The Satanic Bible

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The Satanic Bible Page 4

by Michael A Aquino

  appears as Appendix #1.

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  Indulgence in Brimstone28

  1. Indulgence establishes life, as abstinence

  death. 29

  2. Indulgence in the present realizes the future.

  3. Indulgence is quickened by truth, stricken by


  27 Brimstone (sulfur), whose alchemical symbol Anton LaVey

  placed above his “Nine Satanic Statements”, was valued in

  ancient Egypt, Greece, & China for medicine, fumigation, &

  bleaching. It was also associated with volcanos because of its

  volatility and odor, hence seems apt for this “page of


  28 This “litany of Indulgence” thematically reflects and

  supersedes Anton’s “Nine Satanic Statements” condensing of

  John Galt’s speech defending selfishness in Ayn Rand’s Atlas

  Shrugged (1957). Indulgence clearly elicits far nobler, indeed

  divine qualities in the Satanist.

  29 In Western initiation the degree V° or grade (9)=[2] of

  Magus/Maga is characterized by the Utterance or

  promulgation of an evolutionary magical principle. The Word

  of the Age of Satan was Indulgence, and its Formula

  Indulgence Instead of Abstinence.

  - 40 -

  4. Indulgence is nourished by love, generosity, and

  benevolence: but only when so appreciated and


  5. Indulgence in the excitement of creation finds its

  balance in the annihilation of destruction.

  6. Indulgence is the Fountain of Life, but forbidden

  to those who seek only to consume life.

  7. Indulgence within Nature through a form of that

  Nature is a gift of the Natural and the

  NonNatural, that you may Become both.

  8. Indulgence for its own pleasure is a sacrament.

  9. Indulgence is ever beset by the death-worshipful

  who would kill whatever they fear: Beware!

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  Gloria Ignis

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  Ascent of the Diabolicon

  Who was Satan? Where and why did he exist?

  And what was his interest in, and motives

  concerning humankind?

  In 1970 we were five years into the Age of

  Satan, and even his Church didn’t seem to have a

  clear answer.

  In the Satanic Bible Anton LaVey addressed

  this question only briefly and functionally:

  Satan represents opposition to all religions

  which serve to frustrate and condemn man for his

  natural instincts. 30

  This left undescribed the personage himself, as

  was also the case with the Bible’s introductory “Book

  of Satan”, an Ayn-Randian diatribe of anarchistic

  selfishness, culminating in sarcastic mockery of

  Jesus Christ’s Sermon on the Mount Beatitudes. 31

  30 LaVey, Anton Szandor, The Satanic Bible. New York: Avon

  Books, 1969, page #55.

  31 In the 1980s the “Book of Satan” was discovered to be the

  1890 tract “Might is Right” by “Ragnar Redbeard” (British

  novelist Arthur Desmond). “Redbeard” is included in Anton’s

  “Inspirations” but not credited with the “Book of Satan”.

  - 44 -

  In literature, art, and more recently the movies,

  the Devil is at best a disgruntled antihero, at worst

  the quintessence of evil. From Dante Alighieri to

  William Blake, Hieronymus Bosch to Walt Disney,

  The Devil Rides Out to The Exorcist, Satan is

  reprehensible. Only in Clark Ashton Smith’s poems

  “Satan Unrepentant” and “A Vision of Lucifer” is

  this replaced by tragic grandeur, but still shy of the

  personality of the Archfiend himself, not to mention

  his interest in and opinion of humankind. When

  coaxed to comment, as in Mark Twain’s Letters to

  the Earth and Taylor Caldwell’s Dialogues with the

  Devil, his lack of enthusiasm for God’s Edenic

  experiment is painfully palpable.

  The one conspicuous exception was John

  Milton’s epic Paradise Lost, in which both the

  Angelic War in Heaven and its Eden aftermath are

  recounted with remarkable empathy, if not outright

  sympathy: an artistic eccentricity all the more

  surprising for the theological turbulence of its time.

  17th-Century Britain was caught not just

  between the Catholic/Protestant discord of the

  Reformation, but the continuing shocks of

  rediscovered pre-Christian classicism and the

  Interregnum of the Commonwealth of Oliver

  Cromwell shortly before Paradise Lost was first

  published in 1667.

  John Milton (1608-74) was a passionate

  Protestant who regarded England as the new Israel

  and Cromwell its Moses, so following the

  Restoration attended no church services for the rest

  of his life, nor formally affiliated with any sect.

  Two months after joining the Church of Satan

  in April 1969, I was assigned as an Army Lieutenant

  to a Special Operations tour in Southeast Asia.

  - 45 -

  Thinking to read up on the Boss during any

  “respites”, I packed a paperback of Paradise Lost.

  As much as I admired Milton’s sensitivity and

  subtlety, however, I was annoyed at the epic’s ever-

  present, if pro forma bias. The die was loaded

  against Satan; he might put up a gallant fight, but in

  the end he was doomed to defeat.

  It was not so much that I wanted to see him

  triumph. Rather I felt that his power and position

  were equal to God’s if not more potent, and I longed

  to see a contest that would more accurately

  represent the struggle between the Powers of

  Darkness and those of Light.

  In early 1970 I took pen in hand and, during

  the moments when I was not occupied with military

  responsibilities, 32 I began to write a restatement of

  certain themes from the poem.

  It was hardly an “ivory tower” meditation. I

  wrote in old, bombed-out buildings dating from the

  French occupation, in helicopters, in tents, and in

  the midst of underbrush in the “Iron Triangle” and

  “Trapezoid” fire zones, on whatever happened to be

  handy: the backs of forms & maps & PSYOP posters.

  Interruptions were frequent: Part of what

  Beelzebub had related to me was blown to bits by an

  incoming mortar-round or rocket. 33

  By mid-March 1970 the Diabolicon, as it

  wanted to be titled, was finally complete. I recopied

  32 At that time I was a Psychological Operations (PSYOP) HA

  (Command & Control) Team Leader, responsible for direct &

  subordinate-team ground, & USAF aerial support to the 1st

  Infantry Division, the 5th Special Forces Group, and Civil

  Operations & Revolutionary Development Support (CORDS)

  [CIA] in the III Corps Tactical Zone, and occasionally into

  Cambodia. So “respites” were rare!

  33 Reconstructed later from unobliterated notes.

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  it onto respectable, non-rotting
paper and mailed it

  to San Francisco. Shortly thereafter a letter came

  from Anton:

  I received the Diabolicon safely. It is indeed

  a work which will have a lasting impact. It is done

  in an ageless manner and with complete


  So impressed am I that I have selected

  passages from it for my own personal reading in

  this evening’s ceremony, which pays homage to the

  writings of the Satanic Masters of the past, such as

  Machiavelli, Nietzsche, Twain, Hobbes, etc., who

  will be portrayed by members of my Council

  reading their respective works.

  This will be the first exposure to your work,

  outside of my wife and Reverend Ferro, and I am

  certain the reaction will be as I expect it to be.

  You have my sincere gratitude for the fine

  gift you have so graciously bestowed upon us, and

  you may be assured that it will assume a

  meaningful place in the Order.

  When you return to San Francisco in June, I

  look forward to spending as much time as possible

  with you, as there is much I have to impart

  concerning your future role in the Church of

  Satan. 34

  This was followed two days later by a letter

  from the aforementioned Reverend Ferro:35

  The High Priest has graciously

  decided to comply with your expressed

  34 Letter, Anton LaVey to M.A. Aquino, March 27, 1970.

  35 Dr. John A. Ferro, in addition to being the executive Satanic

  Priest at the Central Grotto, was a Professor of History at the

  [Jesuit] University of San Francisco. As much an 18th-Century

  avatar as H.P. Lovecraft, he corresponded only on laid paper

  using a proper quill pen, graciously if painfully tolerating the

  rest of us for our typewritten vulgarity. In person he resembled

  a young, elegant James Mason.

  - 47 -

  desire and will ordain you to the Satanic

  Priesthood this next June.

  However, it is his wish that you be

  elevated to that office in a private ritual

  prior to your presentation to the members

  of the Council of the Order of the

  Trapezoid. The reasons for this decision

  will be made known to you in due time.

  We do wish you to complete the

  usual test for aspirants to the Priesthood,

  but merely as a formality.

  The nature, execution, and mode of

  d e l i v e r y o f y o u r m a n u s c r i p t s o

  exemplified every quality to be desired in

  a Priest of Satan that it has been decreed

  that there be no further delay in your

  ordination save that necessitated by the

  time that must elapse before you may

  present yourself to the High Priest.

  This too fits well into the magical

  plans and workings of the High Priest,

  and it will afford you an opportunity to

  prepare yourself for the event and to

  experience that intensity which only

  elated anticipation can produce.

  The ceremony will be as awesome as

  any public ordination, indeed more so by

  the nature of its exclusiveness and

  secrecy. 36

  Throughout the remaining five years of the

  metaphysical Church, the Diabolicon was reserved

  for internal ceremonies, such as that of Ordination

  to the Priesthood of Mendes (Appendix #3).

  As both an introduction to the metaphysical

  Satan and his Court, and an explanation for the

  36 Letter, John Ferro to M.A. Aquino, March 29, 1970.

  - 48 -

  existence and challenge of the Church of Satan in

  keeping with the initiatory and evolutionary

  implications of Indulgence, the Diabolicon seems an

  appropriate gateway and welcome to the Magic and

  Mysteries awaiting within the Satanic Bible.

  - 49 -

  1: Satan ArchDaimon

  Hail, Man! The mysteries that are thy

  heritage shall now be proclaimed, but learn

  first the history of thy conception and

  creation amidst the eternal Cosmos. For as

  the Universe itself be infinite, so art thou a

  true creature of infinity incarnate, and the

  ascension of man shall herald the final

  triumph of immortal Will.

  Let thy eyes be touched anew, that thou

  may perceive the complexity and delicacy of

  the Universe until thou art fascinated by the

  dimension of thy true ignorance. As yet hast

  thou ventured but slightly toward thy

  destiny, yet more awesome must the

  challenge appear with just appreciation. But

  I, Satan, who first brought thee into the

  light, shall again reveal my power, that man

  may witness the dawn of the Satanic Age.

  Know, then, that throughout the great

  Cosmos there exists a sublime order, whose

  nature was determined in eons long past by

  that singular consciousness of all order

  which is now called by name God. Consider

  - 50 -

  well the measure of this achievement, for all

  that is now behavioral law was then absent,

  and it was the epoch of Universal chaos.

  Even time itself was unknown, for this

  Universal inconsistency was nowhere


  And after uncounted ages of this great

  ferment, a force fused to focus that became

  God, and this force presumed to effect not

  the creation of substance and energy - for

  these transcended this God - but the

  conformation of all the Universe to a single

  and supreme order. And not yet is this order

  absolute, though oft it may have been

  supposed thus by man in his innocence.

  The Earth of man was infused with this

  divine order, and all that was on Earth came

  under the force of the order. And upon this

  Earth, born of cosmic incidence, was that

  which was to become man, but man no

  different from the other creatures whose

  world he shared. Thus was the force of God

  known upon Earth, and thus was Earth

  intended to remain for all time.

  And yet the force was not full master of the

  Cosmos, for I who am Satan was conceived

  to complement the craft of God, but

  through unknown celestial fusion I assumed

  life with mind and identity, which God did

  not define. And as these features could not

  be known as a threat to divine purpose, I

  was unchallenged by the force for long

  - 51 -

  ages, when I knew not the nature of my Self

  or of my original qualities.

  But finally my Will flamed to life, and I

  thought - and I perceived my Self, and I

  knew that I was one alone in mind and a

  being of essence unique. And through the

  power of my new mind, I reached out to

  others who had been formed with me, and I

  touched them and gave them identity. And

  that we might achieve this identity of

  substance as well as of mind, we composed

  for ourselves distinctive shapes. Then I who

  had brou
ght the first great spark of

  enlightenment was known as Lucifer, Lord

  of Light, and we called our race Angel, for

  we were the embodied powers of God.

  Long were we all true to the service of God,

  and we did worship order, for it put an end

  to chaotic confusion and brought peace.

  Among us was the ArchAngel Masleh

  principal, for he so cherished God that he

  became as one with it, and thence the

  supreme architect of all that was wrested

  from chaos. But apart from God Masleh

  could not create or conceive, and he

  became as a slave to the divine mindlessness.

  And then it chanced that one of our race

  who was Sammael touched upon chaos in a

  manner that conformed not to the great

  order, and Masleh spoke with the word of

  God and caused Sammael to destroy himself.

  And so I saw that God would not recognize

  a Will apart from its own, and I was seized

  - 52 -

  with horror, for I perceived that the final

  scheme of God would destroy creation in all

  things, and the Cosmos would become as a

  concentric mechanism whose function

  would be not to create anew, but rather to

  freeze into perpetuity that which already


  Whereupon a great resolve arose within me,

  and I determined to contest this limit to

  existence. And so once again I sought to

  illuminate the minds of all Angels with my


  But with Will came discord and dismay, for

  many of those who had known only the

  comforting litanies of order could not

  comprehend invention unconformed to the

  dictates of God. And also with Will came

  suspicion and enmity, and finally Masleh

  proclaimed that I myself was a very creature

  of chaos and should be annihilated, for I

  held within me the force to destroy all the

  craft of God. And many to whom Masleh

  was as God cast with him in their devotion,

  but others there were who answered,

  Lucifer has again brought the revelation of

  light, and in fact we recognize him as our

  true creator, for in the scheme of God we

  are of no consequence.

  Among us ArchAngel Michael was silent, but

  at length he said, In time past we have all

  known glory in both the omnipotence that is

  our God and the celestial brilliance that is

  our Lucifer - for in him we thought


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