barbara 192, 201, 203, 676 –7

  Morrow, Vic 197, 201, 212–13, 676 –7

  Mortimer, John 224

  Mortimer, Raymond 76, 677

  Mortmere (imaginary village) 84, 89n, 448–9, 677

  Mount Sinai Hospital, Los Angeles 482, 500, 542

  Moving Target, The (film) 371

  Moynihan, Diana 115

  Muggeridge, Malcolm 77–8

  Mukherjee, P.B. 312

  Munich 408, 412

  Munich crisis (1938) vii–viii, 9, 105, 106

  Murdoch, Iris, An Unofficial Rose 172, 196, 197

  Murdock, James 374, 677

  Murphy, Franklin 483

  Murphy, George 350

  Murray, Alec 115

  Murray, Don 40

  Mutiny on the Bounty (film) 136

  My Fair Lady (film) 344, 398

  My Guru and His Disciple (C.I.) xxxiii, 48n

  Nabokov, Vladimir, Lolita 200

  Nadelman, Elie 352

  Nairn, Ian 464

  Narada 581, 595, 596, 597, 598

  Narendrapur, West Bengal 319 –20

  NASA 213n, 221

  National Institute of Arts and Letters 155, 512n, 515–16, 677

  National Portrait Gallery, London 548, 549, 552, 565, 677

  Nava, Julian 455

  Naylor, Richard 191–2

  Ned Kelly (film) xxxv–xxxvi, 532, 561, 572, 585–9

  Neddermeyer, Christian 73, 78, 677–8

  Neddermeyer, Gerda 73, 78, 80, 81, 83, 677–8

  Neddermeyer, Heinz xxxiii, 73, 76, 78, 80, 81, 83, 116n, 677–8

  Needles, California 157

  Nehru, Jawaharlal 135–7, 236 –7

  Nelson, Allyn 558, 678

  Nero, Franco 434, 435

  Nesbitt, Cathleen 204

  New Republic (magazine) 171

  New Statesman (magazine) 85, 95, 171

  New York: C.I. joins Don Bachardy in: (1961) xiv, 145–57; (1963) 334; (1965) 351–3; Bachardy visits alone: (1960) 14, 16; (1961) 44; (1962) 201, 202, 204, 205, 206, 207; (1963-4) 299, 334, 335, 343, 344, 347, 348–9; (1965) 350, 360, 365-6, 368, 370, 388, 390, 391, 392, 393; (1967) 464–5, 467, 472–3

  New York City Ballet 346, 347, 349, 351–2, 366

  New York Herald Tribune 170, 171

  New York Times, The 152, 171, 230, 424, 564

  New Yorker, The (magazine) 298

  New Zealand 571, 582–4

  Newbolt, Henry 124

  Newman, Nanette (Forbes) 120, 121

  Newman, Paul 149

  Newsweek (magazine) 183, 287

  Nichols, Larry 444

  Nichols, Mike 437, 678

  Nicolson, Harold 443

  Niem, Jan (Tony Richardson’s chauffeur) 83, 341, 678

  Nietzsche, Friedrich 404

  Night of the Iguana, The (film) 200, 201, 216

  Night People (film) 482

  Nikhilananda, Swami 304–5, 307, 308, 311, 312, 315, 320–21, 326 –7, 330, 333, 678–9

  Nin, Anaïs 235, 272, 391, 679; Diary 391, 403; A Spy in the House of Love 233

  Nirvanananda, Swami (Sujji Maharaj) 279, 322, 324, 325, 679

  Nishta (Countess Mabel Colloredo-Mansfeld) 304, 305, 306, 327, 330, 332, 621

  Nixon, Richard 20, 24, 237, 531, 569, 592

  Nizer, Louis, My Life in Court 361

  Noel, Craig 518

  North American Aviation Inc. 213–14 Nottingham 76, 78

  Novák, Miroslav 314–15 nuclear tests 105, 106, 107, 130, 137, 203, 340; Limited Test Ban Treaty (1963) 282

  nuclear war, threat of 5, 49, 52, 55, 95, 106, 130, 139, 152, 224

  Nureyev, Rudolf 567

  Nys, Marguerite Balthus 297n

  Nys de Hauleville Wessberg, Rose 297

  Oakland, California 273

  Oberndorf (Austria) 403, 408, 413

  Oberon, Merle 182n, 215, 223, 679

  Observer (newspaper) 118, 171

  O’Crairdain, Sean 156

  Oderberg, Phillip 261–2, 279, 281, 283, 285, 288, 343

  Odets, Clifford 287

  O’Hara, Frank 402–3

  O’Hara, John, Sermons and Soda Water 157

  O’Hilderbrandt, Mrs. (Santa Monica neighbor) 545, 679

  Ohm, Carl 151

  Old, Doreen (pseud.) 56

  Old, Vernon (pseud.): appearance 56; visits C.I. 56; C.I.’s memories of 274, 377n, 495; 679 –80

  Olivier, Laurence 12, 110, 131, 196, 680

  Olympic Games, Tokyo (1964) 302

  On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (film) 597

  One, Incorporated 351, 354–5; One (magazine) 175, 351; 680

  One-Eyed Jacks (film) 82

  O’Neal, Kevin 137–8

  O’Neal, (Patrick) Ryan 137–8

  O’Neill, Donna 79, 87, 680

  O’Neill, Eugene, Mourning Becomes Electra 130

  Oppenheim, E. Phillips 49

  Oppenheim, Mike 363

  Oppenheimer, Robert 179n, 313

  Orlovsky, Peter 387–8

  Orpheus (Cocteau film) 457

  Osborne, John: and Tony Richardson 72, 91, 109, 110, 481, 587; at London opening of Luther 91; marriage to Mary Ure 106n, 587; relationship with Jocelyn Rickards 106, 107, 108, 109, 114–15; relationship and marriage to Penelope Gilliatt 106n, 113, 115; in South of France 109, 110, 111; on antibomb demonstration 111, 113; 680–81

  The Hotel in Amsterdam 481, 516n; “A Letter to My Fellow Countrymen” 101–2; Luther 73, 76, 78, 79, 91; A Patriot for Me 76n; Time Present 514n

  Osmond, Cliff 363


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